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i heard that there is some law in thailand that online games after 6 pm you cant play becuase the severs are shut down or somthing. i play alot of mmorpg and i am moveing to hua hin in thailand soon. and i want to know if i can still play my online games all day.

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Not true. I often play until morning and sometimes there are up to 30 players, full! There are quite a few servers that are actually hosted by CSLOX (counter strike servers 1, 2 , 3 and 4. Always available 24 hours a day. There are many more servers for other games and never encountered any that were shut down. I think this law applies to internet cafes after 10 pm.

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There is supposedy a law restricting the hours that kids can be in an internet cafe unacompanied by an adult, of course its much better for them to be out on the streets sniffing glue or taking yar bah and terorising little old ladys.

Anyone remember the Ragnarok fiasco ??

what they did was to cut of " unregistered users" from the Ragnorok servers at 10pm, anyone who wanted to play after 10pm had to go to the post office with an application form and ID to proove they where over 18 ( I think it was 18 ) the post office would issue user name and password so they could play all day...what a great scheme :D of course all the kids just went and found someone they knew with and ID card to register an account and everything carried on just as before. :o

Bit like the Sim card registration scheme. :D

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Actually, the Ragnorok post office thing was to register existing users. You first had to signup for Ragnarok then go to the post office. Wait one or two days, and you could play 24 hours. The adult who did the registration had to be in on it... you couldn't just grab any card, since you had to do it in person, and the information had to match the one on the Ragnarok database (ID number, name, etc).

It's from first-hand experience... I was an RO addict for a long time (level 95+ characters without botting). Gave up not too long after bots got widespread. A human can't compete with a computer, and with the admins not doing enough to eradicate them, the game lost its allure.

For other games, it's really up to the company to implement whatever rules. Normal online games, like BF2, are not affected. MMORPGs mostly are not affected, but it depends.

As for the sim registration scheme, I still haven't registered, and haven't seen any consequences yet.

Edited by Firefoxx
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