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UNHR urges all to respect the rights of others: Protests in Thailand


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UNHR urges all to respect the rights of others

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The United Nations Human Rights Office for South East Asia (OHCHR) called on all parties in Thailand to respect the rights of others and to refrain from any form of violence, in light of protests in Thailand.

"OHCHR also urges the Royal Thai Government to ensure the implementation of the Emergency Decree on the Administration of Emergency Situations issued on January 21 complies with international human rights standards," it said in a statement issued on January 24.

The office has deployed a small team to monitor human rights, including the right to peaceful assembly, in the current situation in Bangkok. The team has been visiting various locations, including demonstration sites and police stations, to discuss violence prevention, solicit views and collect information.

It said that cooperation and support has been extended by all actors met by the team, including people participating in demonstrations and their leaders, guards for demonstration sites, government and police officials, the National Human Rights Commission, ruling and opposition parties, civil society and other concerned groups and individuals. OHCHR notes efforts by the police, other security personnel and demonstrators to ensure security of all people.

"Nevertheless, acts of violence that have occurred in Bangkok over the past few weeks are of serious concern," it said.

Such incidents include the tragic bomb explosions on January 17 and 19, leaving one person dead and injuring many others. Smaller scale violence and intimidation, such as shooting and assaults against demonstrators, police and other individuals at the demonstration sites and attacks on residences of senior opposition politicians, have also occurred.

-- The Nation 2014-01-25

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They "forgot" to mention the right to vote, the right to practice the religion of your choice and the right for the children to attend school!coffee1.gif

They are so biased that, if it wasn't so sad, it would be almost funny!!

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