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Bangkok Shutdown: PDRC spending more than Bt10 million a day


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PDRC spending more than Bt10 million a day

Hataikarn Treesuwan
The Nation


In order to be successful, a political rally does not just need a large number of demonstrators but also sufficient funds.

BANGKOK: -- Since the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) launched its "Bangkok shutdown" campaign on Monday, it has been spending more than Bt10 million daily to maintain its eight new rally sites - double the amount it was spending when the protest was confined to the Democracy Monument, PDRC spokesperson Akanat Promphan said.

Now, in order to cover the rising costs of a rally that does not look like it will end soon, some protest leaders have even had to sell their properties. According to a PDRC source, protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban has already sold some of his land in the South.

In fact, Suthep himself said he had sold a plot in Samui for Bt25 million when he kicked off the protest with the first rally at Samsen train station. Reports said he sold other pieces of land in Samui later.

However, the source said, Suthep failed to sell a plot in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Khanom district to a well-known businessman. Apparently, the businessman refused to help because he was afraid it would affect his business. A Democrat leader later confirmed this report.

However, Akanat said the PDRC was not being sponsored by big firms, adding that most businessmen did not dare back the fight against rich politicians who have been in power for more than a decade.

"They are not sure if the PDRC will win, so nobody wants to take a risk. At present, I would like to say that the PDRC does not need any big businesses to sponsor the protest. We can run the rally ourselves and with donations from the public," he said.

When the Department of Special Investigation ordered that the 18 protest leaders' bank accounts be frozen in December after they were charged with insurrection, Suthep managed to raise a large sum of money in donations in marches in downtown Bangkok.

According to Akanat, Suthep raised about Bt12 million in the two-day march down Silom Road on December 19 and 20. Plus, he said, the sale of PDRC souvenirs such as T-shirts, calendars and King Naresuan coins were earning them several million baht daily, which helped sustain the rally.

"We have tried to trim the expenditure at rally sites and are not using 'full options' at the Pathumwan intersection. We are also getting support from partners such as Chulalongkorn University [at the Pathumwan intersection rally site] as well as businesses at the Silom and Asoke rally sites," Akanat said.

PDRC core-leader Satit Wongnongtaey admitted that the cost of managing the protest had risen seven-fold since the "shutdown" campaign was launched, adding that the PDRC really needed donations and that it was not just a gimmick.

"We first thought that this fight would end quickly. But we were wrong in thinking that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra would step down. Now PDRC's spending is massive," Satit said.

-- The Nation 2014-01-17

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But look at it this way. It's good for the economy. People have jobs, i.e. paid protesters, guards for the grand master, vendors selling fake whistles and food vendors selling the southern dishes. And drug dealers selling their products to help the protesters make it through the day.

So he is not really shutting down bangkok ... he is merely re-adjustng the economy

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I wonder if any of the pledge rice is filtering through to the protestors? It probably is considering how many mouths they need to feed everyday. Might not be much left

by election day. The government will take credit for getting rid of 1-2 year old rice stocks. Maybe everyone will get leptispirosis and leave the protest sites.....LOL

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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and ta quotation from Shakespeare’s The Tempest: “Oh God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! That we should, with joy, pleasance, revel and applause, transform ourselves into beasts.”he Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

a quotation for the minds from Shakespeare’s The Tempest: “Oh God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! That we should, with joy, pleasance, revel and applause, transform ourselves into beasts.”

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Why do so many westerners think that support for an idea is stronger if that support is given for free? Where does that come from? Because there's more to life than money? Tell that to the people who claim not to have the money to pay you. Organisations love free fodder.

I've seen many worthy causes fall to pieces once volunteers dwindle. Few people can truly afford to do things for nothing, unless working on a personal project.

Look at the current protests - numbers swell in the evenings after people have finished working to support themselves.

Seems natural to support an idea that supports you.

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I don't think the 'numbers swell' because they support Suthep and his loony ideas.

Most will come for the free food and entertainment and also to tell their friends that, yes they were there! No doubt, this weekend, the mass will come again.

But Suthep did not want his supporters to come after work or during work days off. For months, he wanted them all to stop work and cripple the country. But thus far, he has fail. Epic fail!

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So they are paying wages to staff. What would happen if people weren't paid to be there? They would probably leave because if they truly supported this mad man they would do it for free.

Paid protesters, free food, free music...

But of course you must also endure their crazy speeches... Headache at the end for sure :)

Sent from my iPhone...

