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Suthep accused of buying land with donation money


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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


You call his 6,000,000 man march now reduced to 100-200 traction.? I call if abject failure and luckily the Government is just letting it fail in a way that it damages the Coup backers so much, that they never try it again.

This attempt of Sutheps could well be the last we see in Thailand. It's just the dregs left of the PAD, the Pitak Siam and the Whitefaces gathered for one last push to overthrow democracy. They will be so financially damaged after this that they won't be able to re-group this time.

Great ploy of the Government just to leave them out there. Blocking roads, annoying their own support base. Arrests would only strengthen Suthep..... so lets leave him out there another 6 months and see how well it goes down with the backers.

Are you sure all the zealots and paid hacks are on the thaksin side.

Lets here your guess of his full time mob now. Not the ones who finish work and turn up at Asoke and Silom. His full time support. Then with use of a calculator tell us how many short of 6,000,000 it is, PDRC figures not ours. Suthep claimed and Bluesky claimed there were 6 million marching in nov/dec. Don't see them now do we!!!

You try to dress your post up as balanced and reasoned, when it is fact the same drivel you complain about on the other side of the debate.

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Busted. Fingers in the honey pot and stuck.

The anti corruption movement leader - corrupt himself? Oh no...

Exactly, I am sure he must have thought he could have sneaked such an insignificant transaction right past those guys in charge of seizing his assets.

Next time, only make it 1.9 Billion as to not arise any suspicion. lol

I can't read Thai. Since you can, please point out to me his signature. Is this a document he would have signed? When Thai 's buy land in Thailand, since farangs can't, do they also have to sign documents like in other countries?

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You have a lot to learn. My signature is on both land deeds and house deeds... maybe a law you never knew existed.. as most don't, when they get raped.

They are also on 'beige paper.'....not white, and they are stamped....... what you see is a load of codswallop.

Did you see a signature on the paper in the OP? Nope, thought not....

Think again..... not digging at you.... asking you to look carefully....

Why ask,

You say your signature is on "both land deeds and house deeds... maybe a law you never knew existed.. as most don't, when they get raped."

Could you please give us some info on this law allowing you to have your name on land deeds as I'm sure none wish to be "raped" as you put it,

I will also PM you with this question thanks in advance.

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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately for you, the property scams of Suthep's family are so brazen that it is not suprising that most people would believe almost anything he does would probably involve some degree of corruption.

By the way, as Suthep Junior has now been involved in this, how did his court appearance for forest encroachment go? You see, the whole family is as rotten to the core.

Interesting to me is that in some 8 pages of this thread, not a single person has pretended that what Suthep did was not either dodgy or dishonest, the best his "huggers" can come up with is the usual whine of "but Thaksin did this (or that)" ad infinitum!

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According to Mr. Prompong Nopparit, ……

All what this, in two instances condemned criminal (now out on bail) says, is highly doubtful.

But it is certain that all actors in this power struggle have a highly questionable past.

Thailand urgently needs new, honest representatives.

They must urgently change the law that exclude all persons from the Parliament, from electoral lists and from civil servant posts, which

a have criminal records.

b running free on bail (mandatory suspension until the sentence in the last instance is present)

c were already banned from parliament in the past.

d against are corruption / crime cases opened (mandatory suspension until the sentence in the last instance is present)

No criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant!

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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately for you, the property scams of Suthep's family are so brazen that it is not suprising that most people would believe almost anything he does would probably involve some degree of corruption.

By the way, as Suthep Junior has now been involved in this, how did his court appearance for forest encroachment go? You see, the whole family is as rotten to the core.

Interesting to me is that in some 8 pages of this thread, not a single person has pretended that what Suthep did was not either dodgy or dishonest, the best his "huggers" can come up with is the usual whine of "but Thaksin did this (or that)" ad infinitum!

Same same apply to Thaksin son.

So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

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This Prompong Nopparit is like a cartoon character.... he thinks everyone in Thailand is GULLIBLE like the farmers his party has duped. The pitiful thing is he actually believes he is fooling everyone. I can imagine him reading this news on TV.... How can you do this with a serious face? Boy, he'll have to go to temple and tamboon a million times to repent for all the crap and lies he has told in his career, I am sure!!!!

He really must think we are all like his inbred relatives - you know, room temperature IQs.....

What is amazing is the guy can chew gum and cross the street at the same time.

Sometimes, I am AMAZED at how these characters actually can hold down a job without being laughed right into Laos...

This latest issue being true or false will soon come to light, The thing that give this issue some credibility is you just have to look at both Suthep and his son's land dealing history in the past, A full investigation is what is needed.

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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Perfectly reasonable to highlight the purchase in light of the donations that have been received and the lack of accountability in their use and distribution.

Furthermore for the sake of transparency there should be a full disclosure of the source of this money. This would be especially welcome considering his claims to reduce corruption in Thailand.


