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Immigration Reaffirms Warning to Foreigners Involved in Protests

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

They are not saying you can't have a opinion they are saying don't get involved in the protests, it's quite simple really


With respect, it is far from simple with certain farangs on here.

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

It is to all Farangs benefit to remember that!

So dispense with the phony, displaced, outrage, and remember this is their home, As the citizens of Thailand do have the rights that visitors or resident do not have. It is hypocrisy to want to be protected by the laws of Thailand's Democracy while actively supporting people that want to destroy that Democracy!


indeed what a pity for Thailand that the PTP government are a bunch of crooks. A democracy that has failed Thailand in Favour of corruption, I wonder who really has corrupted democracy for Thailand in the name of DEMOCRACY?

Who's being protected by laws that have no effect?

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It is beyond comprehension that people would think they could participate in these protests and NOT be deported. The Indian guy is in a different situation and I have sympathy for him....but not for any foreigner particiapting in a movement to overthrow the govt. Lunacy...certifiable

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You really have no bloody idea, do you ? The amount of tax I pay monthly is far in excess of the average Thai annual salary.

If you had an idea, you would become a citizen of Thailand and you would have the rights all Thai's enjoy, remember you remain in Thailand by "choice", no one is forcing you to pay taxes, but you rather do your business here than in your home country because you are saving money by the much lower tax rate here!

Again misplaced outrage of a country you chose to do business in, does not give you the rights, to insult Thailand's people or the government they chose, ask that Indian businessman that got caught up in the protest!

You do have a right to vote in Thailand, as a Farang, you can vote with you feet and leave the country, if life here is so unfair!


Edited by kikoman
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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You really have no bloody idea, do you ? The amount of tax I pay monthly is far in excess of the average Thai annual salary.

And your point is ?.....if your complaining about the amount of tax every month then your doing wrong LOL

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

Speak for yourself!! facepalm.gif

OK, dogs then?

I'm married so the frequent sex bit doesn't apply.

Does my hand count?

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

It is to all Farangs benefit to remember that!

So dispense with the phony, displaced, outrage, and remember this is their home, As the citizens of Thailand do have the rights that visitors or resident do not have. It is hypocrisy to want to be protected by the laws of Thailand's Democracy while actively supporting people that want to destroy that Democracy!


indeed what a pity for Thailand that the PTP government are a bunch of crooks. A democracy that has failed Thailand in Favour of corruption, I wonder who really has corrupted democracy for Thailand in the name of DEMOCRACY?

Who's being protected by laws that have no effect?

If life is so unfair here why do you stay?

Would not the laws of your home country protect you ( most likely a Democracy) your self serving misplaced, outrage is not needed!


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It is beyond comprehension that people would think they could participate in these protests and NOT be deported. The Indian guy is in a different situation and I have sympathy for him....but not for any foreigner particiapting in a movement to overthrow the govt. Lunacy...certifiable

The Indian guy is foolish, but why he should be extended any leniency more than another who knows.

I paid my taxes, set up businesses, etc etc.. You think they would forgive me,? Wrong sports club? Well that would be pure corruption to randomly forgive him.

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You/we (westerners) represent less than 0.3% of the population, you get to live here, eat inexpensive food, pay almost no tax, enjoy a warm climate and have frequent sex with beautiful women, what do you want next, voting privileges! Quit whinging.

You really have no bloody idea, do you ? The amount of tax I pay monthly is far in excess of the average Thai annual salary.

Given that only 2% of Thai's pay tax via an annual tax return, have to say you're probably doing something wrong in, else you're bragging!

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It makes perfect sense to me. Unless you have changed your citizenship to Thai (which some here in TV have done) then you are just a visitor in the country even after 20 years. You have no right to be involved in Thai politics etc. You can only HOPE for what you would like to see happen but to actually JOIN rallies and protests is just plain STUPID.

I for one love living here and just hope everything turns out good for the Thai people which then would make our lifes better as well.


Nobody in the western world is stupid enough to change their citizenship to Thai.

Some may have ADDED Thai citizenship, but that's another thing entirely.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Or denounce your citizenship to whatever country and become a Thai

You reckon having citizenship would stop them throwing you out, do ya? Doesn't that Indian have a passport? You could have citizenship, a Thai passport, have lived here 50 years and would still not be 'Thai'. It's all about your face. wink.png

He has only a Indian passport and has residency only

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

It is to all Farangs benefit to remember that!

So dispense with the phony, displaced, outrage, and remember this is their home, As the citizens of Thailand do have the rights that visitors or resident do not have. It is hypocrisy to want to be protected by the laws of Thailand's Democracy while actively supporting people that want to destroy that Democracy!


indeed what a pity for Thailand that the PTP government are a bunch of crooks. A democracy that has failed Thailand in Favour of corruption, I wonder who really has corrupted democracy for Thailand in the name of DEMOCRACY?

Who's being protected by laws that have no effect?

If life is so unfair here why do you stay?

Would not the laws of your home country protect you ( most likely a Democracy) your self serving misplaced, outrage is not needed!


If life is so unfair here why do you stay?

typical response when you don't have an argument to put forward. It is unfair to the Thai people! It has no effect on me living in Thailand what so ever. As Thai politics doesn't effect my life. If anything it is a benefit especially the value of the baht. If I was being selfish I would say long may it continue! but then you would tell me that I should not live here! oopss you already did clap2.gif

Would not the laws of your home country protect you

It's not about where I come from BUT!

how about when others put themselves above the law? Red and Yellow alike. In the country I come from murders aren't given bail! People don't get requested to attend the police station, they are arrested. corrupt politicians don't get to come back after a five year ban, they get jailed. Need I say more?

