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Court rules today on warrants for arrest of 19 protest leaders including Suthep


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what about a government that pushes for an election when it is the only party that is standing for election, an election which will probably be cancelled as null and void due to lack of voters. Or do you expect that because PTP are the only party standing they will get all the votes, from all the electorate? lets face it the smaller parties won't make a showing as far as number of votes they get.

As for blackmailing a government? Is it not the government that are blackmailing everyone else if they don't get what they want. Besides it's not blackmail when protesters want to kick the government out. They are not saying give us this or else, they are saying enough to corruption and graft.

"what about a government that pushes for an election when it is the only party that is standing for election"

Actually there are 53 political parties registered to contest the election, but don't you worry about a little fact like that.

"Besides it's not blackmail when protesters want to kick the government out.They are not saying give us this or else, they are saying enough to corruption and graft."

The normal process of "kicking a government out" is achieved though taking part in an election.

The "blackmail" element comes into play when you refuse to do so, and then demand that Yingluck resigns, that the Shinawatra family en masse walk away from politics completely, that reforms take place before any election, that an unelected "peoples council" is put in place, that the royally decreed elections do not take place at all, that you impede peoples right to vote, etc

or do you think those are reasonable requests and not demands?

Could you perhaps list these parties, apart from Bhumjaithai, Chartthaipattana and Chart Pattana Puea Pandin, and explain what their policies are? Admittedly my lack of Thai reading skills confines me to English language media, but I have read nothing about these 53 political parties and, in a democracy, one would assume that their different policies would be widely debated. Are they really independent parties or just Shinawatra shells created to make this election look less like a one horse race?

Why would I waste my time digging out the policies of 53 political parties when all you have to offer as an argument is that they are "Shinawatra shells created to make this election look less like a one horse race?"

Try google, you might find this link http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/692419-53-political-parties-contesting-in-the-feb-2-polls-thailand/


Keep bashing your head against the wall it might knock some sense into it! Some of the populist policies of these 53 parties are even more ridiculous than Thaksin's rice scam, Promising big payouts for the electorate that vote for them.

But my guess is you knew that and that is why you answer the way you have, 53 minor parties that realistically won't get a showing in the elections.

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You are absolutely entitled to your opinions. But one serious question. You really believe PTP has been a good government since taking office, free from corruption and adhering to the law, parliamentary procedures, true democratic principles? That they have never lied, followed due process and acted with transparency and accountability?

Fine - if you do that is your opinion. But, please could you explain what makes you believe this and form such an opinion?

There is no conclusive evidence. Only speculation and assumption. It remains to me a perception that is a result of distortion, rumor, untruth, misinformation and smear.

I don't argue on who is more evil and do not take a holier than thou attitude. Rule of law must prevail but must be based on the principle of justice, evidence, not on judges personal opinion, speculation, assumption and on conjecture.

When judges of the Court/independence agencies are being used to further politics, than they lose their legitimacy, transparency and efficacy. Therefore they become a destructive force rather than check and balance positive force.

If the present government is not good and is so evil as accused by the DEM's PDRC/PCAD, there is no reason that other parties cannot vote them out.

My guess is that you also believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. Another clarification question = do you believe all the revelations of the last 2 weeks about the rice scam is just a beat up?

They are in investigation and enquiry stages. However, I do believe there is sabotaging by unscrupulous traders, officials, politicians and farmers themselves. Disruptive politics created multiple challenges on the rice pledging scheme.

I do believe there is sabotaging by unscrupulous traders, officials, politicians and farmers themselves. Disruptive politics created multiple challenges on the rice pledging scheme.

Indeed, they are called PTP politicians and PTP cronies. How can you even think the rice scam was a workable project, when the government paid over market price and can't sell for anything close to what they paid for it.

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what about a government that pushes for an election when it is the only party that is standing for election, an election which will probably be cancelled as null and void due to lack of voters. Or do you expect that because PTP are the only party standing they will get all the votes, from all the electorate? lets face it the smaller parties won't make a showing as far as number of votes they get.

As for blackmailing a government? Is it not the government that are blackmailing everyone else if they don't get what they want. Besides it's not blackmail when protesters want to kick the government out. They are not saying give us this or else, they are saying enough to corruption and graft.

"what about a government that pushes for an election when it is the only party that is standing for election"

Actually there are 53 political parties registered to contest the election, but don't you worry about a little fact like that.

"Besides it's not blackmail when protesters want to kick the government out.They are not saying give us this or else, they are saying enough to corruption and graft."

The normal process of "kicking a government out" is achieved though taking part in an election.

