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Red-shirt core leader Kwanchai shot


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Back in the day, I go to the military gun range in PP and fire away with those a k47, even with head gear and home made mufflers, my ear drums tingle for hours.

On auto I never hit the right points with a full clip, on normal single fire, every shot is accounted for.

From the back of a moving truck on auto fire I might end up shooting my self.

In godfather 1 micheal was told, son this is not the army where you fire from 1 mile and duck for cover. You need someone out, u ll need to walk up to them look them in the eyes, say a few choice words and then light them up.

Too many guns in Siam, just like home.

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No doubt we shall be hearing that of course Suthep was the man behind the shooting of course

However it would be wise to recall the fate of a prominent member of the Red Shirts in 2010 who was shot in the head and of course subsequently died as a result, that action was taken no doubt as a warning to others to toe the line and not become mavericks.

One is led to wonder whether this latest shot Red Shirt leader is paying the penalty for not toeing the line and perhaps being seen as a maverick too.

This shooting could be as a result of his failure to drum up a decent resistance to the current P.R.D.C. protesters or as a warning to others regarding their profile politically.

There is of course the option of a black flag operation, minions are easily sacrificed and we are all well aware of what respect the Red Shirt pawns can expect and indeed the respect actually received from from their foreign based sponsor..

There are many avenues of suspect open regarding this particular shooting, many cul de sacs. However there is but one clear route leading to the truth and without a doubt we shall never see that route traveled.

If you remember back in 2010 when suthep oredered the sniper to kill one of the redshirt leaders? He did it then so it would not surprise me to see it again.

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Oh dear. So sad. Never mind.

What if it were you. oh dear so sad. right?

AFAIK nobody hates me enough to attempt murder. And while I deplore violence in the community, I am pragmatic enough to know that the only reason some people aren't shot out of hand is because it is illegal, and some are shot despite that, and for others shooting is too kind.

If you expect lamentations, weeping, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments because some useless pricks had a go at Kwanchai, you are on the wrong side of town.

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No doubt we shall be hearing that of course Suthep was the man behind the shooting of course

However it would be wise to recall the fate of a prominent member of the Red Shirts in 2010 who was shot in the head and of course subsequently died as a result, that action was taken no doubt as a warning to others to toe the line and not become mavericks.

One is led to wonder whether this latest shot Red Shirt leader is paying the penalty for not toeing the line and perhaps being seen as a maverick too.

This shooting could be as a result of his failure to drum up a decent resistance to the current P.R.D.C. protesters or as a warning to others regarding their profile politically.

There is of course the option of a black flag operation, minions are easily sacrificed and we are all well aware of what respect the Red Shirt pawns can expect and indeed the respect actually received from from their foreign based sponsor..

There are many avenues of suspect open regarding this particular shooting, many cul de sacs. However there is but one clear route leading to the truth and without a doubt we shall never see that route traveled.

If you remember back in 2010 when suthep oredered the sniper to kill one of the redshirt leaders? He did it then so it would not surprise me to see it again.

But this time he hired 2 guys who couldn't hit a barn with a bucket of wheat. You don't see the logic flaw in that?

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If you remember back in 2010 when suthep oredered the sniper to kill one of the redshirt leaders? He did it then so it would not surprise me to see it again.

If that's the best you can come up with best you stay out of it.

Assuming you are referring to Sae Deang, them Thaksin ordered his killing, prove me wrong.

Back on topic, Someone posted photos of Kwanchai's X rays on facebook seems there is considerable bone damage to both arm and leg.

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I'm sure everyone has their favorite theories on this one. My guess is that no one will ever be arrested for this attack. It certainly sounds like Kwanchai was capable of provoking almost everyone.

1. Easiest to blame is the PRDC, must of been Suthep will be what red sympathizers will say

2. Kwanchai had a public split with the UDD and they could be sending a message, or fanning the flames

3. Kwanchai had threatened the military that he they would intervene in the event of a coup

4. Could have been a bad business associate or over the beer boycott

Take your pick, why wait for any real evidence

5. A spurned gay lover

6. His wife was the real target

7. Chalerm wanted the booze for himself

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I'm not sure where all the conspiracy theories are coming from...!

