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Fake airport scanners - scamming Brit got gov assist


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I believe that one Khunying P. swore by their efficacy. The claim was that they would work only if the user believed in them. Otherwise not. This went some way to explaining why when tested they were as good as guessing. Clearly those doing the testing didn't believe in them. Multiple hundreds of millions were spent on them. I don't believe that anyone has been charge with malfeasance in Thailand in relation to that procurement. Which goes to show that if you believe in their efficacy enough nothing will convince you otherwise and if you believe hard enough that there wasn't any corruption in their procurement then, well, there wasn't.

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what in the hell has this got to do with Thailand, do the poms feel a bit left out after aussie day or something

Awww, a country that needs it's own special 'day'.

Careful or being from Oz he might use the 'c' word.

And I've had enough of cricket for this winter thanks!

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what in the hell has this got to do with Thailand, do the poms feel a bit left out after aussie day or something

Thai Army and Police force purchased many hundreds of million BHT worth of the devices. They were supposed to sniff out drugs and detect bombs. For the the unit to detect say, cannabis, you purchased a little plastic card like a SIM and stuck it in the plastic handle of the device, for amphetamine another, for opiates another, for various explosive ingredients yet others. This was a part of their beauty - you could go on multiplying "SIMS" and keep the procurement ball rolling. Of course the units were only as useful as waving your di*k around and hoping to detect explosives with it's majestic sweep. Pretty funny until some Private gets told to go waving the GT200 around to determine if there are bombs about, as happened in South - and that person is an ex Private delimbed. Still, this is what fortunes are made of.

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Why do you keep posting stuff that is in news? Get a life.

If this item was posted there before here my apologies, I looked and didn't see it.

Obviously we don't have the ability to post to there.

If it isn't of interest to you, just ignore it, like most people do.

Obviously it is directly related to Thailand; those of us that have been here for a while will have recalled the scandal when the new airport was first opening.

The fact that HM government was directly involved in helping to perpetuate the scam, and at very very low rates for their scamming services, I thought would be of interest to the Brits on here.

The global military-industrial complex in cahoots with war-mongering governments serving the interests of the 1% at the expense of their citizens is of course not a problem limited to any one country.

Google Eisenhower's resignation speech on the subject.

Also very interesting book "War is a Racket: The Profit Motive Behind Warfare" by highly decorated U.S. General Smedley Butler is very enlightening, and not at all out of date.

Here is a summary

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Why do you keep posting stuff that is in news? Get a life.

If this item was posted there before here my apologies, I looked and didn't see it.

Obviously we don't have the ability to post to there.

If it isn't of interest to you, just ignore it, like most people do.

Obviously it is directly related to Thailand; those of us that have been here for a while will have recalled the scandal when the new airport was first opening.

The fact that HM government was directly involved in helping to perpetuate the scam, and at very very low rates for their scamming services, I thought would be of interest to the Brits on here.

The global military-industrial complex in cahoots with war-mongering governments serving the interests of the 1% at the expense of their citizens is of course not a problem limited to any one country.

Google Eisenhower's resignation speech on the subject.

Also very interesting book "War is a Racket: The Profit Motive Behind Warfare" by highly decorated U.S. General Smedley Butler is very enlightening, and not at all out of date.

Here is a summary

Wrong scandal hombre. This one refers to the hand held bomb/drug detectors purchased by (among others) the Royal Thai Police Department and the Royal Thai Army. The scandal involving the purchase of scanning equipment for the airport is another bag of worms. Same M.O. but different worms in bag. I imagine that the GT200 units were very popular because when used to determine the presence of bombs and/or drugs they did the electronic equivalent of "up to you". This, I suppose, was found to be culturally comforting in a way that the subsequent bomb blast was not.

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Makes a change for a Brit' to be scamming Thai's doesn't it. Seems like the ultimate Karma.

Not really, they sell thousands of 12 month Master degrees to Thais. And the UK as a holiday destination.

woah there Buddy - we pulled off a peerless Olympics (and yes I was a pre-Omp scoffer of the highest order) and the crowds that flock to see the centre of the civilised world are a sight to behold. Just it is pairng mahk mahk - which is good it keeps the low rent riff raff out who go to ......

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