The "blackmail" element comes into play when you refuse to do so, and then demand that Yingluck resigns, that the Shinawatra family en masse walk away from politics completely, that reforms take place before any election, that an unelected "peoples council" is put in place, that the royally decreed elections do not take place at all, that you impede peoples right to vote, etc

or do you think those are reasonable requests and not demands?

Could you perhaps list these parties, apart from Bhumjaithai, Chartthaipattana and Chart Pattana Puea Pandin, and explain what their policies are? Admittedly my lack of Thai reading skills confines me to English language media, but I have read nothing about these 53 political parties and, in a democracy, one would assume that their different policies would be widely debated. Are they really independent parties or just Shinawatra shells created to make this election look less like a one horse race?

Why would I waste my time digging out the policies of 53 political parties when all you have to offer as an argument is that they are "Shinawatra shells created to make this election look less like a one horse race?"

Try google, you might find this link http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/692419-53-political-parties-contesting-in-the-feb-2-polls-thailand/


It was actually a serious question. But I deduce from your 'answer' that you either have also not found any information on these parties policies, or that you find discussion about them superfluous in a democracy holding elections.

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As things are going, DSI, will try to issue warrants of arrest for all Yellow supporters, while Thaksin's saints are free to go around, bark and litter the country.

Do you think the country represented by your flag will allow the similar activities of barking and littering of the country, intimidation and threat of the DEM's PDRC/PCAD?

well dont you think it's a case of 'pot calling the kettle black?'

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I do not condone these attacks at all.. but i find the fact that you mention " Sutheps complicit media" and use an article from a pro red online rag financed via US $$$$$$$

amusing to say the least.



Why should it be amusing that Prachatai is used as a source - because Tony "Tinfoil Hat" Cartalucci says so?

Prachatai openly reveals its funding from various donors around the world. Link below has figures for up to 2011.

The total operating costs of Prachatai for the current year (2011) roughly amounts to 8 million Thai baht. It is important to state here that none of our foreign donors has ever put up any demands connected to the funds they provided, nor did they ever interfere with our reporting. http://www.prachatai.com/english/aboutus

They produce and publish financial reports

Prachatai's Code of ConductSection 3. Conflict of interest 28. Prachatai shall disclose its funding sources. Prachatai submits financial reports to the Foundation for Community Educational Media, and publishes its financial reports. http://www.prachatai3.info/english/node/1871

edit: please excuse unusual spacing, this editing facility is not the most stable to use.

Lest we forget how level headed an investigative reporter cartalucci is, here is his take on the deaths of civilians in 2010

"Of the 92 that died, many were red shirts who perished from smoke inhalation while looting buildings fellow protesters lit ablaze."


.............................yeah, OK Tony


lest we forget you only read the bits that fit the agenda :

"Dishonest US-funded propagandists forced to disclose funding in 2011 have since failed to update their financial ties or disclose them to their Thai readers. "

​ps: i have NO idea how ALL the protesters in 2010 died. do you?

Edited by casualbiker
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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

Why haven't this mob requested help from Dubai to arrest Thaksin and go and collect him....they know where he is. Why haven't they arrested the guy who was responsible for issuing a Thai passport to Thaksin. i wonder who paid his air fare when he went and presented it to the Felon. Why hasn't Yingluck been arrested for falsely not including her 2 Million baht watch on her financial statement as required by politicians.why haven't they arrested the Red Bull heir and the high flying Monk money launderer and Statutory Rapist etc etc.

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

Would you apply the same law to 2009 and 2010? Or the law should be applied selectively? In your opinion, where do characters like Jatuporn, Arisman, Nattawut, Kwancahi etc...etc...belong? Just out of curiosity. wink.png

As for some deluded people defending prachathai as being an independent source. It's really laughable. Let's give the opportunity to Tony to defend himself against relentless smear campaign.

#25310 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 09:58
So US-funed Prachatai is

So US-funed Prachatai is serving host for Thaksin's paid lawyer/propagandist/lobbyist, and invites the Nation's Pravit to give the interview. I'm sorry, but this seems to just prove further everything I've been saying about Prachatai being directly linked to Thaksin not just through a convergence of agenda, or even direct financial links between the same foreign-sponsors - but direct links TO the very people involved in Thaksin's UDD.


Has Prachatai hosted UDD's opposition in interviews on their US-funded TV program?

#25313 - by albert park (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 10:23
So if Prachatai were to

So if Prachatai were to interview PAD people (e.g. http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3040) or Sondhi Limthongkul (http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3020) that would be evidence that would get them off the TC hook? I doubt it.

