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Democrats ask to have Pheu Thai dissolved


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The Democrats think they're being very clever and cunning, but in reality another overturning of the popular vote, although it might give them temporary advantage again, won't bring them ulimate victory. It will simply widen the fission in Thai society and push the country one step closer towards a festering civil way. If Abhisit has any leadership qualities at all he should start by exercising them among his own party to dissuade them from the disasterous course that they're embarked on. But it's looking increasingly as if the only thing he learned at Eton was deference to his masters. Sad.

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The PM and cabinet ministers are the ones you ought to be talking about in this fashion, this anti Abhisit hatred of him and his education is worrying.

Being neutral and fair you are not. If the government have done wrong they deserve to be nailed along with any other MPs including Abhisit, but to slag the guy off in this fashion is out of order.

Get picking on the slime that has been doing great wrong to the country in the past 3 years. Are you not capable of prioritizing.

I expected far more from Mark tbh having had a far better insight and education in a far more better system for most of his student life, so yes im being hard on him but no less than career politicians at home that have no concept or care for the common working man. He clearly learned nothing but the slimy antics and spin crap some have back at home.

These people are supposed to represent the people not a small slice of frosted cake, I dont care for the current gov ive made that clear enough times but the dems isnt a party worthy of any respect either and Mark is probably one of the weakest leaders ive seen here in my time. Even suthep god forbid stands for something at least, Mark i dont see stands for anything apart from to attn when fingers are snapped.

Guys a puppet and weak, sorry n all that but he is.

I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

1. There is no money in the coffers. Ok there are reserves that can be used but they should not. The banks have money but they should not hand it over. For all intents and purposes, the government is bankrupt hence the non payment of the farmers.

2. At this time reforms were not necessary as the government was doing it'sn job. Only since PT came to power have they screwed up the entire country and tried to break the laws for tyheir own puyrpose3s. The need for reform has become apparent due to their actions so stop trying to use this lame argument please. As for the deaths, they were no the governments fault, they were the red rioters / terrorists faults, not to mention their 'leaders'. Blame Nuttawat, Arisman, Jatuporn, Tida, Taksin etc.

3. I agree a strong leader is needed. Don't know who though. I still say 'Note' Udom Taepanit for PM, at least he would be entertaining.

4. Yes Taksin is corrupt as hell. NO, he is not a strong leader. He is a vindictive and spiteful bully.

At least Abhisit worked in the best interests of the country. Not everything can be good for the farmers. But the country in general has to be the priority. He is intelligent and knows the stupid PT policies are no answer. He is far better than anyone else we have had over the past 15 years. I admit there may well be better people though and I wish they would make their presence known if there are.

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Gin you misread the father im talking about, think bigger and beloved;) apologies for using the word hatred but you do go off on it all the time

My summing up btw shows nothing of the kind you misread the father figure i was referring to.

Your a dem i get that, your prerogative im firmly of the belief no answer will come from the old and set in their ways elite, so currently i have no confidence in any stable solution as usual here. I hope for someone from the country and grass roots not an elite to lead things to a better place, if im honest I think that wont happen until theres been a lot more unrest here first.

lets end it there, nice chatting.

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The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

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Hey tingtong, how come ive been saying since a year after i arrived everything here needs a serious overhaul the whole system is rotten to the core or itll just rise and repeat ?

That was near on 20 years ago and ive been right the whole time so please dont try and sell me the line about nothing being needed 2 years ago... dems chose to ignore it like all before them.


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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

Thaksin IS the elite, my brilliant scholar. The supporters are daft and duped. How do you fall into such categories? Moaning that democrats are losers?! What have they done so wrong? Check into the programs they had going on to benefit people before the paid 'martyrs' burned up the city in 2010.

Bangkok was burned down after the PM/DPM gave the order to pop off a hundred demonstrators. Suthep was in charge of security. The Abhisit and Suthep era is gone. They both are part of the problem and its time that Korn, Chuan and Surin take back the Democrat Party from Abhisit. I still think Chuan, Korn and Surin are better then Yingluck but Abhisit should have never been the leader of the Democrat Party.

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let me just rehash point 3 for you.

