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The US is not biased: US State Department; Thai-US relations


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I'm sure Americans are appalled at seeing voting precincts blocked. A reminder of their not too distant past. If it happened today, not only would police break up any protest, but voters themselves would attack!

When someone breaks the law in the US, and works outside Wall Street and Hollywood, the domestic armed forces will stop at nothing in apprehending the suspects.

Does anyone remember the final chase in the movie the Blues Brothers? "Unnecessary violence in apprehending Elwood and Jake Blues has been approved."

NOT sure where you are going here, but in America they don't block voting precincts, they just don't have you registered or allow you to cast your vote because you are black and in a swing district. Vote rigging is rampant in the USA.

Between the electronic counting machines, chads, the non-registration of constituents, and the trusty ol' US Supreme Court -- which decides insanely "let's not continue to count the votes because if we did Dubya won't be elected". I shit you not. That is EXACTLY how the USA runs its fraudulent elections.

Here in Thailand they typically try to monetarily bribe the constituents. In America the propaganda machine captures their minds so they think one whitewashed Mafia Don is somehow better than the other.

More conspiracy drivel from samuidave rolleyes.gif Hey dave lay off the YABA and just enjoy those Samui sunsets thumbsup.gif

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I m not an American but I get p....d when I see all this stupid remarks. America or better the US is still an example of freedom and democracy. I believe a majority of people worldwide would like to exchange their government to an American style one. It was America who has given many countries the democracy including half of Europe after the war. It was America who helped Germany for example to be what it is today. Without the pressure and the muscles of the US the soviet empire would be still their and Millions of people would be still livening in a communist regime. It's not all great what they are doing but the positive things are more than the negative ones.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

blabth, Well said, and you can add Japan and South Korea along with Germany! The U.S. definately does not always make all the right moves, but they have given much more than they have received over the years and they are not an imperial power like most of the worlds great powers over the centuries have been thumbsup.gif

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Well it certainly does not help when protesters sell and wear Nazi T-shirts and their singers wear Nazi T-shirts and perform on the protest stages. How can they expect support from the International community when they do that? Also, it doesn't help when you threaten to seize the US embassy as part of your anti-government protests. I mean, talk about seizing US embassies and Americans rightly would think about Benghazi.

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did you say the US oesnt block voting preciencts?

you are apparently unaware of the Black Panthers manning polling stations, scaring away white voters,

and the 108% of the vote that Obama received, mostly from dead people

I'm sure Americans are appalled at seeing voting precincts blocked. A reminder of their not too distant past. If it happened today, not only would police break up any protest, but voters themselves would attack!

When someone breaks the law in the US, and works outside Wall Street and Hollywood, the domestic armed forces will stop at nothing in apprehending the suspects.

Does anyone remember the final chase in the movie the Blues Brothers? "Unnecessary violence in apprehending Elwood and Jake Blues has been approved."

NOT sure where you are going here, but in America they don't block voting precincts, they just don't have you registered or allow you to cast your vote because you are black and in a swing district. Vote rigging is rampant in the USA.

Between the electronic counting machines, chads, the non-registration of constituents, and the trusty ol' US Supreme Court -- which decides insanely "let's not continue to count the votes because if we did Dubya won't be elected". I shit you not. That is EXACTLY how the USA runs its fraudulent elections.

Here in Thailand they typically try to monetarily bribe the constituents. In America the propaganda machine captures their minds so they think one whitewashed Mafia Don is somehow better than the other.

You are still having problems with the fact that a Black man was elected as President of the U.S.,

Same-same what is happening in Thailand the old power structure can not except the fact that Thaskin

raised the political awareness of the less affluent citizens of Thailand and they found out the power of their vote! They will not vote for those that do not look out for their interest, as has been documented in all Thai elections since 2011.

Lot of the hate aimed at Obama is that he is the new Black manager in town, and he looks out for those Americans that never were welcome into the American Dream, they are now taking over, a little each election and finally can share that pie!

You forgot to mention how Bush and his brother stole the Election from Al Gore in Florida!


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From day one the USA has made it clear it supports the elected government. That was the appropriate response at the time and its position has not changed. I very much doubt that the Suthep antics are high on the Washington agenda. They support the status quo.

