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Shutdown will be a flop, says Thaksin aide


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ah the volumnous windbags preaching with sage wisdom from their isaan/upcountry partners. A tip for those of you that listen to just one sage at a time: expand your knowledge horizon. Thailand is controlled by a few dozen families and the japanese conglomerates, everything else is just theatrics.

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Thaskin seems to think that Thailand still loves him, nothing could be further from the truth, this guy is either dumb or in denial , Thaskin you have completely wreaked Thailand as a friendly country with a caring population , now it is dog eat dog, something Burma couldn't do nor the Japanese, Thaskins aid is just a mouth piece for a man who at best was a megalomaniac, this aid needs to get a real job , as for the Shutdown being a flop , we will see. bah.gif

Not entirely true. Thaksin is still a very popular figure in a lot of the North and North East regions. If allowed back into Thailand and allowed to run in a national election I am almost positive he would gather a majority of the votes. Yes you may add by paying money, but we all know that this is done on both sides so not a valid point.

Like him or not, he is still a popular political figure in parts of Thailand. Just so happens the parts of Thailand he is still very popular in have a large voting block!

I'm pretty sure that Thaksin and his sister have lost many votes from Rice farmers in the north,

because they have not received payment for their rice as agreed.

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Maybe free to air tv is using poor camera angles, or maybe the protesters slept in or maybe even they got stuck in traffic and yes, it's early but doesn't seem to be very many protesters out and about so far to me...

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"I don't know how it can happen. How can the PDRC have many protesters who will occupy the seven intersections for a long time? You know it was not hard for Adolph Hitler to order an invasion of countries in World War II, but it was very difficult to control those areas," he said.

The Bangkok shutdown would not affect the caretaker government, but the lives of Bangkok people would be really affected. The PDRC would become an enemy of the people, he said.

Exactly. Let the spoilt brat yellow shirts have their hissy fit, give them the rope they need to hang themselves, then lets move on to elections as planned.

wishful thinking. I think the hissy fits are coming from PTP and their thaivisa nut job supporters rather than PDRC! lol

Edited by ggold
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I wonder if that was his logic in April/May 2010? The red shirts set the precedent for taking the capitol hostage to get your way.

I understand all the different colors can be confusing, but if I recall well, this whole protesting and occupying trend, was started by the yellow shirts with occupying the airport (to get their way).

Furthermore if I remember a clear difference between both occupations.

The yellow airport occupation seemed to be tolerated and the the red street occupations were violently slammed down.

Why and how is unknown and can only be speculated.

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I wonder if that was his logic in April/May 2010? The red shirts set the precedent for taking the capitol hostage to get your way.

I understand all the different colors can be confusing, but if I recall well, this whole protesting and occupying trend, was started by the yellow shirts with occupying the airport (to get their way).

Furthermore if I remember a clear difference between both occupations.

The yellow airport occupation seemed to be tolerated and the the red street occupations were violently slammed down.

Why and how is unknown and can only be speculated.

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Like he is going to say it will be a roaring success. Stating the bloody obvious. And comparing Suthep to Hitler, typical moves by the Shin criminals. I shall counter with my own statement 'The Kim family of North Korea is one of the most hated families in the world and they have crippled and isolated North Korea through their mismanagement over the decades, those that realize the truth about the situation risk their lives to try and leave for a better life anywhere else but there. Thaksin and his family are doing the exact same thing to Thailand and he is trying to install himself as a similar dictator. He can't see past his ambition to what he is really doing to this country. Under his dictatorship the country is on a road to ruin. Time for a change !

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The interesting aspect of these comments is that - as they were clearly instigated by Thaksin - we now have an idea of exactly how Thaksin views this crisis. And those thoughts appear to be more bizarre than anyone possibly imagined. The reasons why all this will fail are :

1. It has something to do with what happened in World War II. Countries invaded couldn't be held ( or at least for more than six years ).

2. The people of Bangkok really hate the PDRC and will rebel against it.

3. People who are flocking to join this anti-Thaksin movement will drop the PDRC like a stone when the Yingluck administration announces it will embrace reform.( That'll show them )

4. General Prayuth won't initiate a coup because he won't be up for promotion.

For all those who are strong supporters of this administration, these reasons must bring tears of joy, recognition, and relief. How could we be so blind ?

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I wonder if that was his logic in April/May 2010? The red shirts set the precedent for taking the capitol hostage to get your way.

No, they didn't. That was the PAD in 2009, when they took over Suvarnaphumi. Whilst not the 'capitol' as such, it did paralyse Bangkok as a flight hub. And it did give the reds a few ideas, clearly, for 2010.

Each time the polarisation reverses, yellow to red, red to yellow, the anti is upped. You can blame both bands of lunatics for this.

check your dates.

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"I don't know how it can happen. How can the PDRC have many protesters who will occupy the seven intersections for a long time? You know it was not hard for Adolph Hitler to order an invasion of countries in World War II, but it was very difficult to control those areas," he said.

The Bangkok shutdown would not affect the caretaker government, but the lives of Bangkok people would be really affected. The PDRC would become an enemy of the people, he said.

Exactly. Let the spoilt brat yellow shirts have their hissy fit, give them the rope they need to hang themselves, then lets move on to elections as planned.

