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Honest Thai taxi driver impresses Japanese tourist


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that just a fairy tale... one more every month. Even hollywood woud never dare to make a movie about a honest thai driver... nobody would believe this!

Lets try to understand the thai mindset, if you lose your wallet, well he didnt steal it. You did lose it. And there is one lucky taxi driver who will enjoy his night.

One post of GentlemanJim about the reality here:


Well, on reflection, I would like to buy him a beer......as payback for that bas***d taxi driver who, just after i climbed out the taxi, sped off with the door still open and my computer bag still inside with 17inch Macbook Pro, 1500 GBP in cash two hard drives of data and god knows how much else in there (Bose headphones etc etc). The only consolation was I had my jacket on and my passport and wallet was in the pocket. I kind of hope it was the same taxi driver, but the odds are slim and this guy got his phone back! Warning...NEVER step out the taxi without your hands on what needs to go with you! Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!

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We hear one of these stories every year. It's propaganda. Why don't we here about the negative stories, the complaints???

Here's one for you then, fresh off the press.

I was at a big Mall on Rama 2 (you can guess it) yesterday.

Picked up some things at the C department store and headed down to T.Ps for some groceries. Hung my bag of stuff purchased at C department store on the shopping cart near the push handle......

Got up to my truck in the parking lot, a bit dark. Unloaded the groceries in the back of the truck. Pushed the cart maybe 10 feet away to the nearest pole / out of the way. Started to pull out and realized my left mirror wasn't back in position so stopped immediately and got out. Noticed a security guard going through my C department store bag that I left hanging on the shopping cart by mistake.

Walked over and said what the F are you doing and grabbed it out of his hand. Now i know in many instances most decent people here would be trying to get your attention and make sure you didn't forget it but just goes to show you, you can never assume.

Moral of the story...don't eat uncooked chicken.

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Cheapskate Japanese guy. I had 30,000 plus all my keys (home/safe/BKK condo/UK/car), credit/ATM cards, smartphones, camera etc returned last month (again via taxi radio network call). The prospect of replacing all those keys and cards was horrific, plus I love honest people. I gave the guy 25,000.

To the guy who implied that there are only a few honest cabbies - I do not see a rush of people on this thread saying that they lost a load of money that was not returned.

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They publish one of these stories every 6 months.

What they don't mention is the 5000 cases in between these "Honest Driver" stories that did not return the 100k THB left in the back of cabs.


Please supply details of your information source of the 5,000......who collates it?

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I'm not wearing my flameproof overalls so I will only say that in my experience Thai taxi drivers always help me with my shopping, are almost always friendly and polite, and they are typical of most ground-level workers out here in that they are stressed-out and overworked but still manage a smile and a bit of help if you need it. There are obviously exceptions to all rules.

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This is rare, if true. I have never ever had a taxi driver return anything I lost. In fact, 99% of the taxi cab drivers would keep the money and throw away the wallet. it is foolish to even think that honesty and returning lost goods is the norm here in Thailand. If people think they can get away with it, or if they feel they are not being watched, they will do dishonest things!

Hell, look at the dam_n government for Christ's sake!!!!!

oh a pessimist on TV never. If you don't like it hear go home. And start being responsible for your alleged lost goods in taxis. I don't think your 12 years of age anymore instead of blaming taxi drivers...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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that just a fairy tale... one more every month. Even hollywood woud never dare to make a movie about a honest thai driver... nobody would believe this!

Lets try to understand the thai mindset, if you lose your wallet, well he didnt steal it. You did lose it. And there is one lucky taxi driver who will enjoy his night.

One post of GentlemanJim about the reality here:


Well, on reflection, I would like to buy him a beer......as payback for that bas***d taxi driver who, just after i climbed out the taxi, sped off with the door still open and my computer bag still inside with 17inch Macbook Pro, 1500 GBP in cash two hard drives of data and god knows how much else in there (Bose headphones etc etc). The only consolation was I had my jacket on and my passport and wallet was in the pocket. I kind of hope it was the same taxi driver, but the odds are slim and this guy got his phone back! Warning...NEVER step out the taxi without your hands on what needs to go with you! Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!

do you really understand an honest Buddhist and their principles? I think not...

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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i was with a friend who left behind a bag containing brand name, real ones sunnies and some expensive smaller jewellery items all just purchased..all up 25,000 bahts worth...he was devastated...checked shops bought from, no luck, checked where he had been , no luck, tried the information desk and bingo, someone had handed them in...major shopping centre complex.

The majority are honest decent people.....if you are in the seedy parts of Thailand where ripping gold jewellery off the necks of tourists is pretty common what do you expect, those areas are full of desperate low life....normal Thai people...are honest and good.

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Amazingly convenient...

