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Thai northeast vows poll payback to Shinawatra clan


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Did a media involved with the Nation really just say.

"Thailand's Notoriously Interventionalist Courts" Wow... change really is in the air today. Bring on more reform I say and the sooner the better!!!

Of course though, this is not the type of reform been mooted by Suthep, Army, Dems, Elite, Courts is it. But it is a start when the above description of the Courts is bandied about as if it is accepted fact!

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money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money


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"It is painful that they hate us. But don't worry -- now we hate them too."

True Esan Buddhism, from the heart, na krap? ....... which coloured shirts was she proud to display again?

Wear the shirt.... blaspheme....... and go back to what you only think you know, or see Khun Somsamai. Cry when there is no further delivery from what you promise to pay back, to an idiot who once came to visit, and you were hysterical (are).

Hate is a powerful word; one which I didn't believe merit makers portrayed. (Well, I did/do)

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"We will come out and obstruct, with the people's forces, just like we did in 2010. We fought against the tanks of the soldiers, we will fight," he said. "This time we will not surrender."

- odd, I never saw Kwanchai on the front lines in 2010.In fact, wasn't he spotted in a McDonalds when one of the 'battle's was going on???

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money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money money money money money can't see the wood for the trees money money money money


So money's not important to you?

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Wonder how many rice farmers are in agreement?


Given the very poor turnout to the PDRC's marches across the north and east, not many farmers believe it is the government that is the problem here (a couple of photos from the last farmer stories I can find on Thai visa). I think the article is pure wishful thinking.


They know what the problem is, PDRC might think they're stupid, but they watch TV. So when this PDRC guy below starts spouting that 300000 voices in Bangkok are worth 15 million votes in the provinces, they know how much these PDRC yobs value them:


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"Residents rattle through a list of Thaksin's good deeds that have transformed their fortunes, including rice farming subsidies, universal healthcare, job-generating micro-loans and university scholarships for the poor."

"Rattle through"?....Or just "listed them"...""Rattling through" sounds sort of denigrating, which I'm sure was not intended.

"...to avoid jail for a corruption conviction he says was politically motivated".

And it was...Stands to reason...It was Post-coup....All part of the demonization campaign perped by the coup-mongers of then, in order to justify their 2006 coup...Now, they are trying it again, but the electoral majority will show the effect of this demonization campaign on Sunday.

"Somsamai said insults by protest leaders in Bangkok have tightened the bond between Thailand's poorest people and its most prominent political outcast.

Being coup'ed by unelectables does not make him an "Outcast"...the last election clearly showed who the 'outcasts' are, and will in all likelihood do so again on Sunday.

This quote also diminishes the political awareness of the majority Thai electrate, by suggesting that it is one-dimensional....Just some more PAD-Dem arrogance coming through...They are so convinced they have the market cornered on Political wisdom, that they don't even need to bother tailoring their policies to the countries' diverse electorate...the results of that political blindness will become apparent on Sunday.

"Analysts warn the political divide may be pushing Thailand to the edge of a precipice"

I doubt this is true. ...Perhaps some more PAD-Dem/PDRC/Coup-monger "illusions of grandeur".....Thinking they can eliminate electoral Democracy in order to gain power is not something the majority Thai electorate would countenance.

But in the meantime, their strategy appears to be one of keeping the leadership of the PDRC anti-democrats out of jail, so they can keep the southerners and a few others on the streets, with a peak demo every so often, keeping the pressure on, so their user-friendly courts and "independent" agencies can organize the end of the government.

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