#25317 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 11:11
It's not my fault Prachatai{C}

It's not my fault Prachatai does such a poor job justifying their claims of being "independent" or "journalists."

Independent when you are paid millions of baht by a foreign government, especially an organization like NED that has a long history of manipulating and overthrowing political systems around the world?

Journalists when you call an interview with a paid lobbyist of a man who's movement you are overtly supporting, "journalism?"

Pravit's questions to Amsterdam are essentially, as Thaksin's paid lawyer, what kind of man is Thaksin? Answer: Thaksin is a great man! ... what a surprise!

This is grotesque, insulting propaganda. It served no purpose other than to give Amsterdam a platform to make a case he is PAID to make. The real question is - if you are truly interested in the truth, objectivity, and rational debate, why are you not pointing out how poorly this interview compliments such ideals or the alleged agenda of Prachatai?

And Albert, you cite two articles published by Prachatai, where within each, Prachatai refutes and tries to frame as ridiculous the evidence provided by Sondhi - along with the torrent of insulting comments that followed, in addition to Prachatai's targeted censorship of my comments in rebuttal. I think you make my point in spades - thanks.

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

Why haven't this mob requested help from Dubai to arrest Thaksin and go and collect him....they know where he is. Why haven't they arrested the guy who was responsible for issuing a Thai passport to Thaksin. i wonder who paid his air fare when he went and presented it to the Felon. Why hasn't Yingluck been arrested for falsely not including her 2 Million baht watch on her financial statement as required by politicians.why haven't they arrested the Red Bull heir and the high flying Monk money launderer and Statutory Rapist etc etc.

You questions are irrelevant. The subject is on the arrest warrant for the arrest of the DEM's PDRC/PCAD leaders.

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

Would you apply the same law to 2009 and 2010? Or the law should be applied selectively? In your opinion, where do characters like Jatuporn, Arisman, Nattawut, Kwancahi etc...etc...belong? Just out of curiosity. wink.png

As for some deluded people defending prachathai as being an independent source. It's really laughable. Let's give the opportunity to Tony to defend himself against relentless smear campaign.

#25310 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 09:58
So US-funed Prachatai is

So US-funed Prachatai is serving host for Thaksin's paid lawyer/propagandist/lobbyist, and invites the Nation's Pravit to give the interview. I'm sorry, but this seems to just prove further everything I've been saying about Prachatai being directly linked to Thaksin not just through a convergence of agenda, or even direct financial links between the same foreign-sponsors - but direct links TO the very people involved in Thaksin's UDD.


Has Prachatai hosted UDD's opposition in interviews on their US-funded TV program?

#25313 - by albert park (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 10:23
So if Prachatai were to

So if Prachatai were to interview PAD people (e.g. http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3040) or Sondhi Limthongkul (http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3020) that would be evidence that would get them off the TC hook? I doubt it.

#25317 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 11:11
It's not my fault Prachatai {C}

It's not my fault Prachatai does such a poor job justifying their claims of being "independent" or "journalists."

Independent when you are paid millions of baht by a foreign government, especially an organization like NED that has a long history of manipulating and overthrowing political systems around the world?

Journalists when you call an interview with a paid lobbyist of a man who's movement you are overtly supporting, "journalism?"

Pravit's questions to Amsterdam are essentially, as Thaksin's paid lawyer, what kind of man is Thaksin? Answer: Thaksin is a great man! ... what a surprise!

This is grotesque, insulting propaganda. It served no purpose other than to give Amsterdam a platform to make a case he is PAID to make. The real question is - if you are truly interested in the truth, objectivity, and rational debate, why are you not pointing out how poorly this interview compliments such ideals or the alleged agenda of Prachatai?

And Albert, you cite two articles published by Prachatai, where within each, Prachatai refutes and tries to frame as ridiculous the evidence provided by Sondhi - along with the torrent of insulting comments that followed, in addition to Prachatai's targeted censorship of my comments in rebuttal. I think you make my point in spades - thanks.

Read through all the postings on this subject and you find the answer you wanted.

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

Would you apply the same law to 2009 and 2010? Or the law should be applied selectively? In your opinion, where do characters like Jatuporn, Arisman, Nattawut, Kwancahi etc...etc...belong? Just out of curiosity. wink.png

As for some deluded people defending prachathai as being an independent source. It's really laughable. Let's give the opportunity to Tony to defend himself against relentless smear campaign.