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, it will also need a party that can hold majority communicates its policies, inclusively, fairly and for the benefit of the majority not the few.... most of all without the scandals and as prepared to impeach or put in jail its own the same as anyone at any level or position in society.

that sound like any party you know here ?

3--Again YOU brought Abhisit to the forefront -- and tried to rubbish him.

We do need a strong leader, a fair leader. I can only think of Korn. we do not want a leader the same as Thaksin they have to be CLEAN--but no Magabi--thanks.

when you talk about being strong, there are 2 types---strong and fair---strong and totally corrupt---you choose.

Gin leave out the trying to convince me into liking the dems i simply dont consider them an option as a move forwards and leave Mark out im afraid hes rubbished himself these last few months beyond repair imo , Korn is ok but im not immersed in Thai politics to name a whole party im sure theres plenty from all parties with decent people in them.

So to answer your Q strong and fair ... Thailand has a few former but none of the latter... sad but hey a country moulds the people with its society perceptions and respect of law, it ultimately gets what it deserves, no one else to blame.

Guess im saying Thailand is up s**t creek with only half a paddle and will probably go round in circles for the foreseeable future.

Hey I am NOT trying to convince you of nothing, it's not my business what you want to believe.

I am pointing out the comparisons YOU made between the ex PMs that's all. YOUR version is wanting a strong Thaksin back, mine was pointing out Abhisit is not the S##T you want to portray.

Your last sentence sums it up--But without the glamour of Thaksin, who has created this mess by his advice to His sister Yingluck.

AT NO TIME have I ever asked for Abhisit or the Dems back in office. What I did say if there was no one else I would prefer them to this shower.

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LOL an overthrow of the monarchy. As if during the 1997 army backed constitution when all senators were chosen there was no monarchy. The Democrat Party should be disbanded it is a bad loser and no matter what happens with PT they will keep on losing. This time however it is conceivable that the Northerners and North Easterners will teach the bomb throwers from the South a real lesson and Chiangmai of Kon Kaen may end up the new Capital.

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Gin you misread the father im talking about, think bigger and belovedwink.png apologies for using the word hatred but you do go off on it all the time

My summing up btw shows nothing of the kind you misread the father figure i was referring to.

Your a dem i get that, your prerogative im firmly of the belief no answer will come from the old and set in their ways elite, so currently i have no confidence in any stable solution as usual here. I hope for someone from the country and grass roots not an elite to lead things to a better place, if im honest I think that wont happen until theres been a lot more unrest here first.

lets end it there, nice chatting.

The daughter of the father is the best choice.

I do not lie my friend I am not a Dem, I do not have a right to be---BUT I only prefer Abhisit to the PTP Yingluck record in government, That's all.

You are the one mate that rubbishes him and has a liking to the strength of Thaksin.---Your posts all waver this side and that,

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The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

Birds of a feather come to mind when I look at your likes. You have blinkers on and will not take them off to look around, that's why your posts are getting cried down,

look at the whole picture,

You want to retain this present rabble up to you, don't blame everyone else the same the government are doing, instead of looking at the feed back, but when has the government been interested in feed back--when have they made U-Turns when a policy has gone wrong ??--- Thailand controlled from another country is NEVER ON.--hence the problems ---you are not interested though. it shows.

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Gin will you stop it please, show me once where ive even suggested i want Thaksin back, I dont and do not want poster boy come suthep lapdog back either. i do see him as weak and a s**t for being so... tough, i dont like weak men and like murderers less.

I was making a comparison based on some traits both have even academics grant Thaksin the basics you obviously cant leave out your personal feelings, in the same token i will not leave out my feelings of Abhisit or the relationship hes had with suthep since 2010, ive tried but after the last few months i cant any longer.

Now go away rub your arthritus and have some kwideaw laced with a whiskey or something. thumbsup.gif

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They do realise it doesn't matter what they are called they will still win an election.

After all these years and this is the best they have got?? Time for new leaders and new ideas boys. Weak sauce.

