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Cambodian citizens implicated in murder of Thai protester in Bang-na


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"If not, they could be Thai gunmen who were paid to attack the protesters, he said, describing caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, and her elder brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as extremely cruel."

Now this really makes me laugh. This is like the pot calling the kettle black. What an idiot he is. I guess he forgets what he did 3 years ago or maybe he thinks he did righ to kill 90 people.

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"If not, they could be Thai gunmen who were paid to attack the protesters, he said, describing caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, and her elder brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as extremely cruel."

Now this really makes me laugh. This is like the pot calling the kettle black. What an idiot he is. I guess he forgets what he did 3 years ago or maybe he thinks he did righ to kill 90 people.

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fab4 post # 58

Or the ramblings of madmen?

You're the expert on ''madmen'' as we regularly see by your posts supporting those who are along with you endorsing the despots manifold corrupt ridden policies and actions.

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fab4 post # 58

Or the ramblings of madmen?

You're the expert on ''madmen'' as we regularly see by your posts supporting those who are along with you endorsing the despots manifold corrupt ridden policies and actions.

you must be talikg about suthep when he was in office after being APPOINTED. Right? Thank you.

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Yes, 80 alleged Cambodian Special Forces snipers failed to kill more than one ?? The probability of that being true are about as true as me getting noshed off by Heidi Klumm!!

The ramblings of this man knows no bounds, sure, a single death is a tragedy, but they can't even agree as to what happened on the ground, and they want reformation?? ..whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

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Don't know who actually is involved in this but it seems to me the only people who are on a daily basis, getting bombed, shot at and ultimately murdered are the protestors.

you should read all the stories. there plenty of NON PROTESTERS getting hurt buy suthep and his gang of hired thugs.

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fab4 post # 58

Or the ramblings of madmen?

You're the expert on ''madmen'' as we regularly see by your posts supporting those who are along with you endorsing the despots manifold corrupt ridden policies and actions.

When you resort to flaming, siampolee, you lose what little credibility you have.

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So Suthep says it may be a Cambodian and this rates a news story? At least he can supply a credible source for such an inflammatory story, can't he? No? Then please don't repeat more of his outrageous statements as "news." Propaganda should be left in the streets where it originated.

there are tons of light evidence that some Cambodians (soldiers?) have been imported. But for you it is most probably also just propaganda that Suthin was shot at the same time from 2 directions and in the head, which clearly shows that it was planed by someone who knows about shooting.

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Suthin Tarathin, a staunch, leading protester, was shot dead and five others injured as they blockaded the advance election at the polling booth at Wat Sri-eam. It was believed that they were shot by gunmen from the rooftop of nearby buildings.

Seems a lot more likely to me he was shot by the red shirts who attacked them, not by a Khmer special forces sniper on a rooftop...

How about he was shot by suthep's onw hired guns? Possible?????

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Don't know who actually is involved in this but it seems to me the only people who are on a daily basis, getting bombed, shot at and ultimately murdered are the protestors.

you should read all the stories. there plenty of NON PROTESTERS getting hurt buy suthep and his gang of hired thugs.

I don't know of any case, but even if it would be true, how does it justify to pay 2 snipers to shoot someone in the head?

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"If not, they could be Thai gunmen who were paid to attack the protesters, he said, describing caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, and her elder brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as extremely cruel."

Now this really makes me laugh. This is like the pot calling the kettle black. What an idiot he is. I guess he forgets what he did 3 years ago or maybe he thinks he did righ to kill 90 people.

2010 and now? Apples and oranges. Nuff said.

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80 snipers on rooftops? that's the equivalent of an army company. Why would you need 80? The entire point of a sniper is because they can shoot well; therefore, you should only need one good one.

Because Bangkok is big and one sniper can't be everywhere at the same time.

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Suthin Tarathin, a staunch, leading protester, was shot dead and five others injured as they blockaded the advance election at the polling booth at Wat Sri-eam. It was believed that they were shot by gunmen from the rooftop of nearby buildings.

Seems a lot more likely to me he was shot by the red shirts who attacked them, not by a Khmer special forces sniper on a rooftop...

How about he was shot by suthep's onw hired guns? Possible?????

Yes possible, they had their orders "shoot Yingluck" and after getting the sun on their heads (2 sniper) they confused him with Yingluck...extremely possible...

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So Suthep says it may be a Cambodian and this rates a news story? At least he can supply a credible source for such an inflammatory story, can't he? No? Then please don't repeat more of his outrageous statements as "news." Propaganda should be left in the streets where it originated.

I agree, 80 snipers on roof tops? the guy was probably shot because he was preventing other Thais from casting their votes, yet there will always be "someone" who will publish inflammanatory false statements for good reading! Cnn comes to mind. and maybe the nation? or thai visa forum?

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Cambodian gunmen might be involved

the gunmen may have been hired from the Cambodian Special Warfare Unit

The gunmen might have been sent back to their country

based on what evidence? awesome reporting!

who were they? how many were they? how does he know they are cambodians? Of course! the nation said so!

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Does anyone else not think it is time that Khun Suthep started using his mouth instead of his ass for making press statements!

Yes... and no.

Yes, because it would be nice to hear some coherent political statements for a change. And no, because PT don't bother so why should he?

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fab4 post # 58

Or the ramblings of madmen?

You're the expert on ''madmen'' as we regularly see by your posts supporting those who are along with you endorsing the despots manifold corrupt ridden policies and actions.

When you resort to flaming, siampolee, you lose what little credibility you have.

That's simply stunning statement. You aren't in a position to call anyone out. So practically fab4, by your own admission, you have no credibility left. Thanks for admitting it. Keep up good work siampolee. wai2.gif

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Don't know who actually is involved in this but it seems to me the only people who are on a daily basis, getting bombed, shot at and ultimately murdered are the protestors.

Not correct out of the 10 people that have died 4 has been red shirts. Only since the people have started to take action against the people that are voilating their constitutional rights have it been protesters and it will get worst before it gets better.

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[suthep] called on commanders of the three armed forces to assign military personnel to protect people who have been exercising their constitutional rights.

What about the voters?

Er, good question.

They seemingly do not matter.

Except to the Government and PM.

Edited by philw
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When I saw the video of the shooting on youtube, one thing that struck me was the the black-dressed guys who went to beat up the survivors in the truck, grabbed a Thai flag-stick from one of the wounded men and proceeded to use it as a weapon and beat the people over the head with it, also beating the car with the Thai flag. I was assuming that white truck was where Suthin lay dying, and these guys were beating him and the other injured people using stolen Thai flag-sticks as weapons. My own feelings is that all people on red and yellow sides are proud of the Thai flag and what it represents, and wouldn't use it to smash car windows and beat peoples heads in. It just struck me as odd when I saw it.

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When I saw the video of the shooting on youtube, one thing that struck me was the the black-dressed guys who went to beat up the survivors in the truck, grabbed a Thai flag-stick from one of the wounded men and proceeded to use it as a weapon and beat the people over the head with it, also beating the car with the Thai flag. I was assuming that white truck was where Suthin lay dying, and these guys were beating him and the other injured people using stolen Thai flag-sticks as weapons. My own feelings is that all people on red and yellow sides are proud of the Thai flag and what it represents, and wouldn't use it to smash car windows and beat peoples heads in. It just struck me as odd when I saw it.

Oh please. Lets not go down the "Thai wouldn't use a thai flag to hurt someone because they love their country so much".

Thais never shoot each other right?

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