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Chalerm tells protesters to leave govt offices in 72 hours or face arrests

Lite Beer

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how about give then 12 hours. And then move in and move them if necessary. Could you please then move them away from Asoke-Sukhumvit intersection and then from Silom Rd. I just took a walk along both sites today. It was early morning at Asoke and not much happening. Silom on the other hand is an absolute circus. Screeching karaoke grandmas and opportunistic vendors flogging fake watches and hello kitty knock-offs. The face of the democratic movement. What a joke. An excuse for some karaoke from some under-empoyed grannies, thugs, bullies and layabouts - and of course the street vendors, to f@#$k up life for ordinary citizens.

it may have escaped you attention Mr Johnson but most of the people demonstrating are ordinary citizens. At least my extended family are.

Well if you love your family, and I'm sure you do, I strongly sugest you advise them to abandon their attempt to shut down democracy and shuffle off back to the mall for a spot of shopping. I fear things are going to get ugly the next few days before the election

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The authority should make available transports for those who want to go home to their provinces.

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Transportation throughout Bangkok is available and if they choose, they can go home to their provinces. They got there, I think they should know their way home. Or are you suggesting that someone should pay their way home?

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If they are fighting for a better Thailand, against corruption, why are the protests full of knock-off vendors? Is this a sign that anti-piracy laws won't be respected once Suthep comes to power?

Suthep will not be coming to power, even when your DL and his cronies are forced out.

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If they are fighting for a better Thailand, against corruption, why are the protests full of knock-off vendors? Is this a sign that anti-piracy laws won't be respected once Suthep comes to power?

Because they pick and choose what laws they want to follow and what they don't like. Like the protesters like to mention their democratic right to non-violent protest, but then say they are against democratic elections. They are just criminals with no consistent policy and now look like barbarians in front of the world.

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If they are fighting for a better Thailand, against corruption, why are the protests full of knock-off vendors? Is this a sign that anti-piracy laws won't be respected once Suthep comes to power?

Oh come on - that's on a completely different scale.

People selling pirate DVDs no matter how disgusting is no way as bad as Governors, politicians and middle men picking up millions upon millions of baht through robbing the treasury, where deals are being signed off for deliveries paid for by the taxpayer where a handful of greedy fat scum take their own cut before any delivery is made and sometimes where no delivery is made at all, but still the payments are made. Who loses out? Not only the taxpayers but the people the deliveries are meant for, i.e. their own voters.

This isn't Thaksin being some Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor; he only cares about money and power. If he did, why has he suddenly become far richer since PTP have got into power, shouldn't the bulk of money go to the poor and its voters?

No wonder that some of even their own (PTP) and certain members of the Police are privately saying that corruption has gotten out of control over the last couple of years, this isn't about the odd missing 1000 baht, it's on a far bigger magnitude, it's daylight robbery and disgusting.

Ok lets look ... net wealth in 2001 1.2B, net wealth 2013 1.7 B


Head of agribusiness Charoen Pokphand, Dhanin Chearavanont 2008 net wealth 2b 2013 net wealth 12.7b

Please go have a look at the top 10 of Thialand and see how he compares

its not rocket science Thaksin had most of it frozen mid 2000s and had some returned to him in 2012...everyone else in the same table has done far far better, honestly I dont like the guy but please, please stop just repeating rhetoric and try looking for the solid evidence and compare his supposed "vast" wealth with others .. its not anywhere in the same league and the main reason I do not buy into this hes the biggest thief in Thai history theory.

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If they are fighting for a better Thailand, against corruption, why are the protests full of knock-off vendors? Is this a sign that anti-piracy laws won't be respected once Suthep comes to power?

Oh come on - that's on a completely different scale.

People selling pirate DVDs no matter how disgusting is no way as bad as Governors, politicians and middle men picking up millions upon millions of baht through robbing the treasury, where deals are being signed off for deliveries paid for by the taxpayer where a handful of greedy fat scum take their own cut before any delivery is made and sometimes where no delivery is made at all, but still the payments are made. Who loses out? Not only the taxpayers but the people the deliveries are meant for, i.e. their own voters.

This isn't Thaksin being some Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor; he only cares about money and power. If he did, why has he suddenly become far richer since PTP have got into power, shouldn't the bulk of money go to the poor and its voters?

No wonder that some of even their own (PTP) and certain members of the Police are privately saying that corruption has gotten out of control over the last couple of years, this isn't about the odd missing 1000 baht, it's on a far bigger magnitude, it's daylight robbery and disgusting.

