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Flexible Higher Education Options for Expats in Thailand on Short-term Contracts

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Although there are a number of alternatives in Bangkok and the rest of Thailand for expat children of school age, what happens to them after leaving international school, etc. is less clear. Particularly if you are a parent on a fixed term contract in Thailand, do you let your children go onto a local degree program, or do you send them home to study? Fortunately, a new higher education option has been launched in Thailand that might offer parents facing such issues the flexibility they need.

IVBE is an educational organization that has brought BTEC HNDs to Thailand. A partner in Regent International College, a joint venture with The Regent's International School, IVBE now gives students the flexibility to study for a BTEC HND qualification for two years in Bangkok, and then study in the United Kingdom for one year and complete a full British degree program. Typically students with an HND can delay entry onto the third year of a university program by three to five years, giving those living abroad tremendous flexibility. BTEC HNDs also offer routes to degrees in over 100 countries, including the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore.

If you are interested in learning more about BTEC HNDs in Thailand, private message us your name, email address and contact number. We will get back to you immediately. Alternatively, add your comments and questions below.


Bachelor's degree programs in Business Management, Hospitality Management, Music, Performing Arts and Art and Design. Study 2 years in Thailand and 1 year at a university in the UK. Other routes available at 250 top universities in 100 countries including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the EU.


I would consider sending them back to your home country for university, especially if they have been to secondary school here. In the US, there are some excellent plans with scholarships and other financial assistance and many of the schools provide housing, meals, and laundry at very reasonable prices. I imagine European and Australian universites do likewise..Your children could visit you every Christmas and summer. My son excelled with the independence doing that offered him. He is now back here as a consultant.

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smotherb, thanks for your comments, and I couldn't agree more – if sending your child to the UK (or elsewhere) for three years is the right option for you, then it is probably the best thing to do. Although one year abroad does still give young people an insight into independence, the level of independence experienced studying abroad over three years has to be far greater than that experienced over a single year. What BTEC HND courses in Thailand offer is another layer of choice if - for whatever reason - your children studying abroad for that length of time is not a viable option.

Some people we have spoken to suggested that some teenagers brought up in Thailand might find the transition to independent living in a country like the United Kingdom a little difficult. These parents are often interested in the option of keeping their children in higher education in Thailand for a couple of years until they are a bit older. In addition, as mentioned above, professionals that are not 100% sure where their next project will take them might appreciate the flexibility HNDs offer. As a qualification it immediately readies their children for the global workforce and enables them to take a degree at a later stage. It also offers benefits for those working in Thailand who wish to upgrade their qualifications before returning home to work or perhaps take a degree.


Bachelor's degree programs in Business Management, Hospitality Management, Music, Performing Arts and Art and Design. Study 2 years in Thailand and 1 year at a university in the UK. Other routes available at 250 top universities in 100 countries including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the EU.

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