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Pheu Thai chief threatens mass protest if election is postponed


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In Thai politics, absurdity, and even downright stupidity, is not considered a handicap!

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Its a quality

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good..I hope this happens and then we'll see some real backyard brawls in the streets of BKK...should be quite entertaining...and maybe the gov't can sell pay per view tickets to the rest of the world

Sadly it's no longer a laughing matter.

On one side you have masses of farmers who have been sold down the river by the Party they thought represented them, on the other you have mass protest against the corrupt , deceitful and criminal administration who know what they are up to. Both are very angry, and in the middle you have the die hard that believe only The DL can save them and the mess, and they know if they yield, they are finished. It is a hell of a mess, and unfortunately there will be causalities. There is just far too much too lose on both sides now, as jail, death or having to flee the country of birth are all possibles for the defeated side.

This isn't new, but until the cancerous Shin virus is eradicated from Thai politics, along with a number of the other political dinosaurs on both sides this will continue. It might mean some significant pain, but it will be better than this ongoing stalemate that has materialized over the past 9 years.

It's a sad time for Thailand.

The vast majority of Thais do not give a toss what you, or any other farang know it all thinks.

As that other mug on here said "don't like it -go home"

The Thais will have their say this Sunday- well apart from those idiots in the south.

that other mug...surely your referring to the picture on your avatar.he was also a mug in that film wasnt he seems everywhere you look your staring at a mirror.w00t.gif

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good..I hope this happens and then we'll see some real backyard brawls in the streets of BKK...should be quite entertaining...and maybe the gov't can sell pay per view tickets to the rest of the world

Sadly it's no longer a laughing matter.

On one side you have masses of farmers who have been sold down the river by the Party they thought represented them, on the other you have mass protest against the corrupt , deceitful and criminal administration who know what they are up to. Both are very angry, and in the middle you have the die hard that believe only The DL can save them and the mess, and they know if they yield, they are finished. It is a hell of a mess, and unfortunately there will be causalities. There is just far too much too lose on both sides now, as jail, death or having to flee the country of birth are all possibles for the defeated side.

This isn't new, but until the cancerous Shin virus is eradicated from Thai politics, along with a number of the other political dinosaurs on both sides this will continue. It might mean some significant pain, but it will be better than this ongoing stalemate that has materialized over the past 9 years.

It's a sad time for Thailand.

The vast majority of Thais do not give a toss what you, or any other farang know it all thinks.

As that other mug on here said "don't like it -go home"

The Thais will have their say this Sunday- well apart from those idiots in the south.

Given the use of certain words in your paragraph, i will sadly assume a fake Burberry wearing Chav.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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“The powers should return to the people through the election,” said Mr Charupong.

You mean to say that the powers should return to Thaksins people through the election. As long as the Shin clan and cronies are even remotely near power, the people will continue to have nothing as they have for the past ten years.

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good..I hope this happens and then we'll see some real backyard brawls in the streets of BKK...should be quite entertaining...and maybe the gov't can sell pay per view tickets to the rest of the world

Sadly it's no longer a laughing matter.

On one side you have masses of farmers who have been sold down the river by the Party they thought represented them, on the other you have mass protest against the corrupt , deceitful and criminal administration who know what they are up to. Both are very angry, and in the middle you have the die hard that believe only The DL can save them and the mess, and they know if they yield, they are finished. It is a hell of a mess, and unfortunately there will be causalities. There is just far too much too lose on both sides now, as jail, death or having to flee the country of birth are all possibles for the defeated side.

This isn't new, but until the cancerous Shin virus is eradicated from Thai politics, along with a number of the other political dinosaurs on both sides this will continue. It might mean some significant pain, but it will be better than this ongoing stalemate that has materialized over the past 9 years.

It's a sad time for Thailand.


Well. It will basically mean that thailand will be facing the world with an appointed goverment for a while.

It will be very right wing, and no doubt protectionist and nationalistic. They won't make the same mistake as the coup where they announced at short notice they would only be in for a year.

When they say reform things like elected governors or education are mentioned. This takes months if not years . now it all sounds nice, but these people I am sure, will be in no hurry to return the country to democracy?

Why?,because they talk about removing the shinawatras from Politics. Now there is a nice general statement. That could take 20 years. So, Asean is coming, businesses are making plans and thailand wants to go to an autocratic model.

This move will be disastrous for the future of Thailand because thaksin isn't going away. Never.

No laws can keep him out unless all the laws are applied perfectly to all.then the prisons will be overflowing with people.

If you hold Thaksin to account for corruption, you have to lock up 20 million thais with him.

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Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Thaksins’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Yingluck by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.

