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Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand

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That's because their predictions were wrong. It did not get warmer. So they changed their theory to Climate Change instead. Now the prediction is if it gets warmer or colder, it's Climate Change. Gotta love that "science". Hard to prove such a theory wrong.

Oh really, care to point to a research paper which says that? Care to point a climate model which supports that? If you denialists were correct, you should be able to create climate models showing more accurately what has happened in the atmosphere than the current models used. Btw, those have been either very accurate or too conservative.

You denialists are just a bunch of clowns, taking spotty WEATHER statistics here and there, mixing it all up to create biased data and claiming the climate change is not happening. Then demanding more and more prove from the other side while offering nothing in return. No theories, no mathematical models, nothing. You should by now have a whole set of solid theories but you simply do not have anything. Just the same myths and meme recycled again and again.

Using this 1998 is very typical, which was a very hot year. Using a year two years later or earlier, and you actually get much more stronger global warming trend but that would be also another wrong use of data. You have to create baselines, based on multiple years and decades.

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That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

Nor will overwhelming scientific evidence and consensus stop Luddites from drawing completely incorrect and unsupported conclusions.

Here's a free clue - global warming is a macro-level phenomenon. Because of the increased energy within the atmosphere caused by manmade activities (a.k.a., anthropogenic), this causes climate disruption, also referred to as "Climate Change". This disruption takes the form of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and higher energy storm events. So in fact we can expect unusual events such as cold snaps of unprecedented drops in temperature where normally this would not take place. This is therefore evidence of climate change, which is a consequence of global warming. It does not mean that everywhere on earth the temperature rises by a uniform amount.


It's called changing your predictions to fit the outcome. And in this case, no matter what happens, it can be explained by the new theory. Great science there.

Again, we know the correlation between sun spots and climate. Therefor it's reasonable to assume that we are heading towards a much cooler climate. And if that happens, surely you people will explain it by your new, very scientific, theory.

Right. So the overwhelming consensus of thousands of qualified scientists holds no weight for you? And I suppose you're among those who posit that this is some sort of a massive conspiracy among all these scientists in order to ensure their funding? Because, after all, there's such a strong financial incentive for someone to prove global warming. You know, like the energy companies (Exxon, Shell, etc.) who want it to be proven so that their products are more heavily taxed and become more expensive and less used. Oh, sorry, those guys are spending millions upon millions of dollars to try to DISPROVE global warming. Yet despite their funding, they've come up with nothing that stands scrutiny. Same with the Koch Brothers and the coal lobbies, etc. The idea that there are well-coordinated groups of scientists marching in lock-step to fake data or analyses to reach this conclusion is from cloud-cuckoo land.

You really think someone who demonstrated that global warming was a hoax wouldn't become richer than Croesus? They'd be swimming in pools of Benjamins like Scrooge McDuck.

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> Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

So many ill-informed half-wits commenting here.

The scientists predict that Global Warming will bring Climate Change.

That means that most places will get warmer and some will get colder.

In particular they predict that local variations will become greater.

e.g. hot days will be hotter and cold days will be colder.

But at usual, the half-wits will prefer to believe industry spin than documented science.


The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

The climate difference between Venus and Earth might have something to do with the distance from the Sun. Venus is about 0.7 AU from the Sun, while Earth is 1.

The total solar radiation on Venus is 2643W/m2, while in Earth the TSI is 1370W/m2.

During the little ice age, it's estimated that the total solar radiation to the Earth dropped less than 1W/m2.

If the TSI to Earth would increase 1200W/m2, we would surely have quite different climate. To use Venus as an example of greenhouse effect, while talking about climate politics, is simply wrong and misleading.



Mercure's distance from the sun = 0.4 AU

Mercure's solar radiation = 9 126,6 W/m² ( ~= 4 times Venus')

Mercure's mean surface temperature = 169°c ; Venus' = 462°c

So if Venus' greenhouse effect is irrelevant, how comes its average temperature is so much higher than Mercure's one, while having 4 times less of solar radiation..?

That most scientific papers support the Global Warming theory is not strange. Since those studies are funded by the Global Warming industry, or governments who have an agenda to further this lie.

How much billion US$ turnover the Global Warning industry has ? What are the big companies composing it ?

The oil & gas profit, it's $1 trillion profit over the past 10 years, and that only for the 5 first companies ; profit, not turnover => http://www.taxpayer.net/library/article/big-oil-big-profits-industry-tops-120-billion-in-2012

That doesn't include coal (2nd world wide energy source & 1st CO² emitter). You want some powerful lobbies ? Look in that direction, you'll find some good ones... It's something else than a ghostly "Global Warming industry" (annual turnover 2.6 Billion € for the whole solar industry in EU => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_energy_in_the_European_Union , which is peanut compared to our champions above)...

