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DSI begin crackdown on illegal Russian Tour Guides in Pattaya


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DSI begin crackdown on illegal Russian Tour Guides in Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- The Department of Special Investigations (DSI) Eastern Branch, have begun a crackdown on Thai Tour Companies who are accused of illegally employing Russian Tour Guides. It is also thought that many of the companies are allowed to operate in such a way without fear of prosecution by Police.

For this reason, complaints were made to the DSI who are the Thai equivalent of the FBI. They conducted investigations into various unnamed Tour Companies following complaints from Thai Tour Guides who claim that the Russians are employed in jobs they are more than capable of doing themselves.

In the early hours of Wednesday a total of 7 Russian Tour Guides were arrested in various locations, including Hotels and Tourist Attractions around the Pattaya and Banglamung areas. They were challenged to produce Thai Work Permits which they were unable to do.

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/118093/dsi-begin-crackdown-on-illegal-russian-tour-guides-in-pattaya/

-- Pattaya One 2014-02-12

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Instead of having to go chasing after illegal foreign workers why doesn't Thailand just make the necessary qualifications clear and for those who are qualified, make the process easy and straightforward instead of being xenophobic.

I would think if you are Russian with a background as a guide and are familiar with Thailand you'd probably make a better tour guide for Russians then a Thai who doesn't speak the language.

If we don't accept fair competition how are Thai's going to better themselves? Its called free trade.

The Thais want to better themselves ,? dont you know they are already the best.smile.png at everything.

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My wife is Russian, we are living in Thailand for 15 years. She know the Thai history better than most Thai people. She doesn't work as a guide but was arrested when she showed 2 of her friends around in Bangkok. There are very professional and skilled Thai guides, but a lot are very corrupt and so are probably a lot of Russian guides. I don't mind Thai guides have exclusivity, it is their country. I just hope that the "reform" most Thai are hoping for, will take care of corruption on all levels.

how are Thai guides corrupt?

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My wife is Russian, we are living in Thailand for 15 years. She know the Thai history better than most Thai people. She doesn't work as a guide but was arrested when she showed 2 of her friends around in Bangkok. There are very professional and skilled Thai guides, but a lot are very corrupt and so are probably a lot of Russian guides. I don't mind Thai guides have exclusivity, it is their country. I just hope that the "reform" most Thai are hoping for, will take care of corruption on all levels.

how are Thai guides corrupt?

Kickbacks from gems shops, traders, attractions, restaurants. Certainly unethical.

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n the early hours of Wednesday a total of 7 Russian Tour Guides were arrested in various locations, including Hotels and Tourist Attractions around the Pattaya and Banglamung areas. They were challenged to produce Thai Work Permits which they were unable to do.

The same tour guides, who guide Thai and Japanese males to their hotel rooms. Gotta love their ignorance .Nastrovje( imagine the sound of a glass, splintered in thousand parts). -wai2.gif

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Another TIT report with "protected" monopolistic, mafia areas which at end limit the competition, drag down the quality and service level and dangerously increase the number of scams. Too many of the (mafia) Thai tours are just plain scams, dangerous, no safety, no control. Considering the very poor level, opening to (foreign) operators can only be beneficial to all, including to the Thai mafia operators who will have no other choice than to improve their skills and service level. All this with a smile of course.

I have no specific comment on the "Russia" operators. My comments are valid for all.

Your comments are incorrect. If what you know of the tourism business is indeed from working in the tourism business in Thailand then you are working for the wrong people or are yourself a Russian tour guide.

Most of the Thai tour guides and companies are NOT scammers. A small percentage are. If as a tourist you book with reputable guides and programs you have no problems. And just because you are a foreign tour guide or company does not make you any better than the locals.

How exactly can you explain your comment "Thai tours are just plain scams, dangerous, no safety, no control. " It seems to imply that if you are not Thai you are not scammers, are safe, are not dangerous and have total control.

Absolute sh&t statement toonsai. I work in the tourism business and all my Thai partners would run circles around any foreign tour guide as far as knowledge, safety and customer service.

But you are entitled to your opinion.

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Just go to any tourist place in Bangkok even temples. They try to sell fake entrance tickets etc...again I have seen many very professional guides who speak different languages. They are mostly hired by Tour operators. Ok they get there commissions at the souvenir or gem shop but this is accepted by all. The problem is more with the guides waiting you at the different tourist attractions. Another problem is that Russians speak Russian, no Thai, no English...Please don' take this personal, the same problem takes place all over the world, just don't deny it happens here as well! It is just not normal it has to be investigated by the DSI. And that's what attracted the interest by most of us.