Are you implying that Suthep and his clan should not be challenged to the funding of a substantial land purchase when he has claimed to have sold his landholdings to fund the protests?

To not explain the source of the funds and to dismiss the story as a political hatchet job should set alarm bells ringing with Sutheps supporters. Additionally to ignore such claims seriously contradicts the anti corruption agenda are driving the protests.

There appears to be a worrisome cult of personality developing around Kamnam Suthep where by any questioning of his credibility, motives and honesty are brushed aside. Strangely similar to what we are told Thaksins supporters are guilty of.

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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Perfectly reasonable to highlight the purchase in light of the donations that have been received and the lack of accountability in their use and distribution.

Furthermore for the sake of transparency there should be a full disclosure of the source of this money. This would be especially welcome considering his claims to reduce corruption in Thailand.


Are you implying that Suthep and his clan should not be challenged to the funding of a substantial land purchase when he has claimed to have sold his landholdings to fund the protests?

To not explain the source of the funds and to dismiss the story as a political hatchet job should set alarm bells ringing with Sutheps supporters. Additionally to ignore such claims seriously contradicts the anti corruption agenda are driving the protests.

There appears to be a worrisome cult of personality developing around Kamnam Suthep where by any questioning of his credibility, motives and honesty are brushed aside. Strangely similar to what we are told Thaksins supporters are guilty of.

Oh he's no angel, and he has a history as does ALL politicians of this level.

But Thaksin's people have always gone out of their way to smear Suthep and his clan at all times,

but more so when he is hurting their interests. The stories of Thaksin's interests and Suthep's fighting

over land as the prices flew upwards on Samui are legendary, they both are equally guilty of land purchases for profit.

But this allegation is clearly aimed at severing some of his backers by implying improprieties with rally donations.

And that has only one primary purpose; to diminish the rally that is starving the Shin Clans ere-election and profits.

Business as usual, but they saw a hook to throw mud at and they start throwing,

whether there is one shred of actual evidence or not

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Let me get this right. The protests are supposedly costing 10 million baht a day. The protesters are collecting donations once or twice a week.

Do people seriously believe that more than 30 million baht is being collected in donations each time the protesters go on a walk?

Edit: I should have said "do any SMART people". There are obviously a few "others" that do by the look of this thread.

Edited by whybother
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Buying land with donation money?? I thought the donations were only a fraction of the total cost of keeping these rallies going.

Doesn't make sense imo.

Do you think Suthep is paying for these rallies? 555

Work it out for yourself at B 10 million a day and going for more than 3 months that is close to B 1 billion (excluding bribes). Sutheps declared assets is only B 210 million and have debts of +- B 320 million. Look at who is paying for this protest and you will know its never been about real reforms. Its about a woman instead of a man coming to power, its about controling a fortune, its about sharing in corruption, its about controling the network which controls the civil service and army, its about keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, its about keeping verything the same while reforming in circles and its about having an Arab spring while cementing the position of the old elite firmly into place.

A leopard cannot change its spots.

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Buying land with donation money?? I thought the donations were only a fraction of the total cost of keeping these rallies going.

Doesn't make sense imo.

Do you think Suthep is paying for these rallies? 555

Work it out for yourself at B 10 million a day and going for more than 3 months that is close to B 1 billion (excluding bribes). Sutheps declared assets is only B 210 million and have debts of +- B 320 million. Look at who is paying for this protest and you will know its never been about real reforms. Its about a woman instead of a man coming to power, its about controling a fortune, its about sharing in corruption, its about controling the network which controls the civil service and army, its about keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, its about keeping verything the same while reforming in circles and its about having an Arab spring while cementing the position of the old elite firmly into place.

A leopard cannot change its spots.

I think you are a bit behind with your info. It has been made clear long time ago already that the brewery is distancing themselves from the protests.

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Buying land with donation money?? I thought the donations were only a fraction of the total cost of keeping these rallies going.

Doesn't make sense imo.

Do you think Suthep is paying for these rallies? 555

Work it out for yourself at B 10 million a day and going for more than 3 months that is close to B 1 billion (excluding bribes). Sutheps declared assets is only B 210 million and have debts of +- B 320 million. Look at who is paying for this protest and you will know its never been about real reforms. Its about a woman instead of a man coming to power, its about controling a fortune, its about sharing in corruption, its about controling the network which controls the civil service and army, its about keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, its about keeping verything the same while reforming in circles and its about having an Arab spring while cementing the position of the old elite firmly into place.

A leopard cannot change its spots.

I think you are a bit behind with your info. It has been made clear long time ago already that the brewery is distancing themselves from the protests.

I am not talking about Singha, you better start to catch up on whats going on in this country.

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Busted. Fingers in the honey pot and stuck.

The anti corruption movement leader - corrupt himself? Oh no...

