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Thailand to lose one million tourists if political turmoil prolongs: KResearch


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The country is f***d and I'm kind of smiling that I never invested in it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Agree on one level but on the other hand everyone has a sentimental/ emotional attachment to Thailand (and some financial), otherwise nobody would bother to read/post. It is sad. With some luck , better times ahead if these pests can be driven from the streets so that rebuilding the economy can begin

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


A good friend is a proud Democrat and a staunch red shirt. The missus is a yellow shirt and a Demonstrator. I'm not sure what you are saying. The Demonstrators are Democrats?

If you are not aware that the leaders of the demostration, where Democrat MPs that resigned to lead the current Bangkok Protest, That the Democrat party is the only announced party that is boycotting the election, That the southern provinces that voted their 50 seats to the Democrats 0 to PTP. are the only ones where every one seeking political office were not allowed to register to contest the election, That the leaders of the Democrats party are very active in the protest, That the leader of the protest, Suthep is a 34 year Democrat elected office holder.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, then Yes "many"of them ducks, quack like democrats!


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Sitting in my local bar right now and the police have just come in and told the manager to stop serving alcohol. Its 2010 on a Saturday night. What are these people thinking of. Tourist numbers are way down and those that are here are now told that they can't have a drink - its lunacy.

Thailand eh - always trying to find new and exciting ways to stuff the country. And, they are suceeding.

Its always been like that on voting days and other special occasions, this is nothing new and agree it is insane to impose it in tourist areas but its probably just easier to have a blanket ban. Plenty of places to get a drink though if you know where, just unfortunate the tourists don't and wont be told.

A friend makes a killing on evenings like this with a special delivery service and has a dozen out walking the tourist areas in BKK taking orders from visitors wanting at least 4 bottles, someones making out of it at least :)

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Sitting in my local bar right now and the police have just come in and told the manager to stop serving alcohol. Its 2010 on a Saturday night. What are these people thinking of. Tourist numbers are way down and those that are here are now told that they can't have a drink - its lunacy.

Thailand eh - always trying to find new and exciting ways to stuff the country. And, they are suceeding.

I hate to break it to you my friend, but it is not 2010 anymore. Maybe time to ask for the bill and go home and face the music!!rolleyes.gif

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A temporary loss in tourism is a small sacrifice to prevent the 2.2 trillion baht loan the shinamaffia wants. That huge loan would push the country in deep debt for decades. Kick out that maffia and there's a chance of reconciliation and growth.

You got a source for that claim? Or is that just a number you pulled out of your ****?

He's right on the amount pal, if you paid attention you'd know ! They are going on about the ASEAN as if it's something new, it's been in existance since the 60's .............it hasn't achieved anything in 46 years so nothing is going to change. One of it's objectives is to eradicate poverty.............what a joke !!!

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


A good friend is a proud Democrat and a staunch red shirt. The missus is a yellow shirt and a Demonstrator. I'm not sure what you are saying. The Demonstrators are Democrats?

Does your good friend have Disassociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities)?

Edited by dukeandduke
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A temporary loss in tourism is a small sacrifice to prevent the 2.2 trillion baht loan the shinamaffia wants. That huge loan would push the country in deep debt for decades. Kick out that maffia and there's a chance of reconciliation and growth.

You got a source for that claim? Or is that just a number you pulled out of your ****?

He's right on the amount pal, if you paid attention you'd know ! They are going on about the ASEAN as if it's something new, it's been in existance since the 60's .............it hasn't achieved anything in 46 years so nothing is going to change. One of it's objectives is to eradicate poverty.............what a joke !!!

WoW that is scary, its obvious that poverty was cause by inflation here in thailand, the wages of thai people haven't kept up

You only have to look at what is happening in the US, govt borrows, destroys jobs with their social planning then borrows to pay BACK the debt!!

If the yellow shirt win it will probably be similar to what happened in South Africa.

just watch this and your eyes will drop out!


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You know... all these news, stats, and just good ole negative stuff would affect other people in other countries, mainly western countries because we respond to these things and think we need to improve them...

but c'mon... have any of you ever asked the people around you, specifically Thai's? I asked my students in grade 12(m.6) and they have not a clue... but if you ask them about Facebook, they can tell you of all of their cute pics, and how many friends they got... but when it comes to their country... they honestly don't care... they never think of their future unless it is the latest smartphone, iphone.. I think the foreign commmunity reacts more than 90% of this country... and those who have some idea of it happening...really don't know why and what for... when it comes down to it... unless they are not getting a baht or personally losing a baht...then you may see a reaction... but they just say, "mai pen rai, sa bai sa bai" and go live under a tree... or just gouge the person coming into their business and say its the gov't doing it...

So the times really need to affect the life of the people here in order for them to make any changes... until that time... nothing will change, nothing.

hehe life in Thailand is indeed laid back and sleepy.

A very good synopsis of the lethargy that seems to prevail with the Thias that I've met and chatted with. I can't say it's 90% of the country since I've no data to support that, but from my perspective, it seems that the common good takes a back seat unless one is affected directly.

In all probability, the sun will come up tomorrow and the Earth will revolve on its axis. Unfortunatley for Thailand, the sunlight may be a bit dim and the revolutions of the Earth take on a different meaning.