Edited by animatic
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good..I hope this happens and then we'll see some real backyard brawls in the streets of BKK...should be quite entertaining...and maybe the gov't can sell pay per view tickets to the rest of the world

Sadly it's no longer a laughing matter.

On one side you have masses of farmers who have been sold down the river by the Party they thought represented them, on the other you have mass protest against the corrupt , deceitful and criminal administration who know what they are up to. Both are very angry, and in the middle you have the die hard that believe only The DL can save them and the mess, and they know if they yield, they are finished. It is a hell of a mess, and unfortunately there will be causalities. There is just far too much too lose on both sides now, as jail, death or having to flee the country of birth are all possibles for the defeated side.

This isn't new, but until the cancerous Shin virus is eradicated from Thai politics, along with a number of the other political dinosaurs on both sides this will continue. It might mean some significant pain, but it will be better than this ongoing stalemate that has materialized over the past 9 years.

It's a sad time for Thailand.


Well. It will basically mean that thailand will be facing the world with an appointed goverment for a while.

It will be very right wing, and no doubt protectionist and nationalistic. They won't make the same mistake as the coup where they announced at short notice they would only be in for a year.

When they say reform things like elected governors or education are mentioned. This takes months if not years . now it all sounds nice, but these people I am sure, will be in no hurry to return the country to democracy?

Why?,because they talk about removing the shinawatras from Politics. Now there is a nice general statement. That could take 20 years. So, Asean is coming, businesses are making plans and thailand wants to go to an autocratic model.

This move will be disastrous for the future of Thailand because thaksin isn't going away. Never.

No laws can keep him out unless all the laws are applied perfectly to all.then the prisons will be overflowing with people.

If you hold Thaksin to account for corruption, you have to lock up 20 million thais with him.


Sad, but true

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

Not happening in my country, nor here........The 'country' here did not kill its' own people, only the coup-rooted Govt. using their military did that, at R'song.....What criminal dictator?...You mean the previous elected Prime Minister and government who the unelectable coup-mongers eliminated in 2006..... Which they are trying to do again, and who they demonized post-coup in order to justify their unelected power-grab. And who was convicted in their post-coup courts as part of that self-serving demonization campaign?....That one?

"if you like so much - go back to it".......My point is opposite this quote....If it is not justified in their own country, why do these prognosticators feel it is allright in Thailand...They denigrate Thailand unfairly IMHO. They use a double-standard. There is a vibrant pro-electoral democratic majority in Thailand in spite of imperfect application. No more imperfect than one finds in many other imperfect Democracies. Thailand Democracy does not need to mirror western style Democracy exactly to be considered valid. February 2nd. will show the vibrancy and strength of Thailand's democratic practices in the face of powerful forces seeking to undo it.

I think you made a good reply.

The fahlang who not only defend but advocate cancelling an election in Thailand amaze me.

These fahalng come to Thailand from democratic societies and a culture of democracy yet want to see democracy here cancelled in the name of democracy, which is supposedly to be restored by a rarified council of elitists who remain anonymous and who have a secret agenda established by a raving fascist running loose in the streets.

Where did such fahlang learn to support and to advocate this stuff?

Fahlang who openly want a military mutiny coup d'état because they believe military mutiny is part of democracy. Fahlang who seek to preserve a decrepit feudalism. Fahlang who ignore the lessons of fascist government and society that everyone learned in History classes.

Fahlang who clearly were not comfortable in their own advanced democratic societies, who came here because the clock was still set to the 19th century and who want to keep it there - fascist fahlang who tell other fahlang who take democracy and equality seriously to go back home, where fascism is long dead.

Those fahlang.

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

Not happening in my country, nor here........The 'country' here did not kill its' own people, only the coup-rooted Govt. using their military did that, at R'song.....What criminal dictator?...You mean the previous elected Prime Minister and government who the unelectable coup-mongers eliminated in 2006..... Which they are trying to do again, and who they demonized post-coup in order to justify their unelected power-grab. And who was convicted in their post-coup courts as part of that self-serving demonization campaign?....That one?

"if you like so much - go back to it".......My point is opposite this quote....If it is not justified in their own country, why do these prognosticators feel it is allright in Thailand...They denigrate Thailand unfairly IMHO. They use a double-standard. There is a vibrant pro-electoral democratic majority in Thailand in spite of imperfect application. No more imperfect than one finds in many other imperfect Democracies. Thailand Democracy does not need to mirror western style Democracy exactly to be considered valid. February 2nd. will show the vibrancy and strength of Thailand's democratic practices in the face of powerful forces seeking to undo it.

I think you made a good reply.

The fahlang who not only defend but advocate cancelling an election in Thailand amaze me.

