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Robbed on the bus - tourist police do nothing

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Hmm something's not right here; I don't know a thing about policing but the OP stated with a robbery but that turned into theft to "lost his wallet"

I'd say that is good detective work by moi. what you say Watson :-)

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Btw..good on you Simon for caring, and lovely that you cooked for them.
Im sure they will remember that kindness forever.

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Hmm something's not right here; I don't know a thing about policing but the OP stated with a robbery but that turned into theft to "lost his wallet"

I'd say that is good detective work by moi. what you say Watson :-)

Im pretty sure Simons upset is not so much about the stolen (or possibly just lost) wallet, but more about how the situation was handled. I get the feeling Simon wrote his post will still a feeling of outrage, so maybe it has holes. ..but anyway, the point is, if you WERE naive enough to keep all your money in one place and it went missing or got stolen, and you found yourself on a roadside in a country you never visited before, would you want to be guided a little? For me the TP's job shouldnt just be about theft, it should be about guiding.

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Usually these robberies work by stealing from the bags in the luggage hold. Best to keep your valuables on you and in sight at all times. Don't leave them in a daypack on the coach when it stops.


It's naive to say that the police did nothing. Of course they did something, they pocket their 30% commission.

Another easy 2,400 Baht for the donut fund.

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NomadJoe - stop trying to make excuses for the Thai police!

These tourists were passengers on a bus from Samui to Phuket. As they were stowing their luggage into the bus in Samui, the co-driver stood right behind the male tourist who had his wallet in his back pocket (not an ideal location). After getting onto the bus, the tourist realised some time later during the journey that his wallet was missing.

Yes, this was technically theft, (as opposed to highway robbery), but let's not quibble about semantics.

The passengers got off the bus at the north Phuket bus stop, right by the Highway police station and tried to stop the bus from leaving. The police officer at the highway police station refused to hold the bus with the co-driver. At least they could have quickly searched the vehicle for the wallet.

A good samaritan Thai called 1155 on his mobile phone, but the tourist police on 1155 refused to help at all.

NomadJoe, I believe you are also a TPV and you shoulld be ashamed of yoiur attitude! If only the TP would get off their lazy backsides and LOOK AFTER our tourists, and treat what you call as a simple theft with the seriousness that it rightly deserves, then maybe tourists would start to sing the praises of the police.

As you say, the TP are not a free taxi service, but thank heavens that there are good Thai people who do provide this service when tourists are in distress.

IMHO, the TPVs and TPs and Royal Thai Police should treat ALL crimes against tourists with the utmost priority, whether it be a simple theft or a more serious crime. You should not dismiss a crime just because you consider the amount lost to be too small, or the chances or making an arrest low etc.


PS - Maybe you think my attitude rather strange, but I run a service business (hotels), and I understand that the customer is ALWAYS right, (even when they are idiots). The tourists are 'customers' of the TP. Look after your customers and your reputation will greatly improve. Treat your customers with disdain and you will surely reap your just rewards.......

Maybe he dropped his wallet. It should have been secured better.

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"Lesson learned, Thailand is OK- until you have a problem. Then you can find yourself very alone with little recourse for justice."

The people who rave about the wonderful lack of interference by law enforcement in Thailand and what a great olace it is with this freedom, usually find out that it is not so rosy when you really need some help or action from them.

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"Lesson learned, Thailand is OK- until you have a problem. Then you can find yourself very alone with little recourse for justice."

The people who rave about the wonderful lack of interference by law enforcement in Thailand and what a great olace it is with this freedom, usually find out that it is not so rosy when you really need some help or action from them.

Justice in Thailand is often only available to the wealthy and connected.

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I just don't understand how you can think that a person losing their wallet warrants the detainment of a bus load of people.

Now you're putting words in my mouth. I think it would hardly be a surprise to the Highway police to be told of this incident by the tourists, considering that theft from buses is a common event. But they were not helpful.

But my frustration is directed more at the lady who answered the 1155 call. This is the Tourist Police contact number, which tourists should call when they need help. The response that this couple received was not acceptable.

Certainly, a police report at the TP station should be filed wherever possible. But in this case, the couple were flying out of Thailand at 5am the next day, so that was not possible.

Perhaps I'll try calling 1155 and see how I'm responded to if I report a theft of wallet, cash and credit cards. (At the very least, I would expect empathy with my plight, a check over the phone that I was not injured, nor stranded alone, nor a lone female or with kids, and provision of contact telephone numbers to cancel my cards, plus embassy contact details etc).


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My experience with the Tourist Police when I lost my passport was a positive one. They helped me fill out the forms, and gave me advice on what paperwork to take to the embassy. A senior officer was over seeing the whole thing, offering suggestions and making sure his staff were helpful. All done cheerfully as well.

I wouldn't expect a pickpocket report or bicycle theft back home to be taken that seriously either. Even car theft is, "fill out the report, we rarely find them."

A stolen motorbike in Thailand would be like finding a needle in a haystack.



Could you please expand a bit on the part about this bus route having a lot of this sort of crime?

I thought the tourist police are there to help, well... tourists. Seems they could have done something other than nothing.


Could you please expand a bit on the part about this bus route having a lot of this sort of crime?

Sure. The buses that run from Bangkok down to Surat Thani, and from Samui/Surat Thani over to Phuket/PhangNga have a dubious reputation for theft, both from the passenger and luggage compartments. The luggage compartment is not accessible during the journey, but it is easy for a thief who is known to the bus crew to 'stow away' in that luggage compartment and pilfer bags at will, exiting the bus with the spoils when it stops on the route.

