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hi all,

i am after some very good advice please,

to put you in the picture my thai fiancee is now with me in the uk, she got a 6 month visitor visa in march. the reason that she gave the british embassy for her reason to return to thailand was that she was to return in 2 months time to go back to college to start her last year studies at college to get a degree.we planned this so as she would gain a good record and then we hope to marry in january next year and then apply for a settlement visa.the problem now is she is due to return to thailand in 2 weeks time but now we dont want to be apart, she wants to stay in uk for the full 6 months . we are worried that if she does not go back to thailand in 2 weeks time , then when she applies for the settlement visa next year the embassy may look at her previous application and realise that she was given a visitor visa and she said that she would return in 2 months but then did not come back for 6 months, we are worried that this will affect future applications.in short we are trying to figure out if she should just be a good girl and go back in 2 weeks time , or gamble and she will go back after the visa is used, and then next time we apply for the 2 year visa just tell the embassy the truth , which is simply she wanted to stay in uk for the full 6 months and decided not to bother doing the last year at college to get the degree.we have to decide very soon so your advice is very appreciated. the most important thing really is to succede in gaining a settlement visa next year.

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I tend to agree with Vinny

A degree will stand her in good stead for many things and she is so close.

Scouse and others will give their views on staying on to the full visa time and I remember he has commented on this before.

I know its hard to be apart (I am going through this myself) but as I keep telling my wife its only a little time now even if it seems forever - we will have all the time in the world soon.

In the end though its the decision of you both but try and view the long term as well as the immediate!

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I also agree with vinny and prakanong the degree will put her in good stead for the future.

regarding the vv visa she told the embassy that she would return after 2 months, i think that this would be the best thing to do as this is what she said she would do. she could stay for the full six months but like you say the embassy will not like this when you apply for your settlement visa.

iam sure scouse and gu22 will will point you in the right direction

but in the end the decision is up to you both, but i think you should think off the long term.

all the best pete and som :o

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I also agree with all the other replies, she has so much to gain by finishing her degree, and by going back when she said she would will show the Embassy that she has complied with her original statement of return.

Yes i know it is hard to be apart, we have all had to suffer this problem, but you have to look at the big picture, and the knowledge that you will be hopefully together for the rest of your lifes in the near future. Good luck.

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I won't comment upon the degree issue as that is something for you and your fiancée to decide.

In relation to her visit visa, there is no legal impediment to your fiancée staying the full 6 months. However, if her next visa application is to be another visit visa, she could face difficulty. In such a subsequent visa application, the visa officer would question why she stayed 6 months, having said that she'd only stay for 2, and could conclude that as she's packed in her studies, she has no incentive to return to Thailand.

If your fiancée's next visa application is to be a settlement visa, the fact that she stayed 6 months whilst on a visit visa will not directly hinder the application. Indeed, perhaps perversely, it would strengthen it as you will have already spent 6 months living together. With a settlement application, your fiancée would be applying to stay in the UK permanently, so the fact that she previously remained for 6 months whilst on a visit visa would be redundant.

The one question I would have, though, is what do you intend to do in September when her leave to enter expires. At that point, you will have to endure some sort of separation.



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Firstly i would like to thank you all for your replies and sensible advice.

i suppose that in the long run you are all right , the sensible thing is for her to return to thailand and get her degree.she had concidered not bothering with the degree because many people in the uk have said that her degree would not be off much use in the uk( the degree will be in human resourses) personlly i dont know if it would be of use or not.

scouse, you asked what we planned to do if she stayed the full 6 months in uk and then returned to thailand in september. well yes we would have to be apart ,its just that if she goes back now then we will be apart for 7 months and if she went back in september then we would only be apart for 4 months which of course is better than 7 months ( 7 months seems like a very long wait). i plan to go to thailand in january and get married to her and then we want to apply for the settlement visa.

i expect i will have to do the sensible thing and send her back in 2 weeks time.then just look foreward to next year.

thanks again for the thoughtful replies


one thing that i do have to look foreward to ismy team Hereford United will be back in the football league come the new season


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"she had concidered not bothering with the degree because many people in the uk have said that her degree would not be off much use in the uk( the degree will be in human resourses)"

Depends on where she is doing the degree of course but I have Thai colleague with Thai degree's that have studied at some top Uni's in both the UK and North America

Further to that many jobs ask for graduate - it could be graduate in Mayan Pottery but unless you tick that box you will not get an interview.

I work for a large MNC and have worked for a few others. Here again due to red tape you just can not get certain grades of jobs unless you are a graduate or can not be paid as much as a graduate - it may not be right and many non-graduates are excellent but HR (red tape and policies dicatate this).

So it might not get her to the top of the tree but it might get her an interview instead of a rejection letter and once in to a large company it will help getting a higher grade or pay scale.

"one thing that i do have to look foreward to ismy team Hereford United will be back in the football league come the new season"

Congratulations - as a Sunderland supporter I still treasure the day you knocked the Mags out of the cup :o

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thanks mr Prakanong,

i appreciate your advice and i agree it would be much better for my lady to have a degree when she looks for a job in the uk, hewr main problem with job hunting is that she does not speak very good english.

mr Prakanong if you look on this website herefordunited.co.uk and look at the video section you will be able to view ronnie radfords goal on that great day in 1972. good luck to sunderland next year

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