Ok lets look ... net wealth in 2001 1.2B, net wealth 2013 1.7 B


Head of agribusiness Charoen Pokphand, Dhanin Chearavanont 2008 net wealth 2b 2013 net wealth 12.7b

Please go have a look at the top 10 of Thialand and see how he compares

its not rocket science Thaksin had most of it frozen mid 2000s and had some returned to him in 2012...everyone else in the same table has done far far better, honestly I dont like the guy but please, please stop just repeating rhetoric and try looking for the solid evidence and compare his supposed "vast" wealth with others .. its not anywhere in the same league and the main reason I do not buy into this hes the biggest thief in Thai history theory.

Good luck with facts and balanced information here. But it's not what the mob wants.

Any brick they can throw will do. Any newcomer to Thailand becomes an immediate authority with a copy and paste sentence or two. They've got their bloody head on a pike and whipping boy. Why spoil the fun. It's convenient. It's against something, it's Thaksin.

Educating themselves and gaining a balanced point of view, not happening here. In the US it's called Swift Boating, a political tactic the Republicans perfected in savaging an opponent with falsehoods and half truths to win elections. It's on display here daily, in every thread.

Used daily to savage anyone from the PM on down in government and change the subject from Suthep's insanities and his supporters breaking the laws. It's just rhetoric, meaningless and distracts from an informative discussion.

Edited by LadPhrao123
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how about give then 12 hours. And then move in and move them if necessary. Could you please then move them away from Asoke-Sukhumvit intersection and then from Silom Rd. I just took a walk along both sites today. It was early morning at Asoke and not much happening. Silom on the other hand is an absolute circus. Screeching karaoke grandmas and opportunistic vendors flogging fake watches and hello kitty knock-offs. The face of the democratic movement. What a joke. An excuse for some karaoke from some under-empoyed grannies, thugs, bullies and layabouts - and of course the street vendors, to f@#$k up life for ordinary citizens.

it may have escaped you attention Mr Johnson but most of the people demonstrating are ordinary citizens. At least my extended family are.

Could you let us know what your extended family - ordinary citizens as they are - think of uneducated rural Thai people? Do they look down on them with contempt or do they respect their views as fellow Thais? Or are they themselves poor rural folk? Please let us know as this should be quite enlightening. Thanks.

Edited by 15Peter20
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uh huh I know ladphrao but occasionally someone bothers to go check im not making it up and then they might just start to think for themselves and check other wild claims :)

Funny thing is I was one of the first here to say about Thaksin and the corrupting and family appointments and the drug involved killing spree when TV first started. The uproar and hate i got back was so intense and ridiculous i stopped posting here for years he was the darling and incorruptible Thaksin then tough on crime and who cared about people being shot they wrere all druggies anyway so who cares etc etc... oh how things have changed, im still just posting facts and evidence as i can find them. Now i get mistaken for pro Thaksin and people still prefer market gossip or group think mentality based theory.

same thing, same idiots, different decade whistling.gif

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uh huh I know ladphrao but occasionally someone bothers to go check im not making it up and then they might just start to think for themselves and check other wild claims smile.png

Funny thing is I was one of the first here to say about Thaksin and the corrupting and family appointments and the drug involved killing spree when TV first started. The uproar and hate i got back was so intense and ridiculous i stopped posting here for years he was the darling and incorruptible Thaksin then tough on crime and who cared about people being shot they wrere all druggies anyway so who cares etc etc... oh how things have changed, im still just posting facts and evidence as i can find them. Now i get mistaken for pro Thaksin and people still prefer market gossip or group think mentality based theory.

same thing, same idiots, different decade whistling.gif

Thanks for enriching the conversation :-) This does seem to be a characteristic of human nature exposed courtesy of the anonymous blog, only the time frame has changed. Interesting your background.

I wasn't here during Thaksin's time in office. The monolithic and monotonous clamor over Thaksin made me suspicious and has had me going back and trying to understand what happened there, what were the achievements, what was valid criticism. Not easy, he's a polarizing figure but i did come away with enough to say the anti-thaksin mob is often enough just that.

I guess at this point I'm anti the anti-Thaksin crowd with exceptions for the thoughtful ones. I'm still digging and can't say I know for a certainty if/how grievous his flaws were or not for the people of Thailand. Fortunately there are some good writers out there if you look. The real prize is a better understanding of Thai history, politics and culture.

keep up the good and balanced views

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....the emergency decree was deemed unconstitutional and therefore illegal....

...so his actions are therefore criminal.....so what is going on....

If I remember correctly, it was a former judge who said it was unconstitutional. However, the Constitutional Court is holding an "emergency hearing" this week to determine if it is illegal or not.

The law says The PM with cabinet approval. it does not say anything about caretakers.

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The police should have been used to prevent them taking position in the first place. Regardless of the rights or wrongs of their cause blockading legitimate govt functions and major intersections wouldnt be tolerated for a second in most western democracies. Thats what the Riot Squad is for!

