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Former Thai Finance Minister Pridiyathorn calls Yingluck a failed government


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Well, this Chinese bureaucrat has done very well as a bureaucrat, 'Despite working in the civil service for over 25 years, Pridiyathorn is tremendously wealthy. Disclosures to the National Counter Corruption Commission revealed that 30 days after leaving his Cabinet position in March 2007, Pridiyathorn had 730 million baht in assets, a slight drop from 754 million baht when he took office in October 2006. His wife Praphaphan has a net worth of 283 million baht, while his daughter Pudjeep has 7 million baht.'


You have overlooked he is a member of the wealthiest family & highest institution in Thailand

Edited by simple1
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I have been following Thai Politics for some 20 years, especially since coming to live here from 1997.

In 1995 I was on holiday here for 4 months and there was a National Election being held. The first impression was from the photos of the standing candidates all around Bangkok. Every one looked like they had served in several armies.... medals, ribbons, swords, gold braid every where. I really thought that they all were top officers from the Thai forces. Asked and was told no, mostly ex Government officers... Education, Health, ETC.

Then the new poster boy showed up... Taskin, he wanted to be in Government to use his superior IT knowledge to rid Bangkok of it's traffic problems. He was a' self made' man worth many Billions, and had contacts world wide to help him.

The media jumped to his side, How he came from nothing, how his Father was a coffee shop owner in the Chaing Mai Markets and was 'poor' as such. He duly got into Government and set about the traffic problem, flying above Bangkok with traffic officials to monitor the traffic. I seem to recall he actually bought a helicopter for the Thai Traffic police. His image and spin was first class.

Then he said He could not actually solve the traffic woes, and I thought then he was into things he did not know about. His image crashed somewhat when photographed drinking a bottle of French wine in a side bet with another Politician. The bottle was worth 130000 b.

Once he got full control as PM. he really showed his true colors. Thailand became a divisive society,and he lead the division with outbursts and his favorite weapon,, sue, sue, sue any one who showed up to him.

He threatened to sue Ajahn Maha Bua one of the most respected Monks ever to have lived here, but case was withdrawn after The King indirectly advised against such legal action in his birthday speech.

RE. look at this link to Ajarn Maha Bua wikipedia. org to read further.

What Maha Bua was saying back in 2005 has come to pass and still this man Taskin plagues his Country from afar, to scared to show his face, yet can go to Cambodia and strut his stuff, treat his Sister with contempt.... 'the Caddie',and all the other woes he has given Thailand, and daily continues to divide Thailand.

I can not think of any other country in the world that has let a person do so much damage to it, as Thailand has been done, by this man.The cronies he has about him are all from the same mold, and just carry out the orders like demented children.

The future for Thailand and it's people has been done so much harm with this man's total greed and lack of respect for others. SAD SAD SAD


Hardly. The Shinawatra clan have been in politics since the 1960's.

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Kikoman you say

Hang tight, Yingluck you have much support in the country!

I think you are soo wrong. With every day that passes a new scandal appears that YL and her party has caused. I am impatial to both sides however it Is becoming increasingly clear that this gov run by YL and the PTP has done nothing but help only a few (mostly the rich who support her) and the northerners (farmerd included).

To the rest of Thailand. YL and the PTP have done immense damage to the rest of the people. To their faith in their leaders. To the banking association and to the worlds overall view of this country.

Her continued presence as PM will bring Thailand to its knees.

I dont agree with Sutheps ideals and am at a loss how this country will ever recover from the damage caused by thiS administration. But Somethibg needs to be done to fix all the problems created by this gov. AND SOON before its too late

I don't disagree that YL and the PTP has done a lot of damage to the country. The rice pledging scheme was poorly thought out and badly misjudged how the global rice market works. The tablet scheme is really Disneyland stuff.

But if you are impartial like you said, you must also agree that this pro-reform before elections movement has equally done a lot of damage, especially in the eyes of the international community. Preventing registration of candidates, preventing elections by both vocal and physical means, holding a legal govt to hostage etc etc.

Reform by all means. I doubt if there is anyone who would say that Thailand does not need reform. But do it legally, within the confines of the law (some posters will probably try to counter by saying that the protests are legal, the CC says so but I think most reasonable people know differently). Do it in parliament, do it at the ballot box. Don't do it by making the country a laughing stock.

