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renting out a property? is this an option?


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As someone who is thinking of buying soon, what are the pitfalls, if any, in buying now, using for holidays and renting out until the permanent move. There seems to be a lot of property around, and wondered if anyone has any experiences they may care to share. Apologies if this has been discussed before.

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yes, its an option

all you need is a good tenant to have a peaceful and productive rental

take your time in choosing, prospective tenants are like baht buses, there will be another along soon, you don't need to jump on the first one

i have turned down far more than i have accepted

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As someone on the other side (me being a renter) I can say it can be done, however I did it through friends. I have come and rented my friends condo and then when he turned up I moved out. This was all done without official contracts, deposits or involvement by any other persons. I trusted him and he trusted me and it all worked out, I am not sure if it would be that easy doing it officially.

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Well so sorry avabeer, forums are for discussion, debate, help, etc. If its so much wasting time, dont get involved. Oh sorry you have, over 400 times. Lol

When have i asked for help instead of using my brain? Once about strawberry farming. My comments have always been of a humours,informative and or motivational nature. I am here to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate that I. That is just the sort of bloke I am.

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Renting out to whom ? So many "Rentals"available ! Condos as well as houses in the "villages".

The "Condo-sitting-syndrome": Absent Condo-Owners sometimes rent out their condos at extremely attractive rates. Just to have someone to take care of utility bills and see to it that the expensive "interior" is still there, when they come back.

So, to purchase a condo, hoping to generate a decent rental-income (yield versus purchase price) is a gamble.


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I would not want to rent out a condo that I had purchased and fitted out to suit me. Too much expensive damage could be caused too quickly.

At the same time I would probably not care to live in a condo that had been fitted out to be rented as the quality would be too low for my taste.

So I can see the point of buying a condo exclusively to rent it out, and I can see the point of buying a condo exclusively to live in oneself.

But I can't see the point of mixing the two.

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