This type of theft has been going on for years, and is well-documented. It is a common event for guests who stay at my hotel and who have travelled from Bangkok or Samui.

Since the police know about these types of thefts, one would hope that they would be proactive to stop the crimes. Alas, this doesn't seem to be the case - perhaps they are 'punch-drunk'?



I've said it multiple times on this forum. The Tourist Police do not exist to protect tourists. They're there to police the tourists. To ensure they don't break the law or cause trouble or inconvenience to Thais, even ones trying to steal from them.

In this case, as the robberies are a regular and well-known occurrence, it's more than likely the culprits pay protection money to the police.

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There have been many a cases of the driver's buddy lying inside the luggage compartment and stealing while the bus is being drive.

This case is different, in that the victim believed he was pickpocketed. But the other one is a cunning plan and tourists do not know anything until they unpack their bags.


I agree with Nomad Joe. I have seen many tourists blame the locals for stealing their property or being short changed, only to discover they themselves misplaced their belongings or didn't count their money properly. I wouldn't be surprised if the wallet fell from his pocket or if he already found it in his bag. Sounds "german" to immediately blame the last guy behind him for stealing his wallet. There are too many holes in this story.

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Here in Pattaya the Tourist Police (Thai) wanted to charge a friend of mine 2,500 baht for taking a complaint and making a report. Don't know if this is general behaviour or an exception

Very cheap - my wife was asked for 10,000 baht to 'investigate' the theft of her sister's car. The culprit (Thai woman) had already been detained by my wife's brother. Open and shut case? It's still open!


Here in Pattaya the Tourist Police (Thai) wanted to charge a friend of mine 2,500 baht for taking a complaint and making a report. Don't know if this is general behaviour or an exception

Very cheap - my wife was asked for 10,000 baht to 'investigate' the theft of her sister's car. The culprit (Thai woman) had already been detained by my wife's brother. Open and shut case? It's still open!

PS -This was Jomtien then Pattaya.


Looks like that there is a misunderstanding about Thai tourist police. This tourist police should protect Thai people and the Thai law against farangs in Thailand. Farangs can not expect any help, especially if they let somebody steal their money from someone who have to feed his 7 children.

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Many years ago when I was still free and single took that overnight bus from the islands to Bangkok many times.

On it's arrival in Bangkok round the back of Kohsan Road a policeman would come onboard, don't know if he was regular police or tourist police, and ask if everything was alright, anything stolen?

As it was like 5am and his English was poor hardly anyone took any notice of him, they just wanted to get off the bus and into a hotel.

Pity really as I'm sure there were quite a few who wished they had paid more attention once they got to their rooms and found stuff missing.

Do the police still do that I wonder?

Probably gave up when they realized nobody appreciated their efforts.




Could you please expand a bit on the part about this bus route having a lot of this sort of crime?

I thought the tourist police are there to help, well... tourists. Seems they could have done something other than nothing.

In average at least twice every month, I have customers who had something missing

from their bags when they used Transport Co Ltd on the Bangkok to Surat Thani bus.

But then again, this happen since 40 years and travel guides are warning tourists

about that since many years.

Of course, those people reading all those different travel guides, should maybe start

at the beginning of the books where there is info about the country, their culture and

what is or isn't acceptable behaviour. Sadly, most people I meet just use those travel

guides to find out where there is cheap accommodation or where to find their next

tourist attraction.

As for the police, well we who live in Thailand do know how hard working they are ;-)

but as a foreigner on holiday anywhere in the word, where would one go for help if

not to the police?

BTW - I'm pretty sure, the majority of people who have their stuff stolen do not expect

the police to find their belongings but without a police report, and I assume that's what

most people want the police to do, one can not claim on their [travel] insurance.


It would appear that you are one of the good ones when it comes to Tourist Police, Pattaya and Phuket would no doubt be the same. Most are frustrated cops who like to get into uniforms and play grown up cop games. Others are puppets or go betweens for Thais to rob farangs and are as arrogant as them.

Elsewhere in this blog is some very valid points, if you want to be a volunteer Police, at least have a basic understanding of the criminal code.


Imho the number 1155 is the number for all of Thailand,if you can get the number of the local TP station it will be a lot easier to get help.


Imho the number 1155 is the number for all of Thailand,if you can get the number of the local TP station it will be a lot easier to get help.

The number does get routed locally. Simon knows about that intimately. ;)


Once my bag with new electronic parts, new vid.cam and computer (75 000 thb) was stolen in pantip plaza. My friend care the bag while I went for buy a drink on second floor. You know, a woman asked for the toilet and the man toke mybag, my friend should take care of it.

Anyhow ... the used the emergency exit to escape ... after all we could see them on the tape from the security cam and went to police to make yhthee protocol. During the work ... the police officer asked me seriously ... how much I would pay to get my stuff back. He asked me a few minutes after I denied again ... I pay 40 000 thb, I'll get my bag back without protocols ...

I could belive and ... do not pay ... only professionals could use the electronic parts and the ... video and computer, where locked and in German language , not easy to reset at all.

It is not only story ... accidents ... constructed by locals, police allready there ... money, money, money and not dhy to live with, leave a lies ... typically ....! They even do it to mother, dister, father, to everyone. BKK now just mirroring all these.

Sorry my bad writing ... the phone tab to small. Ut I still like to be here, possible without problems, situations.

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