#25310 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 09:58
So US-funed Prachatai is

So US-funed Prachatai is serving host for Thaksin's paid lawyer/propagandist/lobbyist, and invites the Nation's Pravit to give the interview. I'm sorry, but this seems to just prove further everything I've been saying about Prachatai being directly linked to Thaksin not just through a convergence of agenda, or even direct financial links between the same foreign-sponsors - but direct links TO the very people involved in Thaksin's UDD.


Has Prachatai hosted UDD's opposition in interviews on their US-funded TV program?

#25313 - by albert park (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 10:23
So if Prachatai were to

So if Prachatai were to interview PAD people (e.g. http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3040) or Sondhi Limthongkul (http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3020) that would be evidence that would get them off the TC hook? I doubt it.

#25317 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 11:11
It's not my fault Prachatai {C}

It's not my fault Prachatai does such a poor job justifying their claims of being "independent" or "journalists."

Independent when you are paid millions of baht by a foreign government, especially an organization like NED that has a long history of manipulating and overthrowing political systems around the world?

Journalists when you call an interview with a paid lobbyist of a man who's movement you are overtly supporting, "journalism?"

Pravit's questions to Amsterdam are essentially, as Thaksin's paid lawyer, what kind of man is Thaksin? Answer: Thaksin is a great man! ... what a surprise!

This is grotesque, insulting propaganda. It served no purpose other than to give Amsterdam a platform to make a case he is PAID to make. The real question is - if you are truly interested in the truth, objectivity, and rational debate, why are you not pointing out how poorly this interview compliments such ideals or the alleged agenda of Prachatai?

And Albert, you cite two articles published by Prachatai, where within each, Prachatai refutes and tries to frame as ridiculous the evidence provided by Sondhi - along with the torrent of insulting comments that followed, in addition to Prachatai's targeted censorship of my comments in rebuttal. I think you make my point in spades - thanks.

Read through all the postings on this subject and you find the answer you wanted.

Troll, troll and troll. Very boring indeed.

Your comments / links are nothing more than organized spin.

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

Would you apply the same law to 2009 and 2010? Or the law should be applied selectively? In your opinion, where do characters like Jatuporn, Arisman, Nattawut, Kwancahi etc...etc...belong? Just out of curiosity. wink.png

As for some deluded people defending prachathai as being an independent source. It's really laughable. Let's give the opportunity to Tony to defend himself against relentless smear campaign.

#25310 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 09:58
So US-funed Prachatai is

So US-funed Prachatai is serving host for Thaksin's paid lawyer/propagandist/lobbyist, and invites the Nation's Pravit to give the interview. I'm sorry, but this seems to just prove further everything I've been saying about Prachatai being directly linked to Thaksin not just through a convergence of agenda, or even direct financial links between the same foreign-sponsors - but direct links TO the very people involved in Thaksin's UDD.


Has Prachatai hosted UDD's opposition in interviews on their US-funded TV program?

#25313 - by albert park (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 10:23
So if Prachatai were to

So if Prachatai were to interview PAD people (e.g. http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3040) or Sondhi Limthongkul (http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/3020) that would be evidence that would get them off the TC hook? I doubt it.

#25317 - by Tony (visitor) () | Wed, 08/02/2012 - 11:11
It's not my fault Prachatai {C}

It's not my fault Prachatai does such a poor job justifying their claims of being "independent" or "journalists."

Independent when you are paid millions of baht by a foreign government, especially an organization like NED that has a long history of manipulating and overthrowing political systems around the world?

Journalists when you call an interview with a paid lobbyist of a man who's movement you are overtly supporting, "journalism?"

Pravit's questions to Amsterdam are essentially, as Thaksin's paid lawyer, what kind of man is Thaksin? Answer: Thaksin is a great man! ... what a surprise!

This is grotesque, insulting propaganda. It served no purpose other than to give Amsterdam a platform to make a case he is PAID to make. The real question is - if you are truly interested in the truth, objectivity, and rational debate, why are you not pointing out how poorly this interview compliments such ideals or the alleged agenda of Prachatai?

And Albert, you cite two articles published by Prachatai, where within each, Prachatai refutes and tries to frame as ridiculous the evidence provided by Sondhi - along with the torrent of insulting comments that followed, in addition to Prachatai's targeted censorship of my comments in rebuttal. I think you make my point in spades - thanks.

Read through all the postings on this subject and you find the answer you wanted.

Scorecard #71

You wrote

Troll, troll and troll. Very boring indeed.

Your comments / links are nothing more than organized spin.

My response

Is this the best you can offer to share here? Loser attitude.

BTW, all the links on Prachatai were not mine. It came together with your question.

You read all the postings on this topic? I am sure you get the answer to the question you asked.

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Troll, troll and troll. Very boring indeed.

