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PM Yingluck expresses regret over deaths and injuries of bomb attacks


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That you guys can resort to criticism or cynacism over this truly illustrates the problem.

She should be criticised for taking 3 days to make a comment on the bombings.

Almost 4 years later, we are still waiting for Abhisit and Suthep to apologize for the 90 killed in 2010!coffee1.gif

Who is we? I for one am not waiting for that. I am however waiting to see the look on your face (or your comments here on TV) the day you realise that they will both rightly be found not guilty of the 2010 deaths biggrin.png

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The deaths and the injuried would be compensated

Jeez Louise.

How many more times do we have to go around this diabolical circle, before these distant and pompous leaders finally sit down and talk like grown-ups.


I agree but sadly Suthep or Abhsit are refusing to sit down and talk.


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That you guys can resort to criticism or cynacism over this truly illustrates the problem.

She should be criticised for taking 3 days to make a comment on the bombings.

Almost 4 years later, we are still waiting for Abhisit and Suthep to apologize for the 90 killed in 2010!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>

I didn't realize Abhisit or Suthep killed anyone .

There is a warrent for his arrest in relation to these murders.

Hopefully he will be behind bars soon.

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Almost 4 years later, we are still waiting for Abhisit and Suthep to apologize for the 90 killed in 2010!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>

I didn't realize Abhisit or Suthep killed anyone .

There is a warrent for his arrest in relation to these murders.

Hopefully he will be behind bars soon.

dream on cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif that will be day Taksin admits his murders begs forgiveness and gives up - aint going to happen but thanks for one of best laughs today cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Just to up the Ante... Whilst Suthep is marching with less than 300 people today, thaksin has popped back on the scene.

10 million baht to find the bomber.

Now, that amount is enough for the bomber himself to turn up, claim it and point finger at his handlers.

So, for those not used to thinking, this will do the following things.

The Bomber will absolutey shit himself. Not for fear of arrest, but for fear that whoever sent him will now kill him to keep him quiet. Whoever he is is worth more dead to whoever sent him...

The handlers will now be in panic mode knowing this and will probably kill him If they got him out of there he may be with them.

Thaksin, I imagine would honour such a pledge and this is going to shake things up a lot.....

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It took her 3 days to "express regret..."! clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

The attack happened on Sunday, her press conference was on Monday. I think she actually commented before expressing regret but it wasn't a full press conference.

Didn't the first attack happen on Friday?

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Just to up the Ante... Whilst Suthep is marching with less than 300 people today, thaksin has popped back on the scene.

10 million baht to find the bomber.

Now, that amount is enough for the bomber himself to turn up, claim it and point finger at his handlers.

So, for those not used to thinking, this will do the following things.

The Bomber will absolutey shit himself. Not for fear of arrest, but for fear that whoever sent him will now kill him to keep him quiet. Whoever he is is worth more dead to whoever sent him...

The handlers will now be in panic mode knowing this and will probably kill him If they got him out of there he may be with them.

Thaksin, I imagine would honour such a pledge and this is going to shake things up a lot.....

How naïve and pathetic one could be. You ask yourself a question why would a very good friend of Robert Amsterdam, who is Thaksin's lawyer openly say something like this. By all accounts, Andrew Marshall has inside information. Amazingly enough, two months later, everyone is talking about Navy Seals forgetting what Mr Marshall said. The secret black shirt force of provocateurs, is mostly made up of Navy Seals and Marines and they work for Thaksin Shinawatra.

Image: Screen grab taken of Marshall's Facebook link containing the leaked regime conspiracy to kill protesters, as well as assurances that his sources are "very reliable." One must ask why Marshall, a former Reuters journalist, has not taken his source and this information to the proper authorities as well as to the international media?

Former Reuters journalist Andrew Marshall, revealed just days prior, the regime's plan to unleash armed militants to undermine and breakup the protests. Marshall may have believed he was reporting rumors designed to blunt another historical turnout of anti-regime protesters planned later today.

On his Facebook page he wrote (emphasis added):

Meanwhile, Thaksin Shinawatra's secret "black shirt" force of provocateurs, mostly made up of navy SEALS and marines, is back on the streets again for the first time since May 2010 and has infiltrated Suthep's rabble. If protests escalate they will seek to incite deadly violence ahead of King Bhumibol's birthday to discredit Suthep and his movement for good. The military remains divided and weak, and top commanders have no intention of intervening for now. Unless sanity prevails in the next few days, there will be more bloodshed on the streets of Bangkok in early December.

Edited by Mackie
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It took her 3 days to "express regret..."! clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

The attack happened on Sunday, her press conference was on Monday. I think she actually commented before expressing regret but it wasn't a full press conference.

Didn't the first attack happen on Friday?

Yep, and she came out and denounced that on Saturday, saying that she was opposed to all violence and that the attackers must be found. Was in the BKK Post ("Yingluck voices violence concerns").

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She expresses regret, but doesn't she realize that she is responsible? If she and her family had not stolen from the people of Thailand, none of this would be happening.

She is the only person who could also immediately bring it all to an end it all by resigning.

Blackman said it... two faced bi**h !!

Anyone who thinks this whole problem would come to an end, problem solved, when she resigns, does not know Jack.

When she resigns is when the problems shift into overdrive.

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Just to up the Ante... Whilst Suthep is marching with less than 300 people today, thaksin has popped back on the scene.

10 million baht to find the bomber.

Now, that amount is enough for the bomber himself to turn up, claim it and point finger at his handlers.

So, for those not used to thinking, this will do the following things.

The Bomber will absolutey shit himself. Not for fear of arrest, but for fear that whoever sent him will now kill him to keep him quiet. Whoever he is is worth more dead to whoever sent him...

The handlers will now be in panic mode knowing this and will probably kill him If they got him out of there he may be with them.

Thaksin, I imagine would honour such a pledge and this is going to shake things up a lot.....

He offered a reward for the capture of the 2010 arsonists too. What a generous man, and using his "own" money to support law and order.

There can't be many convicted fugitive criminals, with 15 other outstanding criminal charges, who would support the law and justice like this - Bravo!

Honor is pledge, of course. Just like he returned from the Olympics.

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