This Childrens Crusade has gone on way too long.

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how about give then 12 hours. And then move in and move them if necessary. Could you please then move them away from Asoke-Sukhumvit intersection and then from Silom Rd. I just took a walk along both sites today. It was early morning at Asoke and not much happening. Silom on the other hand is an absolute circus. Screeching karaoke grandmas and opportunistic vendors flogging fake watches and hello kitty knock-offs. The face of the democratic movement. What a joke. An excuse for some karaoke from some under-empoyed grannies, thugs, bullies and layabouts - and of course the street vendors, to f@#$k up life for ordinary citizens.

it may have escaped you attention Mr Johnson but most of the people demonstrating are ordinary citizens. At least my extended family are.

They are ordinary citizens? So what? Really, what has that got to do with anything?

These demonstrations are a major bl*#dy inconvenience and the protestors should go home and get on with their 'ordinary citizen' lives. No disrespect to your family but these protestors dont represent the majority of Thais and these demonstrations are anti-democratic, not democratic.

'Absolute democracy' is a wonderfully oxymoronic (or just moronic maybe?) term that says it all, doesnt it?

If these 'ordinary' citizens knew much more about democracy than some vague notions they would realise how ridiculous this whole shutdown thing is, regardless of the rights or wrongs of their cause (Im not taking sides here, I just abhor the method).

My extended Thai family are ordinary citizens too but they dont want any part of this foolishness.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It must be quite disheartening forever giving ultimatums that no one ever takes any notice of.

Yeah, I'm getting tired of Suthep's "tomorrow the government will fall!" too.

It'll be interesting which one of them wins this round. Two mad dogs with nothing to lose.

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As an ex-pat who has been living in Thailand since 2001 I follow the politics of the nation even though I can have no impact on them.

I am particularly distressed by the blocking of polling places by the minions of Suthep.

They do have the right to protest but to prevent people from voting is not only illegal it is shameful.

It also shows that they know that they are not in the majority of Thais and cannot win a vote.

I think that Suthep should have been arrested by now. Not for exercising his right to protest but for inciting people to commit illegal acts.

And those who are blocking polling places should be summarily arrested for preventing others from exercising their constitutional right whether you agree with them or not.

I am ashamed to admit that the same thing is happening in my country (USA) where the Republicans are passing laws preventing minorities from voting because those persons tend to vote for Democrats.

The similarity does not end there. Republicans represent the wealthier classes as does Suthep and Abhasit and their party.

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As an ex-pat who has been living in Thailand since 2001 I follow the politics of the nation even though I can have no impact on them.

I am particularly distressed by the blocking of polling places by the minions of Suthep.

They do have the right to protest but to prevent people from voting is not only illegal it is shameful.

It also shows that they know that they are not in the majority of Thais and cannot win a vote.

I think that Suthep should have been arrested by now. Not for exercising his right to protest but for inciting people to commit illegal acts.

And those who are blocking polling places should be summarily arrested for preventing others from exercising their constitutional right whether you agree with them or not.

I am ashamed to admit that the same thing is happening in my country (USA) where the Republicans are passing laws preventing minorities from voting because those persons tend to vote for Democrats.

The similarity does not end there. Republicans represent the wealthier classes as does Suthep and Abhasit and their party.

You are pretty mixed up. They are on the streets to shutdown Bangkok and restart thailand with a better system. They are tired of PTP vote buying. The illegal actions is the violence of red shirts.

Forming a protest to take a stand against a gov't that does not honor the law and is a puppet system operated by a fugitive from abroad IS A SERIOUS CRIME??!!! What other method do you propose to stop PTP without violence? You don't support peaceful formation of demonstrations? You prefer what ? Is the china method a good alternative? Food for thought.

The dem/republican thing is the same group of charlatans buddy, with a few that don't follow the pack; Ron Paul, Ted Cruz and a handful of others. They have the same handlers, lobbyists, globalists. They trick you into division of parties and get people fighting among themselves (gay vs. straight, white vs. black-all this nonsense) while behind doors, they are securing deals we don't even know about..... They eat at the same table, meet at the same conferences and attend the same Bilderburg meetings.

Some basic research will be an epiphany to you- if it is true you have been here since 2001- but it sure reads like you're resided here for far less time than that given your perspective on how this demonstration is 'so illegal.'

Edited by gemini81
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As an ex-pat who has been living in Thailand since 2001 I follow the politics of the nation even though I can have no impact on them.

I am particularly distressed by the blocking of polling places by the minions of Suthep.

They do have the right to protest but to prevent people from voting is not only illegal it is shameful.

It also shows that they know that they are not in the majority of Thais and cannot win a vote.

