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Theft In Thailand


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On my last trip to Thailand I was talking with this young man who was backpacking all over Thailand for his 3rd time. The subject of crimes against backpackers came up and he made the statement that he figured that most of the losses or thefts was commited by backpackers robbing other backpackers and very little of the stolen items were being snatched by the Thai employees.

I thought it was an interesting take on the problem.

Do any of you agree with him. Is it the backpackers stealing from their own or is it the Thai staff.

Opinions please.

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On my last trip to Thailand I was talking with this young man who was backpacking all over Thailand for his 3rd time. The subject of crimes against backpackers came up and he made the statement that he figured that most of the losses or thefts was commited by backpackers robbing other backpackers and very little of the stolen items were being snatched by the Thai employees.

I thought it was an interesting take on the problem.

Do any of you agree with him. Is it the backpackers stealing from their own or is it the Thai staff.

Opinions please.

I think there is a lot of truth in the belief that thefts from backpackers are from other backpackers. I wouldn't know the stats regarding percentages, but it wouldn't surprise me if the majority of thefts were backpackers stealing from each other.

totster :D

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in seven years of expat living I´ve been robbed five times.

the first, in thailand as a newbie traveller, by cambodian workers.

THE REST, back packing scum bags. Girls I invite home, me earning my thai baht or Guatemalan quetzal, them on daddy´s credit card, and they rip me off in my own home!!!!

Four times until I got smart and said, "Your hotel or nothing babe":

(this is personal.. on the business side, I shan`t mention HOW MANY Cheap Bastards (farang backpackers) steal things like toilet paper, sugar, salt, toothpicks, etc... from the myriad bars, restauratns I`ve worked at over the years. )

Edited by kayo
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I had my favourite jeans lost/stolen by the hotels laundry service and was given back some cheap pair of jeans.

I made them pay me 1000 baht. they refused at first until I started telling them I will start auctioning the TV and whatever else to raise the cash.

My friend thinks that was out of line but I sure felt better

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Backpackers are usually a financially poor breed and use backpacker hostel accommodation because it is cheap.

Their backpacks can't be locked securely and they usually leave them at the hostel when they take a day tour.

I guess it's a case of the poor robbing the poor. :o

When it comes to your possessions, trust nobody.

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lol .. the anti-backpacker thread ........

There are many types ... if you have ever travelled for 4+ months in a region to get to know it ... you'd know this.

as for unlockable? put my Pak-safe on every time I use mine (only 2 times in the last 2.5 years I have been in country) and never had a problem. And yes I travel with more stuff in my pack than most locals make in a year between the cameras, laptop, ipod etc.

kids do silly stuff ... both as victims and as crooks :o

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Backpackers are usually a financially poor breed and use backpacker hostel accommodation because it is cheap.
Well, probably true to some extent... but.

Studies I've seen on Backpackers demonstrate that they are generally middle class, degree educated, or heading for their degree and generally heading into the professions.

It was one of the issues debated when Thailand announced it was going to crack down on backpackers in favour of upmarket visitors - It turned out, when they checked, that a substantial number of the up market visitors where former backpackers returning with more money in their pockets.

In terms of big theft, backpackers have a way to go before they catch up with the antics of Thais robbing farangs of their homes/savings and the occassional Farang expat con-men.

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