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No!!! This can't be. With cancelled flights from SIngapore, cancelled tours from Japan and China and god-knows-how-many travel advisories advising against travel to Thailand, the numbers should be up!!! I'm sure TAT will soon share how all these are going to increase tourist arrivals by 100.1%, and refute the erroneous reporting by K-whatever.

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


IMO it is not a reasonable compomise

PDRC have a goal that YS and all Shinawatras are no longer involved in Thai politics

Anything YS short of quitting and leaving Thailand is a waste of time

There will be no compromise

PDRC have PTP on the ropes so why back down now

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The country is f***d and I'm kind of smiling that I never invested in it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Agree on one level but on the other hand everyone has a sentimental/ emotional attachment to Thailand (and some financial), otherwise nobody would bother to read/post. It is sad. With some luck , better times ahead if these pests can be driven from the streets so that rebuilding the economy can begin

Rebuilding the economy ??? you said -Ha. The economy was plundered long before Suthep appeared on the scene, you have memory loss, I cannot understand why posters keep blaming Suthep, when your in denial of the facts. Thailand is near bankrupt BECAUSE of the 3 years of PTP. Please do not give us this BULL again, Get the Family out you have a chance then. Suthep does not want control, he wants the SHINS out.

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


failed logic..... the damage was already done. next time hope things are decided much more quickly. Tourism will not improved because of this breakthrough..... or do you think everyone is jumping to line to get on the next airplane to thailand.....

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Sitting in my local bar right now and the police have just come in and told the manager to stop serving alcohol. Its 2010 on a Saturday night. What are these people thinking of. Tourist numbers are way down and those that are here are now told that they can't have a drink - its lunacy.

Thailand eh - always trying to find new and exciting ways to stuff the country. And, they are suceeding.

Sorry to hear this. If you run out of bars, come to Udon. There are bars open until 3am each and every day...full of honey's and honey bees. I might even buy you a beer.

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Sitting in my local bar right now and the police have just come in and told the manager to stop serving alcohol. Its 2010 on a Saturday night. What are these people thinking of. Tourist numbers are way down and those that are here are now told that they can't have a drink - its lunacy.

Thailand eh - always trying to find new and exciting ways to stuff the country. And, they are suceeding.

Sorry to hear this. If you run out of bars, come to Udon. There are bars open until 3am each and every day...full of honey's and honey bees. I might even buy you a beer.

Have a brandy in your coffee, watching a good movie at home. Keep your 3am beer drinking with your honey's, Does the wife approve ??

I'm in Udon have a drink at 3pm at Fuzzy Kens better.

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The country is f***d and I'm kind of smiling that I never invested in it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

it will make a come back . as long as old falang men have viagra and a few baht to spare.

Wow Jack, two hooker posts in a row! But I think sex tourism is only about 10% of the total tourist dollar.

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The morons never cease to amaze me. Here we are in Pattaya, no interest whatsoever in the turmoil in Bangkok. We have tourists here ( mainly Russian), who all want to go out and enjoy themselves. What do they do? Close all the bars on a Saturday night due to local elections! Totally insane.

yeah the tourists places should be exempt. Also alcohol sales should be allowed after the polls close.

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The country is f***d and I'm kind of smiling that I never invested in it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

it will make a come back . as long as old falang men have viagra and a few baht to spare.

Wow Jack, two hooker posts in a row! But I think sex tourism is only about 10% of the total tourist dollar.

sex tourism is only 10% yeah right !!! like you can put black money into official statistics what are you half thai???

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The country is f***d and I'm kind of smiling that I never invested in it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

it will make a come back . as long as old falang men have viagra and a few baht to spare.

Wow Jack, two hooker posts in a row! But I think sex tourism is only about 10% of the total tourist dollar.

sex tourism is only 10% yeah right !!! like you can put black money into official statistics what are you half thai???

I believe the arrivals are counted according to sex. Check the percent of single male arrivals cross referenced by country. Recent years have seen marked gains in arrivals from China and Russia and they don't come for sex tourism. And no, to save you asking, I'm not half Russian or Chinese either.biggrin.png

Hasty conclusion easy to make, like hole in water.wai2.gif

Edited by thailiketoo
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A temporary loss in tourism is a small sacrifice to prevent the 2.2 trillion baht loan the shinamaffia wants. That huge loan would push the country in deep debt for decades. Kick out that maffia and there's a chance of reconciliation and growth.

You got a source for that claim? Or is that just a number you pulled out of your ****?

He's right on the amount pal, if you paid attention you'd know ! They are going on about the ASEAN as if it's something new, it's been in existance since the 60's .............it hasn't achieved anything in 46 years so nothing is going to change. One of it's objectives is to eradicate poverty.............what a joke !!!

WoW that is scary, its obvious that poverty was cause by inflation here in thailand, the wages of thai people haven't kept up

You only have to look at what is happening in the US, govt borrows, destroys jobs with their social planning then borrows to pay BACK the debt!!

If the yellow shirt win it will probably be similar to what happened in South Africa.

just watch this and your eyes will drop out!

Thanks to Glenn beck for that commentary

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I think everyone is in Saigon - I am in SGN today and I haven't seen this many tourists here ever!! Aussie's, Northern Europeans, Russians, Japanese, all the hotels in Pham Ngu Lao are booked solid, you can't walk anywhere without bumping into a foreigner. clap2.gif

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