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February 2 election to go ahead as scheduled: PM Yingluck


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""The election will be held on February 2. The meeting was united against a delay as suggested by EC. The government and EC have no authority to postpone the poll," she said."


"Don't blame me or my (care-taking) government, it was the others who were against. I can't do anything."

"The primary role of the Commission is ensure that that elections carried out in the Kingdom of Thailand is lawful and compatible with the Constitution.Its responsibilities include the organization, management and counting of all elections and voting in the Kingdom, all procedures and staff will also be under the Commission's administration." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_Commission_(Thailand)

The Election Commissions duties are fairly basic but they don't seem capable of carrying them out.Why should Yingluck or the government be blamed, they're following the Constitution.

When they don't follow the constitution you bleat, when they do you bleat. So what else do you suggest the government does, rubi? Cancel the election because the dems have boycotted it and suthep is on a fantasy power trip?

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

Genuine question seeking clarification as you seem to know to know a lot about the constitution. Please feel free to correct any of my points below if incorrect.

As I understand it, YL dissolved parliament and scheduled new elections for 02 Feb. This was given Royal approval and everything up to this point is within the law.

The EC is set up to oversee the election, to ensure that it is fairly conducted.

Because of the problems in the South preventing some candidates from registering, the EC is of the view that any elections will be nullified due to the lack of a quorum. They therefore suggest postponing it.

However, YL says that the Govt has no authority to postpone the poll - true or false?

She also said that the EC has no authority to postpone the poll - true or false?

Under what circumstances can either the Govt or the EC postpone the poll?

Excellent questions.

But don't expect an answer any time soon.

Answer: TRUE. However, I don't think there is a law preventing EC commissioners from extending the registration date or provide an avenue for candidates to be certified with their police reports. They failed to register not due to their fault but because EC commissioners and officials decided to close registration centers or resigned. The situation now is that after the 2 Feb election, the 180 days rule kicks in. But I wonder what excuses the commissioners will have.

Sent from my ME371MG using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

Genuine question seeking clarification as you seem to know to know a lot about the constitution. Please feel free to correct any of my points below if incorrect.

As I understand it, YL dissolved parliament and scheduled new elections for 02 Feb. This was given Royal approval and everything up to this point is within the law.

The EC is set up to oversee the election, to ensure that it is fairly conducted.

Because of the problems in the South preventing some candidates from registering, the EC is of the view that any elections will be nullified due to the lack of a quorum. They therefore suggest postponing it.

However, YL says that the Govt has no authority to postpone the poll - true or false?

She also said that the EC has no authority to postpone the poll - true or false?

Under what circumstances can either the Govt or the EC postpone the poll?

Excellent questions.

But don't expect an answer any time soon.

The EC's duties include the organisation of elections, not just overseeing them.

The answers are in the Constitution, maybe you and the EC should read it?

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

You are contradicting yourself. When did the caretaker government proposed a three month election delay to PDRC??? When did '... the administration stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision.'??? What a childish game you played.

Sent from my ME371MG using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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BANGKOK: -- The snap election will not be delayed from February 2, as the majority of participants at a special meeting held to consider the matter agreed it should go ahead as scheduled, caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced on Wednesday.

Of course it did that's what it was set up to do.

It was stacked with yes men with only a few 'invited' who would be against.

Little point in the EC being there as they would only have been vilified for having the temerity to suggest they knew the election law.

Abject stupidity to hold an election that can never result in convening a parliament.

First principal of democracy "Government for he people by the people"

Elections are only the first step of the people choosing those they want to represent them.

Those representatives then form an assembly to govern.

It is obvious that within the rules (constitution) that those who will be chosen cant form an assembly.

The EC have pointed this out several times and given clear reasons for this and suggested an election be postponed.

They have also stated several ways within the constitution how an election can be postponed.

Consider Yingluck, big brother postponed an election so don't let him tell you it cant be done.

