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Unfair Pricing


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What does also bother me is the claim of racism on this issue. Come on, farangs! Give me a break! Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians. So.... this is racism.

No - what you just said is racism. You're making generalisations about a whole group of people based on their race.

Or a bit of complex of inferiority mixed with resentment? :o

Most farangs love Thailand and Thais or they wouldn't live here, is not like we have a gun aimed to our head when we choose to live here eh.

Forums are for bitching a moaning ..everybody knows it!

Edited by KhunMarco
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What does also bother me is the claim of racism on this issue. Come on, farangs! Give me a break! Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians. So.... this is racism.


As you well know, most Chinese think they are so much better than gwalio.It's inbred as you very well know.Generally speaking, I wouldn't say the same about farangs.Although in my home country, it could be said that many Asians are disliked, but this is mainly to do with their driving skills. :D

The Japanese are more Racist than the Thais and Chinese put togeather IMO.

Were you taking the piss, or are you drunk or are you haveing a laugh? :D

Edited by chuchok
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People throw around racism around way to easily, by definition people can argue that countries who charge overseas students triple the price then a local (like they do all over the world) is racism, but its not.

Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Dual pricing is based on appearance. If you appear to be Thai you pay the Thai price - if you appear to be not Thai you pay the farang price. It might not be racism but it's not far off.

What dual pricing is based on is economics/business considerations, got nothing what so ever to do with racism.

What a load of old codswallop. Get yer head out the clouds man. Dual pricing in muang Thai is totally and utterly based on fleecing the farang. :o

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Well Donz, I was expecting the peacefull one to answer, but you will do.

There are 70 odd million Thais in this country.

At any time when I go to a national park, I am by far the minority in relation to Thai/farang visitors.

In all reality, what benefit do you really think the park gets from an extra 150 baht from a few foreigners each week.

I am not saying thais should pay 200b, but foreigners should not be made to pay 4 to 10 times the price either.

The national parks are for the protection of the national flora and fauna for the people of thailand heritage and culture. Should they not have the main interest here in providing this protection for their generations to come.

Why should they be hounered with a cheap price to save their heritage.

It is a blatant ripoff and they know it, why do they know it, cos when you ask any of them they have no explanation other than 'because they are farangs and they can afford it' simple stupidity and ignorance.

I am not sure what the policies are around the world for entry into various national treasures, but in Oz the nationals pay the same as the tourists and that is the way it should be.

I have always thought that a far better system if they cared to think about it and operate it, would be to charge the same price for all and offer a donation alternative for those that can afford it, make it in your face as much as possible and i would expect they would get some good income from it.

Blatant pricing like this alienates people and just creates far more problems than the extra cash it generates.

Goodwill is not a word known well here.


Bang on!

Mods, pin this post.

Mono, ZZZ and all the other people with strange views on this subject, take heed of the above. :D

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Jack, what you gotta realize is that most farangs going to these parks are tourists who dont mind getting raped. When charged 200 baht they gladly fork over this nominal fee. The expat miser community are not going to change this policy by boycotting the parks

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The expat miser community are not going to change this policy by boycotting the parks

Perhaps, and I grant this might be a bit much for you to grasp, the issue is not the price and a matter of saving money, but a case of being blatently discriminated against.

The sign outside a national park declaring foreigner and Thai prices is a notification to all Thais to rip foreigners off, to treat them differently (Obviosly acceptable because the government are doing it).

The underlying message is one of discrimination against a section of the community and more disturbingly against the children of that community.

The question to my mind is, at what time is Thailand going to come to terms with the foreingers within Thailand?

While in the meantime that an imigrant community should persue equality of treatment is not surprising, that you choose to denegrate that on the basis of penny pinching speaks volumes.

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What does also bother me is the claim of racism on this issue. Come on, farangs! Give me a break! Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians. So.... this is racism.

No - what you just said is racism. You're making generalisations about a whole group of people based on their race.

Stating an observation on the general characteristic of a race is racist? Does that make me a racist if I believe that farangs are generally taller and larger than asians? Do most farangs here agree with his post?

Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians
As observed, most also don't realize it or admit it. I can't prove it. And also I could be wrong in my observation.
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What does also bother me is the claim of racism on this issue. Come on, farangs! Give me a break! Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians. So.... this is racism.


As you well know, most Chinese think they are so much better than gwalio.It's inbred as you very well know.Generally speaking, I wouldn't say the same about farangs.Although in my home country, it could be said that many Asians are disliked, but this is mainly to do with their driving skills. :D

The Japanese are more Racist than the Thais and Chinese put togeather IMO.

Were you taking the piss, or are you drunk or are you haveing a laugh? :D

This is very untrue. But I guess percieved as so by many gwailos.
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I apologize... The task turned into a rather daunting one given the number of threads and the length of them on this often-discussed topic on racism and double-pricing.

A not-all-inclusive list for starters to peruse... Most likely, anything to be added in this will have been already covered in one or more of these:







after perusing through 100+ posts on 8 pages of this thread looking for something... anything... that differs from what has already been said on one of these 7 previous threads.... and not finding any....

re-hash ... after re-hash... but please, everyone, proceed.... with a few dozen more pages of posts, we might even surpass some of the lengthier threads already in the archives...

I suppose that the racism involved in this issue is just too important and endearing not to pass along from one TV generation to another....


I had rice yesterday and I had rice today. They are the same rice and yes they taste differently each time. :D

Would suggest you introduce some quality control into your rice cooking then.... The same rice made the same way under the same conditions should taste the same.


still waiting for a new angle to this racist issue, but not seeing any... it's all been hashed out (or "riced out" before)... but encouraging to see we're up to 11 pages now. Nearing the upper limits of the record for dual pricing racist thread...

Keep it going, TV... maybe someone will come up with a new rice recipe...


Edited by sriracha john
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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :o

It's encouraging to see that you are at least now admitting racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy (just not "as bad as farangs," but hey, that's ok, it's a start).

Now, we just have to have you admit it's a bad policy for Thailand to maintain.

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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :o

It's encouraging to see that you are at least now admitting racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy (just not "as bad as farangs," but hey, that's ok, it's a start).

Now, we just have to have you admit it's a bad policy for Thailand to maintain.

If you have read my posts I do not support dual pricing and it should br scraped, but in no way it was based on racism.

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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :o

It's encouraging to see that you are at least now admitting racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy (just not "as bad as farangs," but hey, that's ok, it's a start).

Now, we just have to have you admit it's a bad policy for Thailand to maintain.

If you have read my posts I do not support dual pricing and it should br scraped, but in no way it was based on racism.

Don, Why bothered defending something you obviusly can't win. Most people only see within inside of the box and don't see anything beyond. If they think its "white" people are the only sufferer than be it. Lets not forget though, The OP is Thai and suffered the same.

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yeppers ... it's just this scapegoat'ism that folks get here ... they say the same policies at home ie: Universities don't count ... but National parks here do!

oh well internal logic is just not a part of most people's experience

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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :o

It's encouraging to see that you are at least now admitting racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy (just not "as bad as farangs," but hey, that's ok, it's a start).

Now, we just have to have you admit it's a bad policy for Thailand to maintain.

If you have read my posts I do not support dual pricing and it should br scraped, but in no way it was based on racism.

Don, Why bothered defending something you obviusly can't win. Most people only see within inside of the box and don't see anything beyond. If they think its "white" people are the only sufferer than be it. Lets not forget though, The OP is Thai and suffered the same.

Its not about winning it is about setting people straight, and telling them facts :D

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Offered suggestion in Dual Pricing Thread V and Dual Pricing Thread VI (I believe I have them numbered correctly):

To avoid any charges of racism:

All gatekeepers check every person entering National Park. If a person has a Thai National ID Card they get in at lower rate. Any person not possessing a Thai National ID Card gets charged a higher rate.

Then it's nationalism... which is more palatable than racism.

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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :o

Interesting observation - care to explain how 'farangs' have proven themselves to be nore racist - and what exactly is a 'farang' for you then?