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i was forced once to take a thai guide when i visited kuiburi national park, watching wild elephants. the guide spoke zero english except for the word "elephant" which he used repeatedly (100+ times, haha). i also got a leaflet with some info... in thai. anyway, i don't mind all that if i didn't have to pay 10x the price of a thai, and yes i have thai driving licence and yes i speak thai and no i did not get the standard price... the only reason i didn't turn back (i have seen wild elephants in burma and india before) was that i went with western friends and didn't wanna spoil their day out. mind you, if the guide would be able to speak english and if i had received a leaflet in english i would consider 10x the thai price no issue as there was "added value" and the price was only 500tb anyway.

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Most of the group-tours around Thailand are guided by Thai tourguides, who work closely together with a tourleader who is from the same country as the tourists on the bus.

I myself worked many years in this position in Thailand, although it is formally against the law, because the Thai government refuses to give work permits for that job.

It fails to see that tourists feel more comfortable with a native man/woman as tourleader.

Having said that, the government allows it more or less, as long as you keep a low profile. Let the Thai guide do all the explanaitions at important sites.

Thai tour guides were always happy with this system.

The problem with Russians might be that the tour companies more or less ignore the Thai guides on their tours.

On the other hand, most Russian people are poor in English, and the Thai guides don't speak Russian.

Like it or not, the Russian tourist is a big contribution to the tourist-industry so the government needs to balance their act here..

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What bothers me are the Russian prostitutes and dancers. Get RID of them. I came to Thailand to see Thais not Russians. I can fly to Russia if I want to see them.

well in that case why dont you go back to your country ? When I go to London I dont complain about seeing Indian, Pakistan or any other nationalities.When I go to Sydney , its hard to see only Australian as the aborigines are the REAL Australian ....but I dont mind to see other people ... and it is the same in Thailand ...

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As Russian tourists hardly speak a word of English , are there any Thai guides who can speak Russian ? I dont think so ....... Another good move for Poutin to promote Thailand as holiday destination for his people .... what about all the illegal Burmese working in factories, fishing boats, as maids etc .... Thai could do also that job no ?

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What bothers me are the Russian prostitutes and dancers. Get RID of them. I came to Thailand to see Thais not Russians. I can fly to Russia if I want to see them.

well in that case why dont you go back to your country ? When I go to London I dont complain about seeing Indian, Pakistan or any other nationalities.When I go to Sydney , its hard to see only Australian as the aborigines are the REAL Australian ....but I dont mind to see other people ... and it is the same in Thailand ...

Try Redfern in Sydney or the Gippsland area of Victoria. Plenty of us live in those areas.

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So if the illegal tour guides are allowed to operate without fear of arrest, why dont DSI investigate the local police! If illegal activites are allowed to operate in the open, then it seems that the local police are the real criminals. Which is worse, tour guides, working without a permit, or corrupt police that let them operate?

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The issue is Russians (or any nationality) working illegally. The point made on what the visitors may prefer as guides is a bit irrelevant as the ultimate extension of that is to say that shops, hotels, hairdressers, taxi drivers etc and every point of a tourist's contact can have Russian staff. If a Work Permit can be obtained then fine but if not then skirting current Labour laws can lead to arrest and I for one have no issue with that. It applies to us all - as it may in Russia by the way,

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Illegal employment is everywhere in Thailand.

Maybe this will lead to the Phuket style check-points where passports and current Immigration status will be checked. Might be a great time for some local farang to visit the wife's family up north. Or there could suddenly be an even greater number of threads on Thai Visa asking about consequences of over-stay or how to get a work permit.

If they made a soap opera or reality show called the Farang Fantasy Factory about the antics of comic farang ne'er do wells or down-and-outs in Thailand trying to game the system, no one would believe it.


Edited by Suradit69
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i think thailand should be handed back to the thais in its entirety, stop all foreigners from working so the tourists and guests in this country can enjoy the fine quality of service, language and trade skills the thais are well renowned for

Has anyone in this thread ever really wondered why thai tour companies employ russian native speakers instead of thais ? If your answer is about mafia, then go, gather all russian speaking Thai guides, put them on a speedboat with 30 russians each and wait till they come back at the pier to hear their comments (not to mention, complains). That's all you have to do if you want the truth. All the rest is normal pointless thai ranting as always.

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