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Millers say Thai government owes them over a year in warehouse rentals


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The subsidies programs have been implement successfully in many country's, why is it such a bad Idea in Thailand?

The USA subsidies 20 billion dollars a year on direct subsidies,2 billion 84 million on corn alone, without regard ti income (mostly corporate farms 73%) are triggered during periods of low prices, on corn,wheat, soybeans, cotton , rice and many others

EU in 2010 paid 39 billion euros in direct subsidies.

Japan pays $46.5 USD, billions in direct farm subsidies

Venezuela on the other hand sells regular gas to its citizens at (4 US cents a gallon) based on the fact that it is a natural resource and the citizens of the country have a right to use it cheaply!

The rice programs just need to be adjusted to take the kinks out, better to bypass the middle man and make direct country to country sales, the farmer set up cooperatives to collect and store their own rice and increase their income by storing and milling their own rice, here in the village the milling is offered free to mill a sack of rice at a time for the villagers personal consumption, white polished or brown rice!

It is all possible!


It is not a bad idea to subsidize. HOWEVER, even you have to admit that the countries you have given as an example had systems that were transparent and where the payments made it to those who were supposed to get it. In contrast here, we have a system with no transparency, where the people who were supposed to get the money have not. The system has been full of lies and corruption and it looks like the best part of $20 Billion US has disappeared , yes that is $20 Billion. Now point out to me in the excellent examples you gave of working systems where any one of them can be compared with this crippler of a system in Thailand.

I had not seen this thread when it first came out and am frankly too shocked for words by the news in the OP. It is just too much to contemplate what Shinclan have done, and this does not even delve into the tablets and water management scams. Dear oh dear!!

Check out Venezuela, Hugo made the poor count similar to what Thaksin did in 2001, same situation, rich could not win an election the country bitterly divided, rich against the poor all thought if they got rid of Hugo, the problem was over, same to what is happening in Thailand. If they get rid of the Shinowatra, there problem is over, Hugo died a year ago next month, his party is still in control.

What Hugo and Thaksin did is make the poor count, they made the poor realize their political power, the political situation will not change anytime in the near future! No matter if one agrees or disagrees with the process, it impacted Thailand for over a decade!

The rich crying over the financial loss not to the country but to the rich with Hugo subsidizing gas to all for as low as 4 US cents per gallon! How could the rich survive with him giving the country's natural resources away!




Chavez..... has helped ruin or at the very least devalue the countries main export .. oil.

Same as Thaksin has done with the rice.. so yes. Same. Same.

" By late 2010 Venezuela's economy had some growth,[10] though this has been sluggish and accompanied by high inflation and shortages.[11] In February 2013, Venezuela devalued its currency due to the rising shortages in the country.[12] Shortages of items included toilet paper, milk, flour and other necessities.[13] As of November 2013, Venezuela's inflation has also greatly increased to 54%.[14]"

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The part about co-operatives and small coin operated milling machine like they have in Japan would be a good idea. Then some farmers would be inclined towards quality rather than quantity!


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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But the farmers haven't been paid yet, so if the millers take stored rice in payment, that means the millers are stealing rice from the farmers.

Or they are stealing it from the government who actually don't have the money to pay anyone but themselves.

On a slight aside I wonder if they have the money to pay for the elction as well?

According to the press, the recent snap election costed over 3 billion baht to arrange from start to finish.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Simple, bring in the forensic accountants, follow the money, jail the guilty parties that benefited illegally from the rice program.

Then end the program it's just stupid. coffee1.gif

I guess the Common Agricultural Policy is stupid too.

It's been around for 50 years now.

In a civilised society it pays to look after your farmers otherwise if they don't who's going to feed you?

You call this "looking after the farmers"?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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But the farmers haven't been paid yet, so if the millers take stored rice in payment, that means the millers are stealing rice from the farmers.

Or they are stealing it from the government who actually don't have the money to pay anyone but themselves.

On a slight aside I wonder if they have the money to pay for the elction as well?

According to the press, the recent snap election costed over 3 billion baht to arrange from start to finish.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Indeed a bit off topic, but I think a 3.6 billion (or was it 3.8 billion) was somehow found for the elections. Mind you, I don't think that included the renewed 'advance voting' session and possibly other renewed opportunities to vote.

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The subsidies programs have been implement successfully in many country's, why is it such a bad Idea in Thailand?