Only the ignorant, naive or stupid don't realise that he hijacked the 'anti-corruption' protests and promptly renamed them 'anti-government' protests to detract attention from himself and his cohorts. How so many Thais (and from looking at this site, so many farang) seem perfectly happy for this devious and corrupt former politician to assume power should the government step down or be ousted beggars belief. His track record of corruption and scandal challenges if not surpasses that of Thaksin's.

Can you tell us how many of us that think thakisn and his family should be out of politics think that suthep should assume power?

Most of the posters I have seen have stated that they do not think suthep should be in power either.

Most of what I have seen posted state that it would be better for the senate or some other body appoint an interim pm (or council) until one can be elected and I may be wrong but that is what the protesters are asking for also.

I for one do not want suthep in power or the thaksin clan and from what I have read is the position that most of us non reds are taking.

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Buying land with donation money?? I thought the donations were only a fraction of the total cost of keeping these rallies going.

Doesn't make sense imo.

Do you think Suthep is paying for these rallies? 555

Work it out for yourself at B 10 million a day and going for more than 3 months that is close to B 1 billion (excluding bribes). Sutheps declared assets is only B 210 million and have debts of +- B 320 million. Look at who is paying for this protest and you will know its never been about real reforms. Its about a woman instead of a man coming to power, its about controling a fortune, its about sharing in corruption, its about controling the network which controls the civil service and army, its about keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, its about keeping verything the same while reforming in circles and its about having an Arab spring while cementing the position of the old elite firmly into place.

A leopard cannot change its spots.

I think you are a bit behind with your info. It has been made clear long time ago already that the brewery is distancing themselves from the protests.

I am not talking about Singha, you better start to catch up on whats going on in this country.

Instead of talking in mysteries, maybe you be a bit more clear then.

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So the sins of the father are used to tar the son, and regurgitated to tar the father again.

Suthep has had so much traction with the protests that PTP will take any and all roads high low and subterranean to remove even a jot of his influence and ability to cut their path short. In that light, it is no wonder anything his son does in business will be laid at his feet as a crime of the highest magnitude. Until proved in a court of law, this reportage MUST be assumed to be a political hatchet job, driven by PTP desperation, and nothing more.

But of course Thaksin partisans whether paid PR hacks, or zealot believers, or the simply misinformed, will parrot the innuendos endlessly.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Perfectly reasonable to highlight the purchase in light of the donations that have been received and the lack of accountability in their use and distribution.

Furthermore for the sake of transparency there should be a full disclosure of the source of this money. This would be especially welcome considering his claims to reduce corruption in Thailand.


Are you implying that Suthep and his clan should not be challenged to the funding of a substantial land purchase when he has claimed to have sold his landholdings to fund the protests?

To not explain the source of the funds and to dismiss the story as a political hatchet job should set alarm bells ringing with Sutheps supporters. Additionally to ignore such claims seriously contradicts the anti corruption agenda are driving the protests.

There appears to be a worrisome cult of personality developing around Kamnam Suthep where by any questioning of his credibility, motives and honesty are brushed aside. Strangely similar to what we are told Thaksins supporters are guilty of.

Oh he's no angel, and he has a history as does ALL politicians of this level.

But Thaksin's people have always gone out of their way to smear Suthep and his clan at all times,

but more so when he is hurting their interests. The stories of Thaksin's interests and Suthep's fighting

over land as the prices flew upwards on Samui are legendary, they both are equally guilty of land purchases for profit.

But this allegation is clearly aimed at severing some of his backers by implying improprieties with rally donations.

And that has only one primary purpose; to diminish the rally that is starving the Shin Clans ere-election and profits.

Business as usual, but they saw a hook to throw mud at and they start throwing,

whether there is one shred of actual evidence or not

If you want to get up on stage everyday and complain about corruption, your desire to eradicate it and your aim for a corruption free society you better make sure your own house is in order. Considering the lack of transparency to the use of the donations, its perfectly reasonable to question the source of the funding of this land deal.

Bearing in mind Sutheps history and the anti-corruption agenda of the PDRC they deserve (and should welcome) the intense scrutiny over any possible irregularities.

It should go much further quite frankly, to really achieve any credibility there should be complete disclosure of all funding sources.

Would any political opponent not want to take advantage of this kind of situation?

If it was Chuwit bringing this land deal to our attention would that be ok?

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Busted. Fingers in the honey pot and stuck.

The anti corruption movement leader - corrupt himself? Oh no...

Busted by PT and their convicted spokesperson?? Jacky you are sooo funny.

What is the Puea Thai spokesperson convicted of?

Telling the truth...

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In Thai facebook, Suthep's son confirmed that he & friend bought it.

However he said that they already agreed to buy and paid a small deposit in June 2013.

They only recently transfer the land, in a second attempt; all payment in traceable cashier cheques, and not cash (apart for the tax).

