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What is your best cure for hangover?


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If you know you've drunk too much before you go to sleep, avoid the dehydration (the worst parts) of the upcoming hangover by replacing the sugars and minerals you've been peeing out all night, in advance.

A sachet of Dioralyte is perfect but if none available, make a substitute with half a teaspoon of salt and 3 or 4 spoonfuls of sugar in a third of a pint of lukewarm water (a paracetamol wouldn't hurt, either)

Then down at least a pint of water (or fruit juice).

Failing that, if you wake up with a hangover cuz you never put any prevention measures in place, a shot of Fernet Branca will do the trick, quick time.


But you'll still be dehydrated and lacking minerals so get some water/fruit-juice, salt and sugar inside you. You'll soon feel better.

Edited by SebD
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After years of experimentation, the best cure for a hangover, for me anyway, is a strong Bloody Mary, with lots of Tabasco or better yet, horse radish.

These days after a night out drinking, I try to drink 1/2 liter of water and eat something greasy before going to bed. It prevents the hangover from starting.

Oh, and an effective preventive measure--not a cure--which is considerably less extreme than "don't drink at all," haha, is to drink a bottle of water for every 2-3 beers or so. I try to stick with it whenever I can. I mean, really, 1 bottle of water for ever 1 beer would be ideal, but that doesn't make for a very fun night out!

I've often done the 1xBeer/1xWater method when I was feeling frail or knew it was gonna be a humungous session and I had to be "OK" next day.

Still got squiffy enough to be daft (maybe it was on atmosphere) but I never got a hangover.

Very sound advice, Ajaan. burp.gif

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I used to work on a commercial diving vessel. This is relevant because on this vessel was the only legal cure for a hangover I have ever come across. We used to get in the deco chamber and blow down to 40m or so on air. At that depth you get nitorgen narcosis which is a very nice high.

5 - 10 minutes at that depth and then deco back up and you feel fine.

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I used to work on a commercial diving vessel. This is relevant because on this vessel was the only legal cure for a hangover I have ever come across. We used to get in the deco chamber and blow down to 40m or so on air. At that depth you get nitorgen narcosis which is a very nice high.

5 - 10 minutes at that depth and then deco back up and you feel fine.

Good point, as a former scuba diver, I used to use my air cylinder next day to get some oxygen into my lungs and clear the hangover debris (I also went out with a nurse who claimed all the docs and nurses in the General Hospital would be sucking on the oxygen cylinders after a heavy night out).

Best cure of all is to force yourself out of bed and hit the surf, maybe even catch a good wave or three, before 7am.

That's the single best way I know of to truly fill your body with pure ozone (and a Mars Bar after you come out of the water don't hurt, neither).

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dec, on 27 Jan 2014 - 00:11, said:

4 egg whites, banana , couple scoops of natural yogurt & half pint of milk blended up. .....if this doesn't work, take half aspirin & paracetamol with coffee or coke (anything with caffeine) .... if this doesn't work... only option is more alcohol wink.png

How can you make that with a hangover........................blink.png

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As KarenBravo said earlier, if available, a couple of good blasts of oxygen to clear out the blood stream. I never found anything better or faster getting rid of a hangover.

One of the main reasons I did scuba diving many years ago. And probably the reason I have been dry since 1999; got p'ed off carrying the bottles about with me..............wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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The best cure for a "hangover" is not to drink alcohol to excess !

It is only the moronic who suffer "hangovers" smile.png

Now now..., everyone slips once or twice in life. Other who do more..., well, little sympathy but....,

ENO Mak Mak. I prefer orange flavor. In combo with at least 5 litres water in 8 hours. It's like flushing a toilet but slower. clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The best cure for a "hangover" is not to drink alcohol to excess !

It is only the moronic who suffer "hangovers" smile.png

Now now..., everyone slips once or twice in life. If you haven't "bravo!" Others who do more..., well, little sympathy but....,

ENO Mak Mak! I prefer orange flavor. In combo with at least 5 litres water in 8 hours. It's like flushing a toilet but slower.

Dean Martin once said..., "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, they feel as good as they will feel all day! clap2.gif clap2.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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Paracetamol is bad for your liver and even worse when you combine it with alcohol. I try to avoid medication when possible.

Most people have already mentioned these but combining them together helps knock out a bad hangover. Lots of water (rehydrate!), lots of caffeine (found in some pain medication), eggs and bananas and fatty food (supposed to help the body release oxytocin), vitamin b super complex, and lots of sex or self relief (also releases oxytocin and other chemicals), and if you can scrounge it up a shot of oxygen but I unfortunately don't have easy access to that!

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Plain ole O2....just don't eat any greasy foods until after you do the oxygen

or else you'll have a nasty fire on your face. Medical O2 (the kind you want),

is available in small bottles with mask & regulator at nearly every medical

supply biz in LOS. Just Google for em....they're out there.

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The best cure for a "hangover" is not to drink alcohol to excess !

It is only the moronic who suffer "hangovers" smile.png

That's not a cure! That's called hindsight which is allways 20/20 smile.png

Did you just call me a moron??

Seems that you are still drunk.

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