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true mobile internet firewall disable possible,most of the dataports closed?


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i just areived in thailand,for this year,and need some advice from the experts!

iam using a slingbox media streaming box,to stream the tv programms from europe from my dreambox,over the internet,

on the iphone or ipad,the connection works perfectly,also when speed goes down to 384 kbit,

on the browser,i got no connection to the box,because i have only one simcard,i not use any router,only a old mac mini,after my notebook was gone,last year i not have any problem with closed dataports,now iam not sure,does true make any change,or is the the mac mini the problem,firewall in os 10,.6 disabled,when i make a portscan the result is that nearly all exept the surfing and the mail port are closed!

i activate internet use on airport that i currencly use,but also not work,slingbox is using port 5001

currencly iam unable to connect with the new iphone 5c over usb,only the arport works,last year with sony notebook i use also a direct connection it was working,is there any experts,that can tell me how i can open closed ports on mac os 10.6 older os,or does make true any change?closing all dataports?

i try to conact the hotlne,to ask it is posible to disable,the maybe now network based installed firewal,but today the hotline was not possible to cennection after a system crash in the call center

does true offer the posibility to disable a network based port blocking?

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