Nonsense. Show us all the links to where the USA has specifically supported Yingluck, Thaksin or PTP.

The USA has quite rightly supported freedom of expression, freedom of protest, democracy and the rule of law. The last to are unfortunately sadly missing from Thai politics.

The USA has also quite rightly appealed for non violence, and for resolution through dialogue.

All the pro-PTP sympathizer like to pretend, just like No.1 cousin, that the words the USA and other foreign governments say can be interpreted how they want.

You are a very troubled person!

How many interpretations are there of "We support democratic elections"?

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From day one the USA has made it clear it supports the elected government. That was the appropriate response at the time and its position has not changed. I very much doubt that the Suthep antics are high on the Washington agenda. They support the status quo.

Yes elected, but I am sure they would not support government that has broke several the laws. And riddle with massive corruptions. And don't tell me that other people are corrupt too? It is not the point. If anyone talk about election in reference the basis of democracy, then the idea that government must also govern with ethical and fair value. This is as important. So that being the case, does YS violate that definition? If that is violated, then the citizens have to rights to take the country back from the elected officials. They are no longer fit to be governing. If they are not guilty of anything, let them defend themselves and after all is done, then we can hold an election. That would be the democratic way. An election would just be a waste of time and that is why this election proposed by an illegitimate is illegitimate.

Edited by aimbc
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For those saying "who cares". The US government pays Thailand 300million baht per year in aid, the majority going to the military. So the army certainly cares.

That is quite interesting. I will bet the money was lobbied by defense contractors to sell US product to Thailand. So it's not really a handout to Thailand, but again, US corruption style for the defense industry.

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The US has always been biased. It is to only serve their best interest overseas. You can't blame them they have the power and money to back it up. Foreign Aid plays a big part in this. They want a foot hole in Thailand like back during the Vietnam War. A naval port would be sweet to them.

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The US has always been biased. It is to only serve their best interest overseas. You can't blame them they have the power and money to back it up. Foreign Aid plays a big part in this. They want a foot hole in Thailand like back during the Vietnam War. A naval port would be sweet to them.

The one thing that the USA will not do is give open support to any committee. They will publicly ignore it, knowing that eventually there will be an election.

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For those saying "who cares". The US government pays Thailand 300million baht per year in aid, the majority going to the military. So the army certainly cares.

Pure BS.

If you think not, supply proof.

Historically, Thailand has not been a major recipient of U.S. development aid.

In February 2008, a little over a week after a Shinawatra ally was confirmed as prime minister, then-U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte certified to Congress that Thailand was once again under a democratically elected government.

For fiscal 2014, the administration has requested $4.6 million in democracy and governance aid to Thailand, compared with $5.5 million in military aid.

Thanks for confirming Snig27's error when he misstated when aid was resumed.

My own error was misreading the 300 million as dollars, not baht, as dollars would logically be the currency that the USA sends to Thailand.

That the aid was "raised" this year to 10 million dollars reflects the relatively puny amounts that the USA gives to Thailand, confirmed by the first quoted line.

p.s. I chuckled at the article's soft use of "ally" to describe Samak, when he himself proudly boasted of being Thaksin's nominee proxy.


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The Yanks will go with anyone who backs the TPP

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My guess is that those who are under the queen will also.

Especially when the other "indecisive" countries as Britain, Australian, Canada and New Zealand, just meekly tag along.

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someone in government told my wife that the current Thai administration has defaulted on some kind of loan made by the US to Thailand

they have not paid anything for 5 months

maybe that's why they are so interested in the situation and support Yingluck

they want to get paid.....

Who knows.

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someone in government told my wife that the current Thai administration has defaulted on some kind of loan made by the US to Thailand

they have not paid anything for 5 months

maybe that's why they are so interested in the situation and support Yingluck

they want to get paid.....

Who knows.

Indeed, speculation fueled by hearsay.

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Totally amazed at the number of expert US government foreign affairs spokes persons posting a pethora of unvetted US positions to this website . It begs the question of which nation is the dumbest, the Thais or the US! If the US government was to sack these people for ignorance and stupidity, the government would be able to support medicare!

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