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Three years before the vote, Clinton machine gears up


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Well, she managed to be a U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State.

She hasn't been president yet, so we don't know exactly what she is able to accomplish.

Politicians, by the way, don't do much on their own. It requires the type of support, networking and cooperation that she is capable of providing.

You are claiming that she bcame a Senator from New York and Secretary of State on her own? What if she had been married to George Bush?

Would you still believe her accomplishments came as a result of her talents, rather than from her choice of marriage partners?

I see you couldn't come up with any bills she had passed or treaties she negotiated. That tells the story in itself.

The current guy has support, networking and has earned no cooperation. Look where that has led us.

Apparently your reading skills are getting poorer, or perhaps it is comprehension that is lacking. Politicians, as I said, don't do much of anything on their own.

Your overtly sexist remarks about her accomplishments being related to her marriage partner says more about you than about her. It is also a low blow to Laura Bush, who on her own, was a bright, intelligent and articulate person, unlike her husband. But then Laura Bush started out as a Democrat and was careful in her discussions about her husbands policies, as would anyone with much intelligence or education.

Hillary is a team player and will likely be our first woman president. Please try to keep up.

Thanks for the sarcasm and the attempt to deflect my questions. I can read just fine and comprehend nearly eveything you might be capable of writing.

The real problm is you can't seem to come up with any answers.

If she is elected, maybe when she moves back into the White House, she will find some more Rose Law Firm billing records laying around. Ya think?

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A black man as president and now potentially a highly intelligent woman as his replacement.

Grumpy old men across the US are fainting en mass at the mere suggestion. They thought the nervous twitches and the random bouts of shouting at the sky were behind them.

Appears not.

Nothing to do with gender or skin colour and this issue is on both sides, Democrat and Republican.

George Bush Snr. > George W. Bush

Bill Clinton > Hilary Clinton

The Kennedy's?

It's a two party club (the same thing really, just made to look like opposing sides) and I don't think these sort of political dynasty's are what the founding fathers intended.

Yeah but the son of a Kenyan student, who was born a humble white girl from the Midwest usurped Billary in 2008. That is the beauty of your system which I don't think you quite appreciate.

And who cares if Hillary, the wife of the son of an poor Arkansas family gets up. Do we disenfranchise her, or the Jeb Bushes son, George Bush, from running simply because of their surname?

I'll take a temporary dynasty like you guys get over my head of state who sits on the other side of the world, barely knows the country of which she is head of state. And the only reason she is my head of state is because she was the first born to a family who managed to snatch the status and the linage of head of state from another family in the far flung past.

Edited by samran
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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion; what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." -- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787

Rather the blood and the arms bit, why not break from tradition and vote for someone else, perhaps independent candidates (I'm not sure if you have them in the US) instead of the Elephant or the Donkey.

The excellent idea of having a maximum two terms as President has been thwarted by a little political club it seems.

You make a very valid point.

Out of a population of around 320 million, Bush - Clinton -Bush - Obama - Clinton (possibly Jeb Bush too), doesn't seem like a very healthy democracy to me. To be honest even calling it a democracy is a bit of a stretch.

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So they were elected, please explain why it's not a democracy?

How does this differ from a huge number of democracies around the world? A lot of families dedicate their lives to public service.

Truth is they'd have no problems with four generations of Bushes. But another Clinton? Who happens to be a woman? Pass the smelling salts!!

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So they were elected, please explain why it's not a democracy?

How does this differ from a huge number of democracies around the world? A lot of families dedicate their lives to public service.

They were elected because that's who was offered up to the populous and of course big money talks, the media campaigns . . .

You can have this one or that one. I think the US deserves better frankly, at least the chance of a more balanced democracy.

The title of the thread says it all really.

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Yep, two choices offered. Both of them firmly in the pockets of the big money special interest groups.

This is very weak democratic offering. Many countries have caps on contributions and campaign spending.

A Canadian campaign for example is over in about 40 days, and the limit on campaign contribution is $1200 per individual. Overall campaign spending is limited to 21 million per party.

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Yep, two choices offered. Both of them firmly in the pockets of the big money special interest groups.

This is very weak democratic offering. Many countries have caps on contributions and campaign spending.

A Canadian campaign for example is over in about 40 days, and the limit on campaign contribution is $1200 per individual. Overall campaign spending is limited to 21 million per party.