Worse of all, these protests are setting a very dangerous precedent. If Suthep's reform movement achieves it's goals, nothing will stop the pro-PT supporters from doing the same if not worse. If the supposedly educated supports unlawful activities, think how much worse it would get if the less educated decided to take the law into their own hands.

... where the PT dominates and cuts short all and any opposing voice and arranges for last minutes secret changes of bills and arranges votes at 4:25 am with massive vote rigging?

Is that the parliament you have in mind? Is that the democracy we should defend? Thanks, but not thanks.

I didn't realise there was massive vote rigging. If you meant vote buying, that argument had been done to death.

I don't mean "vote buying". In parliament that doesn't make sense, unless of course you refer to Yoawapha's (Yingluck's sister) 1.5 m baht envelope for every PT MP, return address "Dubai".

No, I mean the cheating of PT in voting in parliament where one MP used voting cards from other MP, not present at the vote. He was caught on video and faces now a day in court and possible disbandment.

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I see. I must have missed this. Was it on TV?

It was part of the voting on the Senate changes. http://asiancorrespondent.com/116112/thai-constitutional-court-rules-charter-amendments-unlawful-spares-pheu-thai-party/ (bottom of second paragraph).

But also the loan bill - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695123-former-pheu-thai-mp-denies-voting-several-times-on-loan-bill/

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The man is a highly respected figure within the international financial community and as such his comments will and do carry weight.

No he's not - quite the opposite. He trashed the SET with his mishandling and was removed under grey circumstances.

Just one quote from that wiki:

Pridiyathorn instituted capital controls to attempt to reverse a strengthening of the baht, but reversed the measure after the Thai stock market crashed, destroying US$20 billion of market value in one day. Pridiyathorn later noted that This was not a mistake. Measures always have side effects. Once we knew the side effects, we quickly fixed it.... Just one day of stocks falling is not considered much damage.[11] He came under harsh criticism. Bratin Sanyal, head of Asian equity investments at ING in Hong Kong noted, "The one thing worse than an incompetent central bank is an incompetent central bank that flip-flops." Catherine Tan, head of Asia Emerging Markets at Forecast in Singapore, noted, "They are proving themselves to be very unprofessional. Their actions are very irresponsible. They have totally lost credibility... I don't see foreigners returning to Thailand any time in the near future. Markets now have no confidence in the government."[12] The Export-Import Bank of Thailand also criticized the capital controls.

The international financial community have already made their feelings known via publications like WSJ, Forbes and the FT, all of which slaughtered Suthep and the Dems this week.

"The international financial community have already made their feelings known via publications like WSJ, Forbes and the FT, all of which slaughtered Suthep and the Dems this week."

Hilarious! Turning to the international banking community for its advice, the criminal cartel currently running the globe into a financial collapse, is as stupid as supporting the Shin clan at the polls after they rob the country blind.

Of course the world barons of finance support Thaksin. He is administering the economic shock to Thailand to enable elite, privatization and gain just as they have planned. He's their economic hitman.

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The man is a highly respected figure within the international financial community and as such his comments will and do carry weight.

No he's not - quite the opposite. He trashed the SET with his mishandling and was removed under grey circumstances.

Just one quote from that wiki:

Pridiyathorn instituted capital controls to attempt to reverse a strengthening of the baht, but reversed the measure after the Thai stock market crashed, destroying US$20 billion of market value in one day. Pridiyathorn later noted that This was not a mistake. Measures always have side effects. Once we knew the side effects, we quickly fixed it.... Just one day of stocks falling is not considered much damage.[11] He came under harsh criticism. Bratin Sanyal, head of Asian equity investments at ING in Hong Kong noted, "The one thing worse than an incompetent central bank is an incompetent central bank that flip-flops." Catherine Tan, head of Asia Emerging Markets at Forecast in Singapore, noted, "They are proving themselves to be very unprofessional. Their actions are very irresponsible. They have totally lost credibility... I don't see foreigners returning to Thailand any time in the near future. Markets now have no confidence in the government."[12] The Export-Import Bank of Thailand also criticized the capital controls.