  • Taxi Driver
  • Japanese tourist
  • Reported and picked up by the media

With so much BS coming from Thais, its hard to take things they say seriously... Nazi flags, Hitler Chicken etc..... I think "The boy who cried WOLF" syndrome is strong in Thailand

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From my experience there are two type of Thai. The ones where the tourists go and who are out to make a quick buck then there are the other type. The true Thai's who are friendly and honest. (someone is going to say it must be my first time to Thailand. It isnt I have live over 30 years there). I recently went to the center of Bangkok to buy a present for my wife. I had only a Baht 1,000 note for which the taxi did not have change. I asked if there was a bank close to get change and he should come with me for the money. He told me there was one around the corner and he would wait while I went for change. 20 minutes later I returned. The fare was just under 300 Baht but I gave him 500 as I appreciated his faith in me.

I could easily have gone around the corner and never come back then he would have had the ay the cost from his own pocket.

So yes there are a lot of honest Thai's and that includes taxi drivers in Thailand. It is like everywhere some will try it on if they think they will get away with it.

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I find 90% are very good and honest. Its that small group just waiting to take advantage of the tourist that can cause the problem w the unknowing tourist.

Seems like pretty good odds to me. I wish the world at large had the same.

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Cheapskate Japanese guy. I had 30,000 plus all my keys (home/safe/BKK condo/UK/car), credit/ATM cards, smartphones, camera etc returned last month (again via taxi radio network call). The prospect of replacing all those keys and cards was horrific, plus I love honest people. I gave the guy 25,000.

To the guy who implied that there are only a few honest cabbies - I do not see a rush of people on this thread saying that they lost a load of money that was not returned.

I lost 2,000 000 baht and that wasn't returned to me.

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They publish one of these stories every 6 months.

What they don't mention is the 5000 cases in between these "Honest Driver" stories that did not return the 100k THB left in the back of cabs.


I realize sarcasm is the lowest form of wit,but some facts would be nice.Apply for a job with Rupert Murdock.

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This is rare, if true. I have never ever had a taxi driver return anything I lost. In fact, 99% of the taxi cab drivers would keep the money and throw away the wallet. it is foolish to even think that honesty and returning lost goods is the norm here in Thailand. If people think they can get away with it, or if they feel they are not being watched, they will do dishonest things!

Hell, look at the dam_n government for Christ's sake!!!!!

Don't judge others by your own low standards.

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that just a fairy tale... one more every month. Even hollywood woud never dare to make a movie about a honest thai driver... nobody would believe this!

Lets try to understand the thai mindset, if you lose your wallet, well he didnt steal it. You did lose it. And there is one lucky taxi driver who will enjoy his night.

One post of GentlemanJim about the reality here:


Sad reflection on yourself.

Well, on reflection, I would like to buy him a beer......as payback for that bas***d taxi driver who, just after i climbed out the taxi, sped off with the door still open and my computer bag still inside with 17inch Macbook Pro, 1500 GBP in cash two hard drives of data and god knows how much else in there (Bose headphones etc etc). The only consolation was I had my jacket on and my passport and wallet was in the pocket. I kind of hope it was the same taxi driver, but the odds are slim and this guy got his phone back! Warning...NEVER step out the taxi without your hands on what needs to go with you! Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!

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Someone's missing the point here. In fact a lot are. That this might have been highlighted for publicity purposes may well be true, but such news stories of honesty and integrity are common in all our western countries. I don't think that can be denied. This story should be viewed not just as a case of publicity spin or the media trying to find "good" news for a change, but more a situation of reinforcing morals and ethics, especially among the young. I would have thought that getting this message out and reinforcing it (via the media in this case) was our obligation as adults.

BTW, I like taxi drivers both here and back home. Most respond to a little bit of pleasantry and often are a good source of information.

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150,000 baht... That's 4,286 short-trip taxi fares at the minimum of 35 baht per fare, or one fare every single day for 11 years and 9 months. (Puts away calculator.) He's going to have to pick up a lot of extra fares to make up for the loss of this potential "windfall", but perhaps the good karma gained will make it all worthwhile! By the way, does anyone know if they are EVER going to increase the minimum fare from 35 baht? That is ridiculously cheap considering it sometimes seems you can travel about 1 mile before it goes up to 37 baht! I think 50 baht would be very reasonable and would give taxi drivers a better income.

They should just do it for farangs, after all they can afford it.

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Someone's missing the point here. In fact a lot are. That this might have been highlighted for publicity purposes may well be true, but such news stories of honesty and integrity are common in all our western countries. I don't think that can be denied. This story should be viewed not just as a case of publicity spin or the media trying to find "good" news for a change, but more a situation of reinforcing morals and ethics, especially among the young. I would have thought that getting this message out and reinforcing it (via the media in this case) was our obligation as adults.

BTW, I like taxi drivers both here and back home. Most respond to a little bit of pleasantry and often are a good source of information.

But it's rare to find one from the airport that doesn't drive like a lunatic and that responds well when you ask them to stick to the speed limit and not use their ****ing mobile phones!

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