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Suthep will be arrested soon, should surrender to avoid violence: Chalerm

Lite Beer

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Poor Chalerm.

It must really suck to be the joke of an entire country, and not even realize it.

And should the police attempt an arrest of Suthep resulting in casualty or death, will you laugh at the joke?

And what if Suthep should be shot and mortally wounded during the exchange, what then? Giggles or guffaws?

If the police manage an arrest with no casualties, Chalerm will be a hero and you can come out and sing his praises.

However, this being Thailand, I fear for the worse and it won't be a joking matter.

I really do not understand your reply to my post." Chalerm is the Joke of an entire country" as in, a complete imbecile, a drunken, raving lunatic, ect ect ect.

I can say with certainty, only you could consider Chalerm a hero of anything.

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Lot of people are talking smack but the only person of the three Yingluck, Chalerm and Suthep dares to show his face and walk around in public and Suthep is in trouble? please if they kill suthep im sure you will have to dig at least three graves as i doubt the other two will walk away alive...just saying!

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When Chalerm succeeds in arresting Suthep and send him behind bars, to where he belongs... I will buy him a beer rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You should never buy people with a drink problem a drink

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Lot of people are talking smack but the only person of the three Yingluck, Chalerm and Suthep dares to show his face and walk around in public and Suthep is in trouble? please if they kill suthep im sure you will have to dig at least three graves as i doubt the other two will walk away alive...just saying!

Exactly, this will never end good if they take out Suthep.

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"I don't know if there will be extrajudicial killings. I will not be among the arresting officers. But whatever will happen or if there may be loss, people should understand that the police will use their good judgement," Chalerm said.


Taking a leaf out of Thaksin's book. This is a very similarly threatening statement to that Thaksin made when he announced his War on Drugs.

So still no sign of either side trying to use some common sense and enter into negotiations then, each side seems happy to ratchet up the pressure until it really kicks off.

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When Chalerm succeeds in arresting Suthep and send him behind bars, to where he belongs... I will buy him a beer rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

To Chalerm or to Suthep?

I just ask, in case you mix up ear-medicine and booze.

I am a generous person.

A bottle will be sent to Suthep, in his prison cell, for him to enjoy with the rats.The same day I will organize big big big party with complementary beer for everyone to celebrate Chalerm' success in liberating the country from these irrational yellows and their leaders who tried, unsuccessfully, to destroy democracy.

It will be a great party rolleyes.gif

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

let me guess,Happy Toilet Boy and Duangchalerm will also be there? You better make sure you don't upset them.

gerry, anyone who supports Chalerm really has little credibility - your support for The Desert Coward is one thing, but The Lerm....

I fully support the arrest of Suthep and all those who started, and supported, the mess that these insane yellows have created.

Whoever catches Suthep will be seen as a hero. Including Chalerm if he is the one who puts Suthep behind bars ^_^

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by gerry1011
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What Thai democracy??

Thailand is a democracy, it's an indisputable fact whether you fascists like it or not.

You like to use the word fascist in every post. Did you learn it this week?

Your comment is pointless, vacuous, childish and lends nothing to the debate or dialogue. Your comment should have been deleted. I noted that you didn't refute, debate or challenge diceq's statement. So I'll let you have a crack at me. I doubt it but maybe you can add something substantive in your response to the forum this time. Here's your chance Mr.Toad. This government and Thaksin Shinawatra's government were both democratically elected, that is an indisputable fact.

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

They have a right to protest but not a right to block the polling locations so other Thai citizens can exercise their constitutional right to vote.

Yes, as I have always said!

Yes, but this voting ......

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What Thai democracy??

Thailand is a democracy, it's an indisputable fact whether you fascists like it or not.

You like to use the word fascist in every post. Did you learn it this week?

Your comment is pointless, vacuous, childish and lends nothing to the debate or dialogue. Your comment should have been deleted. I noted that you didn't refute, debate or challenge diceq's statement. So I'll let you have a crack at me. I doubt it but maybe you can add something substantive in your response to the forum this time. Here's your chance Mr.Toad. This government and Thaksin Shinawatra's government were both democratically elected, that is an indisputable fact.

The initial point aimed at diceq, is that he has continued to call anyone who doesn't support The Shinawatra view of democracy as a thug or fascist.

In a mature democracy, you would not have a convicted fugitive criminal controlling the government . You will also note that Thaksin's parties have been continually accused and also been found guilty of electoral fraud. The previous Democrat government , whether you like it or not, was also "democratically elected" through the electoral sysytem - however Red Shirts held Bangkok to Ransom in APRIL 2009 and then again in 2010 to force them out.

As you are not a mod, it's not up to you what gets deleted or stays, but feel free to report it, if you don't like it.

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very clear words. I hope the Suthep people will follow the recommendations. They act of course against many laws. iT'S HIGH time for the government to act. Throw them into jail. Nobody will miss them. They are brainless people all.

Are you speaking about red shirts, aren't you ....

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Chalerm is in the same perdicatment That most Thai politicans are, they woulld not dare get directly involved in enforcing the law against another politican as they know too much dirt on each other.

There are many Thai people who have come to the realization that something must be done to limit the run away corruption that has been and is presently going on. Many are publically protesting and many are just in the talking stage. The reform that is so much needed appears to have been forgotten by those who promised to support it, Several groups have pulled out as they could see no progress or real intent to even approach a solution to the problems. It seems most of the government leaders have an attention span equal to a 3 year old, Chalerm included. Give him a new assignment tomorrow and he will forget about follow up on previous assignments, projects, statements, etc.

