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Hello folks

Am back in the Lion's den again biggrin.png

Just of late I have come across a style of editing photos called paintography.

Could you please give me your thoughts on this photo that I have altered.

Constructive criticism welcomed wai.gif


Original image.


  • Like 2

Hi Shag,

I have to say that I am not a fan of the painterly look. Having said that it appears that you did not apply the heavy painterly look that is more common in paintography images.

I think this stuff is ok for images that otherwise would not be considered successful or interesting images under normal processing and it's fun to do this stuff occasionally.

That said, I find the original image more appealing than the painted image.

Just my opinion, have some fun with the gimmicky stuff BUT focus on making good images that stand by themselves without the need for the gimmick effects.

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Had to look up paintography. biggrin.png Have to agree that the original is better IMHO. Not unlike HDR where it can be over cooked.

"Paintography, is a unique blend of digital painting and photography"

By using various computer software, filters and custom defined brushes that vary in size and texture, percentage of coverage and pressure, Michael Critchley transforms his photographs into ‘paintographs’.
This is what Michael has to say about his work.

"Paintography for me is the linking of a lifetime interest in photography and painting and my profession as a graphic designer. This modern descriptive word for my art is so new it’s not in the dictionary yet.
So how to describe my art? I would say it is the passion for creative freedom and daring to be different. The computer is a great blending tool for colour, form and texture. From one photograph I like to see the technical permutations developing into an exciting compilation that generates a new series of paintographs. 'Kimono' is an example of this.


  • Like 1

Many thanks Fiddlesticks and Tywais for taking the time to add your valued opinions wai.gif

I am also in agreement with you both about the original being better....more believable and natural.

Am not sure what it is about the paintography though because the good great examples that I have seen (my attempt looks like a 4 year old with it's first crayons) really

are breathtaking.....totally unreal but breathtaking none the less.

I must admit that I do enjoy having a play around with some of my photos,but my heart and soul is still focused on the real thing....hopefully one day when I post my photos

on the web I will do with a sense of pride instead of the unsurety I have now,onwards and upwards (hopefully)

Here are a couple more of the ones I played around with....I still kinda like them facepalm.gif

post-126208-0-55984000-1391801717_thumb. second attempt.



Once again,many thanks to you both for sharing your opinions on the matter.



  • Like 2

Many thanks Fiddlesticks and Tywais for taking the time to add your valued opinions wai.gif

I am also in agreement with you both about the original being better....more believable and natural.

Am not sure what it is about the paintography though because the good great examples that I have seen (my attempt looks like a 4 year old with it's first crayons) really

are breathtaking.....totally unreal but breathtaking none the less.

I must admit that I do enjoy having a play around with some of my photos,but my heart and soul is still focused on the real thing....hopefully one day when I post my photos

on the web I will do with a sense of pride instead of the unsurety I have now,onwards and upwards (hopefully)

Here are a couple more of the ones I played around with....I still kinda like them facepalm.gif

attachicon.gifP1090737-001.JPG second attempt.



Once again,many thanks to you both for sharing your opinions on the matter.




Having voiced my opinion on paintographic images, I will say that I really like the third image you just posted. I would also like to see the original for comparison purposes but the painterly image looks very good.

Do you currently use and PP software such as LR or PS for your non-special images?

Shag, there's no call to feel unsure about your images you are posting here. What is important is that YOU like them and they reflect your vision. All of us wish we could produce images like the boys and girls of National Geo but what we forget is that they will typically shoot hundreds of images to get the few that you see published. Plus, they have had years of experience.

I (and I think I can speak for a few more here on TV) appreciate your photos and encourage you to keep posting as we WILL see your work grow over time. I just hope that you do not lose the 'fun' of taking photographs, processing them and sharing them.

  • Like 2

My humble opinion is I prefer your 2nd attempt, Shaggy. It looks more rough in comparison to the faded original, to me.

In the end, judging comes down to personal taste anyways. I enjoy to see your thoughts here.


