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UN calls on Iran to halt executions after 40 hanged


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NEW YORK CITY (BNO NEWS) -- United Nations (UN) rights experts on Wednesday called on the Iranian government to immediately halt a sudden surge in executions, with at least 40 people hanged in the first two weeks of this year alone. It follows more than 600 executions last year.

"We are dismayed at the continued application of the death penalty with alarming frequency by the authorities, despite repeated calls for Iran to establish a moratorium on executions," said Ahmed Shaheed, the UN's Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in Iran, calling on the Iranian government to stop the "cruel, inhuman and degrading" executions.

Iranian authorities acknowledged 21 prisoners were hanged in the first two weeks of January, but sources informed Amnesty International of at least 19 additional executions during the same period. It follows 625 executions in 2013, the majority for alleged drug offenses, Moharabeh ("enmity against God"), or acting against national security.

"It is deeply concerning that the Government proceeds with executions for crimes that do not meet the threshold of the 'most serious crimes' as required by international law, and when serious concerns remain about due process rights," said Christof Heyns, the UN's Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

Heyns added: "I would like to recall once again that, if the death penalty is to be used at all in the countries which have not yet abolished it, international law requires that it may be imposed only after proceedings that met the highest level of respect of fair trial and due process standards. The 'most serious crimes' provision further requires that it is imposed only for the offence of intentional killing."

Shaheed also raised alarm at the recent pace of executions of political activists and individuals from ethnic minority groups, and urged the Iranian government to stop the executions and revisit the cases of prisoners on death row. "The persistent execution of individuals for exercising their rights to freedom of assembly, association, and affiliation to minority groups contravenes universally accepted human rights principles and norms," he added.

Murder, rape and drug trafficking are among the crimes which are punishable by death in Iran. Of the more than 600 people believed to have been executed in Iran in 2011, Amnesty International said at least 488 of them were executed for alleged drug offenses, a nearly threefold increase from the 2009 figures.

Iran has the fourth highest rate of drug-related deaths in the world, at 91 per 1 million people aged 15-64, and is a major international transit route for drug smuggling. In recent years, Iran has received international assistance, including from several European countries and the United Nations, to help stem the flow of drugs across its borders.

The Iranian government claims more than 4,000 security personnel have been killed fighting drug traffickers since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution. But while the UN has praised Iran's counter-narcotics work, the country has failed to mention the increasing application of the death penalty for drugs offenses.

The London-based rights group Amnesty International has said that members of marginalized groups, particularly Afghan citizens, are most at risk of execution for drugs offenses. There are as many as 4,000 Afghan nationals on death row for drugs offenses, the organization estimates.

According to human rights groups, including Amnesty International, trials in Iran often fail to meet international standards of fairness. Proceedings, particularly those held outside of the Iranian capital of Tehran, are often summary, lasting only a few minutes. Mass trials also take place on some occasions.

(Copyright 2014 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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All this and guess where the bulk of the opium is produced....................Yep ! you got it, Afghanistan, another Muslim controlled nation.

In 2000 the Taliban government imposed a ban on opium production as "un-Islamic" and production dramatically declined. With the invasion in 2001 opium production rapidly escalated to the point that is now estimated 80%+ of world heroin/opium supply originates from Afghanistan; to assist with funding for weapons and to pay the 'fighters', enrichment of the tribal warlords and corrupt government officials. ISAF/Afghan government have been unsuccessful in combating opium production and the largest crops of opium are actually within areas with large ISAF forces, such as Helmand Province. The deep corruption of the Karzai government, who is supported by the US/NATO, is also a contributing factor.

Places such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan & Russia have millions of heroin addicts. In Russia alone it is estimated there are 2 million+ addicts, with 30,000 deaths a year attributed to heroin useage.

Edited by simple1
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Muslims killing Muslims, now where is that in the Koran... Unless of course one wants to believe the truth coming from Iran.. Then again the great USofA holds the same stance in a lot of states. Nothing new here and that is why the US will keep quite on topic.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is under the rule of the new moderate (ermm.gif ) Iranian leader, who has presided in an increase in the rate of executions compared to the previous regime. As for the condemned being drug dealers, I wonder how many really guilty as oppose to being deemed undesirable by the regime, which then framed them.

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All this and guess where the bulk of the opium is produced....................Yep ! you got it, Afghanistan, another Muslim controlled nation.