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I don't think, many people, in a situation, that could (and has) easily turn violent, would volunteer as guards for free. Besides, you need professionals, to guard the perimeter. Last thing you want, is some loose cannon, making everyone look bad, when they are trying to have a peaceful demonstration.

At the same time, you need skilled, ,armed guards, to protect against these crazy attacks at night. Can't expect them to sit there with prayer beads when the other sides is tossing grenades and shooting at the protesters and guards.

So yes, it makes perfect sense, that these guards, who risk their lives every day, get paid!

I still hear the claims, that the protests are falling apart and having less and less supporters. I have listened to that for months now and it hasn't materialized violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Fact is, the alliances of the General population are polarizing and slowly shifting away from Thaksin and his party. If nothing else, undermining the believe in Phuea Thai and the Thaksin Clan, has been a success.

Thai people like to eat and have fun. If you can provide both adequate food and entertainment, you have won half the battle already.

This is a battle for the minds of the people and I think, Khun Suthep is doing a great job so far. Ms. Yingluck is getting more and more desperate and I am sure, her brother, is starting to squirm, in Dubai. After all, getting out with a planeload full of cash and gold, wasn't enough for him. He wants to be on top. For an egomaniac like him (buying Manchester United, etc.), it's about power and control.

Officials have identified many of the guards to have outstanding arrest warrants

Edited by metisdead
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I just read that only 7000 protesters are left...

10 million a day is quite a lot to take care of 7000 people.

Even if 2000 are paid "guards"...

Somebody should check where is the money going... Another case for the DSI.

To Suthep this may only be a way to operate a lucrative shady business... without paying taxes.

Sent from my iPhone...

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Obviously the money will run out sooner rather than later, donations will dry up and the sales of those silly whistles will come to an end. Spending 10 million plus a day cannot be kept up as the yellows haven't actually gained any new victories lately, therefore "believers" will lose the faith and go home, as sleeping outside on the concrete roads must be extremely unpleasant, especially for the older folks.

Also many have yet to realize the PM cannot simply walk off the job, and that Suthep is talking nonsense with his proposed "people's council" idea, as these things just cannot happen in the real world. So we can only wait now for "reality to bite".

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Mr. Suthep is not the only one with serious cash. Those persons/entities that are behind the scene are also seriously loaded. While 10 m per day may appear to be a lot of money, just compare that with the amount of money the Kingdom is loosing through lost businesses such as cancelled bookings for hotels and tours, the lost productive hours those protesters would have contributed to the economy, the longer traveling times for taxis, lower sales at shops affected by the blocked intersections. I just wonder when the owners of these equipment will begin to wonder whether they will EVER be PAID?

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now why would suthep be selling his properties if this protest was only about corruption, it seems like hes counting on earning (stealing) some big bucks when hes in power

or cashing in his assets in case he has to answer to corruption charges at a later time and gets his assets seized

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Aha, so the "PDRC supporters don´t get paid as opposed to redshirts, because we fight for democracy" goes right out the window. Surprise, surprise

If there wasn´t money involved, would people still come? I see the protests fade away little by little, day by day. Folks return to their ordinary lives as they cannot go on with this forever, they need to work. Many of these so called supporters, dress up to join friends and have fun, post it on facebook and go home. Not really much of a support now is it? coffee1.gif

Where does it say in the OP that the supporters are being paid?

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If he really wants to minimize the cost and to end this thing quick, he needs to promise the people something. i.e. raise the minimum wage to 400 baht, abolish faux Shin taxes, prompt payments for rice farmers etc. The people don't give a flying one about the vote, it's all about the baht, period!

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If he really wants to minimize the cost and to end this thing quick, he needs to promise the people something. i.e. raise the minimum wage to 400 baht, abolish faux Shin taxes, prompt payments for rice farmers etc. The people don't give a flying one about the vote, it's all about the baht, period!

He doesn't promise these things because he's not running for election. What he is promising is reform.

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As I understand , everyone is paid . An Isaan farmer friend told me that PDRC have had paid agents combing the countryside to find people willing and able to attend the demonstration in Bangkok . People would be paid to attend and transported to Bangkok and back .

A demonstration on this scale , the ranks swelled by paid peasants , stages , tents , transport , you name it , must have an enormous cost . Suthep and

other leaders may have sold land and houses , but it is my belief that there are elite behind the scene who have been financing this project .

Whoever is behind the scene is also the reason why Suthep won't be arrested and if he were , he would be instantly bailed .

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