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Protesters threaten to strengthen anti-govt movement


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Could you belive this, a graduate from a US state university can't answer BBC newsman in English. Not even a word.

At lease Yingluck try her best.

Why should he? He has already stated "I don't respect 'farangs'.

But he has enough respect to seek an education from a western university. Hypocrite!

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Now look here Rich Teacher, we know you've doctored that photo! Our Dear Leader said there were over 100 million demonstrating yesterday, and He is never wrong, is He?thumbsup.gif

Actually, I've been quite amazed at how little support there seems to be from Bangkokians. All the action seems to involve paid-for peasants and thugs from the South bussed in to cause havoc.

Not another one with a 5 satang red plastic sense of humour.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Certainly looks like they need to strengthen the protests!

In this picture the aim is to shut the junction down. Its shut down, closed, traffic is not passing so why do they need to strength the protest? I hope the PDRC achieve a better Thailand for all the people.

Yes well done!

Seven intersections closed, only 367,506 to go...

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Could you belive this, a graduate from a US state university can't answer BBC newsman in English. Not even a word.

At lease Yingluck try her best.

Why should he? He has already stated "I don't respect 'farangs'.

But he has enough respect to seek an education from a western university. Hypocrite!

He has a western university degree but can't speak English?

What university did he buy that from?

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I do mate.

I see my family in the north east come to protest

I see my family I the lower north east do the same

I see my driver go to protest

I see my maid go to protest

I see my colleagues go as well

Hopefully they're not all getting paid leave? Or your getting the wrong end of that stick cheesy.gif

My employees were all very worried about the protests; I told them they were free to take the time off, but would come out of their vacation days...all of a sudden they weren't so concerned about the protests...everyone at work on Monday.

Edited by pancakeman
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I'm building my opinion on traffic patterns, university closures and the SET.

It all looks good for a slow death of this "democratic" movement and by extension Thailand.

Wishfull thinking? Probably.

Hope it rains soon :)

Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Could we please cut the C*** about protesters getting paid. Even those that use it as an argument to support their beliefs are contradicting themselves when they say that the voters vote as they want while still taking the money.

I believe there may in the past have been an element of this and maybe there still is, but it is ludicrous to suggest that anything near a significant proportion of the current protesters are being paid. Providing food and support is a different issue but it applies equally to both sides.

We live in Chonburi but the family is from the North East. My wife and dozens of her friends regularly travel up to Bangkok to protest as do many of her acquaintances from other parts of the country. Intrigued by the payment 'accusation' she has been asking around, both amongst and outside of the protests if anyone is being paid and the answer is a categoric no.

That aside any such accusations will always remain speculation as they cannot be proven and those accusations are equally sustainable by both sides. I would suggest therefore that the respective arguments negate themselves out so as I suggested initially, lets quit the trolling and flaming on that issue as it is getting humungously boring and tedious.

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If Yingluck doesn't step down, they are going to kidnap her! Is there no law in that country? Those are behaviour of thugs! Letting thugs to reform Thailand? Hmm....

she can't step down because her brutal brother dictates she does not!

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Could we please cut the C*** about protesters getting paid. Even those that use it as an argument to support their beliefs are contradicting themselves when they say that the voters vote as they want while still taking the money.

I believe there may in the past have been an element of this and maybe there still is, but it is ludicrous to suggest that anything near a significant proportion of the current protesters are being paid. Providing food and support is a different issue but it applies equally to both sides.

We live in Chonburi but the family is from the North East. My wife and dozens of her friends regularly travel up to Bangkok to protest as do many of her acquaintances from other parts of the country. Intrigued by the payment 'accusation' she has been asking around, both amongst and outside of the protests if anyone is being paid and the answer is a categoric no.

That aside any such accusations will always remain speculation as they cannot be proven and those accusations are equally sustainable by both sides. I would suggest therefore that the respective arguments negate themselves out so as I suggested initially, lets quit the trolling and flaming on that issue as it is getting humungously boring and tedious.

to you a foriegner maybe, not to sons and daughters of the land!

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Could we please cut the C*** about protesters getting paid. Even those that use it as an argument to support their beliefs are contradicting themselves when they say that the voters vote as they want while still taking the money.

I believe there may in the past have been an element of this and maybe there still is, but it is ludicrous to suggest that anything near a significant proportion of the current protesters are being paid. Providing food and support is a different issue but it applies equally to both sides.