The international financial community have already made their feelings known via publications like WSJ, Forbes and the FT, all of which slaughtered Suthep and the Dems this week.

"The international financial community have already made their feelings known via publications like WSJ, Forbes and the FT, all of which slaughtered Suthep and the Dems this week."

Hilarious! Turning to the international banking community for its advice, the criminal cartel currently running the globe into a financial collapse, is as stupid as supporting the Shin clan at the polls after they rob the country blind.

Of course the world barons of finance support Thaksin. He is administering the economic shock to Thailand to enable elite, privatization and gain just as they have planned. He's their economic hitman.

Off course, this is the wider picture and Thaksin's links with the real nasties of international finance have been well documented on the web. Google it. However, Thaksin may have the wealth but the guy certainly does not have the eq or iq in order to deal with these other characters and they must be having a laugh at his expense. I remember a member of the management of Manchester City, which Thaksin once owned, saying that Thaksin was the biggest idiot he had ever met.

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Pridiyathorn is just another sore loser democrat that no one listens to let alone votes for.

He should lock himself in a small dark room with his whistle and whistle out all the crap in his head before making any more nonsense statements

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The man is a highly respected figure within the international financial community and as such his comments will and do carry weight.

No he's not - quite the opposite. He trashed the SET with his mishandling and was removed under grey circumstances.

Just one quote from that wiki:

Pridiyathorn instituted capital controls to attempt to reverse a strengthening of the baht, but reversed the measure after the Thai stock market crashed, destroying US$20 billion of market value in one day. Pridiyathorn later noted that This was not a mistake. Measures always have side effects. Once we knew the side effects, we quickly fixed it.... Just one day of stocks falling is not considered much damage.[11] He came under harsh criticism. Bratin Sanyal, head of Asian equity investments at ING in Hong Kong noted, "The one thing worse than an incompetent central bank is an incompetent central bank that flip-flops." Catherine Tan, head of Asia Emerging Markets at Forecast in Singapore, noted, "They are proving themselves to be very unprofessional. Their actions are very irresponsible. They have totally lost credibility... I don't see foreigners returning to Thailand any time in the near future. Markets now have no confidence in the government."[12] The Export-Import Bank of Thailand also criticized the capital controls.

The international financial community have already made their feelings known via publications like WSJ, Forbes and the FT, all of which slaughtered Suthep and the Dems this week.

"The international financial community have already made their feelings known via publications like WSJ, Forbes and the FT, all of which slaughtered Suthep and the Dems this week."

Hilarious! Turning to the international banking community for its advice, the criminal cartel currently running the globe into a financial collapse, is as stupid as supporting the Shin clan at the polls after they rob the country blind.

Of course the world barons of finance support Thaksin. He is administering the economic shock to Thailand to enable elite, privatization and gain just as they have planned. He's their economic hitman.

Off course, this is the wider picture and Thaksin's links with the real nasties of international finance have been well documented on the web. Google it. However, Thaksin may have the wealth but the guy certainly does not have the eq or iq in order to deal with these other characters and they must be having a laugh at his expense. I remember a member of the management of Manchester City, which Thaksin once owned, saying that Thaksin was the biggest idiot he had ever met.

All I can find over the last 10 years since I've been following Thaksin is that every single deal he's been involved in was riddled with corruption -- whether it was his computer contract with the police via nepotism, his scamming his American business parter, etc. In fact he was 50 million baht in debt trying to do it the honest way.

Even his personalized bio is a lie.

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Pridiyathorn is just another sore loser democrat that no one listens to let alone votes for.

He should lock himself in a small dark room with his whistle and whistle out all the crap in his head before making any more nonsense statements

10 pages of posts including your attempt to dismiss him are evidence to the fact that nobody listens to him.

His statements are very true. The fact that you don't like him because he's right is just another nail in your coffin of credibility

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Can someone enlighten my in what party he is or was ?

Then I will understand more

He was the military government appointed finance minister when the Bank of Thailand decided to introduce capital controls that saw the Thai stock market crash 15% in a day.

An elite with no real world credentials except family connections. Maybe he doesn't realize it's the 21st century and people like him are now obsolete. The Thai people have chosen their leaders already.

Edited by Time Traveller
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