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Abhisit declares he will not go to his polling station to vote on Sunday


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"Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional"


And some accuse the Nation of being the opposition newspaper. Silly. Or could it be the red mole who misquoted him on purpose? wink.png

That's not what he said. He said:

Democrat Party leader Abhisit says in his personal Facebook page that he will not vote tomorrow as election is held unconstitutionally


Its "UNCONSTITUTIONAL"? I thought the King gave his blessings to it, so does that fall under the law of defimation?

Unconstitutional in that it will not be performed nationwide on the same day.

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That is not for him to judge.

He has an obligation and a legal requirement to attempt to vote.

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"Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional"


And some accuse the Nation of being the opposition newspaper. Silly. Or could it be the red mole who misquoted him on purpose? wink.png

That's not what he said. He said:

Democrat Party leader Abhisit says in his personal Facebook page that he will not vote tomorrow as election is held unconstitutionally


and if that is the case it's because he (the bloke on a murder charge) did not put his party forward but instead chose to prevent everybody in the country from exercing their democratic right to be able to vote. What a penis.

But at least he (the bloke on a murder charge) is still here in Thailand and didn't want a blanket amenesty ... that penis has big balls ..... unlike the shriveled acorns of the Caddie in Dubai.

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If the EC fails to organize polls and run elections, then they should be sued as individuals and their money used to cover the cost of the failed elections.

EC member Somchai Srisutthiyakorn said:

'The elections will not take place unless both parties and other stakeholders hold talks and reach an agreement. The EC is ready to act as a go-between.'

'After the registration of constituency candidates ends on Jan 1, the EC will hold a meeting on Jan 2 and make a decision,'

'Some people may say we are crossing the line. In some cases we might overstep our authority. But if that can resolve the situation, we have to do it,'

'And if the public thinks that we have crossed the line, we will take responsibility.'

When he admitted they might overstep their authority, it makes them personally liable for any failed elections. So if the EC wants to run this as a failed election outside it's legal bounds, then so be it, but they will pay the price personally as individuals.

Abhisit is an idiot, the EC looks like it's trying to void the election so he can stand in the next one, the CC even declared the EC & Government could agree to restart the election process letting him change his mind about standing.

But if he doesn't vote, then he cannot stand next time, so no restart would make any difference. If he remains as the leader of the Democrats, he condemns the party too, so he needs to be replaced if they are to rescue themselves.

Democrat MPs who don't vote, won't be able to stand, and won't have power, even in Democrat strongholds. So they need to consider their futures separate from loser boy.

If I recall, it was a meeting between the EC and Yingluck and the PTP very recently, where it was Yingluck and the PTP insisting that the election must proceed. The EC was, in fact, trying to get Yingluck and the PTP to agree to a postponement. However, probably a skype call, killed any chance of that happening.

You apparently didn't recall that the Constitutional Court said the election can be delayed if BOTH the government and EC agree. Given Suthep's unnegotiable stance requiring Yingluck step down before he'll ALLOW any elections, there was no point in resecheduling the elections.

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If the EC fails to organize polls and run elections, then they should be sued as individuals and their money used to cover the cost of the failed elections.

EC member Somchai Srisutthiyakorn said:

'The elections will not take place unless both parties and other stakeholders hold talks and reach an agreement. The EC is ready to act as a go-between.'

'After the registration of constituency candidates ends on Jan 1, the EC will hold a meeting on Jan 2 and make a decision,'

'Some people may say we are crossing the line. In some cases we might overstep our authority. But if that can resolve the situation, we have to do it,'

'And if the public thinks that we have crossed the line, we will take responsibility.'

When he admitted they might overstep their authority, it makes them personally liable for any failed elections. So if the EC wants to run this as a failed election outside it's legal bounds, then so be it, but they will pay the price personally as individuals.

Abhisit is an idiot, the EC looks like it's trying to void the election so he can stand in the next one, the CC even declared the EC & Government could agree to restart the election process letting him change his mind about standing.

But if he doesn't vote, then he cannot stand next time, so no restart would make any difference. If he remains as the leader of the Democrats, he condemns the party too, so he needs to be replaced if they are to rescue themselves.