Yes but at the rate this is going we will be stuck with Shinawatra's for years.sad.png

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There is something extremely insipid about the dems playing this crying game. No wonder they never get anywhere, such a bunch of weak ass losers

Can't even be bothered to go into the ridiculousness all. Mark has got to be the slimiest Thai politician around, probably learned how to be a skank in eatons dorms

To answer your Huxley with Huxley.
"The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.~ Aldous Huxley"
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
You're singing the same old song... but you don't really know the words.

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Gin you misread the father im talking about, think bigger and belovedwink.png apologies for using the word hatred but you do go off on it all the time

My summing up btw shows nothing of the kind you misread the father figure i was referring to.

Your a dem i get that, your prerogative im firmly of the belief no answer will come from the old and set in their ways elite, so currently i have no confidence in any stable solution as usual here. I hope for someone from the country and grass roots not an elite to lead things to a better place, if im honest I think that wont happen until theres been a lot more unrest here first.

lets end it there, nice chatting.

The daughter of the father is the best choice.

I do not lie my friend I am not a Dem, I do not have a right to be---BUT I only prefer Abhisit to the PTP Yingluck record in government, That's all.

You are the one mate that rubbishes him and has a liking to the strength of Thaksin.---Your posts all waver this side and that,

I suggest you to look at some post that Englishoak did back in time and believe me: you can tell anything but sure cannot tall he likes Thaksin...

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The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

Birds of a feather come to mind when I look at your likes. You have blinkers on and will not take them off to look around, that's why your posts are getting cried down,

look at the whole picture,

You want to retain this present rabble up to you, don't blame everyone else the same the government are doing, instead of looking at the feed back, but when has the government been interested in feed back--when have they made U-Turns when a policy has gone wrong ??--- Thailand controlled from another country is NEVER ON.--hence the problems ---you are not interested though. it shows.


Well the present rabble have just won their sixth election in a row, probably with a record number of seats. The losing rabble, on the other hand, haven't won an election for more than 20 years. I'd say it was time for the losing rabble to have a long hard think.

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There is something extremely insipid about the dems playing this crying game. No wonder they never get anywhere, such a bunch of weak ass losers

Can't even be bothered to go into the ridiculousness all. Mark has got to be the slimiest Thai politician around, probably learned how to be a skank in eatons dorms

You mean slimy as in, educated to understand the letter and spirit of the law ?

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

How do you call it when someone doesn't have the money to pay the suppliers ?

Did you have a look around you lately, like at the roads and other infrastructure of this country. The local government in my area, and probably evry local government in this country, have big problems to keep up because the didn't receive the budgets they were promised.

I know, blame it on the protests, but the reality is that this all was going on long time before the protests started.

Yes it was going on but it was OK. The Shinawatra's and friends were getting their cut.

I wonder how long it is going to take the electorate to wake up and demand a decent government. A democratic government does not necessarily mean you have a decent one. In the case of Thailand it means you have an uneducated electorate that is being kept that way by all the governments.

When are we going to have an election and let it run it's course? Instead we get one every time the Prime Minister feels insecurity with the mess they have created. They call for an election while they think they still have the support of the illiterate. Or get themselves removed through gross incompetency. Let them serve the term out and show how useless they really are.

If this had been held off one more month not only would the PTP have lost the rice farmers vote but they would have lost the vote of all who are involved in the industry. From the field hands up through the whole industry.

Then to top it all off they would have taken a loan out to burden their great grandchildren.

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The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

Birds of a feather come to mind when I look at your likes. You have blinkers on and will not take them off to look around, that's why your posts are getting cried down,

look at the whole picture,

You want to retain this present rabble up to you, don't blame everyone else the same the government are doing, instead of looking at the feed back, but when has the government been interested in feed back--when have they made U-Turns when a policy has gone wrong ??--- Thailand controlled from another country is NEVER ON.--hence the problems ---you are not interested though. it shows.


Well the present rabble have just won their sixth election in a row, probably with a record number of seats. The losing rabble, on the other hand, haven't won an election for more than 20 years. I'd say it was time for the losing rabble to have a long hard think.

Are you recommending the Democrats start corruption on a massive scale to match the PTP?

