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Thai Police in position to retake Bangkok rally sites


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This is not how the Bangkok police will do it: South Korean Riot Police Training

Wow. That's coordination!

Yes, it's quite a show when it's a choreographed example of what's supposed to happen during a demonstration; however, that's not how it generally pans out. And it certainly wouldn't pan out that way in Thailand.

The police here have no deep-seated desire to get hurt, they are simply not paid enough to put themselves in harm's way, particularly when they know that they are fighting for someone else's cause. They would quickly turn and run if things started to heat up ... or else, they would simply lose the plot and start opening up with live ammunition.

Neither of those outcomes would look good for the police, for Chalerm, for Yingluck or for her brother, so why on earth are they even contemplating a crackdown at this stage? I do, of course, recognise that the end is nigh for this government, so no doubt Thaksin has ordered such a crackdown. Yet another major error on his part.

When this government falls, and reforms are put in place, there will be no safe hiding place for Thaksin anywhere in the world. He, his sister, and all of the muppet puppets who have been involved in the rape and pillage of this nation will get their comeuppance in the end...!

You seriously believe that????

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Old enough to know considerably more about Thailand and life in general than you are ever likely to.

I am sure the people of Bangkok are happy that you are not being affected by the ongoing right to peaceful protest- it has run it's course and needs to stop, and as I said peacefully but looks like you are hoping for violence?

Yesterday I had some business to do in Rajadmri Road. There is a corner shop selling new set of T-shirts for the Valentine's Day parade organized by PDRC. I observed what was going on in front of the shop for a while. There was a massive queue to buy T-shirts. They don't come cheap, 300 baht a piece. Yet hundreds of people were queuing up. My point is this weekend is/was going to get huge numbers out again. What's the best way to stop it?

As for violence. The only side who seems to be hoping for violence is this current government. Hence the riot police on one of the biggest Buddhist holidays. Anyway the Valantine's day parade organized by PDRC is clear and present danger as could potentially revive the protest so the best way to stop it is to try to intimidate people by sending out the police in numbers. Scare people off the streets. Let's see how it pans out. T-shirts are trendy, you should get yourself o

This mob will not intimidate easily,there is not enough police to control the lot of them.A political solution is the only way for mature people to act but i cant see that happening as it has gone too far.Army is the last resort,unfortunately.

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..."We will re-take wherever we can and arrest protest leaders," he said. "It's not a crackdown on the protests -- it's enforcement of the law over the protest sites."

He said there was illegal assembly and possession of weapons at the sites....

And when someone dies will they get the same treatment for

the same actions as Abhisit and Suthep are getting for the EXACT SAME REASONING.

Charged with murder for 'clearing out an illegal rally'?

Only difference is police vs army doing the cleaning out.

Hypocrisy 101.

It's OK when you do what your enemy did, because you believe you are better people.

It's OK to charge your enemy for a crime for doing what you are doing because you are in charge now.


You seems to forget the main differences.

Mark/Suthep's Army declare "Life Firing Zone" and did shoot people with M16 & Tavor (proven), and use APC.

Yingluck police clear the place un-armed. Not even baton. Confirm: "Not even baton".

Edited by Suriya4
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More weapons uncovered as the Thai police FINALLY clear out the sites of the "peaceful protester" thug mob:


don't even think for a moment that this is from protesters. Why would they abandon the weapons when there was no emergency for them? Did they escape quickly and left it behind?

Edited by wealth
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More weapons uncovered as the Thai police FINALLY clear out the sites of the "peaceful protester" thug mob:


Plainly, you have not been watching Thai news. The peaceful protesters are peaceful, not like the Red bomb throwing Arsonists thugs.Try going back over related stories on TV, and you will see, that where ever you got your information from is arse about face.

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This is a silly operation.... should have TRASH COLLECTORS instead of policemen clearing the rally sites. That way, you can really give the streets a good scrubbing and clean up the city.

It is nonsense that the police are "retaking the protest sites" on their Valentine's Day Clean up. A typical DIMWITTED plot by Chalerm.

Everyone knows that after the police retake the protest sites, the protesters will come back. Maybe not immediately, but what is preventing them from returning? Station police companies at each rally site? What a waste of our hard earned tax baht.... and the police are too lazy and incompetent to stand guard anyway...

What an AMAZING waste of time with ZERO upside.

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At this point the police are just glorified street cleaners, there's no one at the protest sites!

The police are cowards. They won't do anything that will risk their comfort. Unless, the risk/reward ratio strongly favors reward.