  • Like 1

Many thanks Fiddlesticks and Tywais for taking the time to add your valued opinions wai.gif

I am also in agreement with you both about the original being better....more believable and natural.

Am not sure what it is about the paintography though because the good great examples that I have seen (my attempt looks like a 4 year old with it's first crayons) really

are breathtaking.....totally unreal but breathtaking none the less.

I must admit that I do enjoy having a play around with some of my photos,but my heart and soul is still focused on the real thing....hopefully one day when I post my photos

on the web I will do with a sense of pride instead of the unsurety I have now,onwards and upwards (hopefully)

Here are a couple more of the ones I played around with....I still kinda like them facepalm.gif

attachicon.gifP1090737-001.JPG second attempt.



Once again,many thanks to you both for sharing your opinions on the matter.




Having voiced my opinion on paintographic images, I will say that I really like the third image you just posted. I would also like to see the original for comparison purposes but the painterly image looks very good.

Do you currently use and PP software such as LR or PS for your non-special images?

Shag, there's no call to feel unsure about your images you are posting here. What is important is that YOU like them and they reflect your vision. All of us wish we could produce images like the boys and girls of National Geo but what we forget is that they will typically shoot hundreds of images to get the few that you see published. Plus, they have had years of experience.

I (and I think I can speak for a few more here on TV) appreciate your photos and encourage you to keep posting as we WILL see your work grow over time. I just hope that you do not lose the 'fun' of taking photographs, processing them and sharing them.

Third image is potty good.

Shag, we never stop learning, we never leave the curve.

Even Sunshine's still learning. Even Fiddles and Rabbit.

  • Like 1


Having voiced my opinion on paintographic images, I will say that I really like the third image you just posted. I would also like to see the original for comparison purposes but the painterly image looks very good.

Do you currently use and PP software such as LR or PS for your non-special images?

Shag, there's no call to feel unsure about your images you are posting here. What is important is that YOU like them and they reflect your vision. All of us wish we could produce images like the boys and girls of National Geo but what we forget is that they will typically shoot hundreds of images to get the few that you see published. Plus, they have had years of experience.

I (and I think I can speak for a few more here on TV) appreciate your photos and encourage you to keep posting as we WILL see your work grow over time. I just hope that you do not lose the 'fun' of taking photographs, processing them and sharing them.

Thank you for your kind and some what surprising reply Fiddlesticks.I really am happy that you like the flamingo image.

I found the original photo tucked away in one f the corners of my external HD and have added it as you asked.(reduced in size)


Do I like my images? That's a toughy.....yes and no would be my answer.The feeling I get when I do manage to capture an OK image is brilliant,but the flip side is the bummed feeling I all too many times get from the bad images.

It is really very frustrating .....but as I said,I am still on the learning curve and WILL get better.Also I got very frustrated with my old camera (Lumix P'n'S),I say got frustrated because the old girl has finally died on me,7 years and

thousands of photos isn't bad really.Not sure what I want next......but it must be quicker and with more ooomph biggrin.png

Edit.....I do have an old version of PS but it rarely gets used,I use Lightroom 5 and sometimes Picasa.


My humble opinion is I prefer your 2nd attempt, Shaggy. It looks more rough in comparison to the faded original, to me.

In the end, judging comes down to personal taste anyways. I enjoy to see your thoughts here.


Hi DAL,I appreciate your input mate.

I kinda like the second attempt also but if the truth was known I prefer the original because it depicts pretty much what I saw that early morning.

Third image is potty good.

Shag, we never stop learning, we never leave the curve.

Even Sunshine's still learning. Even Fiddles and Rabbit.

Cheers mate,your thoughts are always welcome and appreciated.

Yourself,Sunshine,Fiddles,Rabbit and the rest of the big guns (meant respectfully) on the forum are in a way my cyber mentors.Not only from the images they post but also

the technical information that they freely give.

  • 2 weeks later...

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