That's because their predictions were wrong. It did not get warmer. So they changed their theory to Climate Change instead. Now the prediction is if it gets warmer or colder, it's Climate Change. Gotta love that "science". Hard to prove such a theory wrong.

The cooler 2010-2020 decade has been predicted in mid-2000 (or maybe earlier, but it was the 1st time I heard about it).

Here an article from 2004 describing what could happen in 2010-2020 : http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0224-01.htm :

"In a climate scenario that Schwartz and fellow futurist Doug Randall call "The Weather Report: 2010-2020," average annual temperatures drop by 5 degrees Fahrenheit in North America and Asia and by 6 degrees in Europe, while temperatures rise by 4 degrees in the southern hemisphere."

So I'd really love to join the sceptic crowd, as they seem to know better than all about everything & anything, but if you could give some arguments that stands longer than a 30-second search on Google, that'd be great... Else I guess I'll have to wait 2025 to see how goes the global long term trend of temperatures... coffee1.gif

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You denialists are just a bunch of clowns, taking spotty WEATHER statistics here and there, mixing it all up to create biased data and claiming the climate change is not happening. Then demanding more and more prove from the other side while offering nothing in return. No theories, no mathematical models, nothing. You should by now have a whole set of solid theories but you simply do not have anything. Just the same myths and meme recycled again and again.

@timwin: Would you care to comment what do you think about the correlation between solar activity and the climate? If nothing else, for the sake of thinking alternatives as well.


You denialists are just a bunch of clowns, taking spotty WEATHER statistics here and there, mixing it all up to create biased data and claiming the climate change is not happening. Then demanding more and more prove from the other side while offering nothing in return. No theories, no mathematical models, nothing. You should by now have a whole set of solid theories but you simply do not have anything. Just the same myths and meme recycled again and again.

@timwin: Would you care to comment what do you think about the correlation between solar activity and the climate? If nothing else, for the sake of thinking alternatives as well.


The global industrialization wave started from 1950's outside Europe and USA, creating ever more C02. 1930's Thailand or China was not exactly very industrialized...

That's because their predictions were wrong. It did not get warmer. So they changed their theory to Climate Change instead. Now the prediction is if it gets warmer or colder, it's Climate Change. Gotta love that "science". Hard to prove such a theory wrong.

Oh really, care to point to a research paper which says that? Care to point a climate model which supports that? If you denialists were correct, you should be able to create climate models showing more accurately what has happened in the atmosphere than the current models used. Btw, those have been either very accurate or too conservative.

Why would I need a research paper or climate model for something so simple as checking average temperatures? Very accurate you say? Everything was wrong. It never got warmer. The ice caps didn't melt. Etc etc.


Right. So the overwhelming consensus of thousands of qualified scientists holds no weight for you? And I suppose you're among those who posit that this is some sort of a massive conspiracy among all these scientists in order to ensure their funding? Because, after all, there's such a strong financial incentive for someone to prove global warming. You know, like the energy companies (Exxon, Shell, etc.) who want it to be proven so that their products are more heavily taxed and become more expensive and less used. Oh, sorry, those guys are spending millions upon millions of dollars to try to DISPROVE global warming. Yet despite their funding, they've come up with nothing that stands scrutiny. Same with the Koch Brothers and the coal lobbies, etc. The idea that there are well-coordinated groups of scientists marching in lock-step to fake data or analyses to reach this conclusion is from cloud-cuckoo land.

You really think someone who demonstrated that global warming was a hoax wouldn't become richer than Croesus? They'd be swimming in pools of Benjamins like Scrooge McDuck.

An overwhelming consensus of people who are paid by the Global Warming industry doesn't hold much weight to me no. You don't need the scientists to be involved in any conspiracy. They simply do it because they get paid to do it. If they don't comply, they would have to look for another job.

Are they really spending millions to try to disprove Global Warming? If so, where are those scientific studies that they funded? The truth is that they can't do any such thing without you people crying foul.

And how does one demonstrate that Global Warming is a hoax? And you keep changing the prediction so it's impossible to refute your theory.

EDIT: Actually, remember the Climategate scandal? Scientists were caught red handed fiddling with data to fit their predictions. The scientists responsible are still working in the field.


That's because of Global Warming!

Average temps worldwide are on the up & up and confirm global warming as a trend.

Have a read of this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/09/10/terrifying-flat-global-temperature-crisis-threatens-to-disrupt-u-n-climate-conference-agenda/

"Bummer! Now, just before members of the U.N.’s Church of the Burning Planet are scheduled to finalize their latest hellfire and brimstone sermon, a chilling development has occurred. A flood of blasphemous reports circulated among ranks of former faithful parishioners are challenging human-caused climate crisis theology."