Democrat MPs who don't vote, won't be able to stand, and won't have power, even in Democrat strongholds. So they need to consider their futures separate from loser boy.

If I recall, it was a meeting between the EC and Yingluck and the PTP very recently, where it was Yingluck and the PTP insisting that the election must proceed. The EC was, in fact, trying to get Yingluck and the PTP to agree to a postponement. However, probably a skype call, killed any chance of that happening.

You apparently didn't recall that the Constitutional Court said the election can be delayed if BOTH the government and EC agree. Given Suthep's unnegotiable stance requiring Yingluck step down before he'll ALLOW any elections, there was no point in resecheduling the elections.

So why doesn't she step down and hand the reign to a non Shinawatra?

for the good of the country!

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Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional

Well at least hes honest laugh.png

Hard to believe any educated Englishman could take such a view.

Or is it? Afterall Eton and Oxford are rather Elitist instutions and many there probably also yearn for the good old days when the aristocracy ruled everything and they didnt have to interact with the plebs.

Seems he didn't learn much....

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"Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional"


Well spotted! Freudian slip perhaps?

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More likely an error in translation.

Same difference

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Abhisit is a stubborn impotent idiot. Why he is still in politics is beyond me. He should have quit years ago.

He never had a real job before he went into politics. What exactly would he do?

It's not as if he had military experience, so that rules out a job as the parking lot whistle blower down at the local Tesco.

That is NOT true, Aphisit held a position as military advisor for a short time.
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He cannot vote imo, the few thousand supporters left of the PDRC would likely all leave if he did.

Notice how few of them there are now from recent photos, a couple of thousand at the moment and dwindling all the time.

More and more people now know the real reasons behind the PDRC and they are now not going to let these people pull off another power grab, which is why less and less people now support the PDRC.

Abhisit is just a yes man and front guy for those people in my view, he does what they say and does well out of it, which is why he will have been told, in my opinion, he cannot vote and must show support for the PDRC.

All in my opinion of course.

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born and educated in the UK from wealthy family, spoilt brat who doesn't want for anything in his life ,throws his teddy out of pram cos he cant get his own way as usual

Born in England, Abhisit attended Eton College and earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Oxford.[6] He was elected to the Parliament of Thailand at age 27, and promoted to Democrat Party leader in 2005, after his predecessor resigned following the party's defeat in the 2005 general election.[7

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A man received a message from his neighbor: "Sorry sir I am using your wife....I am using it day and night...I am using it when you are not present at home....in fact I am using it more then you are...I confess this because now I feel much guilt...Hope you will accept my sincere apologies"

Man shoots his wife......

Few minutes later he received another message: "Sorry sir, spelling mistake...its not wife but wifi....

Lesson of the day: Check your grammar otherwise it might be NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL and have dire results like foot in the mouth disease.

Edited by smileydude
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Again the man shows he has NO dignity. Voting is a Right, an Human Right in civilised societies. Voting is pretty much a private matter. You do not spread the word around on which party or on Who you will vote. It is cause of private consideration which you share with perhaps family or friends. The declaration that The Man Who Failed is not going to vote is pathetic and only ment to stir up the mass. As said: no dignity. My dog hurt its leg on a sharp stone today and the 7-11 overheated my macaroni in its mic4o wave. A very shocking day, Mr. Abhisit together with your news.

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"Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional"


Either it's CONSTITUTIONAL or UNCONSTITUTIONAL, I have never heard of "NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL" before, what exactly does it mean?

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born and educated in the UK from wealthy family, spoilt brat who doesn't want for anything in his life ,throws his teddy out of pram cos he cant get his own way as usual

Born in England, Abhisit attended Eton College and earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Oxford.[6] He was elected to the Parliament of Thailand at age 27, and promoted to Democrat Party leader in 2005, after his predecessor resigned following the party's defeat in the 2005 general election.[7

Have you checked Thaksins..

He ain't exactly from a rice farmers family ..