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The elections will go on but the rice payments will not.

Hence the imperative necessity of PTP to run the election, effectively unopposed, on the 2nd of February. They are guaranteed a win even if their previous voter base despise them now.

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The election, if it does take place will be a complete farce and waste of money.

How many no votes? 11 or 12 million if the Democrat voters all vote no, plus the million plus PAD who no in the last election.

Yingluck has only one answer for every question- 'I won (and will win) the election, therefore I have the right to rule'.

Sorry my dear, there's more to governing than just winning an election- as you're finding out now.

The mess is created by EC commissioners from the start. They have not been carrying their duties and responsibilities diligently. All that they have been behaving are emboldening those who are impeding the democratic system of government with the king as the head of State. No problem if DEM and PAD supporters want to vote 'no'. If we still want reconciliation and unity to move the country forward, we should return PTP with mandate stronger than last GE. The DEM has always block reconciliation process with their distortion, untruth, misinformation, lies.

Reconciliation, unity , move the country forward - with a Shin controlled PTP government returned to power - cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

They were doing such a good job, in your eyes then?

How about - whitewash the boss and bring him home, with all his ill gotten gains returned with suitable interest. Crush all critics and free speech - defamation suits, cyber police etc, and secure the 2.2 trillion and 350 billion into the family coffers to be wisely spent.

Any reconciliation process that whitewashes the crime of 25k corrupt crooks, and allows the biggest one back into power will not unite nor advance this country.

Ignoring a cancer doesn't work - best to remove it.

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

You are contradicting yourself. When did the caretaker government proposed a three month election delay to PDRC??? When did '... the administration stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision.'??? What a childish game you played.

Sent from my ME371MG using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Er - read the other threads. YL was offering to negotiate with Suthep about an election postponement. If it suited Thaksin the elections would be postponed regardless of any laws.

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

Genuine question seeking clarification as you seem to know to know a lot about the constitution. Please feel free to correct any of my points below if incorrect.

As I understand it, YL dissolved parliament and scheduled new elections for 02 Feb. This was given Royal approval and everything up to this point is within the law.

The EC is set up to oversee the election, to ensure that it is fairly conducted.

Because of the problems in the South preventing some candidates from registering, the EC is of the view that any elections will be nullified due to the lack of a quorum. They therefore suggest postponing it.

However, YL says that the Govt has no authority to postpone the poll - true or false?

She also said that the EC has no authority to postpone the poll - true or false?

Under what circumstances can either the Govt or the EC postpone the poll?

Excellent questions.

But don't expect an answer any time soon.

The EC's duties include the organisation of elections, not just overseeing them.

The answers are in the Constitution, maybe you and the EC should read it?

They can also face prosecution by the Ombudsman if it is deemed that they as you put it performed their duties to the detriment of the nation.. ie wasting 3.8 billion baht on the election that could not actually bring in a new government.. What is it that you guys have against Parliamentary and election reform ?

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""The election will be held on February 2. The meeting was united against a delay as suggested by EC. The government and EC have no authority to postpone the poll," she said."


"Don't blame me or my (care-taking) government, it was the others who were against. I can't do anything."

"The primary role of the Commission is ensure that that elections carried out in the Kingdom of Thailand is lawful and compatible with the Constitution.Its responsibilities include the organization, management and counting of all elections and voting in the Kingdom, all procedures and staff will also be under the Commission's administration." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_Commission_(Thailand)

The Election Commissions duties are fairly basic but they don't seem capable of carrying them out.Why should Yingluck or the government be blamed, they're following the Constitution.

When they don't follow the constitution you bleat, when they do you bleat. So what else do you suggest the government does, rubi? Cancel the election because the dems have boycotted it and suthep is on a fantasy power trip?

Don't blame me or fab4, we can't vote anyway. Don't blame Yingluck, she is doing what others tell here. Blame the EC which cannot organize an election. Surely they are to blame. Ignore their plea to postpone, ignore their plea for help, ignore their comments on difficulties. Just blame the EC.