We live in Chonburi but the family is from the North East. My wife and dozens of her friends regularly travel up to Bangkok to protest as do many of her acquaintances from other parts of the country. Intrigued by the payment 'accusation' she has been asking around, both amongst and outside of the protests if anyone is being paid and the answer is a categoric no.

That aside any such accusations will always remain speculation as they cannot be proven and those accusations are equally sustainable by both sides. I would suggest therefore that the respective arguments negate themselves out so as I suggested initially, lets quit the trolling and flaming on that issue as it is getting humungously boring and tedious.

I'm sorry but it's not speculation. I have personal knowledge of so called protesters being paid as do others if you read these forums. It's not hearsay or guessing or speculation. And the money that I'm seeing being handed to Suthep is not coming from the marching crowd, it's coming mostly from women on the side of the road. There is no contradiction here at all.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Snig27
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With respect, please read my post again. I did not say it doesn't happen: the point I was trying to make is that the argument works both ways and is not sustainable by either side as a persuasive argument, because, if it is happening now from an anti-Thaksin perspective it is likely happening or about to happen from a pro-Thaksin perspective as well and, it most certainly happened back in 2010 and the process may well go back even further.

You see what is happening around you and I see what is happening around me. Assuming neither of us is lying we both may have accurate perceptions but they are opposite: the very point about 'negating' I was trying to make.

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Here is a disturbing look at the PT. One of the candidates canvasing for election is challenged by a female. Instead of talking to her nicely, he speaks to her with a stern voice, very close to a thug. He then proceeds to intimidate by approaching her and getting in her face. But this lady, know what is at stake, won't back down. He then threatens to hit her and spits on her. Yeah, I think the PT are feeling the pressure. It will boil over soon. Looks like they have already begun to press the self-destruct button. This video shows it all. This is inexcusable action by anyone. Especially one that is running for a position. People don't change easy, and I think this thug in the video is showing his true nature. And for anyone still want to back this kind of strong arm government, you had been had. Their propaganda apparently got to your heads. Time for a reset.


Believe me, this will go viral quick.

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Here is a disturbing look at the PT. One of the candidates canvasing for election is challenged by a female. Instead of talking to her nicely, he speaks to her with a stern voice, very close to a thug. He then proceeds to intimidate by approaching her and getting in her face. But this lady, know what is at stake, won't back down. He then threatens to hit her and spits on her. Yeah, I think the PT are feeling the pressure. It will boil over soon. Looks like they have already begun to press the self-destruct button. This video shows it all. This is inexcusable action by anyone. Especially one that is running for a position. People don't change easy, and I think this thug in the video is showing his true nature. And for anyone still want to back this kind of strong arm government, you had been had. Their propaganda apparently got to your heads. Time for a reset.


Believe me, this will go viral quick.

You see what you want to see, her attitude isnt respectful either and she clearly wanted a confrontation by walking over to him blowing on her whistle and of course she got one. I see no spitting or hear threats, you can only hear her saying ow pai ow pai and she initially went towards him. In other words the woman instigated it and your playing her as the victim when in fact there isnt one. Just a minor confrontation brought on by the woman in the first place.

If that goes viral ill be very very surprised but then again you do love a drama over nothing here. ;)

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A very sad and very fluid situation. Many people of high position in the Kingdom have bet the farm on these street demonstrations. So far they have failed because the political majority have not taken the bait (violence). Just as these so called democrats have renounced their sworn duties to remain representatives of their Democratic Party constituency hey are fouling their own nest's - so Pheu Thai should just ignore them. Bangkok. after all is their own constituency.

It appears that Mr. Thaksin has outsmarted them again.

Failed ????

They have won everything so far.

The amnesty bill is off.

The Govt has been dissolved.

Everyone is now talking of reforms.

Groups from all sectors are now joining and coming together.

The country is so broke the caretaker Govt cant find the money to pay the farmers so they are joining in.

They have succeeded in stopping candidates registering for the election which will make it impossible for PT to form a Govt if an election takes place.

Yingluck has as yet not gone but that's only a matter of time, if not by the protests then by the courts.

The only one Thaksin has outsmarted is himself when he pushed for his amnesty which started this whole thing.

'The only one Thaksin has outsmarted is himself when he pushed for his amnesty which started this whole thing.'