There are clearly going to be good and bad on each side, and most of us know which category Kwanchai fits into. That said, there will also be those on the "bad" side in the anti-government ranks who have taken it upon themselves to retaliate against the shootings and bombings of the more peaceful element of the protests. I envisage more of these tit-for-tat retaliatory events if this whole thing doesn't come to an end very soon.

The only way that can be achieved is by YL agreeing to dissolve her current caretaker government's role which then allow all parties involved to sit down and discuss what reforms need to be put in place before any elections can take place. Those who continually harp on about how it would be against the Constitution for her to do so have to recognise that no country is going to hold someone culpable for any constitutional irregularity when they are seen as doing something that is for the good of the nation.

I also stick by my previous comments that many of those in the PTP will simply disappear into the night, because their self-serving impacts on the nation's coffers will subsequently be brought into full light, so that party will cease to be a force to be reckoned with. What we are likely to see is the emergence of a new party coming from the ranks of the anti-government supporters, not led by Suthep, but by someone who the nation might have faith in, perhaps Korn or Apirak. Such a party could win a future election providing it is seen to be fair and free (particularly free from vote-buying).

Finally, if the police continue to refuse to carry out their basic role with such attacks on both sides being allowed to go on, as a result of which these attacks are likely to increase in both number and scale, then well done to TS and his PTP faithful, for creating Thailand's very own Northern Ireland problem, which, believe me, is not going to be fun for anyone...!!

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Well since I live Udon, makes think about how I will do things for a bit. Not worried about being a target, Stray bullets.From the sounds of the local forum the town was alive with cops yesterday.

My thoughts someone is trying to force a confrontation that will bring the army in.

I do know one thing my wife will not be at a polling station on the 2nd. Not going to change a think and the risk is to high.

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Back in the day, I go to the military gun range in PP and fire away with those a k47, even with head gear and home made mufflers, my ear drums tingle for hours.

On auto I never hit the right points with a full clip, on normal single fire, every shot is accounted for.

From the back of a moving truck on auto fire I might end up shooting my self.

In godfather 1 micheal was told, son this is not the army where you fire from 1 mile and duck for cover. You need someone out, u ll need to walk up to them look them in the eyes, say a few choice words and then light them up.

Too many guns in Siam, just like home.


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Surprised no one's blamed the red shirts for doing this in an attempt to discredit the anti-government protesters!

Who would do such a thing! I mean, it's quite alright to suggest the BKK protesters kill each other, but the reds, never.

OTOH less than a year ago he had a major falling out with Thida. Not that she's a vindictive cow, mind.

There are a lot of people upset and/or against the anti-government protests, not just the red-shirts. Random attacks against activists is slightly different to a deliberate assassination attempt.

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If you remember back in 2010 when suthep oredered the sniper to kill one of the redshirt leaders? He did it then so it would not surprise me to see it again.

If that's the best you can come up with best you stay out of it.

Assuming you are referring to Sae Deang, them Thaksin ordered his killing, prove me wrong.

Back on topic, Someone posted photos of Kwanchai's X rays on facebook seems there is considerable bone damage to both arm and leg.

Then something is off. The photo of him in the hospital bed showed him with no IV drip

in his arms. That would have made sense if the bullet wounds were a slight graze.

But now information is saying considerable bone damage ?? That would indicate

that a IV would certainly be used......

God I love this place !!! Between outright lies and misinformation, it takes a sharp mind

to try to sift through the bull shit and figure out what is really going on.

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No doubt we shall be hearing that of course Suthep was the man behind the shooting of course

However it would be wise to recall the fate of a prominent member of the Red Shirts in 2010 who was shot in the head and of course subsequently died as a result, that action was taken no doubt as a warning to others to toe the line and not become mavericks.