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

FYI it has been mandated by His Majesty the King. As Suthep forced this hand it now falls upon the EC to mediate with the caretaker government. The facts are they cannot. The constitution states that it must be held within 60 days. So be it. This part of Thailand's democracy like it or lump it.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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its alittle off topic but does anyone know if citizens are only allowed to vote in their registered provinces, or could they vote freely in any province? do they have to register to vote?

Not sure if voters need to register if voting in their 'place of registration', but for sure if they want to vote elsewhere in Thailand they need to register in the place where they want to vote. Probably a time set, like register before ...

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

FYI it has been mandated by His Majesty the King. As Suthep forced this hand it now falls upon the EC to mediate with the caretaker government. The facts are they cannot. The constitution states that it must be held within 60 days. So be it. This part of Thailand's democracy like it or lump it.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The care-taking government could issue a royal decree on this

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Having the election as scheduled is simply to avoid breaking the law which is exactly what some wish the Gov to do. If it turns out there has to be another one after and 180 day delay that gives a further 6mths extension and some breathing space for all concerned. This I think would be a good thing

The moment Yingluck puts a foot wrong regarding the law and election rules the vultures will descend. Its not really got anything to do with the conflict, reforms and peace and all that. Yingluck is purely avoiding the traps shes being consistently pushed towards walking into by the likes of the EC the army the dems etc etc.

It really is a cross between a game of chess and musical chairs atm and everyone is petrified of what happens when the music stops

None of this btw helps Thailand

Edited by englishoak
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The elections will go on but the rice payments will not.

Now class we have 2 opitions we can use the money to pay the poor farmers for their rice that we lied to about

or we can put up a big front and wast their money on an election that will fail any where

put up your hands which one is best

Yes to the man on skype at the back ??????

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Having the election as scheduled is simply to avoid breaking the law which is exactly what some wish the Gov to do. If it turns out there has to be another one after and 180 day delay that gives a further 6mths extension and some breathing space for all concerned. This I think would be a good thing

The moment Yingluck puts a foot wrong regarding the law and election rules the vultures will descend. Its not really got anything to do with the conflict, reforms and peace and all that. Yingluck is purely avoiding the traps shes being consistently pushed towards walking into by the likes of the EC the army the dems etc etc.

It really is a cross between a game of chess and musical chairs atm and everyone is petrified of what happens when the music stops

None of this btw helps Thailand

The care-taking government could issue a royal decree.

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Having the election as scheduled is simply to avoid breaking the law which is exactly what some wish the Gov to do. If it turns out there has to be another one after and 180 day delay that gives a further 6mths extension and some breathing space for all concerned. This I think would be a good thing

The moment Yingluck puts a foot wrong regarding the law and election rules the vultures will descend. Its not really got anything to do with the conflict, reforms and peace and all that. Yingluck is purely avoiding the traps shes being consistently pushed towards walking into by the likes of the EC the army the dems etc etc.

It really is a cross between a game of chess and musical chairs atm and everyone is petrified of what happens when the music stops

None of this btw helps Thailand

The care-taking government could issue a royal decree.

I don't thin the government can issue a royal decree.

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Now boys and girls - let's all gather round, and see the administration playing our favourite game " Let's Be Government ! " The rules are quite clear :

Rule number one : There are no rules ! Isn't that fun ? More fun coming up :

Rule number two : We can make up our own rules ! It gets even better :

Rule number three : We can change our mind whenever we want to !