.Also :

"The ruling Thais Love Thais (TRT) party of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra won a majority seats in the House of Representatives, partly as a result of the decision by the major opposition parties toboycott the elections. Nearly complete results showed that TRT won 61% of the valid vote and about 460 of the 500 seats. Despite this, Thaksin announced his resignation two days after the election.

Although TRT easily won the election in terms of both votes and seats, the results were seen by Thaksin's opponents and media critics as a rejection of his call for an overwhelming mandate. "

But then came back as the caretaker PM by reinstating himself.

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"Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional"


Either it's CONSTITUTIONAL or UNCONSTITUTIONAL, I have n3ever heard of "NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL" before, what exactly does it mean?

Tomorrow he has more important things to do. Inaugurating a new weasel farm and sewing the altered military orders back on his suit.what a disaster for Thailand he is. As a Starbucks manager I still see some future for him. Innocent face, decent English, "2 hot croissants please waiter!"

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born and educated in the UK from wealthy family, spoilt brat who doesn't want for anything in his life ,throws his teddy out of pram cos he cant get his own way as usual

Born in England, Abhisit attended Eton College and earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Oxford.[6] He was elected to the Parliament of Thailand at age 27, and promoted to Democrat Party leader in 2005, after his predecessor resigned following the party's defeat in the 2005 general election.[7

Have you checked Thaksins..

He ain't exactly from a rice farmers family ..

.Also :

At least hes Thai thumbsup.gif

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"Tomorrow, I won't go to exercise my voting right because this election is not unconstitutional"


And some accuse the Nation of being the opposition newspaper. Silly. Or could it be the red mole who misquoted him on purpose? wink.png

That's not what he said. He said:

Democrat Party leader Abhisit says in his personal Facebook page that he will not vote tomorrow as election is held unconstitutionally


Yeah, but it suits the red rabble to say / believe "not unconstitutional" - why let a fact get in the way of their stupidity.

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If nothing else, I love it how some Thai people can demonstrate for many months, peacefully. I also have a lot of respect for the leaders of the demonstrations, who put their lives at risk every day. Mr. Abhisit made his choice and will live with the consequences, just like everyone else, on both sides.

At least he is not a sheep! wai2.gif

or a camel herder.

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This thread is showing some encouraging signs... judging by the number of "likes" for posts strongly disaproving Abhisit and the Dem's behavior, compared with the small number of "likes" for posts in his favor.

Like in the Thai society, it proves that it is only a small minority that supports the anti-democratic dirty moves of Suthep, the Dems and their yellow followers.
In the long run they cannot win anything anyway.
It is just a pity that the country must pass such a difficult period only because of some power seeking individuals.
Abhisit not voting? No problem. If he disappears from the political scene forever... even better !
But preventing the other people to cast their votes is clearly criminal.

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Is AV suggesting a Royal Decree is unconstitutional?

No. He is suggesting this election is..

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same thing friend - and BTW the dems amended the "constitution" that they now say is "unconstitutional"

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born and educated in the UK from wealthy family, spoilt brat who doesn't want for anything in his life ,throws his teddy out of pram cos he cant get his own way as usual

Born in England, Abhisit attended Eton College and earned bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Oxford.[6] He was elected to the Parliament of Thailand at age 27, and promoted to Democrat Party leader in 2005, after his predecessor resigned following the party's defeat in the 2005 general election.[7

Have you checked Thaksins..

He ain't exactly from a rice farmers family ..

.Also :

At least hes Thai thumbsup.gif

Who Abhisit.. yes your correct .. the only one currently with a non Thai passport is Thaksin. He has Nicaraguan. Montenegrin and the Thai passport his cousin Surapong Tovichakchaikul (current head of CMPO) gave back to him in person in Dubai.

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Is AV suggesting a Royal Decree is unconstitutional?

No. He is suggesting this election is..

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

same thing friend - and BTW the dems amended the "constitution" that they now say is "unconstitutional"

The constitution is not unconstitutional. The election is.. very.very different. It's not the same thing at all.

Personally I think he's wrong about not voting. But it's his choice and it should be the choice of all Thais!

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