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Emergency Phone Number: What is it?


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This is not a normal occurrence in Thailand, sorry Thai haters, there is definitely more to this story whether the OP wants to admit it or not.

I would concur

I read it as the OP relinquished any control over this bizarre situation the instant he let the antagonist push past him into his home.

Now with 'victims remorse' hes looking for the phone number for Ghostbusters lest it becomes a 'faggot-o-thon'



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Why on earth did you pay him? Wold you do the same if you were back in your own country or just laugh it off?

I do get tired of people who spread the fear of Thai mentality,, example "do as they say because they will attack you in numbers, they will chop you into pieces with a machete, they don't care because life is cheap here,, don't cross them, watch the face issue as they will kill you, etc, etc"

It is right to have respect for our host country and to remember we are guests here. I treat people with respect but I do at home as well so no real difference for me. However, if someone walked into my garden and did as you describe I am no doormat,, I would tell him to "politely" go away and shut my door.

Did he tell you why he owed the money? Also if he had a load of friends to call why didn't he just bring some with him to make it easier? It sounds to me like some junky in his beat up car used this "westerners are scared of us" mentality ad took you for some cash,, and you fell for it.

We may all be guests but don't let the scumbag element of Thailand push you around, it just makes it harder for everyone..

"Make it easier",couldn't have been easier if he tried.Wasn't very polite though,kin khao khrap.

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I moved into a house once in Wyoming. Within the first 6 months, I had visits at odd hours from a half dozen guys looking to score some dope and two cops looking for the guys who used to live in the house.

I offered to let the cops search the house (actually kind of asked them to). After the visit from the cops, the dopers stopped knocking. Still kept the 9mm close, just in case someone wanted their dope for free...

Given that we all look the some to some locals, perhaps this incident was similar?

I was house-sitting for a friend once in Alberta, Canada. Beautiful country! I had been there for a week or so and there was a knock at the door. On opening the door there was a massive guy standing there. He introduced himself as my neighbor and that he lived 15 miles down the road. He said "I'm having a party on Friday and you are invited, bring beer." He added "Parties round these parts are a bit different, there may be fighting, shouting and screaming and maybe some rough sex".

I said "Great, looking forward to it, what should I wear?" It was when he replied, "Don't matter, it'll just be the two of us" that I re-thought.

Moral of the story is: Wait until you hear the complete lines before you commit to anything. I think this is applicable to the OP when it came to dishing out money............wink.png

BTW, the story never happened but the moral remains intact. I thinks the Canadians are great people, seriously.................thumbsup.gif


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If the OP is 33 I can still give him some good advice. You've learned something for $100 bucks.Go back to Chewang or Pattya or wherever you have a good time. Enjoy yourself and then get the hell out of here and find a more suitable environment than Thailand for a 33 year old/ Perhaps Greece or Brazil. Haha

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I think its a case of... take a deep breath and explain what happened slowly.... This post was made at 5am on a Saturday morning probably in an inebriated state. The antagonist sounds like he could have been the girls pimp in which case he'd be used to this sort of confrontation. Little people can still throw a punch or crack your ribs with a muay thai kick. Its easy to say you would have gone "Jackie Chan on his ass", but you may be underestimating the situation.

Maybe Pepper spray would help is in this situation, he was with a girl. if you start escorting him out she may go for your eyes with her acrylic nails, he pulls a knife and there is a very different post on Thai Visa.

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Is there anymore interest in the thread title/topic?

That is, what I find:

191 police

199 fire brigade

1669 medical emergency

1155 tourist police

Fortunately, I've never had to call 191 or 199....

But I've always wondered, if I DID have to call them, is anyone at the other end going to be capable of speaking any English?

Maybe you could learn to tell them where you live in Thai.Come to that same same,Thai,English.

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Welcome to Thailand buddy, a crap start, and my condolences. Have to say I've never heard of your particular case before, but you'll soon realize anything is possible. That's not to suggest everything will be negative for you, but with the image this place 'promotes' of itself, you'll notice a lot more differences as time goes by. *Never heard a UK-tourism campaign promoting happy people n blue skies...w00t.gif...it just wouldn't work!

My initial thought, given you've only been in for a month, is did the previous resident have some unfinished biz...?

I once moved-in with a UK bloke (big 3-bed house), new to Thailand; he was a childhood friend of a good mate of mine, and wanted a 'familiar' face around, as well as my local knowledge.

Anyways, he told me all sorts of stories of his past, and reasons for moving here. Several months later, I moved out because he was truly a horrible, vindictive, nasty, fat pile of *hit. It was only then that I learned from my mate that he sold his house [and left UK] because he had a habit of picking-up hoes on the street, taking them home, and not paying. Things had [obviously] gotten to the point where regular bricks were being slung through his windows, graffiti daubed on the house, etc. Can you imagine how awful things were for the people who bought his place, would surely inherit his problems, at least until the [2nd tier] aggressors realized he'd upped n left.

You might consider having some relaxed chats with your neighbours to try and build a picture of your predecessor.

As regards paying the henchman: easy for us to say that was stupid, but we weren't there, and can't be sure of what we would do. Moving could well be the answer, but if not feasible, you really ought to think of ways to NOT pay these gerbils anymore. I personally wouldn't 'ask' the BIB for help, simply don't trust them and it would probably get even more expensive when they want their 'treats/salary'.