Good article, the alarmists will not read it.


Blame it on Suthep and his crowd.

Seems as if their combined weigh mass has put Thailand's land mass slightly out of kilter thus Thailand has entered a cold weather stream all due to the protesters weight.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Are they from South Thailand ?????


That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

I'm sorry but this is drivel and not true. Australia: record high temperatures, US: long draughts, Switzerland: glaciers retreated a long way over my lifetime, Greenland icesheet melting, Arctic to become icefree in summers in a few years, Antarctic: ... do you actually do any reading ?


You want some powerful lobbies ? Look in that direction, you'll find some good ones

And what exactly has that got to do with anything? It doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of money in the Global Warming industry. And almost exclusively all the only funding into climate comes from there.

That's because their predictions were wrong. It did not get warmer. So they changed their theory to Climate Change instead. Now the prediction is if it gets warmer or colder, it's Climate Change. Gotta love that "science". Hard to prove such a theory wrong.

The cooler 2010-2020 decade has been predicted in mid-2000 (or maybe earlier, but it was the 1st time I heard about it).

Here an article from 2004 describing what could happen in 2010-2020 : http://www.commondre...s04/0224-01.htm :

"In a climate scenario that Schwartz and fellow futurist Doug Randall call "The Weather Report: 2010-2020," average annual temperatures drop by 5 degrees Fahrenheit in North America and Asia and by 6 degrees in Europe, while temperatures rise by 4 degrees in the southern hemisphere."

With all the thousands of studied published on climate, I am not surprised you can find one which predictions turned out true. That does not change the fact that the Global Warming industry was wrong, and later changed their main theory to fit the outcome.


That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

That is funny, the scientific community is very solidly behind the global climate change, but still your kinds of amateurs think they know better! There is no debate among scientists whether it is happening or not, it is already proven it is happening. That debate among scientists happened already during the 90's.

The only question is how many degrees more warmer. The models have been actually too conservative, the warming is on the upper section of the temperature range. Only in the media the few idiotic (mostly American) denialists are given endlessly time to spill more of their BS, given false impression the climate scientists are somehow still divided about the subject. No, they are not.

Btw, extreme weather patterns are part of the climate change because warming changes the wind patterns, the low and high pressure areas. Scandinavia had very mild, snowless winter until about January 10th, even some flowers started blossoming. Something out of Paris/Zurich latitude level, 20 degrees to the south. Then the temperatures suddenly dropped to -20 to -30 C in few days because the wind patterns turned into more what used to be normal. Northern America had very cold December due to change in the polar vortex but then again summers have been very hot in many places there.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

the earth and its climate have been changing for 4.54 Billion years

NOW stop and think about that for a moment

The earth does what it does and has so for a very very long time, long before man came onto the scene

Global warming / climate change or what ever you call it is all about tax and getting you to pay more

its also about research and getting those research dollars into pockets of those that can do so they teach or research

its worth billions as Al Gore found out

If you think that in 20 30 40 years that we will be using carbon based fuels then you are blind

Move on like the earth goes round as the earth does what it does

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Every morning I'll go on my bicycle for half a hour in the vicinity of Tha-yang, but this morning it was very chilly about 11 degrees celsius, in the afternoon to the beach in Cha-am with a lot of wind not more then 18 degrees celsius, and no heather in the car, it is waiving the last monthssad.png


In my village at the feet of the mountains in Chaiyaphum it was 5 degrees C first thing this morning, ok for me but everybody else were freezing...

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That is funny, the scientific community is very solidly behind the global climate change, but still your kinds of amateurs think they know better! There is no debate among scientists whether it is happening or not, it is already proven it is happening. That debate among scientists happened already during the 90's.

The only question is how many degrees more warmer. The models have been actually too conservative, the warming is on the upper section of the temperature range. Only in the media the few idiotic (mostly American) denialists are given endlessly time to spill more of their BS, given false impression the climate scientists are somehow still divided about the subject. No, they are not.

Btw, extreme weather patterns are part of the climate change because warming changes the wind patterns, the low and high pressure areas. Scandinavia had very mild, snowless winter until about January 10th, even some flowers started blossoming. Something out of Paris/Zurich latitude level, 20 degrees to the south. Then the temperatures suddenly dropped to -20 to -30 C in few days because the wind patterns turned into more what used to be normal. Northern America had very cold December due to change in the polar vortex but then again summers have been very hot in many places there.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

It's not true that there is consensus among scientists. It's yet another lie from the Global Warming industry. And all the predictions they made turned out to be completely wrong. There hasn't been any warming in 16 years. Whilst true that there might be a small warming due to the extra man made CO2, it's not going to have much effect on our climate. Which we can see it hasn't. What does have a huge effect are the number of sunspots. Prepare for a lot colder weather. Soon we will all be wishing that Global Warming was real.