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Bangkok was burned down after the PM/DPM gave the order to pop off a hundred demonstrators. Suthep was in charge of security. The Abhisit and Suthep era is gone. They both are part of the problem and its time that Korn, Chuan and Surin take back the Democrat Party from Abhisit. I still think Chuan, Korn and Surin are better then Yingluck but Abhisit should have never been the leader of the Democrat Party.

Bangkok was burned down 4 weeks after the worst day of deaths. And the "protest against the coup" was 4 years after the coup. The red shirts are a bit slow, it seems.

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Thais do not have the patience to let things run their course NJ especially if it means being embarrassed or losing doing it in public is the worst of the worst... they just cant take either of those things if theres any option however weak of foolhardy they will usually take it... hence all the coups the snap election calls and all the wrangling and upset it causes. its endemic, get used to it.

PTP would have imploded on its own if it had been left at the amnesty bill protests, now if its not cajoled out in court they will possibly come out stronger than they would have ... which irritates the heck out of me but not as much as the arrogance of the dems for bringing the place to where it is and the people killed needlessly for the elites obsession about another.

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Gin will you stop it please, show me once where ive even suggested i want Thaksin back, I dont and do not want poster boy come suthep lapdog back either. i do see him as weak and a s**t for being so... tough, i dont like weak men and like murderers less.

I was making a comparison based on some traits both have even academics grant Thaksin the basics you obviously cant leave out your personal feelings, in the same token i will not leave out my feelings of Abhisit or the relationship hes had with suthep since 2010, ive tried but after the last few months i cant any longer.

Now go away rub your arthritus and have some kwideaw laced with a whiskey or something. thumbsup.gif

#37 and #39. Don't drink mate not your suggested stuff, I'd beat you at 100 meters arthritis or not. look at your likes, have many ?? even on this thread.


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The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

Birds of a feather come to mind when I look at your likes. You have blinkers on and will not take them off to look around, that's why your posts are getting cried down,

look at the whole picture,

You want to retain this present rabble up to you, don't blame everyone else the same the government are doing, instead of looking at the feed back, but when has the government been interested in feed back--when have they made U-Turns when a policy has gone wrong ??--- Thailand controlled from another country is NEVER ON.--hence the problems ---you are not interested though. it shows.


Well the present rabble have just won their sixth election in a row, probably with a record number of seats. The losing rabble, on the other hand, haven't won an election for more than 20 years. I'd say it was time for the losing rabble to have a long hard think.

Are you recommending the Democrats start corruption on a massive scale to match the PTP?


No, I'm suggesting the Democrats scale back their corruption to the same level as PTP.

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'... Pheu Thai party-list MP Ruangkrai Leekitwattana said duty and decisions in regard to arranging or postponing elections did not belong to a government ...' So, who 'elected' to proceed with the election, against EC advice, if not PT?

'... Prompong Nopparit said a complaint will be loged today with the EC to seek the dissolution of the Democrat Party, for former MPs' roles assisting in protest rallies, in violation of Article 68.' Er, I seem to recall the same of the 2010 protests, added to which redshirt leaders were then elected as MPs.

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The PM and cabinet ministers are the ones you ought to be talking about in this fashion, this anti Abhisit hatred of him and his education is worrying.

Being neutral and fair you are not. If the government have done wrong they deserve to be nailed along with any other MPs including Abhisit, but to slag the guy off in this fashion is out of order.

Get picking on the slime that has been doing great wrong to the country in the past 3 years. Are you not capable of prioritizing.

I expected far more from Mark tbh having had a far better insight and education in a far more better system for most of his student life, so yes im being hard on him but no less than career politicians at home that have no concept or care for the common working man. He clearly learned nothing but the slimy antics and spin crap some have back at home.

These people are supposed to represent the people not a small slice of frosted cake, I dont care for the current gov ive made that clear enough times but the dems isnt a party worthy of any respect either and Mark is probably one of the weakest leaders ive seen here in my time. Even suthep god forbid stands for something at least, Mark i dont see stands for anything apart from to attn when fingers are snapped.

Guys a puppet and weak, sorry n all that but he is.

I don't think he is a bed of roses but in his 2 years as a PM until elections took place, we never had this S##T and scandals. How much money did his government lose through sticky fingers ?? he had 2 years, this government has near bankrupted the country in 3.