In 2000 the Taliban government imposed a ban on opium production as "un-Islamic" and production dramatically declined. With the invasion in 2001 opium production rapidly escalated to the point that is now estimated 80%+ of world heroin/opium supply originates from Afghanistan; to assist with funding for weapons and to pay the 'fighters', enrichment of the tribal warlords and corrupt government officials. ISAF/Afghan government have been unsuccessful in combating opium production and the largest crops of opium are actually within areas with large ISAF forces, such as Helmand Province. The deep corruption of the Karzai government, who is supported by the US/NATO, is also a contributing factor.

Places such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan & Russia have millions of heroin addicts. In Russia alone it is estimated there are 2 million+ addicts, with 30,000 deaths a year attributed to heroin useage.

Sorry, can't let that one go, Islamic terrorists benefit hugely from the drug trade, so I would take any statement to the contrary with a pinch of salt.


The number of drug users in Afghanistan is estimated to be as high as 1.6 million, or about 5.3 percent of the population, among the highest rates in the world. Nationwide, one in 10 urban households has at least one drug user, according to a recent report from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In the city of Herat, it is one in five.
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All this and guess where the bulk of the opium is produced....................Yep ! you got it, Afghanistan, another Muslim controlled nation.

In 2000 the Taliban government imposed a ban on opium production as "un-Islamic" and production dramatically declined. With the invasion in 2001 opium production rapidly escalated to the point that is now estimated 80%+ of world heroin/opium supply originates from Afghanistan; to assist with funding for weapons and to pay the 'fighters', enrichment of the tribal warlords and corrupt government officials. ISAF/Afghan government have been unsuccessful in combating opium production and the largest crops of opium are actually within areas with large ISAF forces, such as Helmand Province. The deep corruption of the Karzai government, who is supported by the US/NATO, is also a contributing factor.

Places such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan & Russia have millions of heroin addicts. In Russia alone it is estimated there are 2 million+ addicts, with 30,000 deaths a year attributed to heroin useage.

Sorry, can't let that one go, Islamic terrorists benefit hugely from the drug trade, so I would take any statement to the contrary with a pinch of salt.


The number of drug users in Afghanistan is estimated to be as high as 1.6 million, or about 5.3 percent of the population, among the highest rates in the world. Nationwide, one in 10 urban households has at least one drug user, according to a recent report from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In the city of Herat, it is one in five.

Thats' is what I said assist with funding for weapons and to pay the 'fighters'. Possible to also take the strategic view that destablises society

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All this and guess where the bulk of the opium is produced....................Yep ! you got it, Afghanistan, another Muslim controlled nation.

In 2000 the Taliban government imposed a ban on opium production as "un-Islamic" and production dramatically declined. With the invasion in 2001 opium production rapidly escalated to the point that is now estimated 80%+ of world heroin/opium supply originates from Afghanistan; to assist with funding for weapons and to pay the 'fighters', enrichment of the tribal warlords and corrupt government officials. ISAF/Afghan government have been unsuccessful in combating opium production and the largest crops of opium are actually within areas with large ISAF forces, such as Helmand Province. The deep corruption of the Karzai government, who is supported by the US/NATO, is also a contributing factor.

Places such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan & Russia have millions of heroin addicts. In Russia alone it is estimated there are 2 million+ addicts, with 30,000 deaths a year attributed to heroin useage.

Sorry, can't let that one go, Islamic terrorists benefit hugely from the drug trade, so I would take any statement to the contrary with a pinch of salt.


The number of drug users in Afghanistan is estimated to be as high as 1.6 million, or about 5.3 percent of the population, among the highest rates in the world. Nationwide, one in 10 urban households has at least one drug user, according to a recent report from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In the city of Herat, it is one in five.

Sorry can't let that one go....

Your "frothing" piece with the usual agenda titles it's piece "Islam's drug trade".

Since when have Muslims monopolised the drugs industry? What has religion got to do with drug production/ trafficking?

The failed/deeply corrupt state of Afghanistan post 2001 has literally been fertile ground for an explosion in heroin production and export, as it is a major revenue source for government officials and police officers.

ISAF always enjoys a respite during the poppy harvest as many of the Taliban return to their "day" jobs as poppy farmers only too happy to cash in on the high prices paid by the bent police and politicians for their produce. Attempts to eradicate poppy are deeply unpopular not just with the local farmers but also with the beneficiaries in uniform and/ or public office. Thus eradication tends to be half hearted, directed at a rival producer or timed to coincide with the next funding review when a spectacular bust always seems to materialize (quite where the "confiscated" narcotics end up once the spotlight has moved on is far from clear).