The USA subsidies 20 billion dollars a year on direct subsidies,2 billion 84 million on corn alone, without regard ti income (mostly corporate farms 73%) are triggered during periods of low prices, on corn,wheat, soybeans, cotton , rice and many others

EU in 2010 paid 39 billion euros in direct subsidies.

Japan pays $46.5 USD, billions in direct farm subsidies

Venezuela on the other hand sells regular gas to its citizens at (4 US cents a gallon) based on the fact that it is a natural resource and the citizens of the country have a right to use it cheaply!

The rice programs just need to be adjusted to take the kinks out, better to bypass the middle man and make direct country to country sales, the farmer set up cooperatives to collect and store their own rice and increase their income by storing and milling their own rice, here in the village the milling is offered free to mill a sack of rice at a time for the villagers personal consumption, white polished or brown rice!

It is all possible!


Thailand subsidized the rice farmers under the Democrats, and it seemed to work well.


. Price guarantees were instituted to subsidize rice, corn, and tapioca farmers. The government provided funds to villages nationwide to carry out projects based on King Bhumibol's sufficiency economy philosophy.

It was when PT came in power and changed the system, probably to their own profit, that it all fell apart.

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This tread is not a balanced view of the situation by TV members.

I therefore believe that the usual outspoken red shirt apologists have not read this thread yet, as I am sure that there is a reasonable explanation of how this is Supeth’s fault and how this is all a conspiracy against the none corrupt, democratically voted government.

So, quick roll call: pipkins, millwall-fan , gerry1011, BlueNoseCodger, Prbkk, Spalpeen, where are you, your puppet master in Dubai needs your support in educating the non red shirt thugs on this board.

Maybe this thread brings home the realisation that there is more than just the Farmers and Millers that wont get paid wink.png

post-9891-0-05199100-1391777504_thumb.jp post-9891-0-11881800-1391777343_thumb.jp Manat Kitprasert,

President of the Thai Rice Mills Association

"And so it was that later, as the miller told his tale, that her face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale.

Brooker, Reid and Fisher

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This tread is not a balanced view of the situation by TV members.

I therefore believe that the usual outspoken red shirt apologists have not read this thread yet, as I am sure that there is a reasonable explanation of how this is Supeth’s fault and how this is all a conspiracy against the none corrupt, democratically voted government.

So, quick roll call: pipkins, millwall-fan , gerry1011, BlueNoseCodger, Prbkk, Spalpeen, where are you, your puppet master in Dubai needs your support in educating the non red shirt thugs on this board.

Maybe this thread brings home the realisation that there is more than just the Farmers and Millers that wont get paid wink.png

attachicon.gifys.jpg attachicon.gifmill.jpg Manat Kitprasert,

President of the Thai Rice Mills Association

"And so it was that later, as the miller told his tale, that her face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale.

Brooker, Reid and Fisher

Based on, her on a g-string.

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Seems a good idea, the rice millers have the rice already they want it as payment instead of cash... fine just deduct it from stocks and it financially costs the gov nothing how easy is that ? thumbsup.gif

More sensible solutions like this please.

One major difficulty with this solution is agreeing on a price.

Not really its paid for at the current market rate, the gov takes the loss like any that calls a future bet badly... and move onto the next problem

The millers wouldn't take it at the current market rate if they can only sell it at the current market rate. They wouldn't make any money on it.

It is rent that is owed they arnt supposed to be making money above and over the rent, that is like making money twice over on the same thing.

Edited by englishoak
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This tread is not a balanced view of the situation by TV members.

I therefore believe that the usual outspoken red shirt apologists have not read this thread yet, as I am sure that there is a reasonable explanation of how this is Supeth’s fault and how this is all a conspiracy against the none corrupt, democratically voted government.

So, quick roll call: pipkins, millwall-fan , gerry1011, BlueNoseCodger, Prbkk, Spalpeen, where are you, your puppet master in Dubai needs your support in educating the non red shirt thugs on this board.

Maybe this thread brings home the realisation that there is more than just the Farmers and Millers that wont get paid wink.png

attachicon.gifys.jpg attachicon.gifmill.jpg Manat Kitprasert,

President of the Thai Rice Mills Association

"And so it was that later, as the miller told his tale, that her face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale.

Brooker, Reid and Fisher

Based on, her on a g-string.

Sorry Thad that would be hair on a g-string. Although I can't imagine a g-string on her.

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