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'Gang of four' former Thai MPs now leading mobile protest marches


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'Gang of four' former MPs now leading mobile protest marches aimed at putting further pressure on the government

THIS IS not the first time that protesters have used a "marching around" strategy to put pressure on the government.

BANGKOK: -- A group of fast-moving protest teams were set up by the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) to march across Bangkok and occupy state agencies that remain in operation, as ordered by PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

The main team was led by four young bloods, the PDRC's so-called "gang of four" - Chumpol Julasai, Buddhipongse Punnakanta, Nataphol Teepsuwan and Sakoltee Phattiyakul. They are former Democrat MPs who resigned to fight alongside Suthep against the "Thaksin regime".

Basically, a day before leading the main procession, the gang of four attended a meeting with PDRC leaders to analyse the situation and plan a rally, Chumpol said.

He said they have four main issues that need to be managed - preparing to organise 500-3,000 demonstrators in a group for a fast-moving protest, calling a meeting of 30 guards to plan their work, checking information about the targeted site that the PDRC wants to take control of via undercover agents, and setting the time of the operation by trying to finish the job in a short time to prevent a negative outcome.

Chumpol said PDRC leaders could get very good information from government officials who work at sites, before heading to seize those compounds.

"Last Monday we besieged the Office of the Permanent Secretary for the Defence Ministry to force the caretaker government from using it as an office. Someone had sent us a little note saying 'Where is the working room of caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra? Where is the place where the Cabinet will sit? What are the car number plates of Cabinet ministers?'" he said.

Over the past three months, the gang of four has led protesters to gather at government offices more than 10 times. Suthep told them that they had to concentrate on the rally and did not allow a third hand to disrupt the peace at rally sites, Chumpol said.

"For me, the hardest thing is to convince the demonstrators, who have followed us to join a group in a fast-moving protest, to go back to the main rally sites after completing 'symbolic activities'. I had to spend a lot of time to give them an explanation," he said.

Operating as a gang of four, they have no specified task that they should do - anyone can do what they want instead of others. The main chore is to deliver a speech, negotiate with state officials and keep a close eye on the protest, one of them said.

The group had to assess the situation to determine what to do. "If the situation was turning into a crisis, Suthep would phone to order them to lead protesters to return to the main rally sites right away," the source said.

Suthep had talked to them on the phone at least four times as they led people to occupy four destinations - the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB), Lak Si district office, the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence, and the Labour Ministry - according to the source.

"If it was not Suthep's demand, I had no way of following," said Chumpol, who Suthep always calls by his nickname "Luk Mhee" (little bear).

Asked if he had been upset after clashes broke out, Chumpol said he was a sensitive man but never cried for this fight.

"I did not feel guilty over the day [in late January] I brought demonstrators to the Army Club [to stage a rally during which a protester from another group was shot]. But I felt really bad on the day I had to leave the elderly and female demonstrators behind at our rally base, as I had to lead male demonstrators to another spot and red shirts happened to show up near our base that day. Fortunately, no one was hurt," he said.

While the "gang of four" leads the PDRC protest marches around Bangkok, they hope the game will end soon. "No one in my team wants to be a hero. If Yingluck quits as PM, I'll go back to my home," Chumpol said.

-- The Nation 2014-02-11

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I personally am not interested in what shirts they wear.

But I sort of hit on a better plan that would be very acceptable to many party's, apart from the Phue Thai party that is.

Re-open all the protest areas and let them all resume business.

Issue a list if businesses and assets owned by each and every member in the Shinawatra clan (especially Thaksin's) and a select list of PTP ministers and known corrupt MPs and top police officials..

Link up with the rice farmers and swell your numbers (start on a weekend).

Blockade every business premises on a 'nobody in and nobody out' basis.

Keep them closed till the government gives in.

Hitting them personally in the pocket is better than closing ministries, and will get a lot more support from the public, especially the farmers.

All Shin Clan financial interests to be closed down first as well as Chalerm's, Tarit's, Adul's and any other pro PTP gob <deleted>'s.

Unless you are hitting this scum directly in the pocket, they don't hurt.

Once they have stepped down, petition the courts for a panoramic asset seizure and bank freezes, and allow the businesses to function once again but with all revenues sent to a central fund.

Issue the ability for the banks to be able to lend the 130 billion, pay the farmers and use the business assets to repay the loan money.


Excellent idea.

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Will they be using tuk tuks, mototaxis,the BTS or just jogging from place to place now ?

That's an interesting question. Last night I watched a parade of cars going into the Lumpini park stronghold about 9-10 PM. They were streaming in there for 20 minutes or more. And there were 4 huge buses in the mix. I don't look down there often but I've not seen that before. Couldn't tell if the buses were empty or full but there were a lot of cars so it was more than just a few people.

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Will they be using tuk tuks, mototaxis,the BTS or just jogging from place to place now ?

That's an interesting question. Last night I watched a parade of cars going into the Lumpini park stronghold about 9-10 PM. They were streaming in there for 20 minutes or more. And there were 4 huge buses in the mix. I don't look down there often but I've not seen that before. Couldn't tell if the buses were empty or full but there were a lot of cars so it was more than just a few people.

sounds like a lot of traffic for the '10 old ladies' the pro government cretins want us to believe are left there, ay ? cheesy.gif

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I personally am not interested in what shirts they wear.

But I sort of hit on a better plan that would be very acceptable to many party's, apart from the Phue Thai party that is.