One is led to wonder whether this latest shot Red Shirt leader is paying the penalty for not toeing the line and perhaps being seen as a maverick too.

This shooting could be as a result of his failure to drum up a decent resistance to the current P.R.D.C. protesters or as a warning to others regarding their profile politically.

There is of course the option of a black flag operation, minions are easily sacrificed and we are all well aware of what respect the Red Shirt pawns can expect and indeed the respect actually received from from their foreign based sponsor..

There are many avenues of suspect open regarding this particular shooting, many cul de sacs. However there is but one clear route leading to the truth and without a doubt we shall never see that route traveled.

If you remember back in 2010 when suthep oredered the sniper to kill one of the redshirt leaders? He did it then so it would not surprise me to see it again.

Do YOU remember Suthep giving th order? If you do, who did he give the order to? Since you are privy to the most secret of high-level meetings of the Democrat Party and are now ready to betray them, please tell us all you know. What a troll you are.

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Actually if it was an M16 which uses 5.56 NATO rounds then NO a 45 or 357 is more devastating. It's a larger slug.


Actually, the 5.56mm round is quite devastating because of its high velocity. I've heard from combat veterans (I was a REMF, and if you don't know that that is, never mind) that it will take your arm or leg right off. On the other hand the larger, heavier, slower moving 7.65mm AK-47 round is very effective. The big advantage of the M-16 was that a soldier can cerry a lot more rounds than with the heavier ammo. Also, the AK-47 is a lot cheaper in most parts of the world, and I don't think the large stocks of M-16s which fell into the hands of the North Vietnamese in 1975 are still in the region -- I think they've mostly been sold on to African and Middle Eastern countries.

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Actually if it was an M16 which uses 5.56 NATO rounds then NO a 45 or 357 is more devastating. It's a larger slug.

Actually, the 5.56mm round is quite devastating because of its high velocity. I've heard from combat veterans (I was a REMF, and if you don't know that that is, never mind) that it will take your arm or leg right off. On the other hand the larger, heavier, slower moving 7.65mm AK-47 round is very effective. The big advantage of the M-16 was that a soldier can cerry a lot more rounds than with the heavier ammo. Also, the AK-47 is a lot cheaper in most parts of the world, and I don't think the large stocks of M-16s which fell into the hands of the North Vietnamese in 1975 are still in the region -- I think they've mostly been sold on to African and Middle Eastern countries.

Please read the whole thread. This has been done to death ... I was mistaken. Already admitted it.. moving on..

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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.. moving on..

heh at this point I don't think people are criticising you so much as "we like to talk about guns"

Actually, the 5.56mm round is quite devastating because of its high velocity. I've heard from combat veterans (I was a REMF, and if you don't know that that is, never mind) that it will take your arm or leg right off. On the other hand the larger, heavier, slower moving 7.65mm AK-47 round is very effective. The big advantage of the M-16 was that a soldier can cerry a lot more rounds than with the heavier ammo. Also, the AK-47 is a lot cheaper in most parts of the world, and I don't think the large stocks of M-16s which fell into the hands of the North Vietnamese in 1975 are still in the region -- I think they've mostly been sold on to African and Middle Eastern countries.

okay Mr. Rear Echelon (I kid, I kid... I was in infantry but never saw combat giggle.gifwhistling.gif , so not really any better than you) but I DID handle a wide range of NATO-approved firearms ), I'd say it'd only take your arm and leg off if it hits dead-on the bone and smashes it (much more likely to deflect and go elsewhere). the problem with low range engagements is the 5.56 is much more likely to just go THROUGH the target, and all that kinetic energy is going to be deposited onto the wall behind the target. All the "tumbling" design etc. features were intended for 3-400m engagements with people taking aimed shots at each other behind cover. This is why the guys tasked with fighting in urban areas like to bring shotguns (and not for door breaching).

as for longevity, considering the maintenance the M16s require, they're probably not useable any more (unlikes the AKs, which will last longer than the conflict... which is part of the problem).

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