These fahalng come to Thailand from democratic societies and a culture of democracy yet want to see democracy here cancelled in the name of democracy, which is supposedly to be restored by a rarified council of elitists who remain anonymous and who have a secret agenda established by a raving fascist running loose in the streets.

Where did such fahlang learn to support and to advocate this stuff?

Fahlang who openly want a military mutiny coup d'état because they believe military mutiny is part of democracy. Fahlang who seek to preserve a decrepit feudalism. Fahlang who ignore the lessons of fascist government and society that everyone learned in History classes.

Fahlang who clearly were not comfortable in their own advanced democratic societies, who came here because the clock was still set to the 19th century and who want to keep it there - fascist fahlang who tell other fahlang who take democracy and equality seriously to go back home, where fascism is long dead.

Those fahlang.

... and then there are those farang who understand that Thailand isn't really a democratic country and to bring down the 'elite' to get the 'other elite' would not be a step forward either.

Those farang.

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Amazed at some of the commentary critical of this guy, and demonizing the pro-electoral forces....I wonder how they would pontificate if it was in their own country.....But never mind...Like I said before..."Where agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out...

Whether this guy is expressing his own opinions is another question...I'm sure he is, but it should be clear he has no choice about it........The electoral majority of UDD/RS's/PTP would come unglued if this election date was tampered with...under whatever guise....Not only would it effectively be a coup, regardless who is behind it, including the EC, but it would throw Thailand into a political black-hole...Can you imagine what would happen after a delay, and these reactionary coup-mongers, that some people call Fascists, would begin to throw their weight around.

Protests would be spontaneous...Wouldn't require any organizing.

The election date is sacrosanct...period. The alternative is scary.

i wonder how YOU would "pontificate" if your country was killing its own people to bring backm a wanted criminal dictator? if you like so much - go back to it.

Not happening in my country, nor here........The 'country' here did not kill its' own people, only the coup-rooted Govt. using their military did that, at R'song.....What criminal dictator?...You mean the previous elected Prime Minister and government who the unelectable coup-mongers eliminated in 2006..... Which they are trying to do again, and who they demonized post-coup in order to justify their unelected power-grab. And who was convicted in their post-coup courts as part of that self-serving demonization campaign?....That one?

"if you like so much - go back to it".......My point is opposite this quote....If it is not justified in their own country, why do these prognosticators feel it is allright in Thailand...They denigrate Thailand unfairly IMHO. They use a double-standard. There is a vibrant pro-electoral democratic majority in Thailand in spite of imperfect application. No more imperfect than one finds in many other imperfect Democracies. Thailand Democracy does not need to mirror western style Democracy exactly to be considered valid. February 2nd. will show the vibrancy and strength of Thailand's democratic practices in the face of powerful forces seeking to undo it.

I think you made a good reply.

The fahlang who not only defend but advocate cancelling an election in Thailand amaze me.

These fahalng come to Thailand from democratic societies and a culture of democracy yet want to see democracy here cancelled in the name of democracy, which is supposedly to be restored by a rarified council of elitists who remain anonymous and who have a secret agenda established by a raving fascist running loose in the streets.

Where did such fahlang learn to support and to advocate this stuff?

Fahlang who openly want a military mutiny coup d'état because they believe military mutiny is part of democracy. Fahlang who seek to preserve a decrepit feudalism. Fahlang who ignore the lessons of fascist government and society that everyone learned in History classes.

Fahlang who clearly were not comfortable in their own advanced democratic societies, who came here because the clock was still set to the 19th century and who want to keep it there - fascist fahlang who tell other fahlang who take democracy and equality seriously to go back home, where fascism is long dead.

Those fahlang.

This 'fahlang' comes from a country where the government has never had a faux drug war that has killed more then 2000 of its citizens.

This 'fahlang' comes from a country where the leader doesn't take orders from an overseas fugitive on the lam. Same fugitive who ordered said drug war.

This 'fahlang' would never compare his developed country where the above would be unthinkable to this country where 'democracy' has obviously failed.

Edited by TVGerry
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It cannot be said democracy has failed in Thailand. It can be said democracy shall have failed if the election is cancelled and Suthep's fascist council takes absolute dictatorial control of the country for an indefinite period of time to step by step implement its secret agenda. Compromise is needed to preclude this occurring and there remains time to compromise.

Fahlang don't need to take sides but fahlang do clearly and vociferously take sides. I take the side of having a legitimate election as has been constitutionally scheduled. I regard Thaksin as a dictator and Suthep as a raving fascist.

I think that puts me in with the vast and moderate political middle of Thailand where 20 to 30 million Thais live. That's because I didn't come to Thailand to support Thaksin's dictatorship or Suthep's raving fascism.