As we come gradually back to Earth, it is hard to imagine a situation more inane as this from Pheu Thai. But we will try to yet again stress the obvious :

The EC is the sole authority for elections. What they say goes. Period. The Supreme Court has affirmed it. And now the Constitutional Court will likely affirm it as well. The administration says that the EC doesn't have this authority. That's called a constitutional crisis. They also say they don't have the authority themselves. Yet they have already contradicted themselves by proposing a three month election delay to the PDRC. The administration contradicts themselves yet again by stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision. So Yingluck and Pheu Thai - apparently satisfied with all these contradictions, proclaims the meeting a stellar success. The conclusion of the meeting ? The EC is wrong and we are right. So there.

This would make sense if the administration was indeed playing a child's game. As they are not, this declaration shouts more clearly than any other that this administration has no longer any right to govern.

You are contradicting yourself. When did the caretaker government proposed a three month election delay to PDRC??? When did '... the administration stating that a forum they set up has the constitutional authority to make that decision.'??? What a childish game you played.

Sent from my ME371MG using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If the government had stated their would be a 3 month extension to the election

that made in impossible to white wash her brothers "Get Home Free Card"

My Thai Wife and all her friends would be on there way home now

The hard core mob would be standing on Bkk streeta alone

Since when have governments been logical

its a shame so may farlang on the woopy juice

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The elections will go on but the rice payments will not.

Hence the imperative necessity of PTP to run the election, effectively unopposed, on the 2nd of February. They are guaranteed a win even if their previous voter base despise them now.

are you for real

whats the use of winning if you not have enough seats to form a government

Where do you guys who write such rubbish come from

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Having the election as scheduled is simply to avoid breaking the law which is exactly what some wish the Gov to do. If it turns out there has to be another one after and 180 day delay that gives a further 6mths extension and some breathing space for all concerned. This I think would be a good thing

The moment Yingluck puts a foot wrong regarding the law and election rules the vultures will descend. Its not really got anything to do with the conflict, reforms and peace and all that. Yingluck is purely avoiding the traps shes being consistently pushed towards walking into by the likes of the EC the army the dems etc etc.

It really is a cross between a game of chess and musical chairs atm and everyone is petrified of what happens when the music stops

None of this btw helps Thailand

The care-taking government could issue a royal decree.

I don't thin the government can issue a royal decree.

"The Prime Minister said that the amount of two trillion baht would come from both domestic and foreign funding sources. The private sector would also be urged to co-invest in various infrastructure projects under the plan. The Government would issue a royal decree to seek loans for the plan, to be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate."

PS that PM was Yingluck

Edited by rubl
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Having the election as scheduled is simply to avoid breaking the law which is exactly what some wish the Gov to do. If it turns out there has to be another one after and 180 day delay that gives a further 6mths extension and some breathing space for all concerned. This I think would be a good thing

The moment Yingluck puts a foot wrong regarding the law and election rules the vultures will descend. Its not really got anything to do with the conflict, reforms and peace and all that. Yingluck is purely avoiding the traps shes being consistently pushed towards walking into by the likes of the EC the army the dems etc etc.

It really is a cross between a game of chess and musical chairs atm and everyone is petrified of what happens when the music stops

None of this btw helps Thailand

The care-taking government could issue a royal decree.

I don't thin the government can issue a royal decree.

"The Prime Minister said that the amount of two trillion baht would come from both domestic and foreign funding sources. The private sector would also be urged to co-invest in various infrastructure projects under the plan. The Government would issue a royal decree to seek loans for the plan, to be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate."

I don't think the government can issue a royal decree. Note the word ROYAL

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Why does YS need to arrange a meeting. It is between her and EC. Or is she not capable of making the decision herself? And she already has an appointment with EC on Thursday. Another slap in the face by this govt. to not honor anyone but themselves. Trying to look busy I guess. Pretend to do something. Why don't you get busy finding out what happened to the rice money and the tablets. Sad excuse for a leader. If only the world knew the truth.

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To all the gleeful YS/TS supporters who have correctly pointed out that the shutdown has been a relative bust, and that the election is going forward, you might want to read this Reuters piece from a few hours ago that describes all the ways this can still end badly for the Thaksin clan:


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