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Killing of monk seen as 'revenge for murder of three brothers


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Killing of monk seen as 'revenge for murder of three brothers



BANGKOK: -- THE SLAYING yesterday of a Buddhist monk and three others including a nine-year-old boy in southern Pattani was in retaliation for the murder of three Muslim brothers of the Manan clan in Narathiwat 10 days ago, experts said.

The insurgent attack took place only a day before Makha Bucha Day and the Buddhist monk was going on his morning alms round in Mae Lan district when he was shot at. The motive was likely to send a strong message to deepen the division between Buddhists and Muslims in the deep South, where the vast majority of people are Muslim.

Earlier, a soldier and a bank staff worker, both women, were brutally killed in Pattani, and similar leaflets were found saying the attacks were in revenge for the deaths of the three Manan brothers. A note left at bothscenes warned: "To the Army chief: This is not the last body for the three brothers."

Speculation circulating in the region had the three boys - aged three, five and nine - gunned down by state officials in front of their home after returning from evening prayers at a mosque.

The military rejected the rumours, saying it regretted the deaths of the three brothers.

Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Marosoh Chantravadi, a leader of an insurgent cell in the area, who was killed along with 15 other men in Narathiwat's Bacho district.

Marosoh was regarded as a local hero among teenagers frustrated with Bangkok's treatment of Muslim Malayu in the deep South.

The attack on a monk and Buddhists laymen might evoke |anger from the rest of the |population in predominantly Buddhist Thailand, but for local residents it justified the operation against the state authority of Thailand.

The story of Marosoh portrays him as a hero who suffered from a military crackdown on a protest in Narathiwat's Tak Bai district in October 2004 when 85 Muslims died of suffocation as they were piled up in military trucks. He later took up arms against authorities and was killed in an attack on a marine outpost in Narathiwat a year ago.

His story repeated a local narrative against Thailand's national history, which overlooked Muslim Malayu identity and historical pain after the annexation of Patani into Siam a century ago.

History has seen waves of separatist uprisings from time to time.

The current one emerged in late 2003 and the fighting has claimed more than 5,000 lives while authorities in Bangkok remain helpless in coming up with a viable strategy to contain the violence and restore peace in the region. Negotiations for a truce remain in limbo.

-- The Nation 2014-02-14

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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

Animals kill for food and to protect their existing babies. They don't kill for religious reasons, or in revenge for transgressions committed against them. I think it is wrong to compare human crimes to the lives of animals. Animals follow an almost computer-like program, they have no inquiring consciousness.

Re; the specific Southern problem, both sides have high losses and are guilty of evil acts. The solution has to come from cool-headed dialogue on mutually acceptable nexus-point solutions.


Edited by Yunla
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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

maby you will think differently is you know:

thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

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Why didn't the killing of the brothers make news in the first place? We only here when the Thai side is attacked and only find about the other way around by accident like in articles like these. The incomplete coverage distorts the whole picture completely.

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Yeah, let's rearrange the global borders to before 1785...

Well apart from this being a generally stupid idea, it would actually leave us in an interesting position, especially Great Britain with colonies, a pre-Napolean German Alliance, and all oil in the hands of those who actually use it. Oh, and Palestine under the Ottomans, I believe.

But then we'd say silly things such as "the East Roman Empire was stolen by the Turks a couple centuries ago, no wonder the Italians are restless."

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Well for once a somewhat balanced article from the Bangkok centered elite English language press. Of course they didn't mention that not one state official has been administratively punished, let alone prosecuted and imprisoned, for the murder of the 85 Malay Thais. Also the extra-judicial state massacre at the Kru Se mosque and the incident at Soba Yoi went unmentioned. Again with no investigation worthy of the name or punishment of the military officials involved. It goes without saying that the military death squad killing of the Muslim human rights lawyer Somchai Neejapajit also wasn't mentioned. These are only a few of the more notorious crimes of the Thai state against its own citizens in the South. It's a shame these 6000 people on both sides (and counting) had to die because the Thai state in Bangkok is incapable of controlling, let alone investigating, the atrocities of it's own military.

No justice, no peace.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Why didn't the killing of the brothers make news in the first place? We only here when the Thai side is attacked and only find about the other way around by accident like in articles like these. The incomplete coverage distorts the whole picture completely.

The murder of these three children was covered in a number of articles in the press.

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Why didn't the killing of the brothers make news in the first place? We only here when the Thai side is attacked and only find about the other way around by accident like in articles like these. The incomplete coverage distorts the whole picture completely.

The murder of these three children was covered in a number of articles in the press.

killing a thai monk will guarnatee it gets shitloads of media coverage in thailand anyway ...........

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When will all this stop...

Someone has to do something about this....

Innocent people are dying each day, and nothing seems to be getting done...


Didnt that disguised Chalerm long time ago announced that he was gonna "take care for the south problem" ?? coffee1.gif

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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

maby you will think differently is you know:

thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

I do know the history of the South but thanks for the recap.

It's been more than 200 hundred years, get over it. I do not believe a region should be allowed to break off from a country just because they want to.

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I noticed a pop up Advert for the Jomthien Hostel that I was going to book a while ago, as I have to make a visa trip next week as I was about to confirm the booking I checked the price and found it was double the stated room rate , and discovered that The rate was per person and not like every other hotel in Thailand A Room rate so they lost a booking for being Greedy Most Hotels in the World are now charged at room rate an not per person So I suggest if the Jomthien Hostel read this they change their policy to conform with the rest of The World or they may loose a lot of single travelers like me - I know this has nothing to do with the subject about the monk being killed in revenge for the three children being killed, which I personally am appalled at not the Monk being killed we can afford to loose some of them but small children being shot I want non of that



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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

no word of condemnation about the animals who killed the three little Muslim boys earlier?

