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English language tests fraud

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AFAIK this does not affect test taken in Thailand

"The Home Office has suspended English language tests run by a major firm after BBC Panorama uncovered systematic fraud in the student visa system.

Secret filming of government-approved English exams needed for a visa showed entire rooms of candidates having the tests faked for them.

The English Testing Service - which sets the exams - is one of the largest language testing firms in the world."


Obviously the fallout from this is likely to see more security checks and bureaucratic procedures for taking the tests worldwide.

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Basil B - what is AFAIK and how do you know this does not affect the tests taken in Thailand?

The reason I ask is that English Testing Service are the ones that mark the TOEIC tests which apparently these prospective students took. Seems to be that these same TOEIC tests are the ones run by CPA in Bangkok. Having said that when my wife took TOEIC through CPA the Speaking exam tapes were sent to the USA for marking!

The BBC Panorama programme is on BBC1 tonight - should be interesting viewing.

Another point to bear in mind is that if test centres/providers are "struck off" then the UKVI say that this can invalidate previously taken bona fide passes. Could affect applications for FLR/ILR etc.

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Basil B - what is AFAIK and how do you know this does not affect the tests taken in Thailand?

The reason I ask is that English Testing Service are the ones that mark the TOEIC tests which apparently these prospective students took. Seems to be that these same TOEIC tests are the ones run by CPA in Bangkok. Having said that when my wife took TOEIC through CPA the Speaking exam tapes were sent to the USA for marking!

The BBC Panorama programme is on BBC1 tonight - should be interesting viewing.

Another point to bear in mind is that if test centres/providers are "struck off" then the UKVI say that this can invalidate previously taken bona fide passes. Could affect applications for FLR/ILR etc.

AFAIK = As Far As I Know

I do not know, I presume not, as it seems to be two collages in the UK that have been suspended and the problem is with invigilation of the test being taken, not the marking, that is why I started with AFAIK

"The government said it had suspended two colleges identified by Panorama and all further English language tests done through ETS in the UK"

As I read it, this does not affect tests being taken in Thailand at present, but suspect the ramifications of this, will in weeks to come.

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I bet a lot happens. The political fall out especially in a UK where immigration is a very dirty word, is likely to be significant.

Sooner or later I suspect an interview is going to become compulsory (for an additional fee of course!) and it should be possible to identify those with really poor language skills. Imagine the same situation occurring for written driving tests in the UK!

I struggle to see how a college is unaware that staff members are locking the front gate!

If ETS cannot monitor the colleges adequately then perhaps they should not be approved for something as important as immigration status.

Absolutely disgraceful and must put a lot of genuine applicants under stress.

Edited by bobrussell
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I didn't realise ETS are an American company which explains why my wife's TOEIC test was sent to the USA for marking. Couple of points about this :-

1. Americans are assessing candidates English skills not British people.

2. Why didn't ETS realise that this college was producing 100% for each candidate at this college in the Listening exam i.e. the multiple choice exam where the invigilator was reading out the answers? I suspect this is because the marking of Listening papers was actually done at the college itself but there should be some sort of audit check from ETS.

Whilst the Panorama program concentrated on student visa the same test is run for settlement visa so there could be greater ramifications from this.

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I bet a lot happens. The political fall out especially in a UK where immigration is a very dirty word, is likely to be significant.

Sooner or later I suspect an interview is going to become compulsory (for an additional fee of course!) and it should be possible to identify those with really poor language skills. Imagine the same situation occurring for written driving tests in the UK!

I struggle to see how a college is unaware that staff members are locking the front gate!

If ETS cannot monitor the colleges adequately then perhaps they should not be approved for something as important as immigration status.

Absolutely disgraceful and must put a lot of genuine applicants under stress.

As you are aware, at one time interviews were compulsory, but successive governments have diluted the visa application process to what it is now, actually more interested in the revenue generated than the standard of applicant granted a student visa.. When I did visa work ( many years ago !) we interviewed every visa applicant, and bogus students were fairly readily identified. I recall, when I was an ECO in India, interviewing a prospective BSc student for his visa. When I asked him what BSc stood for, he told me it was the Bata Shoe Company. An extreme example, maybe, but it does illustrate the usefulness of interviews.

There are, of course, cost implications in interviewing visa applicants, but this has to be weighed against the threat to the immigration control in the UK. I would have thought that it would actually be cost effective to take on one or two local staff whose sole job would be interviewing prospective students. Indeed, telephone interviews of applicants are currently carried out by ECA's ( assistants) and not ECO's anyway. Initial Interviews could be by Skype, when the applicant goes to VFS to submit an application. It doesn't necessarily require extra dedicated office space. If a potentially duff student is identified, then an ECO can call the applicant in for a face to face interview if he wants to. Sorted ! I claim my Home Office suggestion bonus !

I was going to comment about things going full circle and back to the old system with interviews. It occurred to me at that stage that I didn't actually know for sure that every applicant was interviewed!

I cannot see anything wrong in principle for everyone applying for a 'residential' visa to be interviewed. We are, in effect giving them free run of the country!

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I didn't realise ETS are an American company which explains why my wife's TOEIC test was sent to the USA for marking. Couple of points about this :-

1. Americans are assessing candidates English skills not British people.

2. Why didn't ETS realise that this college was producing 100% for each candidate at this college in the Listening exam i.e. the multiple choice exam where the invigilator was reading out the answers? I suspect this is because the marking of Listening papers was actually done at the college itself but there should be some sort of audit check from ETS.

Whilst the Panorama program concentrated on student visa the same test is run for settlement visa so there could be greater ramifications from this.

I missed the program due to a call out, but hope to download later..

DB, exactly what I was thinking, we in the UK do to much bending over to our cousins the other side of the pond.

Tony, I just think the Home Office is now controlled by those who are following the PM's stance on immigration, so upping the cost to keep the numbers down, instead of tighter controls and finding those who should not be in the UK and kicking them out.

I just feel it so unjust when families can not be together because of unfair costs and bureaucracy aimed at reducing immigration, yet they do not seem to be able to guard the back door.


Just a point re telephone interviews, how will the interviewer know the person they are talking to is the correct person?

May be interesting if UKVI were to call everybody who has done a test recentley, I am sure just a few questions would establish if they were up to the test standard...

Edited by Basil B
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Did it not ring warning bells when everyone from one college got 100% marks?

I agree that a sample of applicants could easily be phone interviewed. Someone scoring perfectly in the test should be able to answer questions clearly and in English. If they cannot, time for interview!

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