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PDRC core leader Sonthiyarn arrested in Bangkok


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Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

Yes, veeeeeeeeeeery good start !

These yellow criminals belong to prison... Forever.

As I said before, once they nab Suthep I will make a biiiiiiiiiiig party with free beer for everyone to celebrate the best news of the year :rolleyes:

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

Pretty much the whole of Thailand have a bottle of champagne ready for that. (except for a handful of grandmas at the protest sites and a few other neo-dictationship oddballs)

Hopefully they distribute a High Definition 1080p, 60 frames per second slow motion version of his imminent arrest, conviction and jailing, with a zoom in on his face. laugh.png

One can only hope once Dear YK and her merry bandits are shown the door, that the "fascist" Suthep rounds up all the "Red Farangs" and deports them, and petitions their home goverments to prevent further international travel on the basis of stupidity

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Edited by smileydude
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Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

Pretty much the whole of Thailand have a bottle of champagne ready for that. (except for a handful of grandmas at the protest sites and a few other neo-dictationship oddballs)

Hopefully they distribute a High Definition 1080p, 60 frames per second slow motion version of his imminent arrest, conviction and jailing, with a zoom in on his face. laugh.png

One can only hope once Dear YK and her merry bandits are shown the door, that the "fascist" Suthep rounds up all the "Red Farangs" and deports them, and petitions their home goverments to prevent further international travel on the basis of stupidity

From your 13,000 posts I have ascertained you know very little about what goes on here. The group you refer to as 'red farangs' are simply people who believe in equal opportunities, level playing fields and whatever else brings down an heirarchical society that Thailand is.

We have being debating with anti government supporters for the best part of 5 years and honestly winning most arguments. All this achieved with both arms tied behind our backs...unlike you.

I see. So you believe this is a people's war over the hierarchical society? You believe in leveling the playing field?

So if 16 million voters (your presumed majority in a democratic society) want to vote PTP and Thaksin into power to level the playing field, they need not listen to the other 12 million who voted for other parties? So its okay to be corrupt, embezzle money from the rice pledging scheme and use taxpayers money to give free handouts as long as the cause is won?

Your ideas sound very noble but are severely flawed. Democracy and the law of the land is only just and good if people have ethics.

Haven't you seen many instances of those in power who have used better lawyers to play the interpretation of the law to their benefit?

I'd really like to hear how you think you are winning the arguments. Has the level of corruption as overseen by the OECD been lower in Thailand since PTP and Thaksin have been in power? (I think not) What other indicators of human development support your argument that what the PTP led government has achieved has improved the lives of Thai people? According to the World Economic Forum we are sliding down the competitive index. Our level of education has been ranked poorly in SE Asia.

Castro, Che Guvara and many of the communist ideologists had noble causes in mind. Many ex-members of the Communists Party of Thailand are currently in the red shirt movement. But communism has shown many flaws. Too much power in the hands of the state and leaders and a repressed population. I cannot think of single communist country with a thriving population.

Personally I am all for decreasing the level of income disparity and equality for all and a non-hierarchical society.

I was raised in a middle class Thai family and have never been born with any form of entitlement.

But I am not convinced nor has their been any concrete proof that Thaksin and the Red shirts have the best intentions of the people in mind.

Edited by smileydude
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Pretty much the whole of Thailand have a bottle of champagne ready for that. (except for a handful of grandmas at the protest sites and a few other neo-dictationship oddballs)

Hopefully they distribute a High Definition 1080p, 60 frames per second slow motion version of his imminent arrest, conviction and jailing, with a zoom in on his face. laugh.png

One can only hope once Dear YK and her merry bandits are shown the door, that the "fascist" Suthep rounds up all the "Red Farangs" and deports them, and petitions their home goverments to prevent further international travel on the basis of stupidity

From your 13,000 posts I have ascertained you know very little about what goes on here. The group you refer to as 'red farangs' are simply people who believe in equal opportunities, level playing fields and whatever else brings down an heirarchical society that Thailand is.

We have being debating with anti government supporters for the best part of 5 years and honestly winning most arguments. All this achieved with both arms tied behind our backs...unlike you.

oh dear got nothing to say...so attack the number posts someone makes, and makes a silly little statements about not knowing what goes one here, I know quite a bit more than you realise dear boy...wink.png

Yes yes I get it your Thaier than Thai, a farang riding in on white horse saving the down trodden in the wilds of Isaan...

If you really believe the current goverment stands for equal opportunities, level playing fields etc...you delusional, BTW the average "red farang" couldnt debate their way out a paper bag, one suspects you included....wink.png

OOOOOOh bitchy. You did not argue that we pro democracy supporters win most of the debates here and you did not ask for any explanantion of hands tied behind our back. Which leads me to believe you know what the comment reffered to and if you argue that (not really) you would lose that debate as well.