This is not only a simplistic comment, but also a completely nonsensical one and is a nice way to obfuscate the discussion.

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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :o

Interesting observation - care to explain how 'farangs' have proven themselves to be nore racist - and what exactly is a 'farang' for you then?

This is not only a simplistic comment, but also a completely nonsensical one and is a nice way to obfuscate the discussion.

Are you serious?? I have stated that dual pricing is not for only white people but tourists, and look at history, you dont really need to be a rocket scientist to know whats happend. I dont want to get into this discussion as some posters have said Thai's are racist which is totally not true.

So do you think Thai's are racist???

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Racist? No, can't say they are as a rule, I find them to be generally accepting of n on-Thais and non-Thai ideas and products.

I think there are certain government policies that openly discriminate against foreigners, however, we have the same things in Australia, the US and many parts of Europe. The problem here is simply one of delivery, and that rubs people the wrong way, which is also understandable.

Public education is another issue alltogether because it is a national issue, paid for by taxes and tourists are not going to send their kids to school. As a resident, however, you have the same rights as a citizen. Private schools are private schools and therefore even less of an issue to compare.

Means-tested entries to parks and temples? :o Strange idea.

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I don't think Thais are racist but I do know that they like to make cash as we all do. My problem with them in general is there do not seem to be many genuine Thai-farang friendships/relationships that do not revolve around cash. I believe this in the strongest way. It has nothing at all to do with racism. It has to do with the almighty pursuit of the baht and we are viewed as baht printers, understandably so. I have live here for 5 years and have never even once met a Thai who was genuinely interested in a friendship in which cash was not to be a factor in some way. I never noticed this behavior as rampant anywhere else in the world outside of SE Asia. I dont blame them I guess. It's just the way they are; so be it. It's amusing really to see the complainers on this issue as it is so petty. They scream "it's not about the money", which is BS. For the the cry babies, it is about the cash. These are many of the same people who boast of what wonderful sincere and genuine people the Thais are and yet they wimper about something as trivial as shelling a few cents more at a park. I stand side by side with the Thais on this one as they are in the right. Funny thing is that this symbolizes their overall views of us; too bad the cry baby cheapwads are unable to see it. I wish this was an isolated issue and not an overall mindset. I know that I have been to many countries where this practice of charging the foreigner more is done. In those countries though the entrance fees are $20 up. I'm talking about other 3rd world countries. This crying over this nominal charge is ludicrous

Edited by monochaser
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must suck to be you then Mono ... i have friends here that have MORE money than me ... (including my partner) ... and when I lived in Hua Hin money was NOT the issue between me and my neighbors (just like here in bkk)

but it does help speaking the language ... being able to communicate ... and NOT thinking that money is the issue at all times :o

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Good for you, jdinasia, I am sincerely happy for you. This is a side of this country's people that I have never seen, perhaps I will some day. I am tired though of hearing shouts of racism in this thread, which is a whole different ballgame and is utter bullshit

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For the the cry babies, it is about the cash. These are many of the same people who boast of what wonderful sincere and genuine people the Thais are and yet they wimper about something as trivial as shelling a few cents more at a park.

What utter cr*p.

It is about not being targeted because of one's race. It gets on your nerves after a while. :o

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Whoever thinks dual pricing is racist is racist themselves, Farangs are known to be far more racist then Thai's, just look at history :D

It's encouraging to see that you are at least now admitting racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy (just not "as bad as farangs," but hey, that's ok, it's a start).

Now, we just have to have you admit it's a bad policy for Thailand to maintain.

You can't be that thick,SJ, can you? How has Donz in any way admitted racism is involved in the dual-pricing policy in his post? Where is the logic? :o Posts of these qualities disappoints me really.

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Nice post from you, Mono. And sorry the part about Thai friends. Maybe this is due to the cruelty of reality. If everyone on earth was rich, wonder if there would be any same problems?

But I did make a few thai friends a few days ago in BKK wandering for a couple of days on my own. They did not seem to be interested in my wallet?

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