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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

maby you will think differently is you know:

thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

I do know the history of the South but thanks for the recap.

It's been more than 200 hundred years, get over it. I do not believe a region should be allowed to break off from a country just because they want to.

i do not believe a region (now part of southern Thailand) should be donated by a foreign power (British Empire) to a foreign country (Thailand).


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It's always the Muslim's in the world killing as they wish.......Are there any other religious cults...killing like this anywhere?

Speculation circulating in the region had the three boys - aged three, five and nine - gunned down by state officials in front of their home after returning from evening prayers at a mosque.

there are always people who are too lazy to read... dry.png

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Why didn't the killing of the brothers make news in the first place? We only here when the Thai side is attacked and only find about the other way around by accident like in articles like these. The incomplete coverage distorts the whole picture completely.

The murder of these three children was covered in a number of articles in the press.

but not covered in Thaivisa!

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Islam is the religion of peace, but in every corner of where noticable part of population become muslim, rivers of blood start flowing, from Kosovo to CAR to Iran. Ban quaran, burn mosques to the ground, throw hate-monging imams to prison or out of country. This is simply the only way to deal with this disease.

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I said this before....If for any reason the South get some kind of social instability because the actual troubles, I will be not surprised if Muslim terrorist infiltrates to take the opportunity to creates more confusion....Divided countries are always a target.....from everywhere and for everything...

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Since innocents are dying every day, why not begin to stack the odds against all Muslims and make a clear statement.

No more non-Muslim innocents. We can't find you among your masses. You all look the same. So, rather instead of you killing our innocents, and the death of innocents is impossible to prevent as long as Islamic people's breed haters like this, then we are going to begin a clean sweep of every Muslim we come across until they begin to forsake their demon god and come crawling to us with information leading to your whereabouts.

Until that happens, then (and since the death of innocents is a moot point) we are going to wipe you off the face of the earth and every Muslim into the bargain until you begin to behave sensibly and and cease and desist this murderous behavior.

People die every day. Only cowards allow life to make it into a lottery.

Heroes turn the lottery into a barrel of apples and make it so decent people can move on in life.

Watch "Taken" to get an idea of how I feel if someone were to hurt one of my own.

None of this makes sense, but this is how I feel at the moment, so please forgive me.

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Since innocents are dying every day, why not begin to stack the odds against all Muslims and make a clear statement.

No more non-Muslim innocents. We can't find you among your masses. You all look the same. So, rather instead of you killing our innocents, and the death of innocents is impossible to prevent as long as Islamic people's breed haters like this, then we are going to begin a clean sweep of every Muslim we come across until they begin to forsake their demon god and come crawling to us with information leading to your whereabouts.

That's the policy now...and is what some of us are saying won't work!

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It's not about revenge. It's about terror. Kill a monk before a Buddhist holiday and strike fear in the hearts of the infidels. What a bunch of evil freaks. Allah Akbar you animals!

maby you will think differently is you know:

thailand stole the south provinces by force in 1785

the population was forced to learn and speak thai (wich they hated)

Bangkok send thousants of poor thai to those provices (to give the example)

They tried to make them buddists(what a mistake)

Now after hundreds of years ,they still resist ,and they will never give up.

Imagine england conquered by germany and everybody has to learn and speak german .....

Well ,go educate yourself a bid ,it is easy to find out on Wikipedia.............

This time it is not the muslims who try to conquer,if they wished they would be in power in thailand for years!

But they wont , because thailand doesn't give support to poor or children of immigrants ,like those stupid european countries do .

I do agree with your"Allah Akbar you animals"

Best solution :give the south regions back ,get the buddist thais out of there,leave them allone .

It will save a lot of money and lives and will be good for the everybody exept the arm-traders and politicians.wai2.gif

I do know the history of the South but thanks for the recap.

It's been more than 200 hundred years, get over it. I do not believe a region should be allowed to break off from a country just because they want to.

Well they dont get over it ,that is obvious.

200 year was not enough to make them turn into buddists,so lets wait another 200 year?

Give the stolen land back and the problem is solved !

Somr big thais will loose their face ,but thats ok for me .thumbsup.gif

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Since innocents are dying every day, why not begin to stack the odds against all Muslims and make a clear statement.

No more non-Muslim innocents. We can't find you among your masses. You all look the same. So, rather instead of you killing our innocents, and the death of innocents is impossible to prevent as long as Islamic people's breed haters like this, then we are going to begin a clean sweep of every Muslim we come across until they begin to forsake their demon god and come crawling to us with information leading to your whereabouts.

Until that happens, then (and since the death of innocents is a moot point) we are going to wipe you off the face of the earth and every Muslim into the bargain until you begin to behave sensibly and and cease and desist this murderous behavior.

People die every day. Only cowards allow life to make it into a lottery.

Heroes turn the lottery into a barrel of apples and make it so decent people can move on in life.

Watch "Taken" to get an idea of how I feel if someone were to hurt one of my own.

None of this makes sense, but this is how I feel at the moment, so please forgive me.

a true crusader must know that he ran off the map !coffee1.gif


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