BANG paper debating bag bursts

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Why do they need the detention? Surely that's for obtaining evidence. They should have that already .... so he should be in court in 7 days, No?

He will remain in prison for as long as the protests last, because that is the time the emergency decree will last. If you hold a city hostage for months, damage state property, order armed militias to shoot at civilians and financially damage millions of businesses in Bangkok and around the country, don't expect to just sit in a cell for 7 days and then walk free.

Son nam na.

You surely mean the red shirt do in 2010?

We are in 2014, not 2010, Whether you agree with it or not the wheels of justice will continue working, those who knowingly broke the law will be arrested and tried. Abhisit and Suthep in the same position chose to turn the military loose on the civilian population, PTP is offering those animals more humane treatment, arrested, trial and hopefully a long term in Jail!


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Welcome to Merriam Webster dictionary.

Police are really making inroads now arn't they, much to the disgust of the PDRC fan base

They just picking them up when they stray from the flock!!! Best tactic and it has avoided clashing by going in with a hit team.

This is who they'll get them all. and they'll all be much more wary now smile.png

Be interesting to see if the Courts just let them go, as you do for insurection, trhying to overthrow democracy and blocking streets in a Capital City.

Good they whisked him out the capital as well. The mob won't be marching around there in a red shirt area. Not now they down to their last 100 or 200!!

Democracy? What a bloody joke man! You certainly have no clue what democracy is. You should make yourself a favour and make some research first. Then make conclusions what is democracy.


Please and review chum and then get back to us on the 'clue to what democracy is'.

Here's a clue though, first definition: "a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting"

Pretty shocking, I know.

What, sort of like when Saddam was elected?

Oh pity, you didn't read the definitions did you? Eh? Like to make things up to suit your story?Okay, last chance and then school is finished for you:

Democracy: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation ... involving periodically held free elections"

Actually, I read what you quoted (for your purposes) as an explanation of Democracy.

I merely pointed out that there is more than one type of Democracy, as seen in Iraq during October 2002.

If you really want to understand what the current situation is about, look up Totalitarian Democracy.

If you can undersatnd and take this in, please take this education from me as a gift.

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I can understand how a lot of people on TV do not like Suthep or the PDRC for their hard core tactics of blocking streets, invading government offices and the seemingly undemocratic vote block etc. but am I assuming correctly many of these Suthep critics also support PTP and Thaksin? Or do you support the red shirts?

The protest movements we are seeing are a result of people being fed up with corruption and tyranny from the current government.

It started with the student protests and Guy Fawkes masks and gained momentum with Suthep joining the fray.

But it is not about Suthep or any single person. It is about how a group of politicians who were elected in by the majority of the population in the North and Northeast and financially supported by Thaksin abused their powers as can be seen by the passing of the Amnesty Bill in Parliament and the rice-pledging scheme to name a few instances.

The government run by Yingluck and the PTP clearly showed their incompetence, poor governance and lack of ethics.

This government is supported by the red shirts. How does reflect on the red shirts if they insist on supporting PTP and Thaksin?

Is there not a clear line between right and wrong here?

I'd really like to hear a good argument from all of the supposed detractors of Suthep on how Thai's can get rid of a very corrupt government elected into office? In any other developed country I think they would have all resigned in shame but not Thailand.

Can the red shirts and majority in the North and Northeast not fathom the level of corruption? Right now the farmers are feeling it.

If we insist on using our voting rights who do we vote into office? PTP? Democrats? Who?

you dont have to like or dislike anybody its all down to a democratic process which they want to overturn by thuggery .the voters can decide who is fit to run the country

This is not about liking or disliking anybody.

This about right and wrong.

But the majority don't seem to see this or maybe they (the farmers) do now.

I think we both agree on the democratic process.

How about the process of good governance and prosecuting corrupt politicians?

Lets discuss that instead of the democratic process because we have no disagreement there.

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Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

I seriously doubt that he is worried about a long stay in jail, or that the rest of the protest leaders are shaking in their boots.

This arrest will only create more problems for the government. They haven't got anything right yet.

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Police are really making inroads now arn't they, much to the disgust of the PDRC fan base

They just picking them up when they stray from the flock!!! Best tactic and it has avoided clashing by going in with a hit team.

This is who they'll get them all. and they'll all be much more wary now smile.png

Be interesting to see if the Courts just let them go, as you do for insurection, trhying to overthrow democracy and blocking streets in a Capital City.

Good they whisked him out the capital as well. The mob won't be marching around there in a red shirt area. Not now they down to their last 100 or 200!!