Your comments / links are nothing more than organized spin.

Are you referring to fb4 posts by any chance? I couldn't agree more. I might also add his posts are cheap propaganda and half truths devoid of any substance. But hey, some people have such tunnel vision, some people are colour blinded etc...etc...wai2.gif

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

What about people firing grenades, murdering peaceful protestors and threatening rice farmers? Do we need warrants for them?

Edited by love1012
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If the present government is not good and is so evil as accused by the DEM's PDRC/PCAD, there is no reason that other parties cannot vote them out.

Yes there is - a very good one - unbalanced posts like your make me want a coup to take place!! Jut to se the look on your little square head demi gods face!!!

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There is no conclusive evidence. Only speculation and assumption. It remains to me a perception that is a result of distortion, rumor, untruth, misinformation and smear.

I don't argue on who is more evil and do not take a holier than thou attitude. Rule of law must prevail but must be based on the principle of justice, evidence, not on judges personal opinion, speculation, assumption and on conjecture.

When judges of the Court/independence agencies are being used to further politics, than they lose their legitimacy, transparency and efficacy. Therefore they become a destructive force rather than check and balance positive force.

If the present government is not good and is so evil as accused by the DEM's PDRC/PCAD, there is no reason that other parties cannot vote them out.

So, let's go back to the original case against the paymaster when by the skin of his teeth (vote of 1 judge) he escaped conviction.

That one judge later said specifically that regardless of the actual law he just couldn't find the paymaster guilty because his party had just won an election.

So please share your comment on this.

That was not Thaksin's fault. You can impeach the judge if you want.

who honestly knows... from later evidence it's been proved that Thaksin's lawyers tend to leave tuppaware lunch boxes laying around stuffed with money.


"That was not Thaksin's fault. You can impeach the judge if you want."

Actually I didn't ask you if it was thaksin's fault.

I did ask for your comment (meaning opinion).

And I requite your own words:

"Rule of law must prevail but must be based on the principle of justice, evidence, not on judges personal opinion, speculation, assumption and on conjecture."

So I ask again for your opinion.

On the other hand, if youu don't want to take part in an adult discussion, I'll just see your comments as childish, foolish, lacking is any credibility, and trolling.

Over to you.

The only quote and therefore reply to this is Thaksin is a liar a cheat a thief and a murderer!!

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Hope the ever impartial courts will have time to jail some of these scum, when they finished interferring in democracy that is.


Thanks for these photos. The fact that there are still some Thai Visa members still supporting these boneheaded anti democratic bullies is beyond me.

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so, yesterday's gone, what about the ruling?

i did searched through internet but i've found nothing about it

Likely to reject the warrants like they have 100 times before. The courts are mostly stacked with old yellow muppets. When its time for reform, the courts should be first on the list for scrutiny.

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so, yesterday's gone, what about the ruling?

i did searched through internet but i've found nothing about it

Likely to reject the warrants like they have 100 times before. The courts are mostly stacked with old yellow muppets. When its time for reform, the courts should be first on the list for scrutiny.

Actually DSI screwed up last time. Didn't bother with little things like evidence or witnesses, other than Tarit.

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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

How can you violate the laws surrounding an SoE when that very state itself has been illegally declared?

Dog and pony show

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Hope the ever impartial courts will have time to jail some of these scum, when they finished interferring in democracy that is.


Thanks for these photos. The fact that there are still some Thai Visa members still supporting these boneheaded anti democratic bullies is beyond me.

I do not condone violence... unlike Pipkins who has actually stated that thai's should bear arms against the protest..

But what is the back story here.. and to be fair this sort of thing can happen any day in Thailand not just on protests

update... pipkins is getting his wish...BANGKOK: -- Gunshots were fired and small bombs were thrown at guards giving protection to anti-government protesters at Lard Phrao intersection and Chaengwattana but no one was hurt. But a ten-wheel truck parked in front of Lak Si district office was riddled with bullet holes on its front windshield and body.

Edited by casualbiker
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It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

How can you violate the laws surrounding an SoE when that very state itself has been illegally declared?

Dog and pony show

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Very good point...

Also saying the protests are illegal and yet calling on the red shirts to mobilize tomorrow, double standards.

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Today Criminal Court issued 19 arrest warrants for leaders of protests (Suthep included).


Interesting to see how situation will develop now... but I guess not much will change.

How can this be possible?

I was led to believe that the courts were stuffed with old, yellow muppets!!!

Was that, perchance, just the usual horseplop from a bunch of one eyed numpties who will now accept that they were wrong?

We shall see!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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