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Ayahuasca Treatment, Retreat, etc.


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Here approach to drugs is still "Reaganian" ie drug consumption is a crime, drug addicts are criminals, no pity, no mercy, no helping them, no treatment, just punishment /prison or death penalty, even more so amongst Buddhist communities / temples.

Edited by Kitsune
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Full Moon Party on Ko Pah Ngan, New Age and druggie central for the region.

Also the colon-cleansing folks in the various islands, Samui for a start.

But suspect anything you'd find here would be far from an authentic spiritual experience.

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  • 4 months later...


Ibogaine therapy is available in Thailand. Check out what Joe Roggan and Graham Hancock have to say on youtube. Both have been claimed effective in treating addiction habits. I think Graham Hancock stated that Ayahuasca sends you out into the universe, whereas Ibogaine send you into yourself. As the Thais would say, "Same same, but different....

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Ayuhusca or DMT is difficult chemical to control because everyone produces it in their body and it's literally in every living thing.

It can be extracted from many plants such as grass clippings. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/extraction_guide1/dmt_extraction_guide1.shtml

It can't be tested to see if someone has taken it recently.

The Ayuhusca vine tea taken with a MAO inhibiter takes some hours to clear while DMT is fast acting and short effect.

It's fascinating subject and DMT has been called the "Spirit Molecule".

Documentary. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1340425/


One theory is that meditation increases endogenous production of DMT to facilitate conscious exploration.

Interview with Dr. Rick Strassman who is UNM DMT researcher.

The Shaman or guide is a big part of the experience so probably best to save your bahts to visit Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia for the best results.

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  • 3 months later...

Ayuhusca or DMT is difficult chemical to control because everyone produces it in their body and it's literally in every living thing.

It can be extracted from many plants such as grass clippings. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/extraction_guide1/dmt_extraction_guide1.shtml

It can't be tested to see if someone has taken it recently.

The Ayuhusca vine tea taken with a MAO inhibiter takes some hours to clear while DMT is fast acting and short effect.

The Shaman or guide is a big part of the experience so probably best to save your bahts to visit Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia for the best results.

Ayahuasca and DMT are not the same thing. DMT is a component of ayahuasca. DMT is present in all living things, but ayahuasca is a combination of two or more plants, one of which contains DMT.

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The only two South American country's where this is still legal is Peru and Brazil..it was deemed illegal in the Netherlands but the government was taken to court by a religious group and this law was overturned if the drug was administered as part of a religious ceremony.

From what I understand it's a drug that you would want to do under some reasonable supervision i.e. A Shaman similar.

Anyway unless country's have changed their stance that's the last stance I heard.

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