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It cannot be said democracy has failed in Thailand. It can be said democracy shall have failed if the election is cancelled and Suthep's fascist council takes absolute dictatorial control of the country for an indefinite period of time to step by step implement its secret agenda. Compromise is needed to preclude this occurring and there remains time to compromise.

Fahlang don't need to take sides but fahlang do clearly and vociferously take sides. I take the side of having a legitimate election as has been constitutionally scheduled. I regard Thaksin as a dictator and Suthep as a raving fascist.

I think that puts me in with the vast and moderate political middle of Thailand where 20 to 30 million Thais live. That's because I didn't come to Thailand to support Thaksin's dictatorship or Suthep's raving fascism.

Democracy hasn't really existed as a concept anyway.

It's a bit like the Hong Kong one country two systems. It sounds all nice and fluffy but it's nonsense. By the time Thailand has swallowed a bit of democracy, and digested it a bit.

Well safe to say, it doesn't look much like democracy to me. So it is vitally important to keep it going forward instead if backward to authoritarian governments or coups.

A lot of people have too much to gain from this revisionism. I don't trust it one bit.

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This is a threat to the Courts not to meddle.

Can't prevent an election that only the fascists want stopped.

Get the election out of the way and the violence will end. Then the courts can rule about change to law on Quorum.

Quite easy really and democratic. Will hurt and annoy only a few people that don't matter, so thats a bonus as well.

Total 'fertilizer' from you as ever. You are really lapping up all the red propaganda crap....The election can easily be prevented and forcing it to go ahead is a waste of time not to mention a lot of money that will just bring more protests and maybe ( though hopefully not ) violence. Then it is my belief the caretaker criminals will try to bend and change the law any way they can to make a qorum so they can convene parliament. No doubt there will be added protests against these further dishonest acts.

The protestors are not as you call them, they are anti corruption and pro democracy. Thailand does not have democracy, there is a plutocracy I call Taksinocracy that operates here. If the spiteful fugitive in Dubai would release his stranglehold from round the neck of the country, maybe REAL democracy could be implemented here. But whilst he or his cronies are invvolved it will stay as screwed up as it is........

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This is a threat to the Courts not to meddle.

Can't prevent an election that only the fascists want stopped.

Get the election out of the way and the violence will end. Then the courts can rule about change to law on Quorum.

Quite easy really and democratic. Will hurt and annoy only a few people that don't matter, so thats a bonus as well.

Who are 'the fascists'? How did you come to this conclusion? Rather than use words as shorthand, could you kindly be a little bit more explicit.

I know that some people think that 'stopping elections' is a fascist act. But this is not necessarily so. For example, if those elections are rigged or are perceived to have been rigged in the past then surely people have a right to protest and ask for free and fair elections without the guiding hand of an unelected person voluntarily living overseas. This would be allowed under a democratic system.

So a little bit more explanation would be very helpful. Thank you.

Edited by ianf
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I feel that the feb election must proceed because the govt has already declared election since dec and thus cannot go back on its words. Obviously suthep knew he can't win elections hence chose to protest.

Obviously? Obviously?? Perhaps obvious to anyone who does not understand the crisis? But really, obviously? Beats me.

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This is a threat to the Courts not to meddle.

Can't prevent an election that only the fascists want stopped.

Get the election out of the way and the violence will end. Then the courts can rule about change to law on Quorum.

Quite easy really and democratic. Will hurt and annoy only a few people that don't matter, so thats a bonus as well.

Who are 'the fascists'? How did you come to this conclusion? Rather than use words as shorthand, could you kindly be a little bit more explicit.

I know that some people think that 'stopping elections' is a fascist act. But this is not necessarily so. For example, if those elections are rigged or are perceived to have been rigged in the past then surely people have a right to protest and ask for free and fair elections without the guiding hand of an unelected person voluntarily living overseas. This would be allowed under a democratic system.

So a little bit more explanation would be very helpful. Thank you.

And your evidence of "rigged" elections is ..............?????

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My interpretation of the law might be a little rusty, but has Pheu Thai party leader and caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan now broken the law himself by calling for protests whilst under a SoE? Will he also now be arrested and have his bank accounts frozen? Lose his Ministerial position? Will Tarit immediately call for an investigation? Or is this once again a "do as I say, now what I do" situation as is far too common from the pro-Govt/PT side of things?

You have that completely wrong, it is Thai PBS who are in the wrong they have been warned that publishing something that could cause alarm is banned under the SOE.

The caretaker minister can say whatever he wants as long as the dastardly press don't publish it.

Obviously, what the government MEANT to announce in their SOE was that protests AGAINST the government are banned.

But if you want to demontrate FOR the current government, no problem. And of course, if you're doing that, there's the added bonus that you probably won't be shot or have hand grenades lobbed at you. wink.png

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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