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Honest Thai taxi driver impresses Japanese tourist


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It is sad that some people are so unhappy they feel the need to try to spread their misery and sad outlook towards others on one of the few positive news stories picked up on this forum. Not that this forum is any different than any other news outlet. Stories of negative nature are what are generally reported everywhere the only difference here is that so many of the readers here believe each negative story is a reflection of all Thais or Thailand. So much so they see a positive story about a single Thai person and they form conspiracy theories as to why it must be fabricated. Almost funny, if not so sad.

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Someone's missing the point here. In fact a lot are. That this might have been highlighted for publicity purposes may well be true, but such news stories of honesty and integrity are common in all our western countries. I don't think that can be denied. This story should be viewed not just as a case of publicity spin or the media trying to find "good" news for a change, but more a situation of reinforcing morals and ethics, especially among the young. I would have thought that getting this message out and reinforcing it (via the media in this case) was our obligation as adults.

BTW, I like taxi drivers both here and back home. Most respond to a little bit of pleasantry and often are a good source of information.

Right. Printed only in English. How many Thais can/will read this story -- printed in English and have morals reinforced? Come on man. Bet it's printed in Japanese as well. But not Thai. Open your eyes man.

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It is sad that some people are so unhappy they feel the need to try to spread their misery and sad outlook towards others on one of the few positive news stories picked up on this forum. Not that this forum is any different than any other news outlet. Stories of negative nature are what are generally reported everywhere the only difference here is that so many of the readers here believe each negative story is a reflection of all Thais or Thailand. So much so they see a positive story about a single Thai person and they form conspiracy theories as to why it must be fabricated. Almost funny, if not so sad.

Well, when one's experience with all types of Thais high to low, chinese to malay is overwhelmingly negative, what would you expect. I stayed in Tokyo for a year, and my friends at the time would tire of me complementing the Japanese. My experiences with Japanese where almost always positive especially in terms of their morality and values. Absolutely different from Thailand.

Why is so hard for you to accept that some intelligent, successful, well-adjusted and otherwise happy people living here in Thailand do not find very many positive things to say about Thais? Do you think it's impossible that this is the case? Maybe your standards are lower than another persons?

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They publish one of these stories every 6 months.

What they don't mention is the 5000 cases in between these "Honest Driver" stories that did not return the 100k THB left in the back of cabs.


Yes, because 10,000 people a year leave approx. $5,000 in Taxis around Thailand, let alone the entire world. facepalm.gif

I don't know about 10000 but yes definitely I am sure that every day of the year someone on this planet leaves $5000 in a taxi by mistake. I would bet it happens almost daily in Macau and Las Vegas.

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it would have been equally if not more believeable if the easter bunny found the cash ,gave it to a leprachaun who called his friend the flying pig to

bring it back to the japanese guy ...........and then they all had dinner with santa clause .......

Edited by speedtripler
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it would have been equally if not more believeable if the easter bunny found the cash ,gave it to a leprachaun who called his friend the flying pig to

bring it back to the japanese guy ...........and then they all had dinner with santa clause .......

<deleted> is wrong with you? there are stories like this from all over the world on an almost weekly basis. and even many in this very topic.

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The line about him "definitely " encouraging his friends to come to Thailand makes the story more than a little suspicious.

-*I typed this myself*-

Good point. Surprising that so many western educated chaps miss these obvious cues. I thought we all had critical reading courses in our younger schooling years.

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Everytime I ask for change from a taxi driver, he reaches in his pocket and does not have any!

He may pull out a few coins or a wrinkled twenty baht bill, but he never has enough. Forget about getting change for 100 baht.

That is bullshit and that is dishonest.

If taxi drivers were honest, they would give you change instead of hiding it in their underwear [actually after it has been in their underwear, they can keep the change!!!]