The Scandinavian early winter was mild. But now it is not. Now record cold temperatures are being recorded. Also, the last summer was one of the mildest on record.

And it should be clear to anyone, that people who call others 'denialists' for not believing their theory, do not have an honest agenda.

Guess Timwin & Al Gore can try & explain how mankind caused the ice age through polluting & should pay more tax, haha.


Enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in Udon early hours this morning.

Oh yeaaaaaaaa AND we had two "bloody" water heaters spring leaks. Try taking a shower in SPRING WATER. Oh man.. I'll resorted to USA 100 yrs ago and boil water for a shower.

BUT I had a fire place built in our "new house"...(Thai's didn't know what it was... maybe thought I was NUTS...) Well they've got a point I suppose... lol ....

pity we won't be moved in until it's hot again. BUT next year I'm be READY. :-)


That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

That is funny, the scientific community is very solidly behind the global climate change, but still your kinds of amateurs think they know better! There is no debate among scientists whether it is happening or not, it is already proven it is happening. That debate among scientists happened already during the 90's.

The only question is how many degrees more warmer. The models have been actually too conservative, the warming is on the upper section of the temperature range. Only in the media the few idiotic (mostly American) denialists are given endlessly time to spill more of their BS, given false impression the climate scientists are somehow still divided about the subject. No, they are not.

Btw, extreme weather patterns are part of the climate change because warming changes the wind patterns, the low and high pressure areas. Scandinavia had very mild, snowless winter until about January 10th, even some flowers started blossoming. Something out of Paris/Zurich latitude level, 20 degrees to the south. Then the temperatures suddenly dropped to -20 to -30 C in few days because the wind patterns turned into more what used to be normal. Northern America had very cold December due to change in the polar vortex but then again summers have been very hot in many places there.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

People need to stop talking about "global warming". It is "climate change" that is the accepted term. Some areas will get warmer some will get colder. Oceans will get warmer which will fuel weather systems. There will be larger and more frequent storms. As Timwin states above the vast majority of scientists are agreed on this. Only a minority disagree. The wonderful thing about science is that the evidence is constantly reviewed and theories updated. The longer time goes on and the more data that is collected the more climate change is recognised as being an indesputible fact. Every now and then a lone voice is ridiculed by the majority and is eventually proven right but not very often. Our eco system is such a vast thing with so many variables that even super computers cannot predict 100% what will happen but there is an agreed consensus that no one but a fool would deny. What is happening with the sun has a big influence on our climate and as the reports on this will tell you the last time this happened areas of the globe cooled for a number of years but this will not reverse climate change. This will just give us a few years respite. There will still be too much methane and CO2 in the atmosphere and we still need to do something to solve this issue.

Oh really:

"Is a Planetary Cooling Spell Straight Ahead? NASA: We May Be On the Verge of a “Mini-Maunder” Event." http://www.globalresearch.ca/nasa-we-may-be-on-the-verge-of-a-mini-maunder-event-is-a-planetary-cooling-spell-straight-ahead/5318725

Global Cooling: Arctic Ice Cap Grows 60 Percent In A Year [NASA PHOTO] http://www.isciencetimes.com/articles/6040/20130911/global-cooling-arctic-ice-cap-60-photo.htm

Yup, totally right !

Oh wait :



and further reading : http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2013/sep/19/climate-change-arctic-ice-sixth-lowest-in-millennia

But hey, see you for next "Recovery!" ..! thumbsup.gif

You want some powerful lobbies ? Look in that direction, you'll find some good ones

And what exactly has that got to do with anything? It doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of money in the Global Warming industry. And almost exclusively all the only funding into climate comes from there.

Take that "lot of money", multiply it by 100 . How much does it make ? And this 100 times more money is eager to hire "scientists" to spread "scientific doubts" in minds that can't add 2 and 2... And you're there blabbing about the "lot of money in the Global Warming industry". Do you actually believe what you write ?

oh god... you cant mention the weather these days without the climate alarmist hippies coming out of the woodwork and preaching their doomsday message. Yes we get it. Your "models" predict that "if" your parameters are correct the earth "might" warm by 1 or 2 degrees over the next hundred years. Yep, we got it. Now take your underpants off your head, slip on a tinfoil hat, and go and dig a doomsday bunker. NEXT.

The fact is that 2 first posts about "Global warming" of this topic have been made by warming skeptics ; but hey, if we were just standing by the facts, where would be the fun, huh?!

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