Not quite sure what being Muslim has to do with it, unless of course one has a certain angle to peddle.

Insurgents need funding as the lifestyle/activities are cash hungry ones.

Historically the other main source of heroin has of course been SE Asia. Those peace loving Buddhists in Burma, Thailand and Laos have found all sorts of drugs to be a handy way for raising copious funds for insurgents, corrupt police/military, and politicians. The US role in conjunction with the KMT forces and various other elements across the region is the stuff of legend, and quite a lot of fact.

Drug peddling insurgent Christian types can also be spotted amongst FARC in Colombia, Sendero Luminoso in Peru, various paramilitaries in N.Ireland, and of course the Cosa Nostra in Italy/USA.

The Brits on 2 occasions went to war with China to insist that Hindu grown narcotics just had to be sold to Chinese users.

Seems that filth around the world, irrespective of religion or ethnicity, will make the most of the failed concept of drugs being a trade only open to terrorists, gangsters and corrupt officials. Rather than blaming Islam for the drugs trade and it's fallout, pin the blame on spineless politicians or those with a vested interest that refuse to countenance a more productive way to address drug abuse. Currently the bad guys make the profits and countries are left to pick up and fund the broken pieces.

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Sorry, can't let that one go, Islamic terrorists benefit hugely from the drug trade, so I would take any statement to the contrary with a pinch of salt.


The number of drug users in Afghanistan is estimated to be as high as 1.6 million, or about 5.3 percent of the population, among the highest rates in the world. Nationwide, one in 10 urban households has at least one drug user, according to a recent report from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In the city of Herat, it is one in five.

Sorry can't let that one go....

Your "frothing" piece with the usual agenda titles it's piece "Islam's drug trade".

Since when have Muslims monopolised the drugs industry? What has religion got to do with drug production/ trafficking?

The failed/deeply corrupt state of Afghanistan post 2001 has literally been fertile ground for an explosion in heroin production and export, as it is a major revenue source for government officials and police officers.

ISAF always enjoys a respite during the poppy harvest as many of the Taliban return to their "day" jobs as poppy farmers only too happy to cash in on the high prices paid by the bent police and politicians for their produce. Attempts to eradicate poppy are deeply unpopular not just with the local farmers but also with the beneficiaries in uniform and/ or public office. Thus eradication tends to be half hearted, directed at a rival producer or timed to coincide with the next funding review when a spectacular bust always seems to materialize (quite where the "confiscated" narcotics end up once the spotlight has moved on is far from clear).

Not quite sure what being Muslim has to do with it, unless of course one has a certain angle to peddle.

Insurgents need funding as the lifestyle/activities are cash hungry ones.

Historically the other main source of heroin has of course been SE Asia. Those peace loving Buddhists in Burma, Thailand and Laos have found all sorts of drugs to be a handy way for raising copious funds for insurgents, corrupt police/military, and politicians. The US role in conjunction with the KMT forces and various other elements across the region is the stuff of legend, and quite a lot of fact.

Drug peddling insurgent Christian types can also be spotted amongst FARC in Colombia, Sendero Luminoso in Peru, various paramilitaries in N.Ireland, and of course the Cosa Nostra in Italy/USA.

The Brits on 2 occasions went to war with China to insist that Hindu grown narcotics just had to be sold to Chinese users.

Seems that filth around the world, irrespective of religion or ethnicity, will make the most of the failed concept of drugs being a trade only open to terrorists, gangsters and corrupt officials. Rather than blaming Islam for the drugs trade and it's fallout, pin the blame on spineless politicians or those with a vested interest that refuse to countenance a more productive way to address drug abuse. Currently the bad guys make the profits and countries are left to pick up and fund the broken pieces.

No need for such verbosity, I was merely calling b**ls**t on the Taliban claim that drug dealing was 'Un-Islamic', indeed in societies with alcohol prohibition I would have thought drugs would tend to fill the void, especially if Sharia law was enforced turning people's lives into a living hell.

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No need for such verbosity, I was merely calling b**ls**t on the Taliban claim that drug dealing was 'Un-Islamic', indeed in societies with alcohol prohibition I would have thought drugs would tend to fill the void, especially if Sharia law was enforced turning people's lives into a living hell.

You may call it BS, but at the time, the outcome of the ruling by the leader of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, has been verified many times, by both the media and international organisations. One small example below, but as I mentioned all went out of the window after US forces invaded.


Edited by simple1
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