Last year I attended two funerals of policemen in villages near where I lived, killed in the line of their duty. Both left young families. I am sure the wives, daughters and sons would like to hear you say their husbands and fathers were cowards. I have said it before, but it is worth saying again.

LOL Someone had to edit out that "id**t" comment. I don't mind.

So you attended a couple funerals for those killed in the "line of duty" - without details, who knows what the LoD was. I will say it again with a small change to appease you - the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of police are cowards. And their families know and reap the rewards from it.

The belief remains. Everyone knew the police were coming. Those 'violent protestors' could have chosen to be violent. They didn't. At least not yet.

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..."We will re-take wherever we can and arrest protest leaders," he said. "It's not a crackdown on the protests -- it's enforcement of the law over the protest sites."

He said there was illegal assembly and possession of weapons at the sites....

And when someone dies will they get the same treatment for

the same actions as Abhisit and Suthep are getting for the EXACT SAME REASONING.

Charged with murder for 'clearing out an illegal rally'?

Only difference is police vs army doing the cleaning out.

Hypocrisy 101.

It's OK when you do what your enemy did, because you believe you are better people.

It's OK to charge your enemy for a crime for doing what you are doing because you are in charge now.


You seems to forget the main differences.

Mark/Suthep's Army declare "Life Firing Zone" and did shoot people with M16 & Tavor (proven), and use APC.

Yingluck police clear the place un-armed. Not even baton. Confirm: "Not even baton".

So what you have inadvertently highlighted is the res shirts were terrorists that were extremely violent towards the soldiers to make them have to carry weapons. Then today we have peaceful protestors which the police knew because they came in unarmed. But apparently they had all these weapons, but didn't use them against police that came in with no weapons. Now if the protestors had all these weapons and the police knew it they would not send in unarmed men to be slaughtered. They would have come in at least with a hand gun to defend themselves.

If you were told the protesters are very violent and liable to shot you would you send in unarmed police? Especially when the supporters of "one principle of democracy" on TVF painted them to be extremely violent criminal fascist thugs. So what happened?

Thanks for highlighting that the terrorists in 2010 were very dangerous while the protestors in 2014 were very peaceful. You highlighted it and the police through their actions of being unarmed knew it.

Well done and thanks.

Edited by djjamie
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For Ratchprasong and Asoke and Patumwan rally sites... have all the lingering few protesters temporarily go to Saladaeng/Silom.... let the police go in there, scrub up the streets, replant some old flowers, fill in some holes in the pavement.... and then in a few days, the protesters can return to a nicer newer "home!"

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This is a silly operation.... should have TRASH COLLECTORS instead of policemen clearing the rally sites. That way, you can really give the streets a good scrubbing and clean up the city.

It is nonsense that the police are "retaking the protest sites" on their Valentine's Day Clean up. A typical DIMWITTED plot by Chalerm.

Everyone knows that after the police retake the protest sites, the protesters will come back. Maybe not immediately, but what is preventing them from returning? Station police companies at each rally site? What a waste of our hard earned tax baht.... and the police are too lazy and incompetent to stand guard anyway...

What an AMAZING waste of time with ZERO upside.

A government-planned propaganda show by Charlie. Send YL out so she has plausible deniability (as usual) and can 'know nothing.'

Everyone knew they were coming.

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So there's Chalerm on tv right now briefing his officers. In a red polo shirt. Surely not necessary. Could be seen as provocative.

Anyway, even if you have sympathies with what the protesters are protesting against, it's really quite impossible to say that the government and throught them the police don't have both the right and the responsiblity to open the roads and the government offices closed over the last few months. The protesters of course have the right to continue the protest in other places.

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These orders coming from the international headquarters of CMPO in Myanmar

Wherever they come from.. How long do you allow a failed coup attempt, with just a few 100 people still active, to close off the capital city of a country.

At some point real life has to reboot and start again. If the government wasnt forced into caretaker mode they could get on with the business of governing the country.

Explain to me, again, exactly who forced the PM to dissolve Parliament and how did they do it. Where is that person/group now and why don't they have the power to cause the caretaker government to resign?

Idiot move on the part of the PM to give up her power in uncertain times. Did she do it so she could claim she wasn't responsible for the inability to honor the Rice Pledging contracts? Just because a few hundred people protest and march, this government just folded?

The courts have decided that the protests are legal so how does the government legally shut down legal protests. Real democracies are not going to like all the bloodshed and civil rights violations that will come with a police crackdown. Maybe it's more bluff and bluster (code names for Surapong and Chalerm.)

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