I think that Suthep should have been arrested by now. Not for exercising his right to protest but for inciting people to commit illegal acts.

And those who are blocking polling places should be summarily arrested for preventing others from exercising their constitutional right whether you agree with them or not.

I am ashamed to admit that the same thing is happening in my country (USA) where the Republicans are passing laws preventing minorities from voting because those persons tend to vote for Democrats.

The similarity does not end there. Republicans represent the wealthier classes as does Suthep and Abhasit and their party.

You are pretty mixed up. They are on the streets to shutdown Bangkok and restart thailand with a better system. They are tired of PTP vote buying. The illegal actions is the violence of red shirts.

Forming a protest to take a stand against a gov't that does not honor the law and is a puppet system operated by a fugitive from abroad IS A SERIOUS CRIME??!!! What other method do you propose to stop PTP without violence? You don't support peaceful formation of demonstrations? You prefer what ? Is the china method a good alternative? Food for thought.

The dem/republican thing is the same group of charlatans buddy, with a few that don't follow the pack; Ron Paul, Ted Cruz and a handful of others. They have the same handlers, lobbyists, globalists. They trick you into division of parties and get people fighting among themselves (gay vs. straight, white vs. black-all this nonsense) while behind doors, they are securing deals we don't even know about..... They eat at the same table, meet at the same conferences and attend the same Bilderburg meetings.

Some basic research will be an epiphany to you- if it is true you have been here since 2001- but it sure reads like you're resided here for far less time than that given your perspective on how this demonstration is 'so illegal.'

Prevent people to vote is a crime and an infringement of human rights.

Let the government collapse by itself under their mistakes and let a common panel make reforms...

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What other method do you propose to stop PTP without violence?

errrm, try forming a party with policies that will win the hearts and minds of the nation. Not difficult is it? After all you claim the population will votre a certain way for a poxy 1000bhat. If you have a part which will really benefit everyone surely it wald be a walk in the park.

All Suthep is doing to going on about Taksin. Drop that, and start talking about the immediate benefits the people will get when they vote for your party. Put the money where his mouth is.

If you don't do that it's just another greedy, rich Thai (gang) trying to rob more and jockey for power for their own selfish, greedy, snivelling needs.

Edited by classic-chassis
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the sheer stupidity of Chalerm defies belief, and make Thailand less,

once people read someone like Chalerm they think,

like what is this a joke , do they really want us to believe this stuff,

the poor Isaan rice crop, you traitor Chalerm given to the Government in pledges, no funds returned.

worse even, much worse, arise from the depths of depravity Thaksin,

and point the sword to yourself

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As an ex-pat who has been living in Thailand since 2001 I follow the politics of the nation even though I can have no impact on them.

I am particularly distressed by the blocking of polling places by the minions of Suthep.

They do have the right to protest but to prevent people from voting is not only illegal it is shameful.

It also shows that they know that they are not in the majority of Thais and cannot win a vote.

I think that Suthep should have been arrested by now. Not for exercising his right to protest but for inciting people to commit illegal acts.

And those who are blocking polling places should be summarily arrested for preventing others from exercising their constitutional right whether you agree with them or not.

I am ashamed to admit that the same thing is happening in my country (USA) where the Republicans are passing laws preventing minorities from voting because those persons tend to vote for Democrats.

The similarity does not end there. Republicans represent the wealthier classes as does Suthep and Abhasit and their party.

You are pretty mixed up. They are on the streets to shutdown Bangkok and restart thailand with a better system. They are tired of PTP vote buying. The illegal actions is the violence of red shirts.

Forming a protest to take a stand against a gov't that does not honor the law and is a puppet system operated by a fugitive from abroad IS A SERIOUS CRIME??!!! What other method do you propose to stop PTP without violence? You don't support peaceful formation of demonstrations? You prefer what ? Is the china method a good alternative? Food for thought.

The dem/republican thing is the same group of charlatans buddy, with a few that don't follow the pack; Ron Paul, Ted Cruz and a handful of others. They have the same handlers, lobbyists, globalists. They trick you into division of parties and get people fighting among themselves (gay vs. straight, white vs. black-all this nonsense) while behind doors, they are securing deals we don't even know about..... They eat at the same table, meet at the same conferences and attend the same Bilderburg meetings.

Some basic research will be an epiphany to you- if it is true you have been here since 2001- but it sure reads like you're resided here for far less time than that given your perspective on how this demonstration is 'so illegal.'

Prevent people to vote is a crime and an infringement of human rights.

Let the government collapse by itself under their mistakes and let a common panel make reforms...

Just standby as the country sinks economically and let it go down the tubes even further? Risk civil war, further violence, high prices even more drastically? Then a reform, when things are out of control? C'mon, get real.

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