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Malaria etc


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Sorry to keep asking the same questions but I just need some advise from someone who knows. Im in the uk at the moment and comming to Thailand soon to live for around a year, seem to be getting contredictive advise . Should I take maleria medicine or not. Some places say that the strain of maleria in thailand is imune to the medicen you get, can someone give me some more advice on what vaccinations to take etc.

Ps Im 21 years old healthy and planning to go to phetchaburi but also whant to travel all over thailand and go to many rural arieas as well as urban, hope this helps and

Thanks for reading this and have a good day/eavening.  

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I am not a doctor and so not qualified to give medical advice,

but I have lived in Thailand for 9 years never take any Malaria

precautions and have never had any problems.

I also do not know anyone who has had a problem and my circle of friends must total about 100 years of residence in Thailand.

My advice is to worry about STD not Malaria

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i would agree with thytimm.  i have lived here for 3 years and have a circle of other expat friends of 20-25 years of combined living experiece in Thailand.  We have also traveled all around SE Asia...forest areas and crowded polluted urban metropolisis.  No one has ever come down with malaria nor taken prophalaxis against it (i.e., Lariam).

I would not worry about it until you got here.  Once here, get to know a good tropical medicine doctor.  When you plan travel to border areas or other places where malaria may be more of a threat, then you could start proforlactic treatment for the duration of your trip.

Your best general protection is to use a good masquito repellant in the evening and even during the day (DEET 15-20%).  I don't do this except when I travel to outlying areas but depending on your comfort level, you may want to do it daily.  This should also afford you general protection against a more worrying masquito borne scurge...Dengue fever.  This seems to be more prevelent in Thailand (though again, I and my circle have never contracted it nor have we heard of any other expat catching it).

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I have lived on and off 10 years in all areas of Thailand, if any masquito is around it will find me. However touch wood I have been Okay, I also lived in Angola. I had many friends who were taking Larium, it has many side effects. One guy working with me was taking it, he used to get very bad side effects. I talked to the Docter in our palce of work, he recommended against long term use. I hope this helps. I agree with the comment from Jonniebkk

[/ :ghostface:

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  • 1 year later...

in India I was advised to eat every day few leaves of one common tree called neem. don't know how it is called here in Thai, but I saw it too. it is very bitter. and has a lot of special qualities - one of which - prevents malaria. I had personal experience - my roommate was almost dying from Malaria there once (terrible experience!) - and I didn't get infected, although was taking care of him and same mosquitoes were biting both of us...

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