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Farmer protest roadblocks?


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(not sure if right section to post, if wrong my apologies moderators!)

Alright, so there's quite a lot of info out there about the Suthep Bangkok Shutdown locations - but I'm hearing about farmer protests as well. Is there any collated/updated info about that? Might be driving upcountry soon...

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Day by day, build. I travel the Asian highway North from Bangkok regularly. If farmers block thevroad as they have done in the padt, they can be there for one or two days andcthen gone. If I an concerned I phone 1193 for highway information a few hours before I leave. Happy travels.

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if King Kong is sitting on your roof....would it be wise to go on your roof?

You won the stupid question of the day ,now drive to the north and find out why.coffee1.gif

King Kong is fictional, not real, hence he wouldn't be sitting on anyones roof.

You win the stupid reply of the day.


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I just returned to Kaeng Krachan via a Victory Monument van. Had to detour around a roadblock that added several extra km to the trip. I believe the detour re-directed us to Pak Tho then back to Hiway 4. My wife told me it was a farmer protest that had the road closed.

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