You must like the Thaksin style strong but utterly corrupt ???

1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

2 He had 2 years and did nothing, no reforms and heck of a lot of deaths on his hands, ( i dont forgive that no matter the colour )

3 To do anything remotely useful about any reform Thailand will need a strong leader who will say and do what needs to be done, and hes not even close to being it.

4 Read my words carefully because im not saying it again... I dont like Thaksin,never have and always known hes corrupt ( who isnt ) .... but he was/is a strong leader and did take the game by the horns, as an example that shows that things can be changed here. He showed that and still is in a way, however much people dislike him. Im talking about tenaciousness, strength and presence here not the corruption btw itll needs those first three qualities in any leader that affects real change here.

Now that brings us back to little ol Mark who has no strength at all, no convictions, no presence and no real policies... it is all borrowed or bolstered by others... he is not the one to lead the country to better times apart from for his string pullers and the sooner thats realised the better.

Be as focused on the present putz of a gov as you like I see no answer at present as an alternative whatsoever in Marky boy

Just remind us who is living in Thailand and waiting to go to court on his murder charge and who is hiding in Dubai.

There's fault on both sides but I think you're being unfair on Abhisit. Who are the puppets not holding the army to account for the deaths in 2010. That's the deaths the PTP promised justice for. You need to remember that unlike Thaksin's PTP the Democrat party doesn't belong to Abhisit. I think that's his problem. He's OK but there are many in the party who aren't.

The Dems had a rice scheme as well but it didn't do as much to damage Thailand's status as a rice exporter.

The thing with the PTP policies are that the focus is on the big numbers. 300 baht per day. 15,000 baht for rice. These were all big increases over a short time although how much of these increases were and are actually paid is another matter. That wasn't the important part, it's the big numbers that catch the eye. This is the problem for the Dems. They need policies that are sustainable but they tend not to be so eyecatching. the rice scheme isn't sustainable which is why the government tried to cut the price last year but backed down after complaints by the farmers.

I know the Dems did put some ideas into place but they were more low key so apart from the rice scheme I can't remember them. I know it's been mentioned on here before so perhaps someone can help with details.

Another problem at the moment is that if the government with it's majority breaks the law the only option is the courts who are then claimed to be biased. I can see why if that's true the Dems might not want to do anything but have the PTP put forward any proposals to balance the courts that they are always complaining about?

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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

Thaksin IS the elite, my brilliant scholar. The supporters are daft and duped. How do you fall into such categories? Moaning that democrats are losers?! What have they done so wrong? Check into the programs they had going on to benefit people before the paid 'martyrs' burned up the city in 2010.

Bangkok was burned down after the PM/DPM gave the order to pop off a hundred demonstrators. Suthep was in charge of security. The Abhisit and Suthep era is gone. They both are part of the problem and its time that Korn, Chuan and Surin take back the Democrat Party from Abhisit. I still think Chuan, Korn and Surin are better then Yingluck but Abhisit should have never been the leader of the Democrat Party.

The PM/DPM did not give the order to pop off a hundred demonstrators. Try to stay calm.

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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

As far as I'm aware Thailand adopted universal suffrage in 1933, 16 years before Thaksin was born. If I'm wrong perhaps someone can put me straight. If not then get him bak now as he's obviously a super hero.

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These figures are amazing! Nationwide, 28.6% of those who came out to vote either "abstained" or else "spoiled" their ballots, probably by tearing them up (there have been several reports concerning ballots being torn up). The Thaksinistas must be in SHOCK.

Voter turnout 46.79 per cent: EC

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission announced Wednesday that the voter turnout of 68 provinces where voting took place was 20.1 million or 46.79 per cent.

Of the voters who exercised their right, 3.3 million or 16.57 per cent cast an "abstention" vote while 2.4 million ballots or 12 per cent became invalid.

Tehre are 43 million voters nationwide.

The EC said the Bangkok voter turnout was 16.78 per cent. It said 7.95 per cent of ballots became invalid and 24.02 per cent of voters cast an "abstention" vote.

The figures exclude 516 stations where polling was cancelled on Sunday.
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