Re-open all the protest areas and let them all resume business.

Issue a list if businesses and assets owned by each and every member in the Shinawatra clan (especially Thaksin's) and a select list of PTP ministers and known corrupt MPs and top police officials..

Link up with the rice farmers and swell your numbers (start on a weekend).

Blockade every business premises on a 'nobody in and nobody out' basis.

Keep them closed till the government gives in.

Hitting them personally in the pocket is better than closing ministries, and will get a lot more support from the public, especially the farmers.

All Shin Clan financial interests to be closed down first as well as Chalerm's, Tarit's, Adul's and any other pro PTP gob <deleted>'s.

Unless you are hitting this scum directly in the pocket, they don't hurt.

Once they have stepped down, petition the courts for a panoramic asset seizure and bank freezes, and allow the businesses to function once again but with all revenues sent to a central fund.

Issue the ability for the banks to be able to lend the 130 billion, pay the farmers and use the business assets to repay the loan money.


So now you are making this a reliegous thing? "Shites"

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They clearly don't know anything about history calling themselves "the gang of four."

Do they even know where that name comes from? Mao, purges, murder, uprooting of families, destruction of the educated classes

Whats next; Thaui rouge?

I doubt if they desire everything on your list except maybe to purge Thai politics of the Shinawatras.

And we already have a version of "Thaui rouge", they do Thaksins dirty work for him - blockade cities, cause months of mayhem, torch shopping centers and government buildings etc.

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It looks like the Nation has very good source on the planning of these criminal activities mentioned in this news/opinion report

What had this so called fighting against 'Thaksin regime' achieved for Thailand? I think the greatest achievement is speeding up the 'splitting' of Thailand into at least three independence States. The Northern people and Lanna people have been intensifying their discussions on this issue since three years ago. They know they do not have the capacity to fight judges and officials of the judiciary and the military tanks. However, they have the spirit to fight for their freedom, dignity, equal rights, equal justice. equal opportunity.

There may be pains from this 'split' which they think will only be temporal. However, they still hope to see a united, peaceful, progressive, prosperous Thailand for all.

In view of this, I am hoping that the real people of the 'old elite power' and the 'emerging power' of the people can come together to talk about nation building; clearing suspicion, anxiety and fear of each other and allowed patience and time for each to adjust to include each other.

Talking and arguing over corruption, abused of power will only sending us further apart because it is a deeply rooted issue even before there was even a TRT or Thaksin in politics. Reconciliation is at the moment a dirty word until we are willing to forgive. Reforms initiated by which ever side will be seen as arrogant and confrontational and will not succeed because we are still in an environment of suspicion, anxiety and fear of each other.

However, I believe Suthep and the dem are using the the suspicion, anxiety and fear of the 'old elite power' to achieve its self-serving purpose. Suthep used the same threat of mass demonstration before and that brought down Chuan's dem led government. The prachathipat party has since than not recovered.

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If these ex Dem MP's had put as much energy into analysing what the Thai people wanted from a government, they could have been that government by now.

Still, I'm sure they're happy in their new jobs as rabble rousers coffee1.gif

Edited by fab4
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If these ex Dem MP's had put as much energy into analysing what the Thai people wanted from a government, they could have been that government by now.

Still, I'm sure they're happy in their new jobs as rabble rousers coffee1.gif


I have another one: If Nathawut would have put as much energy into solving the farmers problems as he had put into brainwashing the farmers back in 2010, maybe today the farmers have some money to eat. Maybe...


(It the guy with his nose in the air)

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Gang of four leading what marches ? There is hardly anyone left at the protest sites except for a handful of grandmas and oddballs. Their supporters are abandoning them left right and center. This has to be one of the most pathetic, deluded, self indulgent movements in Thai political history, in 20 years the nation will look back and wonder what in gods name were these bizarre freaks thinking.

Edited by moonao
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Why, oh why do these idiots, Government and protesters alike, keep advertising what they are going to do in advance? Are they just childish attention-seekers?

If you are going to zap someone or somewhere, <deleted>, get on and do it, and get out again quickly.

Who dares win, chaps, or hadn't you heard ...?

Edited by Mister Fixit
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Gang of four leading what marches ? There is hardly anyone left at the protest sites except for a handful of grandmas and oddballs. Their supporters are abandoning them left right and center. This has to be one of the most pathetic, deluded, self indulgent movements in Thai political history, in 20 years the nation will look back and wonder what in gods name were these bizarre freaks thinking.

There you go yet again spilling the utter crap that forms in that head of yours.

'There is hardly anyone left at the protest sites except for a handful of grandmas and oddballs.'

Keep believing that if it helps you sleep better. Although there may be less people willing to go to the protests on a daily basis than there were before, every night there are a lot of people there. During the day a great many of them go to work because they can. During Suteb's 'marches' the streets are lined with thousands of people giving money and taking photos.

Nobody is abandoning PDRC, their supportert base keeps getting bigger and bigger. Can't say the same for the red militia though. Many reds are finally seeing the truth about the government of crooks. Some of the farmers are clearly much more intelligent than the red sheeple ( such as yourself ) give them credit for.

This has to be one of the most pathetic, deluded, self indulgent movements in Thai political history, in 20 years the nation will look back and wonder what in gods name were these bizarre freaks thinking.

You are talking about the 2010 Red Riots, right ? Yes a great many people do look back and think that already, sadly we know that a great many of them were not thinking, they were just following orders from the puppet master and his head terrorist cronies.

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