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50,000 ?


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when do you think our elderly, provocative, apparently attractive (anyway at least to middle aged Russian ladies), jewish, argumentative, baht-bus-regular, non-racist, bon-viveur-raconteur gay will reach this magical post figure? I estimate by June 12th 2014. What say you? And PLEASE don't SHOUT when you guess.

A question for the Mods/admin. Has anyone (members only) ever posted over 50,000 in TV history?

Some sort of recognition will be in order in my view

So ...................... June 12th it is.

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jing is on occasion controversial

i don't agree with him all the time

however he is one of the few on this forum that posts new topics for others to discuss

if no-one posted new topics then the forum would be boring and simply fade into oblivion

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