This whole thing started well before the proposed amnesty bill...

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Sorry but not sure what point you are making there? And for your information my sons and daughters are of this land.

what I meant is if you read these forums you'll find the proof you refer to and Snig27 has replied to it too. The proofs are bright as the sun.

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Here is a disturbing look at the PT. One of the candidates canvasing for election is challenged by a female. Instead of talking to her nicely, he speaks to her with a stern voice, very close to a thug. He then proceeds to intimidate by approaching her and getting in her face. But this lady, know what is at stake, won't back down. He then threatens to hit her and spits on her. Yeah, I think the PT are feeling the pressure. It will boil over soon. Looks like they have already begun to press the self-destruct button. This video shows it all. This is inexcusable action by anyone. Especially one that is running for a position. People don't change easy, and I think this thug in the video is showing his true nature. And for anyone still want to back this kind of strong arm government, you had been had. Their propaganda apparently got to your heads. Time for a reset.

Believe me, this will go viral quick.

You see what you want to see, her attitude isnt respectful either and she clearly wanted a confrontation by walking over to him blowing on her whistle and of course she got one. I see no spitting or hear threats, you can only hear her saying ow pai ow pai and she initially went towards him. In other words the woman instigated it and your playing her as the victim when in fact there isnt one. Just a minor confrontation brought on by the woman in the first place.

If that goes viral ill be very very surprised but then again you do love a drama over nothing here. ;)

Why would anyone vote for such a 'thing' to represent part of your government. What a low down person..oh that's what PT represents!!

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Certainly looks like they need to strengthen the protests!

In this picture the aim is to shut the junction down. Its shut down, closed, traffic is not passing so why do they need to strength the protest? I hope the PDRC achieve a better Thailand for all the people.

Yes well done!

Seven intersections closed, only 367,506 to go...

Many on the Bluesky diet of agreeable facts never learned of 'Give em enough Rope"

Yingluck has let them do this. Keeps them and their arrogant fascist mob in the limelight. Suthep hogging the airwaves... let him. He has only made a fool of himself and distanced himself from one group after another with his blockade.

If Bangkok sunk into a hole tomorrow, the rest of Thailand would survive and get on with small adjustments. All government functions can easily be carried out away from the offices... but at the moment there is only a caretaker Government so this is not so vital. What harm does it do to close down lost of Gov buildings that whose business is in limbo at the moment anyway until the election. Phrryic vitcory at the ver best. If they were needed to funtion properly, they would just move em. Bangkok has nothing that could not be replicated in Khon Kaen or Chaing mai by the end of next week.

They are leaving them out there so we can all see what they are like. As there is no violence to report, the are really coming under scrutiny and cracking up or going balaistic at the very first sign of a tough question.

Here, BKK started this, many of the people now affected put money in and backed and encouraged it. Now let them have their rewards in the form of inconvenience. lost business and soon there will be lost rents for landlords, and lost school fees for schools, lost hotel bookings etc. How are people out of work going to pay their rents and schools. Some may turn to Suthep and thank him for this... but I don't think many will.

Looking at Thai TV tonight, seems like we have a Prime Minister starting a serious comeback and an opposition (weren't they always) disolving into chaos and anarchy before our eyes. How long before they turn on each other?

If Bangkok sank into a hole tomorrow along with all its tax payers and businesses along with breadwinners who send money home to their families it would be very hard for most people to exist.

No rice or rubber subsidies would compound things

That said, the rural Thais know how to exist on nothing. Rice, chickens, veggies and eggs are largely self sufficient items.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Certainly looks like they need to strengthen the protests!

Of course a camera never lies, but it also sees only what the photographer wants you to see.

Missing from this picture, further down Asoke Road and just to the lower right of this image - neatly cropped out by the photographer - are two large tents in the middle of the street where the protestors take shelter from the sun. These tents are always full.

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Certainly looks like they need to strengthen the protests!

Of course a camera never lies, but it also sees only what the photographer wants you to see.

Missing from this picture, further down Asoke Road and just to the lower right of this image - neatly cropped out by the photographer - are two large tents in the middle of the street where the protestors take shelter from the sun. These tents are always full.

Are they absolutely megaginormous tents which hold the hundreds of thousands of eager protestors we are assured are there, or are they just, well you know, big tents with some people in them? Edited by JAG
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