The caretaker PM has to clean up the mess she has created. Problem is, she might not be smart enough to do so. The last 2,5 years have shown that she is not only corrupt, but also stupid. Which is a very dangerous combination, hence the large amount of people on the street. If you want I can share pictures of the protestors, in order for you to understand what you are talking about. You will see that hardly anybody wears a yellow shirt. I would say less than 1%.

To keep it simple for yourself, just call everybody that wants a less corrupt government Yellow spoilt brats. It will give you some easy likes from others who have no clue neither why there will be a million people on the street today.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. A junta or a cabal is not democracy.

Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

Any foreigner who does not like the current government needs to understand they don't matter or consider going back home to their own government...

Just my 2 satang.

Edited by SNGLIFE
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I just went for a walk to Asoke and there really isnt that many people, but then again its still only 11am, they still waking up cheesy.gif

I'm watching TV now. Seems to be some pretty big crowds.

Yeah, a lot of people don't understand how things work in Bkk or Thailand for that matter. It's not even noon yet. It's going to get big.

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First, people would not go out en masse to protest with Suthep if the caretaker government decided to issue an executive decree setting up a reform committee as proposed by 25 private organisations, in a politically neutral manner.

Watana has it wrong, if this results from the protests Suthep and Thailand have won. In my opinion Thailand is better off already as people have a much better idea of their roles in a democracy.

You are absolutely correct! Toast to you!

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Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. Juntas or a cabal is not democracy.

Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

...and YOU care because...

It is amusing that so many fellow foreigners are actually all bent up about what goes on in Thai politics. You have no vote, my friend. Suck it up or go home.

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I just went for a walk to Asoke and there really isnt that many people, but then again its still only 11am, they still waking up cheesy.gif

Same - it's not that busy at any of the sites along Rama 1 and Sukhumvit. Traffic is flowing and the guards seem unable to do much about it.

But, flop or not - and it seems to be - the upside is that people are talking about fixing the problems and moving forward. Are there going to be elections? It seems so and Suthep's form of aspiring totalitarianism is also being rejected as unacceptable. He is - after all - as corrupt as Thaksin, and both are part of the wider problem facing Thailand.

There is an acceptance that the past is not good enough but I can't imagine many people are that keen to roll back democracy given that so much blood has been spilt over the years to get it, and the last thing many seem to want is yet another shonky self-serving dictator like Suthep, no matter how he now casts himself as an anti corruption crusader.

The other thing of note here is the rising press freedom. Although Suthep's NSPRT thugs have been keen to shut down any dissent, which is a clear indicator of a totalitarian mindset, the press has been both strident and critical of all parties. I've read some great words in the media, and would - in the English language media - reccomend heavily many of the superbly written op/eds by the newer generation of writers in the Bangkok Post as an example.

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The PT loyal heartland would appear to be in the process of deserting them :

Rice farmer protesters from Pichit is joining Ladprao gathering, using 2 inbound lanes of Vipavadi rd.-@NarisKinimarn http://t.co/lNCdHmeqcM

The Finance minister has already said that they wont be paid in the 15th as promised and has set a new date of the 25th.

This is after promising payment by the 15th.

Come the 15th how many more thousands of rice farmers will be converging on BKK ?

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I just went for a walk to Asoke and there really isnt that many people, but then again its still only 11am, they still waking up cheesy.gif

I'm watching TV now. Seems to be some pretty big crowds.

Yeah, a lot of people don't understand how things work in Bkk or Thailand for that matter. It's not even noon yet. It's going to get big.

Has Suthep claimed 65 million at Asoke yet? It will come.

Meanwhile around most of Bangkok you'd not know it was happening. Seriously - just drove down Ekkamai and it's life as usual with a slightly lower traffic volume. Yingluck posters line the street and are un-defaced as they have been for a week. Suk71 is bustling and the shops are doing their usual business. If this is the first day of the grand shutdown it hasn't worked.

Edited by Snig27
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Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. Juntas or a cabal is not democracy.

Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

...and YOU care because...

It is amusing that so many fellow foreigners are actually all bent up about what goes on in Thai politics. You have no vote, my friend. Suck it up or go home.

Most of us who post here don't have a vote. So what? Whether you're pro or anti Shinawatra, why can't you post here and vent? People like you are amusing since you're here posting an opinion too and yet you're telling others they shouldn't. Moronic.

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Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. Juntas or a cabal is not democracy.

Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

...and YOU care because...

It is amusing that so many fellow foreigners are actually all bent up about what goes on in Thai politics. You have no vote, my friend. Suck it up or go home.

Well with decent reforms perhaps we could have a say with a vote, but I'd bet you'd argue against that. Suck up our feelings or go home! Ya get it?

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Any Thai who does not like the current government should go vote her out. Methinks the majority do want the current government. Juntas or a cabal is not democracy.

Democracy must prevail and everyone should respect the outcome.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index, THB 800,000,000,000 is thrown at the rice scam and still no money for the farmers. The Department of Special Investigation is busy trying to arrest people that blow whistles and speak out against this corrupt government. The DSI is not interested in investigating the rice scam. Strange isn't it?

...and YOU care because...

It is amusing that so many fellow foreigners are actually all bent up about what goes on in Thai politics. You have no vote, my friend. Suck it up or go home.

I care for your reasons you will never understand. And btw, I am home.

No, my friend. You may THINK you are home, but the law says you ain't. Law = reality. Don't be so naive as to deny reality.

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