1st time the land was closed by the protesters, and has to be postponed.

During the 2nd time, due to prior arrangement, the government office came to performance their duties, completed their transaction, and he paid all the tax.

He also post that there was no corruption used. All the money was his own, and his wife hard earn saving money.

Oh, the son wrote on his Facebook page that this is all legitimate? Ok, everyone should forget about it then, it must be true if it's on Facebook. Well done to them for being able to save 10'million usd from their hard work at such a young age
Yingluck writes on Facebook and it's fact. Sutheps son writes on Facebook and it's illegitimate ..... wow.

Also what's that about such a young age!! The son is late 30's.

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Edited by casualbiker
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In Thai facebook, Suthep's son confirmed that he & friend bought it.

However he said that they already agreed to buy and paid a small deposit in June 2013.

They only recently transfer the land, in a second attempt; all payment in traceable cashier cheques, and not cash (apart for the tax).

1st time the land was closed by the protesters, and has to be postponed.

During the 2nd time, due to prior arrangement, the government office came to performance their duties, completed their transaction, and he paid all the tax.

He also post that there was no corruption used. All the money was his own, and his wife hard earn saving money.

Oh, the son wrote on his Facebook page that this is all legitimate? Ok, everyone should forget about it then, it must be true if it's on Facebook. Well done to them for being able to save 10'million usd from their hard work at such a young age

Being a redshirt supporter, we'd think you'd be supportive of facebook as a vehicle since your beloved PM runs the government that way.

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In Thai facebook, Suthep's son confirmed that he & friend bought it.

However he said that they already agreed to buy and paid a small deposit in June 2013.

They only recently transfer the land, in a second attempt; all payment in traceable cashier cheques, and not cash (apart for the tax).

1st time the land was closed by the protesters, and has to be postponed.

During the 2nd time, due to prior arrangement, the government office came to performance their duties, completed their transaction, and he paid all the tax.

He also post that there was no corruption used. All the money was his own, and his wife hard earn saving money.

Oh, the son wrote on his Facebook page that this is all legitimate? Ok, everyone should forget about it then, it must be true if it's on Facebook. Well done to them for being able to save 10'million usd from their hard work at such a young age

Being a redshirt supporter, we'd think you'd be supportive of facebook as a vehicle since your beloved PM runs the government that way.

I wonder if this case is related or just another Suthep-linked scamn....

July 04 2012. The Nation

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said yesterday it would issue a summons next week against Tan Thaugsuban - a son of Democrat heavyweight Suthep - and two partners accused of involvement in an alleged land grabbing scheme at Khao Phaeng mountain on Koh Samui.

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In Thai facebook, Suthep's son confirmed that he & friend bought it.

However he said that they already agreed to buy and paid a small deposit in June 2013.

They only recently transfer the land, in a second attempt; all payment in traceable cashier cheques, and not cash (apart for the tax).

1st time the land was closed by the protesters, and has to be postponed.

During the 2nd time, due to prior arrangement, the government office came to performance their duties, completed their transaction, and he paid all the tax.

He also post that there was no corruption used. All the money was his own, and his wife hard earn saving money.

Oh, the son wrote on his Facebook page that this is all legitimate? Ok, everyone should forget about it then, it must be true if it's on Facebook. Well done to them for being able to save 10'million usd from their hard work at such a young age

Being a redshirt supporter, we'd think you'd be supportive of facebook as a vehicle since your beloved PM runs the government that way.

I wonder if this case is related or just another Suthep-linked scamn....

July 04 2012. The Nation

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said yesterday it would issue a summons next week against Tan Thaugsuban - a son of Democrat heavyweight Suthep - and two partners accused of involvement in an alleged land grabbing scheme at Khao Phaeng mountain on Koh Samui.

And carry on and tell us the result of that?

as far as I'm aware the case was thrown out for lack of evidence ... sounds similar to this one!

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This is all so wrong it stinks of PTP desperation at the lowest level.

2 Billion baht in donations....... cheesy.gif .... you have got to be kidding.

Photoshop is a very clever tool nowadays, and if that is a land deal, on that piece of paper... then my mum is Ghandi.

I wonder what's next? Suthep is Spanish??

Your Mum is Gandhi than your mom had a sex change also ?

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He was riding the high crest of the wave and genuinely believed that he was the diamond-eyed son of the Revolution. I would guess that he counted his proto-chickens too early, and felt that the protest/overthrow/coup business was bound to succeed and in the aftermath he could ensure that his Council did not bother checking such trivial matters as acts of grand larceny committed against impressionable old ladies, nurses and students etc. I base this guess on his rhetoric which has been positively sky-balling, he sounded like the coup was already a done deal. But alas he is not the People's Poet, at worst he is a paid operative and at best he is a common crook. Always be careful who you give donations to!

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