Isn't that about how much the mayor of Toronto spends on his drugs?

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It's not going to happen.. smile.png

I look forward to Madame President Clinton visiting Madame Prime Minister Yingluck. wub.pngwub.pngwub.pngwub.png

You are wrong on both accounts, as it is unlikely that Ms. Shinawatra will still be PM 3 years from now, and Mrs. Clinton will certainly never be elected President smile.png

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Well, she managed to be a U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State.

She hasn't been president yet, so we don't know exactly what she is able to accomplish.

Politicians, by the way, don't do much on their own. It requires the type of support, networking and cooperation that she is capable of providing.

And she has enough skeletons rattling around in her closet to scare real ghosts away. After the lack of vetting of Obama by both sides prior to 2008, it won't happen again. Hillary has a loonngg list of indiscretions that will conveniently be overlooked by the MSM, but will find their way into the talking points.

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Well, she managed to be a U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State.

She hasn't been president yet, so we don't know exactly what she is able to accomplish.

Politicians, by the way, don't do much on their own. It requires the type of support, networking and cooperation that she is capable of providing.

And she has enough skeletons rattling around in her closet to scare real ghosts away. After the lack of vetting of Obama by both sides prior to 2008, it won't happen again. Hillary has a loonngg list of indiscretions that will conveniently be overlooked by the MSM, but will find their way into the talking points.

Not as many skeletons as some would like, unless of course, you count the ones that they will make up and can't substantiate -- like they have done with Obama being born in Kenya and being a Muslim etc., etc., What should scare the republicans is that she enough brains to outwit most of the other candidates.

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Well, she managed to be a U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State.

She hasn't been president yet, so we don't know exactly what she is able to accomplish.

Politicians, by the way, don't do much on their own. It requires the type of support, networking and cooperation that she is capable of providing.

And she has enough skeletons rattling around in her closet to scare real ghosts away. After the lack of vetting of Obama by both sides prior to 2008, it won't happen again. Hillary has a loonngg list of indiscretions that will conveniently be overlooked by the MSM, but will find their way into the talking points.

Not as many skeletons as some would like, unless of course, you count the ones that they will make up and can't substantiate -- like they have done with Obama being born in Kenya and being a Muslim etc., etc., What should scare the republicans is that she enough brains to outwit most of the other candidates.

If she was as smart as you seem to believe, she would have pulled an Obama and voted "present" instead of "aye" on the Iraq war resolution.

Lots of things she can't run away from.

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Well, she managed to be a U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State.

She hasn't been president yet, so we don't know exactly what she is able to accomplish.

Politicians, by the way, don't do much on their own. It requires the type of support, networking and cooperation that she is capable of providing.

And she has enough skeletons rattling around in her closet to scare real ghosts away. After the lack of vetting of Obama by both sides prior to 2008, it won't happen again. Hillary has a loonngg list of indiscretions that will conveniently be overlooked by the MSM, but will find their way into the talking points.

Not as many skeletons as some would like, unless of course, you count the ones that they will make up and can't substantiate -- like they have done with Obama being born in Kenya and being a Muslim etc., etc., What should scare the republicans is that she enough brains to outwit most of the other candidates.

If she was as smart as you seem to believe, she would have pulled an Obama and voted "present" instead of "aye" on the Iraq war resolution.

Lots of things she can't run away from.

I have no doubt she was fully in favour of the Iraq invasion. Her record in office shows that she likes wars. I don't think she's seen one she didn't like yet!

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Well, she managed to be a U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State.

She was a lawyer from a two bit law firm that was mired in scandal in Arkansas, a state that is one of the great backwaters of the US. She sold what was left of her soul to Wall St to become US Senator to keep the money flowing into the family. She was given the Sec of State position by the Democrats to keep Bill's support for the Democratic ticket. The only reason the Clintons can even claim to be Democrats is because the GOP has become so radicalized to the right.

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What a great choice the American people have. All this money on both sides comes from where? Political Action Committees funded by?...banks who own the winning candidate. What a great system, not!! Get the independents into the debates. Jesse Ventura would shake things up if he ran.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Generally speaking, George Will hits the nail on the head.


George Will On The Clintons:

"Is she going to run? Fish have got to swim. Birds have got to fly, and Clintons have to run for office. It's what they do. It's a metabolic urge. That's all they've done their entire life is borrow money from rich people to seek public office."



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