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'Occupy Bangkok' continues despite arrest warrants for 19 protest leaders


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Dr Bruce, on the basis of the number of people who voted, would you say the people really want this government? Since the voter turnout is low, and the number of people voting no vote, I would say the people dont vote for this government?

When your party hasn't won an election in twenty years you probably are not real interested in letting people vote as you know that once again your party will lose....so occupy buildings, raise hell, spout out all kinds of nonsense, or do anything you can do to put YOUR buddies into power without an Election....Pitiful.

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Whether the protesters' activities violated the Criminal Code or other laws is up to the authorities in charge to take legal action but their activities did not lead to a belief that they aimed at removing the country's administration, concluded the court.

So the court has yet again shown it's bias against the elected government.

Not actually true. As I understand it, this is the Constitutional Court saying that it's a criminal matter and therefore, they (the CC) has no jurisdiction over this charge.

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Dr Bruce, on the basis of the number of people who voted, would you say the people really want this government? Since the voter turnout is low, and the number of people voting no vote, I would say the people dont vote for this government?

How would you say the people would vote? Simple logic would say that if the people won't vote for this govt, then they would vote for another credible party, no? And who might that be?

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Hopefully the PTP are smart enough to realize if they arrest Suthep or any other major protest leader they are asking for huge touble

IMO if they make arrests the student wing will go on a rampage

Yes, which is why until now, they have not yet arrested the people who has arrest warrants against them. Timing is everything.

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You are probably right but as someone who has to get past the thuggish PRDC 'security' at both Asoke and Silom every day I can tell you it is a pain in the A#$e. The streets smell of urine and the only people benefitting are the vendors peddling the protest paraphenalia. There is a pall of dark expectation around Silom and Asoke. The rantings and hate speech of Suthep and his ilk interspered with nationalist songs and karaoke singing. I respect your right to protest. Do you respect our rights as residents? Time for a little law and order. Retreat to Lumpini and a couple of other locations where disruption is minimalised. Take out the vendors and the shopppers and the protest numbers will dwindle to double figures. Seeya later Suthep. Time to take your bat and ball and go back and farm rubber.

What thugish security? I live right on the protest site, work a block away and regularly walk across to Terminal 21. I barely even see security.

I live right on the protest site (Asoke) as well but I see the "security" everyday when I ride my bike into and out of the protest zone. Some of the security know me by now to the extent that they will just tell the others "he's ok, he lives here". Some others who are not familiar with me will merely ask where I am going and are usually satisfied with my answer.

I would not call them thuggish, they have always treated me politely and with respect but at the same time, I would not be surprised if they are willing to rough it out with their perceived opponents.

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If the police don’t do their job don’t pay them if any normal employee did not carry out their duties they would not be paid and would be sacked, or do the police just wait until they are at an airport and catch them then when they hand over passport then pounce on them like a coiled spring.

Edited by metisdead
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The Shinawatras can get as many arrest warrants as they want but they're too toothless to carry out the arrests. They've vowed to take in Suthep for how long now and yet he's still there after months, spitting at their faces. The BIBs are great for bullying the common folk but they just don't have the balls or the training to arrest the leaders. Only the army can do it and they've already distanced themselves from Poo's government,

Sorry to say but some other pro-reform before elections supporters are more on the ball than you, imo. They believe that carrying out the arrests now will inevitably lead to violence which would not serve any purpose.

I think the govt / authorities are doing a good job in exercising self restraint in order to avoid widescale bloodshed.

The way that you are talking on the other hand, I'm glad that you're not in charge, otherwise the number of dead would now be in the hundreds, but with no clearer resolution in sight.

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Indeed, the emergency decree was unlawfully imposed, as no caretaker administration stripped of its legislative power, let alone powers that are much more sweeping, and especially before an election, can invoke one. When an administration rams through an amnesty bill at 4 in the morning that is meant to pardon a billionaire and over twenty-five thousand people convicted of corruption, when a rice scheme that is rife with corruption benefits officials over farmers, when an administration has not once served as a role model for being law-abiding, it is not in a position to dictate on the subject.

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Indeed, the emergency decree was unlawfully imposed, as no caretaker administration stripped of its legislative power, let alone powers that are much more sweeping, and especially before an election, can invoke one. When an administration rams through an amnesty bill at 4 in the morning that is meant to pardon a billionaire and over twenty-five thousand people convicted of corruption, when a rice scheme that is rife with corruption benefits officials over farmers, when an administration has not once served as a role model for being law-abiding, it is not in a position to dictate on the subject.

Has the court already made this decision?

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The fascists tried to block the election and the number of people voting was low.

The number of No Votes was very small (Less than 1%)

I'm too lazy to Google the numbers but I'm 98.6% sure your 1% number is wrong.

Sorry, you are right, it was much higher than 1%, almost 17%. I thought I had read a much lower number in The Nation but I cannot find it now.

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The fascists tried to block the election and the number of people voting was low.

The number of No Votes was very small (Less than 1%)

I'm too lazy to Google the numbers but I'm 98.6% sure your 1% number is wrong.

Sorry, you are right, it was much higher than 1%, almost 17%. I thought I had read a much lower number in The Nation but I cannot find it now.

Doh I was reading the 2011 results here.


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Yawn, this is so boring.... it is like the movie Groundhog Day..... the same boring day repeating itself over and over again... threats but absolutely no action no progress... this reflects the need for foreigners to come in and jump start progress.... honestly without foreign influence, Thais would still be living in huts and eating off the floor... wait a second... they are doing that today!!!!

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