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Election Commission sets Feb 23 for new round of advance election


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I missed something here. Didn't all the EC Commissioners resign? So how can they change the election date? Did they all come back? What's up with that?

EC Commissioners have not resigned, but local Election Directors in Bangkok have resigned following the criticism they received for being unable to hold the advanced vote last Sunday. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/700136-all-bangkoks-50-election-directors-resign/

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You will agree then withholding ballot results in a corrupt country for a month is probably not the best idea and could possibly be likely to invalidate the whole thing with claims of tampering when they have weeks to do so ?

It may not be the best idea, but is common practice in many democracies, not to release any results before voting is finished, so that later votes are not influenced by results announced earlier.

I share your concern about voting papers being tampered with, just from the other side of the street, so to speak.

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The Election Commission is now actively subverting the election - openly, brazenly, shamelessly.

By what authority does the EC withhold the results or the counting and reporting to the people the result of the vote on Sunday, February 2nd?

Where are the ballot boxes going to be stored, in Suthep;s back yard? The back yard of the Election Commissioners? Army bases?

How long and by what constitutional and statutory authority does the country and its people have to wait to find out if a parliament can be organized as a result of the general election? What is the law and constitutional requirement pertaining to the date of the general election and the subsequent date a parliament must be organized?

And we can trust the CC even less than the EC to respect democracy, election processes, procedures, constitutional and statutory election laws and worst of all, respecting and honoring the will of the people.

So you agree the farcical waste of time and money bs sham election on 2nd Feb should be scrapped and start again from scratch then ? Most sensible thought you have ever had ! Hahaha,

Your post presumes to try to put words in my mouth which is the arrogant and self-serving tactic of the anti-democracy right whether it's in your home country or here in Thailand.

The waste and loss of billions of baht in this chaos is caused by the fascist insurrectionist Suthep, his feudal backers and their storm troopers in the streets that, combined, want to rape Thailand of constitutionalism and the principle and practice of democracy itself.

Thailand: Democracy in the Balance

Thailand’s current politics have much in common with those in other developing countries, where the shift of political power towards the rural and working-class masses as a result of political liberalisation has dampened middle-class enthusiasm for democracy.

Suthep’s political doctrine is certainly essentially antidemocratic; indeed many observers have referred to it as fascist.

Suthep’s proposed People’s Council, an unelected corporatist regime, would be completely unacceptable to the red-shirts, who would presumably mobilise en masse against it.


Academics brand Suthep’s people council as “Pure Fascism”

A newly-formed group of academics, the Assembly for the Defence of Democracy (AFDD), where after a few days of starting a fan-page on Facebook, got nearly 200,000 likes, says protesters’ calls for a people’s council is pure fascism.

The AFDD said it opposed the proposal by the university presidents group to install an interim government, saying such moves are unconstitutional and undemocratic. Piyabut Saengkanokkul, an AFDD and Nitirat member, said the idea of setting up a people’s council comprising members of various professions was an idea inherited from fascist corporatism, as seen in Italy during the period of Benito Mussolini‘s fascist dictatorship.

Mussolini, Mr Piyabut said, amended the law in 1928 so his government could comprise people from different fields. This government was an important mechanism that ultimately led Italy into a totalitarian dictatorship, he said. “Imposing only their own values and replacing the people’s elected government with an elite- and middle-class-nominated ‘people’s council’ would only pave the way for bloodshed and violence,”


Edited by Publicus
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rolleyes.gif If it is possible to issue a Royal Degree to schedule a repeat election poll for those areas that can not vote on 2 February for whatever reason, then why is it not possible to issue a Royal Decree canceling the election for 2 February and rescheduling it for 23 February?

Oh well, it doesn't matter anyhow.

In fact the country is obviously so divided. which close to 50% supporting the two main factions, who apparently won't compromise their views, that it's nonsense to suppose that an election will solve anything anyhow.

A meaningless show election which does not solve the core problem of two separate opposing factions with the support of nearly half the voters each will solve nothing, and merely continue the meaningless political arguments.

Because of that core division in the country, no election is going to solve anything.

In fact, to delay the election for at least one year, and before that to dissolve ALL of the current political parties would be a start toward a solution.

The two major political parties, and the politicians (off BOTH sides) are not the solution to the crises, they are the CAUSE of the crises.

Political parties, and the current politicians (again of BOTH sides) should be dissolved and no political activity allowed for at least 1 year as a "cooling off" period.

But that won't happen.

Because both major political parties are locked in a no-compromise political battle they intend to "win" regardless of what they destroy to get their so-called "victory" over their opponent.

The real core problem is that both of the major political parties are so intent on "winning" for their own side and that way increasing their power and influence, that they have both lost any concern for the real Thai people in their blind pursuit of political power for themselves.

Neither political party is a solution to the crises in Thailand.

In fact, they are the cause of it, and both of them should be dissolved and/or suspended for at least a year.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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The Election Commission is now the Anti-Democracy Election Commission For Suthep And Absolute Fascism Under The Rule of the Fascist Council (ADECSAFURFC), or FURC you for short.

And why don't you FURC off and spread your biased bs comments elsewhere ?clap2.gif

Exclusionary attitudes don't help the situation and don't solve challenges to daily life. Perhaps you should solve your apparent intolerance by putting me on Ignore if you don't like or want to hear it.

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You will agree then withholding ballot results in a corrupt country for a month is probably not the best idea and could possibly be likely to invalidate the whole thing with claims of tampering when they have weeks to do so ?

I ran out of likes, and I think you are correct. The opposition will have a field day with this. Which ever party is the opposition

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Its called a contingency plan

If the EC was acting with efficiency knowing the possibility of the blockades they would have had dates set up as a second round for advanced voting before the first took place and within short order, not nearly a month later.

I accept its an unprecedented situation but its not like no one could see it coming. Delayed and drawn out elections could see a lot more people hurt or even killed, this it seems is not a concern.

All sides and all depts so far have proven to be no bastion of either common sense or efficiancy, it pains me to say it but its almost as if all sides prefer chaos to compromise. I don't see any of them actually putting the country first just their own agendas. sadly

Actually, its not a contingency plan. It's for a rerun of advanced voting that failed to take place last week.

Sent from my phone ...

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More bad press for the EC from ANFREL Who? Google it

Seems the Thai rep to the board had this to say

“Voters are quite naive about politics,” Sakool said. “They have to work hard every day and don’t have time to catch up with information. They only hear the government’s side.

“These protesters have high aspirations to change Thai politics,” he said. “If the prime minister still insists on this election that means she’s very stupid.”

Which promted this from Asias leading election monitoring group.

ANFREL would like to note that the quotes from Mr. Sakool Zuesongdham in the GlobalPost article below reflect only his own personal views. They do not represent the views or positions of ANFREL as a whole as Sakool was speaking on his own behalf rather than as an ANFREL official.ANFREL has always encouraged the empowerment of all citizens to exercise their right to vote and hopes that all citizens can freely do so in Thailand.


This means, the Top Monitoring Group in Asia is watching like a hawk, and not liking what it sees from the fascits side!!!

Edited by pipkins
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Will Mrs. Crab resign if she polls just 30% of the electorate I wonder.

I think she is morally obliged yo stick to her words

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This model comes without a reverse gear...cheesy.gif

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