So do Thai people get justice?

your self serving misplaced, outrage is not needed! cheesy.gif

That's funny, misplaced outrage, really. I feel quite calm, after all I am just a guest in this country, I can have an opinion none the less. However if anyone should feel outrage it is the people of Thailand, towards the corruption that is PTP.

But you are the one who's misplaced and outrageous comments in support of a corrupt democracy, are destroying any chance of true democracy!


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It makes perfect sense to me. Unless you have changed your citizenship to Thai (which some here in TV have done) then you are just a visitor in the country even after 20 years. You have no right to be involved in Thai politics etc. You can only HOPE for what you would like to see happen but to actually JOIN rallies and protests is just plain STUPID.

I for one love living here and just hope everything turns out good for the Thai people which then would make our lifes better as well.


Nobody in the western world is stupid enough to change their citizenship to Thai.

Some may have ADDED Thai citizenship, but that's another thing entirely.

Not if you read some of the posts on TV some of posters are creaming in pants to be truely thai

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I feel quite calm, after all I am just a guest in this country, I can have an opinion none the less.

I view myself as a paying customer living in a whorehouse.

As such.

If I were to cause trouble for the management, I would expect a good beating, followed by being kicked out on my arse.

well you obviously need to get out a bit more! the whorehouse isn't doing you any good.

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After having read so many horrible comments coming from farang posters who vehemently support the overthrowing of the elected government, approve criminal actions perpetrated by heavily armed yellow extremists, and actively participate in smear campaigns against the government by continuing to spread false facts, defamation and baseless rumors, ... I totally agree that foreigners who joined the protests should be deported.

Why should foreigners be allowed to join an anti-democracy protest, which they know very well is illegal, without having to bear the consequences of their acts?

Deport the farangs!

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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After having read so many horrible comments coming from farang posters who vehemently support the overthrowing of the elected government, approve criminal actions perpetrated by heavily armed yellow extremists, and actively participate in smear campaigns against the government by continuing to spread false facts, defamation and baseless rumors, ... I totally agree that foreigners who joined the protests should be deported.

Why should foreigners be allowed to join an anti-democracy protest, which they know very well is illegal, without having to bear the consequences of their acts?

Deport the farangs!

I thought it was a kairk they were deporting?

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After having read so many horrible comments coming from farang posters who vehemently support the overthrowing of the elected government, approve criminal actions perpetrated by heavily armed yellow extremists, and actively participate in smear campaigns against the government by continuing to spread false facts, defamation and baseless rumors, ... I totally agree that foreigners who joined the protests should be deported.

Why should foreigners be allowed to join an anti-democracy protest, which they know very well is illegal, without having to bear the consequences of their acts?

Deport the farangs!

I thought it was a kairk they were deporting?

And doesn't that "name" say it all.

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well if it was allowed... next thing you know, someone would gain some capita to over throw the gov't and then a foreign gov't might take over "The Kingdom"...

couldn't have that could we...

no, but on a serious note... I remember when Owen Wilson was here making his movie and TV quoted his involvement in the protest or his take on things... and of course i thought it was stupid of him,, because basically he was biting the hand that feeds him, that allowed him to be here to make the movie in return will make revenue at the box office... and then because he doesn't know exactly what is going on, how could have a side...

yes we hear what we are allowed to hear... but that doesn't mean there are other things going on that we are not meant to know... so giving our 2 cents... only creates more havoc than what is already going on... just be grateful to live here, and on TV we can express our opnions and hate for whoever it is we like or dislike and life goes on for us...

Personally going and standing in the hot sun and killing people is not my preference of living in Thai!


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well if it was allowed... next thing you know, someone would gain some capita to over throw the gov't and then a foreign gov't might take over "The Kingdom"...

couldn't have that could we...

no, but on a serious note... I remember when Owen Wilson was here making his movie and TV quoted his involvement in the protest or his take on things... and of course i thought it was stupid of him,, because basically he was biting the hand that feeds him, that allowed him to be here to make the movie in return will make revenue at the box office... and then because he doesn't know exactly what is going on, how could have a side...

yes we hear what we are allowed to hear... but that doesn't mean there are other things going on that we are not meant to know... so giving our 2 cents... only creates more havoc than what is already going on... just be grateful to live here, and on TV we can express our opnions and hate for whoever it is we like or dislike and life goes on for us...

Personally going and standing in the hot sun and killing people is not my preference of living in Thai!


Thailand isn't interested in being shown their faults. They prefer to live in denial, which is up to them.

How some one can stand on that stage next to Suthep moaning about corruption is beyond me.

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"You probably, would be suspended to stay in the Kingdom"?

lovely translation.

I personally wouldn't take part, as I have scant regard for either side.

however, if I felt strongly enough about an issue anywhere in the world and had the opportunity, being a citizen of that country or not most certainly would have little bearing upon whether or not I took part in demos..........I remember Bellamy protesting against deforestation in Tasmania, and people all over the world demonstration against Japanese whaling, imprisonment without trial, racist government policies, settlement of indigoes people's land, fracking etc etc..........

If they feel strongly enough and love Thailand and their Thai friends, want to show their solidarity I can see their point, good luck.

Quite frankly if the authorities take action against them, then it really underlines how parochial and niggardly some aspects of Thai authority can be.

Freedom of expression is not a national right, it is a world right, and those who try to suppress it will in the end lose out.

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If you are prepared to risk deportation go ahead. Never had sympathy for protesters of any kind who disrupt peoples lives and business.

You come from a land of milk and honey, where all is given and there is no reason to protest. I dont have Sympathy for people who have no Sympathy.
Thats funny, which paradise do you think I come from?
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If its so against the law to protest, why hasn't the government arrested a single Thai protester? Just choose to pick on foreigners, who probably make up 0.001% of total number of people protesting.

It's called bullying.

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