Democracy? What a bloody joke man! You certainly have no clue what democracy is. You should make yourself a favour and make some research first. Then make conclusions what is democracy.

You yellows know not about Democracy, which has nothing to do with an un-elected Peoples counsel lead by a wannabe fascist , Championing anti corruption with one of the worse corruption record that spans 34 year in politics!

I believe the bloody joke is on you!


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Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

I seriously doubt that he is worried about a long stay in jail, or that the rest of the protest leaders are shaking in their boots.

This arrest will only create more problems for the government. They haven't got anything right yet.

On the contrary.

They are still in power, albeit caretaker mode, but this actually puts more pressure on the Court who have to release funds and permissions etc.

We know they hate the Junta appointed courts so the fact they are waring with them and exposing their partisanship is a step in the right direction.

PT are fighting this very well and have kept the army out, kept the death toll to less than 5% of the Dem/Army handling back in 2010, won the support of EVERY major Government, NGO and Media outlet on the planet and kept Suthep out in the middle of Bangkok where he can only damage his own backers finances the longer it goes on.

All on the Coup side fully expected the Police to crack heads during the week of rioting in November (peaceful rioting was that :) ) and when they just opened the gates and let the PDRC in, it was a master stroke. Suthep is now desperatly walking around trying to atract an attack on him and is seeing his finances dry up.

Govermnet winning plaudits for sensible and peaceful handling of protesters. Protesters who had geared up for violent confrontation and now left scratching their heads. :)

Well done all round I'd say.

Suthep has acvhieved nothing at all of what he hoped for. No power, no Coup, no violence. Bye bye :)

PT are right to war with the Courts and are fighting a very good battle.

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Suthep has acvhieved nothing at all of what he hoped for. No power, no Coup, no violence. Bye bye smile.png

PT are right to war with the Courts and are fighting a very good battle.

Of course you havent addressed how the rice scam is going to take Dear YK and her bandits down anyway...

So maybe Suthep hasnt achieved what he set out to do, but the rice scam will achieve the same end anyway...thumbsup.gif

Bye Bye YK....wink.png

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you red farangs disgust me

dont be too hard on them...didnt your mother tell you not to mock people less fortunate than yourself, as you know large quantites of lao khao turns peoples brains to mush...tongue.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

You must lead a sad life if you would open a bottle of Champagne over something that is nothing to do with you

That or an alcoholic.

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Another good news Monday in Bangkok! Book 'em Danno.

The first step is the hardest and the list of arrest warrantees is getting thicker. Target rich environment Mr. Chalerm.

Well where is chalerm today.

We just had days of his bluster about leading the arrest of the protest leaders.

Much earlier today one was arrested but no comment from chalerm.

He must be incapacitated.

New shipment of ear medicine from France. He's busy!

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Once again the great reformer Suthep is given millions of baht to help the farmers forgotten by the government in their haste to call an election.

And the PM didn't have the guts to meet the farmers face to face today.

Great leadership.

Yingluck and by association, Thaksin's, image sinks into the ebbing waters of the Mekhong river, down, down.

Issan people who haven't been paid for their rice- and there are a lot of them, are becoming disillusioned with Pheua Thai.

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"was charged with sedition and escorted to the Border Patrol Police Region 1 in Pathum Thani province where he will be detained."

Nothing do do with Red or Yellow, Why the border police when this si not a border incident and why not in Bangkok ?

Just curious ? facepalm.gif

They are a paramilitary unit ..


Rumors were that many Sae Daeng's guards (blackshirts) were serving or ex-border police or Thahan Phran.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Police are really making inroads now arn't they, much to the disgust of the PDRC fan base

They just picking them up when they stray from the flock!!! Best tactic and it has avoided clashing by going in with a hit team.

This is who they'll get them all. and they'll all be much more wary now smile.png

Be interesting to see if the Courts just let them go, as you do for insurection, trhying to overthrow democracy and blocking streets in a Capital City.

Good they whisked him out the capital as well. The mob won't be marching around there in a red shirt area. Not now they down to their last 100 or 200!!

I would not be too quick to celebrate.

There are 10 more leaders waiting to fill his place.

He won't ever be convicted.

It is likely he will be released and end up suing the DSI which is on borrowed time.

Tarit will end up doing more jail time than all the protest leaders combined.

You government are on the way out mate.... they are in their final month and then everything will fall into the control of the protest leaders.

Watch this space.... you know I am right.

Someone been drinking?

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Big speech every night ..Chalerm can't touch me, Chalerm can't get me, Chalerm is only talk no action.

Dum dee dum, I'm going shopping at Central today ... la la la ....


Yes......he'll have to check on everyone who is disguised in a hat, sunglasses, and moustache..........driving a Rolls Royce no doubt !!!

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