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

They have a right to protest but not a right to block the polling locations so other Thai citizens can exercise their constitutional right to vote.
Yes, as I have always said!

Yes, but this voting ......


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Mr Chalerm has a dodgy history but I suspect his time in Scandinavia has made him see the error of his ways. He seems to be on the right path again now and probably regrets the past. He should be given the chance to make amends

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I liked the way Suthep was ranting about Chalerm.

"If I am killed, it is Chalerm who did it" Is he saying we should sent thank you cards and donations to him if he pulls it off?

Chaerm has got them rattled. He pinned them down and has sown confusion in the rank and file of the Fascist party. Theey are going to have to stay closer to their stage from now on and they overstreached today.

That they overstretched is important. It has put a limit on the area they can operate in. Many polling stations ended up with a bigger crowd of voters later in the day. Certainly more than the small band of thugs that was shutting them down. Means next time, they will have to stay and defend the stations against voters... (did I really say that ) and this means more stations open.

Chalerm is slowely strangling them. We must be patient, but when the time comes, they need to be hit very hard indeed. Handing them over the the Courts for a pat on the back and a Must Do Better next time is not the answer.

All the rumours of imminent arrest make Suthep wary and he goes to ground... 5 star BTW, but he goes to ground none the less.

What is noticiable on the march now is just how many of the leading hundred are guarding him.... This stands out a mile and as they take the threat seriously, it is now a snarling menacing mob marching with him. Few airheads left following him are at the back taking selfies.

This must be draining his resoursce and they cant' stay together 7 days a week forever. time will come when he has to go.

The violence today was all from the yellow side apart from the shooting. the yellows even fired shots on one of their rallies today. So 2 dead leaders from the militant wing this weekend and nothing to pin on the Government. The one today, they just ran into a moody gang out hunting, which happens every weekend all over thailand. Nothing organised of sinister... so he cannot scream coup. If he could, he could have.

Just be nice one day to scream... "F*&K these handcuffs are bloody tight. please loosen them"

He really is detested much more than his ego allows him to believe. maybe it is his ego and mouth that will finally sink him.

Edited by pipkins
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Mr Chalerm has a dodgy history but I suspect his time in Scandinavia has made him see the error of his ways. He seems to be on the right path again now and probably regrets the past. He should be given the chance to make amends

Next rumor, Chalerm has repented his devious ways and is a born again christon. The time in Scandinavia may not be due much credit as his preformance since his return has fallen back into his old natural nasty, selfish, self promoting charactics.

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"Tarit yesterday also warned people not to take part in the protests, saying they could be regarded as violating the law or could end up clashing with police.

He said ordinary protesters would be also deemed to have violated the law under the state of emergency. He said that by attempting to interrupt an election, they could face a jail term of up to 10 years."

Ah, another fascist having his moment. Who let PT's pit bull loose?

Still the protesters should know by now that exercising your democratic right to protest is a crime in PT's eyes (if they are the ones you object to that is).

I don't know where he gets 10 years from. Sect 76 of 2007 Organic Act on Elections (etc) specifies between 1 - 5 years imprisonment for stopping a vote going into the polling place or otherwise preventing them from voting. Maybe there's another law I'm unaware of.

Anyway, no one who supported CRES in 2010 continually announcing that ordinary red shirt protesters would receive 2 years in jail for violating the emergency decree can really criticize Chalerm or Tharit here. I was critical of the emergency decree then, as I am now. I don't agree with it. I've little sympathy for those who try to disefranchise people though - if they block voters, they deserve to get the book thrown at them. They have the right to peacefully protest at the polling stations but not to block people.

Sorry to say that I think you live in a fantasy world if you believe that Chalerm knows anything about the law. Well, maybe that's too strong. His definition of law is whatever he wants it to be, so by that definition he is an expert. It's sad that Chalerm and the government are threatening to kill people now, sad and not surprising unfortunately.
Caretaker Labor Minister Pheu Thai Party Member of Parliament Police Captain Doctor Chalerm has a PhD from the Law Faculty of Ramkhamhaeng University.



Yes. Indeed.

Anyone who discusses the possibilty of extra judicial killings like this, obviously knows nothing of the law.

Extra judicial killing is assasination or murder.

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Mr Chalerm has a dodgy history but I suspect his time in Scandinavia has made him see the error of his ways. He seems to be on the right path again now and probably regrets the past. He should be given the chance to make amends

Well as an alcoholic if he starts doing his Step work, he can do that on Step 8.

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Tarit is saying that ordinary protesters who are not involved in vandalism or violence are breaking the emergency law so that must also include the PTP core support of rice farmers who are blocking the highway in some areas and threatening to march on Bkk.

Will they ever be named in any official pronouncements and threats or will the usual government double standards and selective blindness apply ?

The rice farmers are a major threat, they haven't been paid for months, they are being given vague assurances of payment in three weeks or so, in other words after the election is safely won, so will the government risk further aggro by threatening them with prosecution /

I very much doubt it.

You need to read the news more than running your mouth. The area the farmers are protesting is not in the area covered by the SOE

Good point, finally.

Maybe not, but a more than a group of 5 reds in Bangkok have killed, are they going to be arrested? I doubt it.

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Chalerm sure needs his ear medicine and a couple of red label but Suthep sure needs some Valium which he only can get at the mental institution and I hope they never let him out again.

The ideal solution would be to put both of them in a padded cell and let them duke it out.

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Your time is getting real short Suthep, time to kiss the wife and kids goodbye, your Charleam man real soon.

I don't think Chalerm scares anybody...... except maybe babies and very small children.

And female journalists.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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