Just some ideas on prevention:

  • Get a dog. I've no idea your locality, nor if you are secluded from others, but wouldn't recommend a puppy/dog that you get too attached to; seen it before, too easy for the gerbils to poison the thing.
  • CCTV
  • Alert your neighbours of what's going on.
  • A sign at your front gate, in Thai, saying the last person that lived there is long gone. That's assuming your neighbours make suggestions he was the possible cause.
  • Create a vibrant/busy home by putting on some parties and inviting people round. The locals tongue's will soon start wagging, and you could soon get a steady stream of visitors, that might keep the opportunists away.
  • Start dating a Muay-Thai chick.

If you go down the road of weapons to feel safer, just remember you may have to use them (and live with the consequences), and/or you will then up the anti with the henchmen; no doubt things will get badly out of control then...

Good luck

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Sounds like a robbery in Nevada you can just shoot him for home invasion. Next time stay in the house with a gun when they bust in shoot both of them. Problem solved! No one has the right to enter your house without permission and threaten you. In Las Vegas Nevada they give you a reward for killing intruders. Of course you have to clean up the blood smear, but hey your life is worth it!

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Why is this not a good place for a 33 year old? I am 28, have 2 children with dual nationality and think the worst thing about this country is the disrespectful attitude so many expats have towards Thailand.

It is actually possible to live here without being apart of Thailand's perverted under belly.

If the OP is 33 I can still give him some good advice. You've learned something for $100 bucks.Go back to Chewang or Pattya or wherever you have a good time. Enjoy yourself and then get the hell out of here and find a more suitable environment than Thailand for a 33 year old/ Perhaps Greece or Brazil. Haha

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I don't know how long you have been married and it really doesn't matter in Thailand but check out your wife. It is probably her husband that wants some money from you for sleeping with her. Outside of that he really doesn;t give a sh..

Where oh where does it say this poor excuse for a man had a wife?If he did she would have handled it,but i doubt any self respecting woman would put up with op.

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We know nothing about the OP and his personal situation. But everyone assumes the stereotype, retired pensioner, bought his wife with a dowry from a family without running water and sleeps with hookers. It may all be true, in which case its no wonder farang are disliked here.

I have and do all of the above,and am still liked by my fellow villagers,epecially when the free beer is on.

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And don't get a gun. You can't legally have one.

That's actually not true, you can have a gun licence here under certain conditions.

But, its still good advice, don't get a gun....................wink.png

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

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Yes, hard to believe this is a random incident, must be more to it maybe the OP just doesn't know yet.

Remember the BiB is a money-making operation - AFAIK you have to set up a personal arrangement with the local plod and make regular payments if you want/expect them to just drop everything and show up at the drop of a hat. In which case you'll be given a number to call.

This is the sad reality. We give the police 500 Baht a month and they keep tabs on the area. During one visit, they asked about a baby at our house - S-I-L had come that day for a visit with her daughter.

Pay them and they will watch out for you.

if you do ever have any problems, probably orchestrated by the very people you pay in order to demand more money for better protection..

move house,,,,

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We know nothing about the OP and his personal situation. But everyone assumes the stereotype, retired pensioner, bought his wife with a dowry from a family without running water and sleeps with hookers. It may all be true, in which case its no wonder farang are disliked here.

I have and do all of the above,and am still liked by my fellow villagers,epecially when the free beer is on.

To your face may be. I think it borders on being an egotistical megalomaniac.

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Had a simular situation abut 6 mths ago when a old Toyota car pulls up in front of our house and some guy who claimed he had a rank in the military and insisted we have to buy a book written by some general and wanted 2500 Baht . My wife started to ask him his rank and company and could not answer and said the farang will pay .

He was quickly told That she was in the militaray and to move on or she will call the police . Never seen him again

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

No idea about the actual laws (but what would be the point in knowing that anyway, everything's far too 'flexible' here), but an ex-GF of mine had an intruder at her family home in Nakon Phatom a few years ago. A relatively affluent family, and [as far as I gather] pretty well respected (and connected) in the area.

The story I got was that the burglars were startled by her dad rushing down the stairs, so they ran. He shot one of them in the leg as they exited. The BIBs came, injured Gerbil sprawled out on the lawn, and the following happened: BIB had the burglar taken to hospital and GF's dad taken to station. Somewhere through the dark-network the burglar was also connected and so the GF's dad was 'advised' to pay the hospital fees and let this incident lie...who will ever know exactly what happened or who was who, but the point is her dad's connections weren't as 'useful' as I'm sure he thought they were, otherwise he would have [rightly] been considered the victim.

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As far as I know if any one walks into your home uninvited then you can end them in self defense of your life and home.

Please can some one tell me if this is correct because if this had been me he would be dead by now.

Other than the fact that he would not be able to do it again to me or someone else he also would not be able to talk about it.

I think your talking about the USA...Texas...where its shoot first and then ask questions later (if the poor sob can talk).
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You shouldn't have given him the money because now he knows you will pay if he applies pressure. Go to the cops, file a complaint, and if he comes back take a picture of him and tell him to leave, if he doesn't then knock him out and take him to the cops!!!

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