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It is sad that some people are so unhappy they feel the need to try to spread their misery and sad outlook towards others on one of the few positive news stories picked up on this forum. Not that this forum is any different than any other news outlet. Stories of negative nature are what are generally reported everywhere the only difference here is that so many of the readers here believe each negative story is a reflection of all Thais or Thailand. So much so they see a positive story about a single Thai person and they form conspiracy theories as to why it must be fabricated. Almost funny, if not so sad.

Drive around the streets, either in a car or on a bike and see how selfish and greedy Thais drive (sure it happens at home)

Stand at the traffic lights and watch the police single out a tourist over a thai (the Thai not wearing helmets)

Go to an amusements place and see the price difference, regardless if you are living and working in Thailand or not

Get into a car accident with a Thai and see who is to blame (if you werent in the country, it would never have happened)

Read the news reports from TAT telling Thais that tourism is still going up, while NEVER explaining that Thais should get together to stop the destruction of their tourism industry by the fellow Thai rogues who seek to screw tourists

Then when you have a handle on the BS and corruption that is Thailand, reread that promotional Taxi driver story again.... Thailand is all about conning... whether it be your fellow Thai or anyone outside of Thailand... And just perhaps, you have already been conned by this story

Edited by thhMan
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This is rare, if true. I have never ever had a taxi driver return anything I lost. In fact, 99% of the taxi cab drivers would keep the money and throw away the wallet. it is foolish to even think that honesty and returning lost goods is the norm here in Thailand. If people think they can get away with it, or if they feel they are not being watched, they will do dishonest things!

Hell, look at the dam_n government for Christ's sake!!!!!

My wife and I experienced to get a taxi who spoke fuc_k "you foreigners" when we argued about why he brought us to different direction which is going far to where we wanted to go.

He never stopped telling us fuc_k you foreigners!

I was imagining what had happened if I was also as aggressive as he was. I just said to myself, he is brave, he is in his territory.

Edited by DGIE
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I am delighted that one in 25,000 taxi drivers returned the money.... I bet if you did an experiment and left money with 100 other taxi drivers all 100 would keep the money.

If a story is too good to be true, then it probably is.... It is probably BS.

I look at the men in the picture and I think: I bet the taxi driver is the Japanese tourists gay lover and they just want to create a story to tell all their friends back home.

I bet this is the truth!!!

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The line about him "definitely " encouraging his friends to come to Thailand makes the story more than a little suspicious.

-*I typed this myself*-

It is the idea of the tourism industry to invite tourist to come to Thailandsmile.png

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I can confirm that there are honest taxi driverd out there. On my way to airport my phone slipped out of pocket and driver found me getting ready to pass security check. He even refused to take some money as thank you gift...

What is the model of your mobile?

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I would liked to meet this good samaritan the day I forgot a noodles box in the back seat of the taxi wich brought me from big c to my room.

Usually they try to cheat, first trying to avoid use the metter and then wanting to go allways by highways even if it is not necesary.

I have found more cheaters than good ones, that´s my reallity, everyone can know his experiences.

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Why is so hard for you to accept that some intelligent, successful, well-adjusted and otherwise happy people living here in Thailand do not find very many positive things to say about Thais?

Well adjusted, intelligent and successful people would not choose a place to live where they thought so low of people. On the other hand unintelligent people would and the definition of success, in my opinion, would not be living in a foreign country where you dislike the people and it certainly would not be a happy life unless you enjoyed spending your time on a web forum constantly complaining about where the live and the people they live among.

If you are going to live here, my suggestion would be to actually adjust and learn a basic thing that most Thais practice and that is not to constantly whine and complain and stop focusing on negative ... this would be the opposite of coming on to a thread with a positive news story and whining, complaining or looking for conspiracy theories. Do you really think happy and well adjusted and intelligent people do this?

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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I can confirm that there are honest taxi driverd out there. On my way to airport my phone slipped out of pocket and driver found me getting ready to pass security check. He even refused to take some money as thank you gift...

What is the model of your mobile?

Samsung S4 mini. It happened last September so it was quite new at that time

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